Everything is exactly one way and one way only. All things that happened in the past have only one truth. Therefore everything has a truth which often becomes distorted as humans interact with it.

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Inspired by your comment, I added the following near the end of the article:

"In my understanding, the moment of truth is always in the present. Without the truth, the world couldn't exist. Moral relativism thrives on the observation that what works in one moment, might not work in the next one or, for that matter, ever again. People are also conditioned to accept certain premises without any more reason then to satisfy their own need for cognitive security."

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If you discovered something of significant magnitude, researched it further, connected with others who were observing and finding the same, found that patent and study documents confirmed what you were seeing, found that there was historic evidence to validate what you found and were able to corroborate, and realized that many were unwilling to believe or acknowledge the truth of what you found (and in fact are trying to obfuscate and deliberately diminish or discount or even disprove the serious and authentic nature of what you know and have evidence for) yet it poses an extinction-level threat to others (those who submitted and those who did not submit to round one of the test -- round 2 being in progress now with the division among people of faiths about Israel's false flag lure for Hamas and the rest of the spectators and agitators) how would you go about using what you have to both broaden the exposure of it and attempt to get justice or at least legal acknowledgement and resources to further bolster support for formal investigation and for action to stop the process, and to bring those responsible into account for their part in it? What ifs there continues to be evidence to support that what you're finding in fact DOES interact with other technologies for which you believe it is both designed and functions? Should you do nothing or put forth the best effort you can given your resources and breadth of possibilities -- or would you simply remain quiet and become an accomplice to the crimes you see being committed and the vast coverup in place to enable the continuation of the hoax of the century and its true intentions and ramifications? Would you not want to at least be given the benefit of the doubt pending some kind of real evidence to the contrary? Would you not see your role as being to do SOMETHING versus nothing however imperfect and however it may "appear" to outsiders with dubious intent? Pontification from the sidelines where there are no real stakes is one thing -- putting yourself, career, reputation and income-producing practice and license, etc. and even personal safety on the line for something that you believe is important, another. Latest on the proven correlation between the jabs and their content (as seen under microscopy) and its reaction to EMFs and low-voltage stimulation) and microwave technological weapons. and system.... https://zeeemedia.com/interview/todd-callender-bombshell-discovery-documents-confirm-targeting-populations-through-wireless-tech/ We should be encourage all voices to speak and then judge from what is presented rather than trying to defeat them before they have their hearing and present their evidence. Dr David Martin's day before Parliament was a mixed blessing - he got to say I told you so - that the jab patent history goes back to the mid-1960's and has been planned for decades, but he also knows it's been done and the damage inflicted with ongoing implications. People are usually willing to pay for something of value....usually be trying something to determine if it indeed provides just that and then once they see the value, are more than willing to invest to continue its existence and perpetuation. I wonder if you'll delete me or let my observations stand on their own, as evidence that you are not only interested in those who accept your posts and have no issues with them (that includes respectful discourse with the synergistic benefits of having the exchange).

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Exactly twice myself in overall subscribers and paid ones.

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After this article, one paid subscriber bailed. It's also possible that a few readers subscribe periodically, because I am expensive compared to probably anyone else on Substack. The number of free subscriptions, however, is steadily increasing.

I am recommending your site and refer to your articles as often as they are relevant to my stuff.

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Yes have had quite a few subscribers come through from here.

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I was more noting the % of paid subscribers. It's the same as mine and closer to 1% than the 4% often claimed.

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You are expensive as well. Just looked. In Euros too.

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And I cannot change that retroactively, but I wanted the value to be expressed somehow. Everything is free on my site, anyway, and only offer bonuses for paid subscriptions.

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Refreshing reading... I am starting to worry about this ‘truth’ crowd. All profit, all sell their wares and like you, they do not respond to those who write to them. My gut flipped at the begging request forCosta Rica, Thank you for shedding more light on this topic. We are our own rescue party. No one is coning to save us.

