Many supplements are manufactured by big pharmaceutical companies. https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/vitamin-a-population-control-united

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Every single country has the right AND responsibility ti try and conviction these murderous regimes. They are not valid, they just claim they are. Time to I knock them back, crush the head of the snake. "Not by strong armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lords decision for those who deserve it.." Be like Judas Maccabeus and his brave men- get down on your knees, repent and pray for the Lords provision snc protection.

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Except that there are no courts and no enforcers to go through with it.

Anyway, where would the "justice" start and where would it end?


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This is a great article, for me, the part that jumps out is this phrase

"the general practice of creating popular heroes out of globalists’ agents and vice versa."

Seems like since the beginning of time, human beings have been in the practice of creating popular heroes or superheroes. I wonder if it starts generically with actually being born small and helpless. Big giant people take care of our needs until we are able to care for ourselves, and sometimes that make take years or even decades. When you look at the animal kingdom, they seem to be up and able quite quickly compared to our 18months to 2 years being able to walk.

I wonder if humanity's infantilization is a natural occurrence or if it's been weaponized. Thus creating the need for a superhero to take care of everything. The Superhero becomes "Godlike" and can do no wrong. Ultimately, they've become today's agents of the "globalists" agenda, but before that they were the agents of whatever the status quo of the times were.

It seems to be hard for people to just say "no" to these "popular heroes" even when it goes against their own integrity. I don't think it's specific to a certain culture other than another, it seems to be happening as an integral part of being human in this experience.

I'm not sure if my article on Elon Musk's Salute during the inauguration applies but I want to share it here as it keeps coming to mind that I should. Here's the link:

Elon Musk & the Problem with Hero Worship & The Cult Of Personality | Empty Barrels Make the Most Noise https://open.substack.com/pub/topicsfromatoz/p/elon-musk-and-the-problem-with-hero

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It looks like you and I are thinking the same things. Here they are in my words.

In ancient history and in recent days, folk heroes filled various functions:

1. Comfort the disempowered by offering imaginary extensions to their self-experience;

2. Create and maintain tribal identity; in modern times, this was a way to standardize the people's beliefs;

3. In "superhero comics/movies, they were also dished out to increase complacency, the hope that someone else will "save the day";

4. In comics/movies, they also conditioned the audience to have lower self-esteem and, as such, to be easier to govern (basically, to own);

5. I think, it was one of the Rockefellers who said that "we will always provide fake heroes" for the public.

Public education and popular culture seem to have been major contributors to infantilization.

Trump and RFK, Jr. are manipulatively heroified in order to make the upcoming terrible changes more acceptable for the masses.

I usually don't watch videos, especially nothing with politicians in them. Musk seems so fake that he bothers the heck out of me.

The powerful always have propaganda serving them. It worked for Napoleon, while the Brits hated Churchill.

As you are saying in your link, the powerless also embrace Stockholm syndrome.

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Thanks for responding and also for reading my post. I was a bit skeptical about sharing it, but it kept wanting me to. it kept pulling at me. It was the whole Musk part that made me tentative. Didn't know if you thought he was a Nazi, to me it doesn't even matter. The word Nazi has been thrown around so much it doesn't mean anything. Now is he a globalist? Of course. Is he a billionaire? Of course. Does he care about you or me or the folks who fear he's gonna take over the world, absolutely not. He's just a placeholder, a superhero of sorts being used by the unseen hand holding his puppet strings. He gives folks the illusion of free speech on his platform. Not so much free speech there however. But the folks love him, #stockholmsyndrome.

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Excellent post.

Fuellmich.......a brief summary and factual history...

Fuellmich and his scientific "people" had a great opportunity to debate the "no virus" position in the middle of the mayhem 2020-2022.

At this time, many worldwide, were watching the " international jury" in the hopes of resolution to the advancing draconian measures, and a chance to disclose the fraudulent science.

Fuellmich, at the time, being approached by many of the excellent and credible scientists, to add the evidence of the "no virus" position, and it being an actual fraudulent"plandemic" to the discussion, refused.

With full backing of his "committee " not to include or entertain the debate, or invite or include the scientists and researchers in the proceedings that presented the "no virus" position......

