Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me three times or more, and I am a fool.
It’s been a recurring trick by the globalists that they pretended to be against someone or something that they actually wanted to promote. People allowed themselves to be cheated, because they wanted to hope1, but they wanted something or someone else to do solve their problems2.
Anything manufactured by pharmaceuticals can contain toxic ingredients, and it usually does. After all, all “medicines” are poisons, the only questions are, how much, when, and to whom. A single Tylenol can kill the vulnerable, but the consumer tends to think that only because something is over-the-counter, it cannot be so bad. Only the other day I bumped into two people, whose complaints were identical and started right after they were put on two drastically-different “medications.” Their symptoms were not even listed among the (usually intentional) “side effects…
There are people who swear on supplements, while most supplements are synthetic products and as such, they tend to differ in their molecular or crystal structure from the real thing that might or might not even occur in nature. One thing chemically-informed people know is that the same chemical compound can assist or kill, if they differ in such ways (so much about “generics”). Ivermectin, for one, became suspicious immediately after doctors were, all of a sudden, allowed to prescribe it3. There are literally dozens of miracle substances out there4, and they are consumed like candy (well, even candy often contains GMO corn syrup, too). Why is it so difficult to understand that even vitamin C can come in various forms, and its intravenous application can destroy the vein, unless it’s administered through a central line? Most of the miracle meds come from unknown or from definitely evil sources.
Also, some popular supplements are surrounded with magic thinking. Diatomaceous earth sounds nice, but I wouldn’t want it anywhere near my lungs or in my blood. The same for zeolite. Silver cleans up good bacteria, too, much like antibiotics, although it can be considered a “broad-spectrum” antibiotic, without the harmful effect of fungal toxins.
People want to lose weight by consuming “low-fat” products that are harmful, because the body needs (good-quality) fat to survive5, yet the “fat becomes fat” myth still prevails, which is a gentle reminder of those, who refused to drink Corona beer after the “coronavirus” ran rampant, and drank Clorox to disinfect themselves, as if the toxicity of the muzzles and the PCR tests hadn’t been enough (let me tactfully ignore the sooner-or-later lethal injections, because they belong to a higher category among democidal products). Those, who lose weight, also fill up on artificial sweeteners6 that are a lot worse than non-GMO sugar, besides being carcinogenic, mess up their metabolism as well. They also exercise intensively, which accelerates the nanotech in their blood, resulting in “sudden deaths,” and if their blood happens to be clean, which is unlikely even if they haven’t been injected with anything7, metabolism adjusts to actual levels of physical exertion and, after successfully losing weight as a result of months and months of efforts, the extra pounds return with a vengeance after they abandon the exercise routine8.
After the preamble on inanimate “heroes,” let me serve the main course of this article, the general practice of creating popular heroes out of globalists’ agents and vice versa.
This is when it becomes even more interesting. People fall for the false democrat/republican dichotomy, sometimes spiced up with an “independent” candidate, who has a snowball’s chance in hell to change anything.
People fall for the ruse, because they are unhappy with what they could actually do (prepare), and wait for a miracle performed by someone else. The globalist propaganda usually discourages preparations, because it prefers people to “hope,” instead of doing what they could. If you do what you can, you can still hope, wouldn’t you say? Still, after you have done what you can, you are not totally helpless, and don’t have to hope for someone else to act in your stead.
Robin Hood
Illicit actors need popular support in order to not to be reported to the authorities. Social-justice warriors are generous about spending the taxpayer’s money on freeloaders, and enjoy the scum’s “popular support” thereafter.
Charities and NGOs
Have you ever been asked at a store checkout if you wanted to donate to a foundation that is supposed to help children with cancer? What kind of cruel person wouldn’t want to help, but are you helping a single child with such donations? You are contributing to the maintenance of a murderous system that first poisoning children with “vaccines,” radiation, and a large variety of toxins in the air, in water, and in food, and the the disposal process in which the poor things are most likely to be treated to death with harsh chemicals that would probably kill most healthy adults, too.
Charities are excellent depositories of laundered money, especially after the laundering chain crosses several borders and passes through several institutions. Charities also receive money from the gullible, but that is likely to be small change. NGOs follow the same pattern, except they tend to use globalist resources well, the globalists acquire those through cartels and monopolies, essentially stealing from the people.
The scam of “voting” is there in order to make sure you can be blamed for having elected the wrong person. People seem to be blind to the fact that politicians don’t represent them. The popularized “good deeds” of politicians usually erase their much-less-publicized exponentially-more-harmful activities from memory.
