Sep 15Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

As usual, you have presented a fair representation of worldly affairs. These "elites" are following a pattern laid out centuries ago, accelerated the last 100 or so years. They have vast resources to utilize (wealth, political control, militaries and "spy" agencies) which makes our resistance appear to be futile. The world, civilization, hangs in the balance. It is anybody's guess which way the scales will tilt. I will not be captured or killed without a battle. It is honorable to die in battle, rather than surrendering in defeat. I am of the school that feels the "elites" have so poisoned the earth that even if they succeed with their plans they will not live very long to enjoy their ill-gotten power and fortune.

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Elites? Parasites.

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That's pretty much what I have been also saying. :)

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Fuck. Where are we on the timeline?

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That sounds like a good topic for my next article.

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Sadly, we are far past midnight, specially in "The Civilized World"!

We live in a dream, pretending that our governments have power (or even care).

I recently posted this to no response:

I continually offend people by stating my opinion: :That petitioning (begging) government bodies to either cease some action or alternatively to perform some action., is useless and pathetic: I have not changed that view and I have now recognized a perfect example as evidence for that Judgment.

The on going atrocity and genocide in Gaza is all the evidence that any rational person would ever need! Our governments (?) do not serve the wishes or demands of the people. I think that over a billion humans have expressed their horror and disgust, yet there are no Western governments motivated enough to even stop supplying weapons and ammunition to the murderous Israelis and their program of exterminating the Palestinian People?

Quite the contrary, these "Democratic" governments have arrested and jailed many citizens for protesting the inhumane treatment of Palestinians. So please, never again believe that 'Your' Government will do anything for You in response to civil and polite pleading."

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The "civilized" world lost its footing, when it gave up its traditional cultures, so it has no basis for retaining itself to oppose technocracy.

As I also noted in https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/do-not-comply-no-kidding and a number of other places, petitioning only recognizes an illegitimate power and serves up a list of potential resistors.

In Israel, the question is, "Why does it exist?" Not all Palestinians are Muslims, but most of them are. That means that at least two incompatible cultures (Islam, and the three main trends in Judaism that are not fond of each other, either) are supposed to live peacefully together. If you read the following on Islam, you can easily conclude that peace is impossible:


Democracy is also a hoax; only there to allow the rulers to blame the electorate for the deeds of (s)elected "governments," while the people cannot do much about their politicians' actions, and no politician is ever made responsible for theirs.

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Where are we right now? -- (12 Sept 2024) -- Gigaohm Biological High Resistance Low Noise Information Brief https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2249381359

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Shit stella. Watching now. Can't comment on twitch. P,ease if you can..I got it. Please tell couey. K. Watt just published and s latypobpva echo shooting ( transfection) anything into arms or wherever causes damage. If I'm understand transfection correctly...it has never worked not once. It kills or causes autoi?une shit. Thank you

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Yes, I know you can't comment on Twitch unless you are live.....here is his website...he has been outing and is aware of the meddlers and saying lots of what is happening since 2021...... it's hard to hear if the person listening has been brainwashed but unfortunately, none of these "heroes" from the freedom movement are what they seem....they are installed puppets...yes, even the ones that seem to be on our side.....the more you watch his videos, the more you know and the angrier you will get because we have all been duped....by design....


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Sep 14Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Thank you for the link. I don't write about 9/11 anymore, because I believe that whoever wanted to find out details, must have done it a good while ago.

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The author Terral - you are aligned with him in what's happening to humanity. Check out his substack.

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There are quite a few things in common, but also serious differences.

As for Project Black Star, I nearly puked, when I opened their page:


Everybody is wearing a muzzle...

There are "free" "academic" programs for children with ideological and pseudo-scientific subjects, which can mean that anything goes, but it's unlikely, because the money must come from somewhere...

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2/3rds of humanity are still Not afraid of injecting unknown experimental BIO-WEAPON poisons, but still afraid of the air we need to breath!

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What about the Matrix- do you believe its true we are or will be living in the Matrix? Underground city connected to Denver airport?

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Sep 14Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
Sep 14Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Nice accurate list of opponents strategies in conversations. We've experienced them all many times. I'm curious where you got the figure of 7% of people can logically think a few steps ahead. Is that from your personal experience or did you learn it from a published psychological study?

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Thank you. Fair questions, and the answer is that this is one of the reasons why I jokingly call myself "The Source." :)

The 7% is from some sort of general survey from like 30 years ago, but I concur based on my academic teaching experience. Only about three out of ten students (both in Europe and in the US) were able to think on their own and think at least two steps ahead (the method is possible to learn, and I did my best to share it with my students). The only two substantial groups of deductive thinkers were the Japanese and the Hungarians around the same time. I am suspecting Koreans to be somewhat part of the group that is about 5% of the world's population. The 7%figure is probably quite optimistic these days. :)

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"The method is possible to learn, and I did my best to share it with my students."

I think that would make for a great article on here. The more people who can think in this way the better we will all be. Consider it teaching the teachers.

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Sep 14Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Short but deep post, great going Ray!

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Thank you. All I can do is try. This is mostly only a summary of what I have said several times, but cannot be said often enough. :)

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Sep 14Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

In my estimation, once you start down the path to the destruction of humanity, like a snowball racing down a mountain, you cannot turn it off. There will be no 5% of surviving humans. There will be 0%. Mankind only flourished because it increased its numbers. Mankind will perish because it decreased its numbers. I may die or be murdered by these cretins, but I go to my death with the firm belief they will not survive either. Nor will their offspring. Comforting? Maybe, but everyone dies.

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Sep 14Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

“Death may be the greatest of all human blessings.”

~ Socrates

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The monsters want to live forever like this. That is what they deserve, I suppose:


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That's the most likely prediction. While the monsters WILL destroy themselves, too, it will be too late to save humanity.

The greatest value in the world is NOT "survival." :)

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Hi Ray.

Is that prediction what is called Nihilism?

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Nope; it's a depiction of Hell.

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''They'' are not monsters Ray, ''they'' are men.

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Sep 14Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

My heart hurts. It is Revelation, the last book of the Bible being revealed. I’m so blessed to know God. Humans in their ignorance and narcissism have unknowingly brought this all on themselves. They turned away from God Almighty and worshiped themselves and their idols.

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Sep 14Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

This is partially true, but not enough. Ray Horvath provides a whole lot of truth; it's like a record, by now more like a book, no, like MANY books. I used to wonder, how can the people who have done the world harm be brought to justice; many have died, and we think, 'well that's it; he's not going to have to answer for all he's done'. But not so fast, not so fast, as Daffy Duck used to utter; he was one of those characters who would try to get to the bottom of things (issues), like Ray does so well. I personally believe in a God, who one special Day, Judgement Day, will bring EVERYONE back to life, and the Books, (you know, the records of their life, including their thoughts and their motives, everything, nothing left out), will be judged. We know about some really evil people around our era of time, but we don't know about baby killers and child rapists from thousands of years ago; but God does, and thank God He does. Thank you Ray for all you do! in exposing truth!

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Thank you, Daniel, but I am only a messenger, far from being an Oracle for the Truth.

As you are also saying, it's all personal, as it is for me:


All one can do is attempt to live an authentic life, which will never be perfect, and perhaps, also die as a true human being:


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All such things are VERY personal, and I have also had my experiences:


I just want to make sure I maintain FULL respect for everyone, including those, who haven't.

Humans are supposed to be a family...


The "machines" are trying to take away all links between human beings by replacing them artificially:


And the remedy is to keep in touch. :)


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