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Economic interests and personal survival goals have a large part to play with the public information realm. People are walking a tightrope between exposing too much information before it is allowed or safe to do so and misleading counter intelligence (mis)information. I don't know if there is a fool-proof set of measures or tests to guide anyone, but certainly using logic and a working history of how their information changes or does not change over time can definitely assist one in determining what and who to believe. Double check resources as your own research is always good to do. I find that there are enough clues out there to bring anyone closer to what is really going on in the world (the ends), but paths (the means) getting there are many.

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As you are saying, everyone is different with different circumstances, abilities, and goals. Everyone must find their own way.

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And sometimes the clues are all in plain sight (with microscopes) but people are not paying attention. https://www.dovepress.com/getfile.php?fileID=41939

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Good link. Neuropathy has gone rampant, too...

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I do not think ANYTHING is true - or false. I follow the teachings of My father (a superlative man, who I miss very much!), who once told Me to never believe anything. I looked confused. He went on to tell Me that I should assign a probability of truth to each datum I encounter based on how well it explains what I see.

If I encounter new data that better explain what I see, I should adjust My probabilities. What this caused in Me is a lack of clinging to something as true because I have an emotional attachment. Rather, I am far better equipped to deal with data that conflict with something I had given high probability to.

And thus... What I once gave high probability to often has changed to low probability. And vice versa.

I recommend this approach to All!

Never Believe ANYTHING! (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/never-believe-anything:5

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Do you still take capsule supplements? One substacker says all the recommended supplements including Vitamin D3 and magnesium help graphene oxide and luciferase proliferate in our bodies. He even goes so far as saying keeping the body in an alkaline state is harmful.

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I usually don't take anything, which includes supplements. Anything manufactured by Big Pharma can be tainted, and probably is. I usually wait until I can see the whole biochemical process for a remedy or use those that I have found useful before, but reserve even those for emergencies. Alkalize or Die was a big hit, when it came out:


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My sibling just sent me a picture of Biden's face over that of Mau Tse Tung's and the caption read "Wun Dum Fuk". We all need a laugh and that pretty much took the cake. Life gets too serious, so the humor was very much appreciated. Laughing at the absurd (even tho its the truth) brings reality more to the front than ever. Keep slaying the Dragons, Ray!

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Everyone must slay their own Dragons... :)

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True. I've had my share but don't mind continuing!

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Whilst it took me a while to realise things are not what they seem, info from limited hangouts are still useful to let others see they've been lied to. However, I'm finding they all prefer to keep heads in sand and just carry on.

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Also, the networks of those publishing limited hangouts speak for itself...

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We are all getting better at discerning Bullshit 😬

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Not much discernment is needed; nearly everything is. :)

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Great post, Ray. I'm starting to examine Dr. Ana's posts more carefully ever since you brought her to my attention with your SS post from yesterday. I've been following her for six months and have noticed that in the past six weeks she's really getting more confident in her statements and in the nature of her posts. Let's keep an eye out for her. She might just be another Limited Hangout or Controlled Operative like so many other writers on SS are.

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I've been in the same boots. Her findings in the blood confirmed my conjecturing that the unv'd are equally poisoned, but she has been ignoring my questions and even the recent post on the most important steps to be made:


Instead, she is appearing in public and is pushing a nonsense agenda. Admitting the limitations of her knowledge would work fine, but that ain't gonna happen, either... Adding religion to the mix is not a good sign, either, because it puts her into the group of the likes of Karen Kingston.

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As they say, "birds of a feather flock together." They must all go to the same training camp that teaches its attendees how to deceive the public and laugh all the way to the bank.

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That's why it's essential for small-timers like me to stay out of the limelight.

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The truth is sometimes shown in in a very narrow band of light. Keep shining Ray. 👍

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I believe, my strength comes from looking at the same things as everyone else, but coming up with unique guesstimates and conjecturing. I only hope to touch a few tiny beams of the truth, but I keep working on it. :)

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All solid points

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This was one of the most sobering, helpful articles I've read, and there have been many.