All governments need enablers and enforcers. In many countries, voting is already valid, if all government employees vote, because the amount reaches the percentage of voters that must vote to make sure the process is valid. It doesn’t matter which form of government you have, the same practice is always present. Have you ever wondered why only state and federal employees can retire in peace, while you can often encounter 78-year-old “greeters” at the entrance of Walmart? Here is your answer.
The government also makes sure that freeloaders remain happy and the support they receive from the taxpayer can be blamed for the national deficit. Add a little “patriotism” that lavishly spends on the military-industrial complex and a little sense of insecurity that justifies spending on “national security,” and you are hitting home.
The point is that the government is the good guy, because it spends your money “justifiably” and demonizes those who disagree with the spending. Of course, the government is owned, so it does as it’s told.
A few popular heroes
Sometimes popular authors are forced to serve the system. It seemed to happen to Mercola 2-3 years ago, when he complained about lethal threats he had received and, since then, his newsletter has never been the same. Not that it used to be perfect; it included mistakes and even contradictions, but not obvious globalist propaganda. He was turned.
It was the arrest of Fuellmich9 that gave me the idea to write this article, because apparently, too many people fell for it. Fuellmich has been pursuing legal action against the globalist, which was much publicized by “alt” news sources.
Changing the system from the inside? You cannot fight the enemy on its own turf.
Obviously, a million Fuellmichs couldn’t change a thing, because there are no courts to indict the globalist, and if there were, nobody could enforce the verdict, and if the verdict were enforced, it would be a slap on the wrist in the media shop-window that never fails to mesmerize the public. Fuellmich and his kind, irrespective of their being agents or not, accomplish only one thing: render the public inert and make people hope that “justice will prevail,” so nothing else needs to be done.
Fuellmich, however, is not alone with his performance. Substack has a large number of such authors10. From the political arena, take Trump, RFK Jr., or DeSantis; what they have in common is that they all work on convincing people that the system, rotten to the core, can be “saved” from the inside11.
Remember Trump promising he would “drain the swamp”? His coalition, in return, was chock-full-of swamp creatures, and he later, he agreed to “save millions of lives” by imposing “Operation Warp Speed” on the people of the land as a response to a non-existent illness. People must have learnt their own limits; to put it bluntly, they cannot do a thing. Those, who paid attention, must have realized that recognizing the options and planning accordingly is anything but surrender12:
DeSantis after much hullaballoo, brought in irrelevant anti-tyranny measures that he “safely and effectively” neutralized either before or at the time of his “benevolent” edicts13. In the meanwhile, his approach to the Freedom of Speech was clearly revealed, when he criminalized the criticism of Israel, while on a trip in Israel. In Florida, you can now go to prison, if you break that new “law.”
RFK, Jr. is a bit more complex, but not a hard case to tackle. His popularity has been ensured as a “truth-teller” by his presenting facts from the globalists’ achievements, but only after nothing was possible to do about them; limited hangouts have represented much of the “truth-telling” in the “alt” media as well14. Of course, it’s only theater; it doesn’t matter who the next “President” is. Since JFK, presidents have been serving representative purposes only, and there is nothing to suggest that it will change for the better. In recent decades, “presidents” have been allowed to unconstitutionally declare wars, and Congress did nothing. Well, it has been a good globalist forum to push through measures against the “electorate,” with the exception of the Dominion “voting” machines, of course, that represented the official side. Congress itself is surely a “representative body.” The only question is, whom does it represent and to what end?
False hope sells, because it’s cheap:
Only very few people are able and willing to exercise their free will:
Even the traditional foundations of “healing” become questionable:
Artificially-sweetened food is often marketed as “no sugar added.” I’ve seen this on packages with sucralose in them.
The poisoning is so versatile that it’s often impossible to identify the bioactive agents:
Exercise itself has become dangerous, too:
Anyone can do the most important thing:
DeSantis even posed as a benefactor for distributing monoclonal antibodies “for free”:
Is he a hero?
Here’s a question for the vaccinated. Were you more afraid of the disease or the state? Some of them were deathly afraid of the disease. Some were terrified of losing freedom to travel, shop, etc. A giant tyrannical state and a mysterious microscopic collection of atoms are very different adversaries that people were fighting with the same crappy weapon.
Man is isolated, alone, lied to from cradle to grave, nurtured by barbarians and mis-educated by mis-educators, bombarded by ads, lies, propaganda, sound surrounds them, silence forgotten and thinking outside the sandbox rare. H. L. Mencken says the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. In this situation a hero is demanded. "Joe DiMaggio a nation turns it's lonely eyes to you boo hoo hoo."
Socrates-in the Meno, 77b-78b: Those that desire bad things do not know that they are truly bad; otherwise, they would not desire them. They do not naturally desire what is bad but rather desire those things that they believe to be good but that are in fact bad. They desire good things even though they lack knowledge of what is actually good.