To my mind, this was a great loss to the momentum of the newly rediscovered science gaining popularity, exactly when it was needed.

A tragedy and a travesty.

At this moment many of us realized it wasn't an open scientific discussion, but something else, a resource and time waster and a closed scientific charade distraction.

The "committee" asking constantly for funding off the freedom movement (which were hard pressed for cash at the time) he and others received large sums of money, and is still to this day asking for funding, all credibility, for me, is lost.

Rumours and allegations of misappropriation of donated funds were also circulating, and never fully resolved.

Although I wish Fuellmich freedom, and no one deserves to be imprisoned for debate, I still see the same pattern.

Money, money, money, no results, down the drain.

In all fairness, he and his "committee" are not alone in making money off the "Convid" resistance situation, yet providing very little in results, many are still doing it today, which I deplore.

Taking money off the very people that were in the worst position and circumstances.

"Never let a crisis go to waste" on both sides of the fence.


The proceeding provided no actual power to change the system (although they presented themselves and the endevour , very convincingly, it had, power and backing internationally), it ended up as a waste of time, money and opportunity.

Good luck Fuellmich, I wish you freedom, but in the end, the whole endeavour stinks of a moneymaking and hopium exercise, gone wrong.

Shame, I liked him, and promoted the endeavours at the time, but now feel it's more of a constant liability and distraction, than saving a "poor" "freedom fighter".

To this day, were all the money raised went, and on what, remains a mystery.

Just my two cents worth, which I recommend you all keep in your own pocket.

A disappointing state of affairs.



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He also reminds me of RFK, Jr.

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I have always said you can't change the system from within. It will eat anyone who tries...simply giving the system with any validity will devour you.

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Great stuff Ray, thank you. I like the line "Charities are excellent depositories of laundered money..."

It took me having a diagnosis of cancer by the NHS in 2020 and the immuno-therapy I received until I worked out later that year what was really wrong to see how the cancer industry was just that, an industry.

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I hope, their diagnosis was wrong; it often is. Sometimes it's wrong on purpose, because they want to experiment on people or train residents or even "medical" students. They also get money for biopsies (human tissues) and for pushing legal drugs on their victims... Privately, I call "healthcare" a death factory.

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Thanks Ray and well said. This was the primary cause of my facial palsy, although I have not been tested (NHS don't do that sort of thing), it is based on logic.


There are likely added issues via MRI contrast dye for the scans plus the immuno treatment.

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Important info. Neurological "disorders" usually come from some sort of poisoning, and "doctors" can't diagnose or treat them, so they often give up on them, while detoxing and re-training the nerves can potentially fix the problem...

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Its disturbing in some ways how we agree on alot of topics. Though we show it in different ways we also get the same reactions from many. We do differ in one way and that is it seems you believe that 'we' can make a difference...if there were more 'we' like you and I then yes something could be done but alas thats not the case.

I said it before here and will say it again, nobody is coming to save us, do I think Trump was/is a good guy, yes but I feel as though he is being a little naive if he believes another election is going to happen and speaking of elections and a certain Klaus who said there will be no more elections. I don't believe I have ever heard Trump mention Klaus name.

But lets assume there are white hats coming to save us well I look at things a little differently and part of that is my strong faith in God, not organized religion but God. God can not possibly be the least bit impressed with the white hats for taking as long as they have. During this time many millions have died, many many millions more have had their lives destroyed by job loss or nasty side effects from the genocidal injection.

My point is/was that God is going to soon pass judgement on the world and it will be in the form of an earth catastrophe, magnetic pole shift which will effectively destroy evils control over humanity and at the same time birth a new world where people will NOT forget the last world.

Elites will not be welcome in this new world that breaks out in different parts oif the world that survive the coming earth catastrophe.

I feel it will be here by the end of June/2024

P.S. So far as Trump goes here is a couple thoughts, if a little peon like me knows about the coming pole shift I find it incredibly difficult to believe that Trump, the American military and other elites do not know as well. I feel its within the realm of possibilities that Trump has already been 'dealt with' but they keep 'him' there to pacify the ones the elites are worried about all the while they tighten the noose on the rest of society...then then will really come after the dissidents....but God will act before that comes to pass.