You know 'the gut', right? Follow 'the gut', trust 'the gut'.

My 'gut' gave off strong signals, and warnings about this 'trial' in, is it 'Costa Rica'?

For one small example, 'so what'? Where does it GO? Who cares? Is it devastating entertainment

like the horror movies of yesteryear? Has this replaced horror moves on Elm Street?

Somewhere in the OT, you likely have heard this 'truthism', that 'There's a WAY that...ah, SEEMS right to

a 'man' (yep, it's usually men!!), and the END thereof is DEATH.

That's pretty serious. So what SEEMS right leads directly the WRONG way. Now that's

challenging. And think of the funding raised for those 'ways' that 'seem right', and all the

people that climb on board. Or, is it 'bored'? Hard to tell.

As you well put in your article that it's just NOT ...ALL garbage. That could be unwise.

And I think we have to somewhat notice these things.

Great point that I missed about the 'spike' which canna be where there's no virus.

So, then, nobody is 'shedding spikes'. Well, that's encouraging. I'll have to tell my

nighbours who now are scared to death because they were against everything,

then got very sick, had the jab, and now are fearful. Maybe I can lend a little help.

Maybe. Unless that jab conditioned them.

We ourselves got seriously targeted by a senior's scam, and lost a lot of money.

BUT wait. Like it or not, the scammers actually HELPED us. Had they not done

what they did (and they planned WAY more gouging), we would have had our

home ruined by various critters like racoons, squirrels, rodents, and our health

would have plummeted.

I'd say it's somewhat like you put, really not ALL bad at all!! we didn't have insurance

since that's a big scam, and so no company would come because the city,

(the government which knows scams) wouldn't allow it. Only scammers would come.

Currently, we're praying about what's next since we gotta get into that other realm to

have some clue how to proceed. Lots of 'stuff' happens and we get to slightly influence

the direction through prayer.

So, it's not some 'Oh, God, PLEEAASSE help us', it's 'Let's GO, God, and see what can be

done here'.

The NT is clear that it's in that realm that the battle is fought, not down here.

But, wherever you're engaging, may your engagement bring you the ring of success.

Blessings to all in all your endeavors.

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Seems as if this realm is so fraught with uncertainty, lies, misdirection, that the snares are far too myriad to ever traverse through.

The only effective fight is in the spiritual dimension which is unfamiliar territory, personally.

Prayers are made in supplication and are answered in a variety of ways which requires watching.

Being a neophyte in this spiritual realm, means strictly limited understanding/insight.

None beyond own experience.

Any conclusions arrived at in the physical realm are often determined by a herd or collective mentality, based on connection.

Said connections are invariably family, vocation, network associations, and popular or political trend opinion.

Unless 'out of this world' one cannot effectively go against those worldly pillars of power.

This is part of what can motivate a transformative desire for entering into the real arena; the Godly dimension, where doing good in the land appears to be not only intrinsic to this realm, but also seems but a part of a greater purpose.



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God is inviting humans to contribute to His creation, and they do, but hardly ever in the right direction. While I am human, too, I must use my own initiative and planning abilities to handle the situation as well as I can. There is something ironic about a few readers finding the picture I'm painting too dark, and attack me because of that, while my picture is probably ridiculously optimistic compared to the real one. What is God's will? He is creating me, because He wants me to be happy, but that requires my active participation.

My wife just found something interesting about the nature of the poisonings; writing an article on that.

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my favorite bumper sticker: don't believe everything you think. 🤔😂

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My last one was a Valentine's Day post card. On the first page, it says, "Do you know why I love you?" On the second, "Because you laugh at my jokes." Graphics are optional. :)

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Jethro Bodine, "Would they put it in a comic book if it wasn't true!"

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