sk is on the psychopaths team -he thinks gates is a good guy -from his mouth on video interview-he is playing a part to confused people and drag them on with his usual antics style-big spender
As far as I know, he even invests in pharmaceuticals and congregates with his ilk. Other than that, occasionally, he publishes useful details, but one must be careful, just like with Mercola (the following is only one of my articles in which I analyze his publications, and I usually lose a few subscribers; better late than never :) ):
So much of what Steve does seems like a temper tantrum that he can't get over. I suspect he knows he's in a trap that he can't get out of; he knows that virologists either are lying or are so consumed by their worldview that they couldn't possibly alter it; he draws attention to himself reflexively (like that's all he does, really); and his fixations on things that don't matter make him less relevant. He's on the wrong side of history with "viruses," he knows it, and he's perhaps hoping some brilliant virologist out there will be able to save him, even though none can do the impossible.
Steve is not trying to draw attention to himself. Look at his AUDIENCE! (Let me overuse and torture a metaphor.) When trying to teach kindergartners, you must speak to THEM, at their level! You can't GET to grad-school-student depths that assume knowledge and willingness to follow and understand! Most people cannot and don't want to try to get there! Steve is working on teaching people (with a 'kindergarten' education background, and who did not even sign UP for this schooling) about the dangerous 'thing' in their metaphorical classroom.
I suggest that trying to break through the 100-yr (world-wide) propaganda that "vaccines are ALWAYS safe and effective" is hard enough, because that (not-)truism has been so deeply implanted it's at a reflex level: tap THAT nerve and the instant response is "safe and effective, safe and effective, squawk"! I am about 90% onboard with no such thing as a virus! However, as long as people are being murdered with Run-dearth is near and midazolam -- STOPPING those murders takes priority over disassembling the apparent fraud that "viruses exist."
Triage, folks! You work on the "injury" most likely to kill the patient(s) FIRST, and only later try to get them to quit smoking. (See? Metaphor murder! It's a skill and I have it!)
Once we STOP this world-wide bioweapon and ALL things related to it, to which EVERY damned govt seems to be hypnotically addicted, taking time and energy to have the deep careful scientific discussion and investigation needed for "do viruses exist" means MORE folks being killed, and slotted into 24/7/365 malign control. IF we do not STOP the mad controllers pushing ever harder as they can almost, barely, just-not-quite, see their final goal approaching, end of our world! WE MUST STOP THEM! Then we will have and make time to force discovery of the truth about viruses.
However, IF we try to sidetrack the triage of massive world-wide deaths, to discuss "smoking" (i.e., the existence or non- of viruses), then the 'bleeding' people will wander off (and lots more will die). THEY don't care. I so wish they did! I wish they WANTED to know more. They don't. Surely you, too, have had small success in awakening people to NOT get shotshotboostedboosted?! (My bro-in-law died after a month of torture in the hospital. As everything covid is on my sister's list of "topics we do not discuss" -- I CANNOT even urge her to protect herself and her son FROM the 3X poison she has taken/allowed!)
Old ambulance-work balance: IF the guy is bleeding out, you do NOT pay attention to his broken ankle till AFTER you stop the bleeding.
Dear old Steve Kirsch and his teams and peers are trying STOP people (MPAI {sigh}) from doing MORE harm to themselves and their kids. Once we've saved as many lives as we can, THEN I really truly hope to participate in the discussions and investigations to continue the disassembly and destruction of "standard medicine"! That time is. not. yet. The person acting ON that mission is NOT and cannot be Steve (or even most of the docs trying to help vaxx-injured and dying).
Please y'all: sort yourselves OUT into one or the other path until the emergency is over! **Triage** (which includes MAINLY teaching/warning metaphorical kindergartners) OR (not "and"! not "instead"!) the **scientific investigation** to find the truth. The two paths head in a similar direction -- but one is littered with dead and dying, the other heads into various labs...
But won't investigation to find the truth at least sometimes suggest dissemination of a truth (supposedly) found, in particular if that truth is a way to stop the ongoing mass malnutrition, maiming, and murder?
No. Because the truth about viruses is of NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER to the vast masses -- esp. not to those who are dying and have been maimed... When you're facing vax injury or turbo cancer or myo/peri- you don't GIVE A TINKERS DAM about viruses or not-viruses! You want to STOP your decline. All these suffering injured, calling our hero docs (many after months and $$$$ trying tog et help from stupid docs!) ONLY care about: "SAVE me! Make it STOP!"
They don't care, they don't want to know, ANYthing unless it is specifically and directly related to HELPING them! I used to try to back up my warnings to my (argh: shotshotboosted!) sisters by saying 'this study said this or that.' And was answered by:
"I'm not going READ a study!"
"YES! I KNOW you're not. *I* HAVE read the studies! Please PLEASE listen to me and do what I say! I have READ the studies, I DO know this is poison! PLEASE don't take the poison-vaxx or let your kid do so!!"