Its also possible the last 3 years were all about the coming pole shift and freeing up resources and safe places for the elite to live after.

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Clearly its beyond you yet Ray but you have a serious amount of growing to do still if you want to move on to the next level after this life.

Good grief man, get over yourself.

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If you say so... :)

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Interesting comment. Re "God can not possibly be the least bit impressed with the white hats for taking as long as they have..."

History, His story is playing out as it should. Many many millions have died over history so as history has yet to end, very sadly more deaths are anticipated .

Everything can be sorted out at the resurrection however.

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There is a part of me that believes this and I will try and explain in simple turns as I have no other way.

The world/earth has a history thats already been set, we, the human souls have a journey to go on and in no way shape or form is that planned out and set in stone, we have choices to make to further the growth of our souls.

I believe this because it makes no sense that everything is already set in stone regardless of our personal choices, makes no sense much like it makes no sense that we are here for 80 years and then just nothing.

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Free Will exists, but only a few are able or willing to practice it:


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Agreed, well said, and simple is good. The thing is God writes His story as the author of Life. He makes people able to write their own stories. We cannot escape His story but we can write them according to what He gives us.

This is essentially within our DNA and our names to which we add words throughout life.

It says in Revelation that books were opened and in that sense the books of our lives are judged.

Of course God writes Himself into the story, coming as Jesus Christ principally, the Word of God.

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People have no idea whats going on, our planet is about to go through a great change that was written about long ago. It is our God cleaning up evil and destroying evils control over humanity....with a pole shift.

Just a tiny example, surely some of you still watch the news and how they told you the oceans were boiling, well its one of the few times they were not lying.

Judgement day could be on us within months. I personally say before the end of June 2024

The oceans once super-heated the earth.


“It’s just mind boggling.” More than 19,000 undersea volcanoes discovered"


Early in Oct there were a couple small tsunamis hit Japan and they had no idea where they came from, have a look where.


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All very interesting, thank you very much. Regarding timelines I did this.


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I enjoyed this and the link you shared at the end on prophecy, I take all these with grains of salt but lots to like in there.

I struggled for a while with the thought that 'everything' is already planned out, Gods plan till I realized that yes the world events and whatnot are indeed all set in stone BUT our souls individual journeys are NOT set in stone.

Our whole purpose is to improve ourselves and our souls every day and overcome all the challenges that God puts in front of us.

It took me a few years to figure this out but I am hardly embarrassed by that, thats how it was meant to be, the older you get, the wiser you get....too simplified but it serves the purpose.

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As always Ray, excellent article. I think you’re my favourite read here on Substack. I truly appreciate your tone and efficiency in getting your message out. I feel like I’m lost in a discussion with the best of both of my grandfathers, with whom I was very blessed to know quite well and whom I respected immensely. Masculinity at its finest 😉

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What a beautiful compliment.

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Thank you kindly. I do what I can, and it means a lot that it is sometimes helpful. :)

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is there anyone that can organize a internet referendum about a new current digital sighning the united states constitution as the highest law of the whole world or any country or people..????. and nullifying the power of the world health organization , united nations or any other political or financial body... good God please help us all to become free of evil in all its manifistations

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Oct 21, 2023
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I prefer God-given rights.

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all true ... i think the real battle is first in our subconscious { astral and causal plane ... vedic scripture}... their conscious mind and ego will filter ,disregard, reject ,logic , truth, critical thinking ,facts etc etc if their subconscious programing is in power... therefore we have to bypass their consciousness and affect their subconscous ,,, how ? silent intersessory prayer to a higher power for help in changing them and their return to the original program of goodness and truth ...or " ho pono pono hawian healing method "etc etc or from the christian revelation ...

