Who is at the edge of the precipice?
“It’s not what happens is what matters. What matters is what you think about it.”
Ray Horvath the “Source” :)
Lioness published the following today, and it made me think a bit more than the public’s usual and predictable one-step reaction:
Of course, it’s not mRNA1, but that is not the point this time. After the Turdeu government stifled free speech by placing limitations on opinions online2, here is another unpopular move. Is this a mistake or is it on purpose, trusting that people have been turned into sheeple and won’t even say “Baaa”?
Is this really Turdeau in action? Last time I checked, he was only a puppet. Can’t you remember him disappearing during the truckers’ protest for three days, which must have been used for training him to be a good drama teacher and act a little in the farcical travesty called Canadian domestic policy.
The move itself, however, raises questions about its motive(s). If I were setting globalist policy in this case, I would try to ridicule the subject; if the whistleblower, Helen, were made ridiculous, people wouldn’t take her or anything she says too seriously. Instead, what Canadians get through this news is official saber-rattling. Can the Turdeau government afford to do that? It is unpopular enough already to have stepped beyond the edge of the precipice with one foot, and it seems to overplay its hand by trying to further intimidate people by “setting examples.” The most logical outcome of such an attempt is that people become even more upset than before. Or is goading them into violence is the objective? Another possibility is that a nameless policy-maker is well-meaning, and deliberately wants to call public attention to Helen in order to make sure that the case of children dying after the injections receives the reaction it deserves. Or is the Turdeau government plain stupid? This wouldn’t be a first; the globalists inadvertently gave themselves away in Canada prematurely, when they told Turdeau to freeze the bank accounts of those who tried to donate to the truckers3. Or was that on purpose, too?4
Beyond the children being exterminated per government policy “in their own protection,” Helen’s case also provides sufficient material for the people to realize what happens, when the Freedom of Speech is violated. I, for one, consider that a direct attack on my life5:
The event certainly demonstrated how powerless people are and how little their opinion counts. Some forms of protest simply don’t work:
In a similar scenario, Reiner Fuellmich, the attorney who has been trying to indict the globalists and their retainers, has been allegedly detained at the airport in Frankfurt:
It makes no sense to arrest him. He couldn’t even file a case in court, and if he could, he couldn’t win, and if he won, nobody would enforce the verdict, which would be a slap on the wrist at most, anyway. Is he a fake player who is now being turned into a popular hero?
Canada/Australia is a great testing ground for what people will tolerate. Pushing the envelope in Canada and gauging public response as people truly believe “things can’t get worse”, “they wouldn’t do this on purpose”
Reiner Fuellmich had a stoush with his main offsider who is now accusing him of stealing funds from the organization that they set up. That's why he's been arrested. I know nothing about the accuracy of such accusations.
But for some being a warrior in the 'covid is a fraud' jurisdiction has been pretty good financially. Those two just mentioned included but I think the guy making the most dosh in this jurisdiction is Steve Kirsch. Some might question that but although Malone has more followers I think that his are more bottish than Steve's are.