"I just do what my doctor tells me...." (Followed, some months later by: "The doctors didn't KNOW what my husband was dying of! They are just trying everything!")
"Did they try ivermectin?"
"He doesn't HAVE covid!!"
"No, but his symptoms SOUND like it's the poison-vaxx, and IVM HELPS with that!"
"We're NOT talking about this anymore."
There is no chance in this LIFETIME that she will EVER care if viruses exist or not -- and it will make not the slightest DENT in her decisions -- that is what her doctor is for. (OH God help me -- I have two sisters, two nephews, one bro-in-law -- and that's my ENTIRE family!! Am I going to be left entirely alone?! I'm Cassandra, crying a warning to those who won't hear!
What doc was it I just heard in a podcast where a man in his 30s came in with (newly 'arrived') testicular pain. Thankfully, he and his wife already had two kids... but yes, it was testicular cancer, and turbo, and when they removed his testicle -- EVERY cell in it was stuffed with spike!
Can you imagine ANY circumstance under which this man would CARE about viruses?! ALL he wants is to stay alive for his kids!
Until it happens to you. My DIL was a total liberal, all the kid jabs. Till her 16-year-old daughter Nearly died of Gates HPV-Gardasil. She is an adult now, with a daughter of her own. Everything is organic, homemade, grown, and NOT 1 KID JAB. Halle was a 2 lb preemie. Never sick until the Garadsil.
How many doctors and nurses and med boards, and administrators ALREADY KNOW enough "science" to know poison-vaxx and Run-deathisnear and venting and and and.... are MURDER -- and do it anyway? How come THEY don't give a damn about whether or not viruses exist? Just think of the fight that will be needed to get through to them -- and it's info that AFFECTS their careers. Normies don't care, won't learn. We here are NOT normies. Know your audience!
The truth is that the technocrats want to eliminate most of the world's population and turn the rest into cyborg slaves. They are using "health" edicts and the "climate-change" racket towards their goal. If their enablers and enforcers realized they won't be spared, either, the plan would stall and it might even fail. Alternatively, introducing a gold-based currency would render the globalists irrelevant, because they are holding the world captive by controlling the worldwide money flow with their worthless fiat money.
The truth cannot change a thing: only those in power could, but they would do that only if they could be convinced it is in THEIR best interest. Fat chance.
“The truth cannot change a thing”. I guess you must mean the truth becoming believed/known by (more) people. Don't you think that the more people are convinced of what you've asserted (above what I've quoted)—which I fear is by and large correct—the greater the likelihood of effective resistance being mounted?
Ever since I turned 17, I noticed a huge paradox in people's communication. On the one hand, it looked like it's impossible even for two well-meaning and intelligent persons to fully agree, but on the other hand, I noticed that if I kept talking to such people long enough, differences boiled down to implications and terminologies and, fundamentally, it was possible to arrive at a consensus.
Are there tiny fairies dancing polka on the tip of this needle? We can not see any, so they are there, but just a few of them.
Nonexistence of something can actually be proven if the space where it is supposed to be is limited and searchable. So when they look into a patient sample and can not find any viruses, the conclusion should logically be they are not there, not that there is too few of them.
"The worst part of Steve’s “challenge” is that it also works as a diversion from the imminent food and energy shortages, the building of mercenary armies, and the fully-operational “Green Zones” (aka. death camps)."
In that vein, here's something I find particularly chilling:
South Africa must NOT be allowed to fall into medical tyranny!
My FAVORITE comment on that entire Steve Kirsch post is as follows:
20 hr ago
I would love seeing a group of unbiased researchers performing the steps described. As I said, I don't have money to bet anything or finance such work. But someone else could. Those are logic and necessary steps, I believe.
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Steve Kirsch
18 hr agoAuthor
That is not how science works. Science does not prescribe a specific method to make a specific determination.
^^^ I laughed out loud so hard at that 😂 thats all you need to know about Mr Kirsch - the guy who "relies on experts to tell him whether or not viruses have been isolated" (his words, not mine).... "experts" like Malone, who are funded by Big Pharma & DoD, and who has his very own version of the CV quackzine, which is OBVIOUSLY much safer & more effective than all the others. Obviously!
I'm linking this again just because I find it so comical. And because so many people in the so-called truth movement WORSHIP this man.
If you watch their videos they're trying to push science as being only from those whom you trust. It kind of sounds like blockchain. Maybe blockheadchain.
As you've already alluded to... Covid-19 has never been isolated and purified and appears to be nothing more than a 'diagnosed set of symptoms'. Which of course is ideal for their numbers game of "cases". When they ramp that PCR up to 48 cycles, they can safely stamp any old sniffle as being a Covid-positive! Throw in a few million of their ludicrous 'asymptomatic' cases and the sky's the limit! Throw in a little Remdesivir and a ventilator.. you've got the ultimate C-19 case... a burial.