13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. if the spiritual realm exists .... these highly intelligent astute elites are being decieved and lead to believe they are doing their gods " baal " work and will be rewarded in their next incarnation or go to paradise... this is what their priests tell bthem that its their duty to god to subjugate the half human beasts " and now due to the gene altered humans " vvaxxed" dont qualify as humans made in Good Gods image and likeness anymore they may do whatever they please with us vaxxed " no more human rights " just as we treat the animals , they may now treat us . they are lead to believe they can escape karma " as you sow so shall you reap " their evil mastermind intelligence "{ satan ] is orders of magnitude more evil intelligent than they " satan " the nature of is sado machocistic pshycopath who hates everything the good God created including himself and wishes the complete destruction of everything including life itself, non existance //.... we are instructed by the existance of goodness to pray for their salvation from evil ,,, praying and wishing them to return to goodness and truth, and everyone too... ps what good is owning the whole world " temporal" and loseing our eternal soul ??? its the worst dumbest idiotic imbisilic " deal " in all eternity and in the known and unknown universe

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I think we all did a mite better when we stuck to pop-u-lar folk heroes like Pecos Bill an' John Bunyan -- mythical, sure! but I'll take my proper-gander with a tall stack (like John Bunyan 'et) 'er a Substack... where we kin all dig-in, tin forks poised!

ps good pernt 'bout bobbyjr only frettin' 'bout stuff too late ta fix.... but/also take a look at who he worked with on the MalOne DuckTrine of "Integ-gritty"--https://maloneinstitute.org/malone-doctrine (Oh, EdWoodPDowd of MaoWhee helped scribe it...) Folk heroes flock ta-gether (peckin' at that non-gmo Corn Ball...) All them gizzards goin' at once... sharp claws, sharper beaks, NO TEETH!

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Hey Ray, just curious about your comment on Mercola. I wonder what specifically prompted that? His current writing does not appear to me to be supporting globalist agendas, quite the opposite.

I am glad that you are on to the tricks of the globalists. I wonder if sometimes we put too much blame on people for being credulous, and not enough on the corporatists who have taken the bribe to be allowed unlimited profits, in exchange for advancing the cause of their globalist masters who wish to enslave us all.

I think we went to avoid buying in to the globalist propaganda that puts Humanity in the role of the enemy of Nature and humans. This is after all how we get lured into the 15-minute cities, and consenting to digital currencies tied to our social credit scores. The real damage inflicted on nature and humans since the Industrial Revolution has been perpetrated by corporations, allowed and chartered by their banking class masters. People have been sucked into participating by relentless incentivizing, manipulation, and advertising.

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People are incapacitated and under the spell of Stockholm syndrome. In that state, anyone would believe anything they are told by their "superiors."

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Mercola posted it. If you are one of his subscribers on Substack, it's in his archives.

Sometimes Mercola re-publishes old stuff, some of which is good. Otherwise, he is full of disinfo. For example,




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Thanks for answering my question Ray!

this morning I was appalled to see this, of course it's not the first time, but every time is shocking.


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Man is isolated, alone, lied to from cradle to grave, nurtured by barbarians and mis-educated by mis-educators, bombarded by ads, lies, propaganda, sound surrounds them, silence forgotten and thinking outside the sandbox rare. H. L. Mencken says the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. In this situation a hero is demanded. "Joe DiMaggio a nation turns it's lonely eyes to you boo hoo hoo."

Socrates-in the Meno, 77b-78b: Those that desire bad things do not know that they are truly bad; otherwise, they would not desire them. They do not naturally desire what is bad but rather desire those things that they believe to be good but that are in fact bad. They desire good things even though they lack knowledge of what is actually good.

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Yup, hell is the place, where all desires come true, irrespective of the way that affects others.

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Here’s a question for the vaccinated. Were you more afraid of the disease or the state? Some of them were deathly afraid of the disease. Some were terrified of losing freedom to travel, shop, etc. A giant tyrannical state and a mysterious microscopic collection of atoms are very different adversaries that people were fighting with the same crappy weapon.

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"History fails to record a single precedent in which nations subject to moral decay have not passed into political and economic decline. There has been either a spiritual awakening to overcome the moral lapse or a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster." ~ Douglas MacArthur

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I wonder if he bombed China with atomic weapons as he wanted to do if he later would consider this a spiritual awakening or instead " a progressive deterioration leading to ultimate national disaster." :)

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I suppose that would depend on his inner thoughts and true motivations, as well as his thoughts on strategy, tactics and the total effects on the world. Since we cannot know his thoughts we cannot judge him, only God can.

