Hi Ray, something to consider per # 5 on your list. The senate passed a bill to pay for diplomats injured from the weapons they sometimes admit and sometimes deny. If it wasn’t real and didn’t exist, then why are they authorizing payment? I don’t like to post links. However, there’s a politico article entitled, “Senate passes bill to aid directed-energy attack victims”

From the article….

“The Senate on Monday unanimously passed a bill that would boost medical care for American diplomats and spies who develop mysterious brain injuries amid an uptick in suspected directed-energy...”

This article is from 2021, but maybe if people point it out, then they’ll start to acknowledge that many Non-diplomats have been afflicted.

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Yes, Sacha, your addition definitely deserves more attention than whatever it has received. While official reports wanted to assign the events to an "enemy" and blame it, the damage is real. So was 9/11, although it had nothing to do with the patsies who, I understand, lived happily ever after. The "Patriot" Act is still in effect, depriving citizens of inalienable rights. Senate bills are parts of the show...

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I understand what you’re referring to regarding the Patriot Act. My thought is that based on the original intention of the patriots act that most people could get around it. Although they have continued to weaponize it along the way. Following the money of those who have refused to repeal the patriot act is probably an area of research that needs to happen. Just a thought.

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Politicians are only the globalists' puppets... The sources of their assets would be quite educational to know, but connecting the links might require a supercomputer. :)

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" MIGHT IS RIGHT " they have the biggest guns ... they have the power... we need an act of the good God to guide and help us overcome evil in all its forms... hence we pray /ask ... please dear God of goodness and truth help all people return to goodness and truth

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Trudeau feeds on people's rage - why revenge is a dish we must best serve him cold. Love the 70s microwave research documents...you've reminded me to look back in my files...

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Reiner Fuellmich had a stoush with his main offsider who is now accusing him of stealing funds from the organization that they set up. That's why he's been arrested. I know nothing about the accuracy of such accusations.

But for some being a warrior in the 'covid is a fraud' jurisdiction has been pretty good financially. Those two just mentioned included but I think the guy making the most dosh in this jurisdiction is Steve Kirsch. Some might question that but although Malone has more followers I think that his are more bottish than Steve's are.

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As legal opposition promises exactly nothing, I cannot imagine that Fuellmich was for real. It's just another popular hero, directing attention in the wrong direction.

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I always had my suspicions that he wasn't genuine. But I don't have any proof and this issue might indicate that he was genuine. He was also bundled into a paddy wagon in London early on in the pandemic.

Regardless the idea that this issue could be addressed through the Courts was always a bogus one. Not untill we have control of the Courts could that be done.

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That alone substantiates that he is an actor/agent.

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Most likely.

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i think the deal between God and satan is... consent of neutral party " us : and our free will , this predicates disclosure of satans offers... thats could be why the globaal ists have to : spill the beans " is tell us what they plan ... dear good God help us all return to goodness and truth

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Mistake or deliberate, we can all hope that this is the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Torches and Pitchforks time.

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Same here.

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Absolutely, goading us into violence is the objective. Then the hammer can really come down on us.

Besides, I'm sure you have seen the clip of Klaus Analschwab addressing his evil Young Global Minions, saying "Vee must prepare for an angrier world".


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Analschwab, dang that's a good laugh!!

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Just like biden saying nobody needs 20 bullets or whatever he mumbled the other day.

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Oops. Wrong clip. But he talks about preparing for an angrier world here as well

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You remember when Trudeau was running for re-election and everywhere he stopped, the people were throwing rocks? Now they should throw grenades.

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Canada/Australia is a great testing ground for what people will tolerate. Pushing the envelope in Canada and gauging public response as people truly believe “things can’t get worse”, “they wouldn’t do this on purpose”

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Also New Zealand. A few years ago, Bill Gates bought his second large estate in NZ -- this one in Northland (he also owns an island in the Marlborough Sounds that he bought circa 2006-2007). A Kiwi businessman who provides services for ultra-wealthy Kiwis spilled some beans in a comment on Zerohedge shortly after Gates bought his Northland estate -- he said that Gates had mentioned to his acquaintances that he was going to be spending more time in NZ (Gates certainly did when our former Prime Minister Jacinda "your single source of truth" Ardern was rapidly destroying NZ's sovereignty in favor of her globalist handlers; Gates and Ardern were tight, and Gates was allowed to come and go to NZ in his private jet as he pleased during the lockdowns, when "regular" Kiwis were locked out of their own country due to the scamdemic).

What this businessman revealed was that Gates said NZ and Australia would be the first countries in the world to be ushered into the UN Agenda 21/2030's system of control. Makes sense in many ways, including that islands can easily be turned into island prisons with today's technology (including the tech that was taken black many decades ago).

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Maui was also a dry run...

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Hello, Ray. Out of topic (sorry): What can you say about the following video?


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I don't watch videos, but the question is open for everyone to answer, and I'll forward the link to my wife, who does the videos here.

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Oct 18, 2023
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Thanks for your answer. I'm getting increasingly tired of all these people selling hopium.

Maybe the CBDC'S will not be totally implemented next year, but they will be totally implemented for sure in a few years, at least in the First World.

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Oct 18, 2023
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And this is a response to what?

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Oct 19, 2023
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But it came out on the top of the comments as if it was a reply to the article.

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Oct 16, 2023
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Even without reading them, it's clear that ALL centralized "opposition" is a setup or, it becomes one, once it becomes popular. Until then, it's a honey pot, like Substack.

I'll check them out later, but everyone is welcome to do the same.

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Oct 16, 2023
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Who are you talking to?

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Oct 17, 2023
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Figured as much. You can always fix it. Copy-and-paste your response to a comment responding to Hanna's, and delete the misplaced one.

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Oct 15, 2023
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First, the artificial shortages will make the "well-armed population" to kill for a can of soup. Martial law can come later. After all, the objective is drastic levels of depopulation:


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Oct 15, 2023
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Life is, and has always been, a spiritual battle. :)

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Oct 18, 2023
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... and they are good at finding the wrong ones...

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