The most important feature of the fraud is that it is used for depopulation and control. Even vaxxicologists cannot deny that, so justifying their evil deeds contradicts their own manipulative ideology of "saving lives." Even if their victims survive, what kind of a life is it to live in fear and technocratic slavery?
As long as the narrative prevails (esp. the "killer virus," based on Germ Theory), there will be no end to new "viral infections" and "pandemics," perpetuating further oppression.
Well, John, it's an honor to have you around. Down Under in Oz must have been a bad nightmare. I'm not sure how I would have handled six thugs dressed up as highwaymen jumping on my in the street for not being muzzled... Here, in rural KY, that was a no-brainer, so there were no six thugs, no matter how much they were offered for the job. :)
Their plans have been so multi-threaded and so perfectly executed in the last two and a half years that I suspect that they are using the recommendations of an AI that is running a live worldwide simulation on a quantum graphene nanocomputer that is fed live information (I know you are familiar with the following, but I placing the link here for new readers):
As for crime, big cities are the worst here, too. It doesn't matter if you have a gun, because the winner is the one who pulls his first. One of the primary tenets of legal gun ownership is that you never pull a gun, unless you are ready to use it.
Some people from Oz noted somewhere on the web that Aussies are pretty well-armed, but they don't use their weapons for public display. Anyway, self-defense stuff is pretty much restricted to... well, self-defense.
Kentucky is the fifth poorest state, but it has the 5th lowest crime rate (well, Lousville and Lexington suck). A well-armed population is a polite population. :)
When I was visiting Europe, I went to a hunting store and asked for a "real" handgun (a Beretta or something), which I knew was not allowed to be sold, but I was curious. The shop assistant simply told me it was going to be $500 and I should stop by the next day. :) Of course, I never did, but found the little adventure educational. :)
We don't have anything remotely like your fabulous '2nd Amendment'.. which of course is purely there in case the 1st one should break down! Yes... out in the rural areas of OZ they are pretty armed up (for farm management). But of course, those weapons could easily be used for other things should the need arise.
Drop box is a drag. The same source has more of his work. You can also go to where Jon Rappaport cites his sources with links. Harold Hillman among them.
Did you also experience that Rappoport is authentic on nomorefakenews, but not really on Substack?
He never used to be vulgar without being witty or funny, but he is in his Substack article today, and he was in "his" first post. Is he shadowed or only his ghostwriter sucks?
I will definitely be saving this. Thank you! Previously, I only had this link saved... I havent checked out all of your research yet but if you don't already have it...
Ray, you know I don't ascribe to the no virus theory, if I did I wouldn't have studied them for 40+ years. However, this in no way is a "virus vs toxin argument."
Few of us are going to argue that "there are no toxins" because we all know there are.
We also know, that frequently the toxin plus virus scenario causes disease, even cancer, and some of these toxins are electromagnetic, radioactive, gamma/cosmic ray, and such.
I only ask that you keep an open mind.
Recklessly discarding decades of work by thousands of researchers to fit some 'consensus' is not the way forward, in any event.
You see, Edwin, I was 17, when I coined the adage,
"Everybody means well. The only problem is that they cannot agree on what they consider good."
97 out of a 100 "researchers" are funded by the parties that later profit from the "research." To me, such "studies" only demonstrate fraud, even if those paid agents called "scientists" devote 10 trillion lifetimes to their criminal activities... The remaining three researchers are quickly silenced...
Following the money and the gravy trail is anything but "reckless," wouldn't you say?
"Viruses" (aka. exosomes) are not alive, but are certainly toxic, so above a certain level of concentration, their toxic content can cause poisonings, which are mistaken for "infections."
When it comes to "carcinogenic viruses," it's a lot more coherent system that assumes that "viruses" are the products of detoxification from carcinogens.
You don't have to ask me to keep an open mind; I have never cared for being right and changed my stance, whenever it needed corrections due to incoming information. I am interested in facts, but even "facts" comprise so many components now that only a few of them can be observed at a time. Conclusions can only be based on whatever works. When judged by that principle, Virology doesn't work; it's an ideology and a side show.
It doesn't matter what those tiny particles are called; I prefer something else than "viruses," because there are too many controversies surrounding the term.
Of course, I am always open for absorbing new information that doesn't come from compromised sources.
Read the following story by Bill Sardi. (shortened)
"About 4 years after 9-11 I was in a taxicab in New York City, headed towards a hotel on Long Island, when I struck up a conversation with the cabby, a foreigner from the middle east.
Four years earlier I happened to have been in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001 when the airliners hit the World Trade Center towers. So, I had a first-person experience of the event.
So, I was chatting with this cab driver from the back seat during my trip. I explained Building 7 that collapsed in a planned explosion without any planes hitting it (“they had to pull it” said Building 7 leasee Larry Silverstein, who is reported to have purchased terrorism insurance just prior to the event).
I talked on an on, about the circumstances surrounding that event. The renovation of the fire sprinkling system in the Trade Towers when explosives could have been planted in the buildings. That there was a “near-simultaneous failure of every column in the towers.”