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Judge him or evaluate him. "History will absolve me," but indeed who can say if those would be his inmost thoughts or if instead he would hold Oppenheimers words "I have become death, the destroyer of worlds."

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It's all automatic. All civilizations centralize power before the end, and people are forced to lie to survive, which alone explains "moral decline." When the end is near, the epicurean approach also often becomes prevalent.

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We should be so lucky. Epicurus rejected the existence of Platonic forms and an immaterial soul, and he said that the gods have no influence on our lives. Epicurus also thought skepticism was untenable, and that we could gain knowledge of the world relying upon the senses. He taught that the point of all one’s actions was to attain pleasure (conceived of as tranquility) for oneself, and that this could be done by limiting one’s desires and by banishing the fear of the gods and of death.

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Being a gnostic "atheist" has its own confines, I suppose. The demarkation line is at "How far one's desire is to be pursued?".

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Epicurus placed an extremely high value on friendship (or love: philia). A saying with rather a more poetic flair than is Epicurus’ custom runs: “Friendship goes dancing round the world, announcing to all of us to wake up to happiness” (Vatican Saying = VS 52). Epicurus held that a wise man would feel the torture of a friend no less than his own, and would die for a friend rather than betray him, for otherwise his own life would be confounded (VS 56–57). These are powerfully altruistic sentiments for a philosopher who posits as the unique goal in life happiness based on freedom from physical pain and mental anxiety. Epicurus could justify such an attitude by the same prudential calculus that he uses to argue in favor of living justly: only by living in such a way that loyalty to friends is perceived to be a consummate value will one be able to feel secure in one’s friends, and thus maximize one’s felicity. Yet this does not seem quite what Epicurus means when he says that “friendship [or love] had its beginning as a result of utility, but is to be chosen [or is a virtue, if we follow the manuscript reading] for its own sake” (VS 23). The question is further complicated by the report in Cicero’s On Moral Ends (1.66–70) that there was a difference of opinion concerning friendship among later Epicureans. Since human beings were originally asocial and only later learned to form alliances and compacts, it is possible that Epicurus means to say that this capacity for friendship arose out of need, but that once the capacity for such feelings was acquired, feeling them came to be valued in itself. The argument would be similar to the modern idea that altruism could have developed as a result of natural selection. But the evidence does not permit a firm conclusion on this matter.

When Epicurus spoke of friendship, he may have had at least partly in mind specifically the relationship among his followers, who seem to have thought of themselves as friends. Epicureans were encouraged to form communities and to observe certain rituals, although most of these practices, such as the celebration each month of the day (the 20th) on which Epicurus was born or wearing rings bearing an image of Epicurus, may have originated after the founder’s death. The Epicureans paid attention to problems of pedagogy as well, laying out the best way to correct the ideas of people new to the school and its community without cajoling or discouraging them. It must be remembered that Epicurus understood the task of philosophy first and foremost as a form of therapy for life, since philosophy that does not heal the soul is no better than medicine that cannot cure the body (Usener 1887, frag. 221). A life free of mental anxiety and open to the enjoyment of other pleasures was deemed equal to that of the gods. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/epicurus/#EpicLife

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Epicureans most likely just another blind, idolatrous cult of personality and pleasure encouraging and dedicated to the dead end Supremacy of the Self and its selfish pursuits. Prove me wrong

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the Roman Imperial establishment was not very fond of Epicureanism and led several attempts to smear the movement with propaganda.

Epicureanism had often enough proven ‘pesky’ to the Roman status quo.

Influential Epicureans lent assistance to some of the slave revolts that were attempts to end the establishment of slavery in Rome.

Epicureans have always been adamantly opposed to any state institution of slavery. Epicurus himself was.

Epicureans also advocated for the education of women and the elevation of their social status, so were definitely perceived as potentially threatening to the accepted social order of the time.

None other than Cicero charged that Epicurus had somehow been taken in by the wiles of women, and that must explain why he would advocate for their education and empowerment.

The only reason that Epicureans weren’t persecuted in likelihood is because of the number of adherents they had. That included some high-ranking Roman officials.

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