Steve Kirsch is claiming that there are photographs with “viruses.” I’m sure, he is right up to the point that yes, there are photographs. The question is, what’s in the photos? What are the components of the tiny particles he claims are “viruses,” where are they coming from, where are they going, if anywhere, and what are they doing, if anything, in the meanwhile?
Steve comes out strong: he even employs the manipulative “we” word that is supposed to enforce the opinion of a fabricated majority. He likes to challenge both fake and real oppositions. In the meanwhile, he cautiously maintains the fundamental premises of the official narrative that he doesn’t allow to be challenged.
That alone explains why nobody can realistically go for Steve’s one million dollars: he would have a snowball’s chance in hell!
How could a discussion about the existence of “viruses” lead to an amenable and amicable solution?
The propaganda of those in power is reinforced by the MSM, corporate policies, and much of Congress, policed for by the (anti)social media, and enforced by local armies of brainwashed, intimidated, or hired lackeys. Easy-to-access sources overwhelmingly propagate the globalists’ murderous stance, while oppress opposing views.
The answer to the question, “What is a virus?” could determine who would win Steve’s challenge in a fair fight:
Steve’s side obviously refuses to cooperate towards finding common grounds that could be used for working out solutions that would be acceptable for both sides. However, even if cooperation were intended, it would face insurmountable obstacles:
In order to work out a consensus, the two parties would have to focus on one problem only at a time, but they cannot even agree on the definition of a single problem.
As they are standing on two different grounds, they couldn’t find tools for the scrutiny that they both accept even if they care for that sort of thing (they don’t because both sides are fake). Without a common denominator, the effort would inevitably fail.
Even if, by some miracle, an agreement materialized, the two parties would have to agree on what they expect from the solution. They couldn’t, because admitting that “viruses” don’t and cannot cause disease would mean the total destruction of the official ideology.
Even if Virology were not backed by the power of the state, it’s hard to convince someone that he is wrong, when his livelihood depends on it, which includes most “medical professionals.”
On the fake science of Virology:
To add insult to injury, none of the two parties that might participate in Steve’s “challenge” has the power to change the course of “medical” practices and/or pass and implement laws related to the findings, which renders the whole discussion moot. The hijacked Congress doesn’t need any proof; it seems to be willing to pass just about anything that promotes the NWO agenda.
How about settling the debate by proving that “covid” exists?
The burden of proof is on the ones, who claim it does, because the non-existence of something cannot be proven, only substantiated.
The “cases” on TV constitute plain fraud, because they are based on the PCR test (not that any other test exists for a “virus” that has never been isolated and purified from an “infected” subject).
The PCR test is obviously fraudulent, even according to its Nobel-Prize-winning inventor, who conveniently passed away in 2019, but had emphasized that the test is no good for diagnosing illness (its primary function is to take DNA samples). In August, 2021, even the CDC declared it useless (about a year after a Portuguese court had done so), which it later retracted, resulting in a process of gaslighting that eerily resembled the fake controversy around the muzzles (yes, the humiliating, dangerous, and poisonous torture/obedience-training devices, whose main role in 2020 was to keep up the illusion of a “pandemic,” while contributing to the “symptoms”).
THE MAJOR PROBLEM WITH THE PCR TEST is that it is still used for creating “cases,” (fear-mongering) even for “monkey pox” (more fear-mongering) and for the “bird flu” (slaughtering animals sickened by chemtrails and radio waves, which nicely contributes to the disruption of the food supply so that starving people will be happy to eat insects (which is being implemented) and even celebrate their NWO “saviors”).
The fraud extends to all alternative “tests,” such as looking for “antibodies” (and the “tests” contain pretty much the same toxins as the PCR tests), because it’s impossible to create a test for something that has not been isolated and purified (forget that it has never been proven to cause illnesses).
Whether “viruses” exist or not, depends on what is called a “virus.”Ultimately, it’s a matter of lesser importance.
Nearly a couple of weeks ago, I managed to add to Steve’s current collection of photographed “viruses.”
The “monkeypox virus” allowed itself to be photographed!
Tiny, lifeless particles that carry fragmented DNA do exist, but they have never been uniformly isolated from a sick person and “viral transmission” has never been proven to cause a disease. In the meanwhile, Viral Theory, based on the equally useless Germ Theory, is being used for global control and for depopulation.
Is it really that important to “stay healthy”?
The narrative of “saving lives” is brutal and criminal:
The symptoms of the non-existent illness, however, are real:
More evidence:
And more:
Please, notice that there is no single cause of all the symptoms, but even the stupidest “doctor” knows that the same symptoms can be caused by several sources. “Covid” is “diagnosed” from symptoms, which alone should be enough to reveal the worldwide fraud of a “pandemic” that never existed...
The worst part of Steve’s “challenge” is that it also works as a diversion from the imminent food and energy shortages, the building of mercenary armies, and the fully-operational “Green Zones” (aka. death camps).
My FAVORITE comment on that entire Steve Kirsch post is as follows:
20 hr ago
I would love seeing a group of unbiased researchers performing the steps described. As I said, I don't have money to bet anything or finance such work. But someone else could. Those are logic and necessary steps, I believe.
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Steve Kirsch
18 hr agoAuthor
That is not how science works. Science does not prescribe a specific method to make a specific determination.
^^^ I laughed out loud so hard at that 😂 thats all you need to know about Mr Kirsch - the guy who "relies on experts to tell him whether or not viruses have been isolated" (his words, not mine).... "experts" like Malone, who are funded by Big Pharma & DoD, and who has his very own version of the CV quackzine, which is OBVIOUSLY much safer & more effective than all the others. Obviously!
I'm linking this again just because I find it so comical. And because so many people in the so-called truth movement WORSHIP this man.
As you've already alluded to... Covid-19 has never been isolated and purified and appears to be nothing more than a 'diagnosed set of symptoms'. Which of course is ideal for their numbers game of "cases". When they ramp that PCR up to 48 cycles, they can safely stamp any old sniffle as being a Covid-positive! Throw in a few million of their ludicrous 'asymptomatic' cases and the sky's the limit! Throw in a little Remdesivir and a ventilator.. you've got the ultimate C-19 case... a burial.