I quoted Dr. Stan Monteith, who at the time had a popular radio show, who always opened his show by saying: “America has the best enemies money can buy.” How America stages wars to create employment and buoys the wealth of the military industrial complex.
How the U.S. used 9-11 to place military in Afghanistan to take over the opium trade there.
The cab driver politely listened. I was gauging his reactions. His facial expressions did not tip off any disbelief in what I was saying.
I was lamenting why Americans seemed to be oblivious to any idea our own government was behind 9-11.
The cabby finally said: “You know, if all that you have said is true, then we have no hope.”
That explained to me why there is such silence over 9-11. We as Americans can’t face the idea that our own government plotted to create 9-11. If America is not what it pretends to be, then there IS NO HOPE for the rest of the countries in the world that exist under oppression from its leaders.
And you ask if COVID-19 is real or fake?"
--Bill Sardi
Ray, if what you say is true, then I also postulate we have NO HOPE.
If even basic "non-profit" work is corrupted to support the "profitable" research, decades before any such research would even be possible or even theoretical, we damn sure have NO HOPE.
And if there are no 'uncompromised' sources of information, then we have NO HOPE.
But guess what, Ray, penicillin works, cell phones work, my girlfriend's iPad works, even the hi-tech 6-speed Mercedes manual transmission in my 15 year old Jeep works, usually, Relief Factor even works, perhaps the biggest surprise of all.
Don't confuse you having NO HOPE with we having NO HOPE.
Edwin, you have inspired a new topic that might become popular! Just posted it.
Mindfulness requires readiness. Hope simply diverts one's attention and doesn't accomplish a thing. It's kind of like "being open" for new information. Always have a plan, act on it, but be flexible about it, so when the time comes, you can employ the best solution to a problem.
No I wouldn't, not at all. You know, Ray, I don't get these tic tok, or you tube, or whatever in the video format, as compared to reading. And I realize that puts me in a small minority.
I have a saying,
"No amount of evidence and explanation will make a difference to people dug in their beliefs, even if the arguments are simple and clear." THIS is what the other side says about us. No wonder Tom Cowan, Christine Massey, Mark Bailey, etc. won't talk to you. You can ask questions/discuss/debate/disagree and still not piss people off by not insulting them or their beliefs.
"No wonder Tom Cowan, Christine Massey, Mark Bailey, etc. won't talk to you." - this is incorrect. the frauds, incl. Kirsch, are the ones who "ran away" from the debate. Neither he nor his team would talk to them but he continued lying about it. I linked Massey's documents at the bottom of this article
This is why I "recommend" Steve's page: he doesn't ban opposing views, and you can reach a lot of people in the comment section, assuming you comment early.
Kirsch banned me for 100 years for one comment sharing my research. He comments that my work is "ridiculous" and he could see why I had so few subscribers at the time.
Don't kid yourself Ray. That happened after ONE COMMENT on ONE POST.
I also remember trying to upload a prinstcreen to use the link in my article, and jumpshare would not let me. Lol! He and his scam have the same "protections" as dirty public officials - one cannot tell the truth about them, the majority of the websites would not "allow" it.
I also remember seeing him removing comments. There was a comment section opened on my computer and when I wanted to like it, the system would not let me. When I refreshed the page, it was gone. Not removed by the user but by the owner - there is a difference how the removed comment (or its "remnants" would appear on the page). The comment was challenging him regarding how he treated Massey, etc.
I also think that one can reach hardly anyone on there, even if he does not remove or ban. People are complete hypnotized zombies on there (with the exception of the ones who might come there to try and challenge him).
And of course his false "offerings" and "challenges" involving promises of his "milllions." What a liar and a fraud. How is it possible that people cannot see it.
Thank you for the details. I knew he makes fun of his potential opponents and obviously doesn't give them a chance to fight him fairly, but I didn't know about his banning business.
I usually post brief comments after his articles. My comments usually address the basis for his misconceptions, and are anything but nice. He even bothered to respond a couple of times in the last three months, but he was respectful. I guess, he didn't take me for a serious opponent. Still, I have collected the highest number of my subscribers from his comment section. And the numbers on my substack are steadily growing, which suggests that not everybody is a zombie.
Please, join the new movement of people requesting their own comment section for specific subjects! This was the first one:
My American History class in school taught me that the US GOV gave 'small pox' infected blankets to the Native Americans, resulting in their getting smallpox. So, no 5G or 4G or 3G then. Is it possible that there is both contagion AND 5G damage, and they can work in tandem to worsen sickness? Insisting all viral illnesses do not exist seems quite a stretch to me when I look at the history of illnesses. Black Plague would be included as evidence of 'something' spreading virally. Perhaps folks can attribute it all to some kind of solar flare or such? Finally, when moms would have a 'chickenpox' party so ALL the kids would get it at the same time and get it over with, like many of the childhood 'diseases' that develop natural immunity. None of this makes sense if you do not have some kind of 'contagion' that behaves so consistantly.
I'm by no means up to date with critical history with Native Americans. The last I came across was Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz's An Indigenous Peoples' History of the US some years ago. At one time, I lived in wetsern MS not far from Amherst, named after the colonial British baron infamous for being among the first associated with the biowarfare of smallpox-infected blankets (what a proud history of landmarks we the people have in the US!; cf. James Loewen's Lies Across America).
Anyway, one historical claim of which I've been suspicious is that the decimation of Native Americans from European settler colonialism primarily was due to transmissable diseases which simply resulted from unfortunate natural exposure more than any deliberate policy of genocide, as Amherst would exemplify. My suspicion includes such stories as those of Amherst, which seem like they could serve as 'exceptions' which support that claim, making this use of germ theory a very convenient means of whitewashing the systemic extermination of native peoples. (By way of analogy, the 'Spanish flu' of 1918, said to be responsible for tens of millions of deaths, provides cover for other factors like WW1 vaccination policy, as for meningitis, and rollout of radio and its toxic EMFs, but perhaps most of all the further mass casualties among common people of this rich man's war caused by its devastation and consequent compromises to immunity, nutrtition, and other resources for survival.)
Whatever a deep dive into this history might reveal, stories of disease-laced blankets, and chickenpox parties too, remain at most suggestive rather than providing any demonstration or proof of virology's claim that there are pathogenic agents, viruses, which exist independently of hosts already within the body's processes, a la terrian theory, and invade us by transmission to cause disease; conveniently evading attention to other toxic sources which might prove problematic to the same industries, and funding sources, like Big Oil/Big Pharma that have monopolized medical 'science' with dubious theories pushed as much as the snake-oil drugs, including vaxxes (the real bioweapon), that go along with them, much to their profit and power, particularly as we are now suffering.
Toxins. Everything can be explained by toxins. Not viruses.
There was no "smallpox infected blankets". What is more likely, is that in that area, there were KNOWN poisonous plants & berries. Which you could then rub on the blankets, and BOOM. Skin rash/pox.
Black plague was likely due to the lack of sanitation & clean water. People were literally living in their own waste. The sulfur & other gasses in the air were often described by people during the black plague. Yet another obvious toxin in the air being breathed in.
I would add trauma to that list. Along the lines of German New Medicine (GNM). The illness may not be as obvious as a pox, it could be subtle and creates a certain body chemistry, i.e. anxiety, that affects the cycling of sympathetic to parasympathetic which may cause an excess of adrenalin and weaken digestion for example.
While I don't particularly care for CHD (it uses too much of the official narrative and accepts fake authorities quite a bit), this article contains refreshing and informative details!
Thanks Ray....also, now that you mention it, I know that rye grain can develop a type of fungus? ergot that can make folks ill....hmmm small discussion on ergot here
this is more complete on Ergot, it is both a medicine and a toxin depending...but it does fit wrt the 'black plague' symptoms... 24 min ergot
Fungal pathogens and common parasites seem to comprise a major part of the mass poisoning that contribute to "covid" symptoms, beyond 5G installations. We have an invasion of microspcopic mites this year in rural KY. Their bites sting and itch and who knows what they carry...
ps that longer ergot vid I shared is quite amazeballs re ergot and its uses in medicine, and relationship to LSD...St elmos fire et al.......worth it ! 1958 or so...
Thank you I hadn't clocked it was Stefan Lanka's site, it's really interesting. Concerning monkey pox I was directed to this paper where
A POX-LIKE 'infection' was observed in a female cynologous monkey (B-39) approximately 45 dlays following exposure to whole-body irradiation of 350 r.!! if only these people could hear themselves
I am a retired Barefoot Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and I would like to add some useful info to your wonderful comment, Socrates.
There are words, used in all the ancient texts, which translate to "external pernicious influences" precisely. This would include all parasites, radiation, poisons, bites, stings and unseen microbial life. They are all treated under one over-arching division. They are treated by examining the pulse and tongue of each individual and no one formula fits all.
The Chinese have been using Artemesinin (wormwood) effectively in their formulas to treat Covid. It should be noted that this herb is generally prescribed for blood parasites in diseases like Malaria.
Doesn't this tell us why IVM and HCQ work for some people but not all? I was wondering how TCM viewed this. This supports the idea that Covid is an umbrella diagnosis and while these meds may help some, for others it is a different cause, i.e. radiation or toxins or deficiency, which is why the parasites may have been there in the first place. The meds then may or may not correct the situation.
The ancient texts talk of three interwoven energies: Physical chi, mental chi and spiritual chi. If one of the three is unwell it shows in the other two. Therefore it is possible to treat the mind by detoxing and nourishing the body or clear the body by detoxing the spirit. A good TCM practitioner always attends to all three at once!
Scientists have tried & failed to demonstrate contagion. There are a number of publications discussed in the first 20 mins of this video, but I am now thinking about collecting them all in a folder because everyone always goes back to this argument to support their virus theory.
The virus ruse has been used since the invention of the telegraph to cover the electrification and consequent radiation disorders we call flu.
If we do not prove, once and for all, that viruses are POISONS and probably radiation poisoning to be precise, the idiots in allopathy will continue to teach and practice their mistaken medical activities which are seriously damaging humanity.
To make a long story short: for those who make the dicisions, it doesn't matter what people think or do. What matters is what is happening and that doesn't seem to connect with the people.
Yes, you and I know that cell towers are bad, but what can we do about it? Living within a 150 yards from high-voltage lines also causes cancer, but people still live there...
In America, when you go to a "doctor," the very first thing they make you do is sign a form of consent, which prevents you from suing later for medical malpractice, unless you can prove malicious intent. Good luck with that... Who would go to someone for help, who profits from keeping people ill and has no liability? Yes, you are right: the morons. Still, they seem to amount to a substantial part of the population. Is that natural selection? :)
Just like there is no "virus," there are no tests.
Testing herbal stuff is essential, but I'm not sure one lifetime is long enough for it, if it is exercised with caution.
I am recalling an elderly lady from Austria, who wrote a best-seller about herbal medications in the mid-1980s. The title was something like "Remedies from God's Pharmacy."
Only a few years later, her liver gave in... Too many "remedies," it looked like.
It only proves one of the most essential tenets in "healthcare": there is no free lunch...
Your limited understanding of herbalism is abysmal, Ray! What do you suppose humans used for tens of thousands of years before Rockefeller and his pharma?
The testing was done by generations and generations. The documentation in TCM goes back 6,000 years! Try reading the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine which is one of very few Chinese medical texts that have been translated into English.... Oh, and GUESS WHO restricted the dissemination of Chinese medical knowledge? You won't...... it was the Jesuits.
Not only did they prevent the knowledge from leaving China but they took over the translation of essential philosophical books and MIS-TRANSLATED them. They taught that Chinese practices were fraught with sexual depravity and chopping parts of living animals. They infiltrated Mao Tse Tung's advisers and advocated for the jailing of all the doctors.
Don't get me started on how much else has been lost around the world since the witch burnings......
My familiarity is definitely limited; I mostly rely on common sense.
That's why herbal remedies are my wife's area in the family.
One thing I do know about herbs: potency varies... All of them include stuff that might heal, but poisonous above a certain dosage.
As for cultural history, that is part of my fields of concentration.
The Jesuits didn't have any power; wherever they went, they befriended the lords and convinced them, so the common folks had to follow. Rulers usually went for options that were more advantageous for them. The Jesuits were kicked out of China sometime in the mid-1600s to the end of the 1700s after the Dominicans and the Franciscans preached in public squares and told people that Confucianism was from the Devil! After missionaries were allowed in China again, proselytizing was restricted by a papal decree that did not allow to make the Sacrament out of rice (wheat for bread was not readily available).
"Infiltrating" an atheistic government simply doesn't add up for a religious order, whose objective was to convert people. What could they have achieved by having doctors jailed? Mao didn't need any doctors: he killed tens of millions of people around him without any "medical" help. :)
And yes, you are welcome to get started with the witch burnings!
"The Jesuits didn't have any power" - sorry but that is the most incredible thing I have seen you write. The rest of your comment isn't far behind.
I don't think you would accept that the Jesuits instigated the witch burnings so I think I will leave it there because you must be reading very different accounts of Jesuit history to those I researched over 10 years ago.
I am 100% fluent in Mandarin, read and write modern Chinese, and can read Classical Chinese. I'm also conversant in the basic tenants and lingo of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), but never dove as deeply as I'd like to (applied and was accepted to a TCM college ~20 years ago, but didn't end up attending).
I'm not quite seeing the necessity of going all the way back to, as you say, "ancient" Chinese writings on medicine, beyond say the cornerstone of modern TCM, being the 本草綱目 Compendium of Herbs compiled in the 16th century. This is not to dismiss the literature preceding that work, going all the way back to the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic 皇帝內經 and many works originally written in classical (AKA "ancient") Chinese, but there are numerous versions of all the classics available that are nicely "decoded" into 白話文 modern vernacular Chinese. So the knowledge base is all there, with no appreciable disconnect due to the reader's inability to decipher ancient texts.
One nice thing about modern guides to ancient Chinese texts is that they typically present the original text along with a modern vernacular rendering. This helps the astute reader improve comprehension of classical Chinese - knowledge that can be applied going forward.
I am certainly inspired to investigate references to contagion in the body of TCM literature, which would have to pre-date the "contagion" of germ theory from the West since Pasteur. Hopefully I can report on any such findings.
Simplified Chinese is an abomination and affront to the language. But believe it or not, classical texts printed in the PRC are published with simplified characters only. And so it goes...
I'm not familiar with Ni, but what you said about Taiwan carrying the mantle in some ways is true. Chinese medicine also thrived earlier in Taiwan, over a half century under Japanese rule (1895-1945).
Congratulations to your partner on the translation of the most ancient classic on TCM. I'm sure there will be great interest among modern English readers and students and practitioners of TCM.
That is really nice work, and I appreciate the notes especially.
I've been seeing an acupuncturist regularly for several months, and I found it quite interesting that my current state (just came from my latest visit) is spleen deficiency 脾虛 and that the spleen is the related organ to the transitional Long Summer season.
I'm pretty sure this has been part of my condition for all these months, but curious if it has become more manifest during this particular season. Definitely something to monitor, consider, and discuss with my acupuncturist.
sk is on the psychopaths team -he thinks gates is a good guy -from his mouth on video interview-he is playing a part to confused people and drag them on with his usual antics style-big spender
As far as I know, he even invests in pharmaceuticals and congregates with his ilk. Other than that, occasionally, he publishes useful details, but one must be careful, just like with Mercola (the following is only one of my articles in which I analyze his publications, and I usually lose a few subscribers; better late than never :) ):
LOTS of "popular" authors are similar on Substack...
It's a "we want to run the show" to which "they're trying to kill you with covid" is convenient but if they win they want to "keep that virus shit".
So much of what Steve does seems like a temper tantrum that he can't get over. I suspect he knows he's in a trap that he can't get out of; he knows that virologists either are lying or are so consumed by their worldview that they couldn't possibly alter it; he draws attention to himself reflexively (like that's all he does, really); and his fixations on things that don't matter make him less relevant. He's on the wrong side of history with "viruses," he knows it, and he's perhaps hoping some brilliant virologist out there will be able to save him, even though none can do the impossible.
Steve is not trying to draw attention to himself. Look at his AUDIENCE! (Let me overuse and torture a metaphor.) When trying to teach kindergartners, you must speak to THEM, at their level! You can't GET to grad-school-student depths that assume knowledge and willingness to follow and understand! Most people cannot and don't want to try to get there! Steve is working on teaching people (with a 'kindergarten' education background, and who did not even sign UP for this schooling) about the dangerous 'thing' in their metaphorical classroom.
I suggest that trying to break through the 100-yr (world-wide) propaganda that "vaccines are ALWAYS safe and effective" is hard enough, because that (not-)truism has been so deeply implanted it's at a reflex level: tap THAT nerve and the instant response is "safe and effective, safe and effective, squawk"! I am about 90% onboard with no such thing as a virus! However, as long as people are being murdered with Run-dearth is near and midazolam -- STOPPING those murders takes priority over disassembling the apparent fraud that "viruses exist."
Triage, folks! You work on the "injury" most likely to kill the patient(s) FIRST, and only later try to get them to quit smoking. (See? Metaphor murder! It's a skill and I have it!)
Once we STOP this world-wide bioweapon and ALL things related to it, to which EVERY damned govt seems to be hypnotically addicted, taking time and energy to have the deep careful scientific discussion and investigation needed for "do viruses exist" means MORE folks being killed, and slotted into 24/7/365 malign control. IF we do not STOP the mad controllers pushing ever harder as they can almost, barely, just-not-quite, see their final goal approaching, end of our world! WE MUST STOP THEM! Then we will have and make time to force discovery of the truth about viruses.
However, IF we try to sidetrack the triage of massive world-wide deaths, to discuss "smoking" (i.e., the existence or non- of viruses), then the 'bleeding' people will wander off (and lots more will die). THEY don't care. I so wish they did! I wish they WANTED to know more. They don't. Surely you, too, have had small success in awakening people to NOT get shotshotboostedboosted?! (My bro-in-law died after a month of torture in the hospital. As everything covid is on my sister's list of "topics we do not discuss" -- I CANNOT even urge her to protect herself and her son FROM the 3X poison she has taken/allowed!)
Old ambulance-work balance: IF the guy is bleeding out, you do NOT pay attention to his broken ankle till AFTER you stop the bleeding.
Dear old Steve Kirsch and his teams and peers are trying STOP people (MPAI {sigh}) from doing MORE harm to themselves and their kids. Once we've saved as many lives as we can, THEN I really truly hope to participate in the discussions and investigations to continue the disassembly and destruction of "standard medicine"! That time is. not. yet. The person acting ON that mission is NOT and cannot be Steve (or even most of the docs trying to help vaxx-injured and dying).
Please y'all: sort yourselves OUT into one or the other path until the emergency is over! **Triage** (which includes MAINLY teaching/warning metaphorical kindergartners) OR (not "and"! not "instead"!) the **scientific investigation** to find the truth. The two paths head in a similar direction -- but one is littered with dead and dying, the other heads into various labs...
But won't investigation to find the truth at least sometimes suggest dissemination of a truth (supposedly) found, in particular if that truth is a way to stop the ongoing mass malnutrition, maiming, and murder?
No. Because the truth about viruses is of NO INTEREST WHATSOEVER to the vast masses -- esp. not to those who are dying and have been maimed... When you're facing vax injury or turbo cancer or myo/peri- you don't GIVE A TINKERS DAM about viruses or not-viruses! You want to STOP your decline. All these suffering injured, calling our hero docs (many after months and $$$$ trying tog et help from stupid docs!) ONLY care about: "SAVE me! Make it STOP!"
They don't care, they don't want to know, ANYthing unless it is specifically and directly related to HELPING them! I used to try to back up my warnings to my (argh: shotshotboosted!) sisters by saying 'this study said this or that.' And was answered by:
"I'm not going READ a study!"
"YES! I KNOW you're not. *I* HAVE read the studies! Please PLEASE listen to me and do what I say! I have READ the studies, I DO know this is poison! PLEASE don't take the poison-vaxx or let your kid do so!!"
"I just do what my doctor tells me...." (Followed, some months later by: "The doctors didn't KNOW what my husband was dying of! They are just trying everything!")
"Did they try ivermectin?"
"He doesn't HAVE covid!!"
"No, but his symptoms SOUND like it's the poison-vaxx, and IVM HELPS with that!"
"We're NOT talking about this anymore."
There is no chance in this LIFETIME that she will EVER care if viruses exist or not -- and it will make not the slightest DENT in her decisions -- that is what her doctor is for. (OH God help me -- I have two sisters, two nephews, one bro-in-law -- and that's my ENTIRE family!! Am I going to be left entirely alone?! I'm Cassandra, crying a warning to those who won't hear!
What doc was it I just heard in a podcast where a man in his 30s came in with (newly 'arrived') testicular pain. Thankfully, he and his wife already had two kids... but yes, it was testicular cancer, and turbo, and when they removed his testicle -- EVERY cell in it was stuffed with spike!
Can you imagine ANY circumstance under which this man would CARE about viruses?! ALL he wants is to stay alive for his kids!
KNOW your audience!
Most people either don't want to know or simply don't have the capacity to handle the situation:
Until it happens to you. My DIL was a total liberal, all the kid jabs. Till her 16-year-old daughter Nearly died of Gates HPV-Gardasil. She is an adult now, with a daughter of her own. Everything is organic, homemade, grown, and NOT 1 KID JAB. Halle was a 2 lb preemie. Never sick until the Garadsil.
How many doctors and nurses and med boards, and administrators ALREADY KNOW enough "science" to know poison-vaxx and Run-deathisnear and venting and and and.... are MURDER -- and do it anyway? How come THEY don't give a damn about whether or not viruses exist? Just think of the fight that will be needed to get through to them -- and it's info that AFFECTS their careers. Normies don't care, won't learn. We here are NOT normies. Know your audience!
Healthcare personnel became hired killers during the plandemic:
The truth is that the technocrats want to eliminate most of the world's population and turn the rest into cyborg slaves. They are using "health" edicts and the "climate-change" racket towards their goal. If their enablers and enforcers realized they won't be spared, either, the plan would stall and it might even fail. Alternatively, introducing a gold-based currency would render the globalists irrelevant, because they are holding the world captive by controlling the worldwide money flow with their worthless fiat money.
The truth cannot change a thing: only those in power could, but they would do that only if they could be convinced it is in THEIR best interest. Fat chance.
“The truth cannot change a thing”. I guess you must mean the truth becoming believed/known by (more) people. Don't you think that the more people are convinced of what you've asserted (above what I've quoted)—which I fear is by and large correct—the greater the likelihood of effective resistance being mounted?
The technocratic scheme is doomed to collapse, but I'm afraid it will come only after most of its objectives have been reached:
Other than that, the only two other options are logically possible, but extremely unlikely.
Ever since I turned 17, I noticed a huge paradox in people's communication. On the one hand, it looked like it's impossible even for two well-meaning and intelligent persons to fully agree, but on the other hand, I noticed that if I kept talking to such people long enough, differences boiled down to implications and terminologies and, fundamentally, it was possible to arrive at a consensus.
Are there tiny fairies dancing polka on the tip of this needle? We can not see any, so they are there, but just a few of them.
Nonexistence of something can actually be proven if the space where it is supposed to be is limited and searchable. So when they look into a patient sample and can not find any viruses, the conclusion should logically be they are not there, not that there is too few of them.
The tiny particles are there, but they are not viruses. They are exosomes. As such, there is virtually unlimited variety of them (not number of them).
"The worst part of Steve’s “challenge” is that it also works as a diversion from the imminent food and energy shortages, the building of mercenary armies, and the fully-operational “Green Zones” (aka. death camps)."
In that vein, here's something I find particularly chilling:
South Africa must NOT be allowed to fall into medical tyranny!
SA and Brasil are significant opposition the the WHO.
As for SA, it's a particular case:
Ha, thanks for the shorter links. :)
I guess this is what controlled opposition looks like, I had the same feeling when he wrote about the lawsuit against Twitter.
My FAVORITE comment on that entire Steve Kirsch post is as follows:
20 hr ago
I would love seeing a group of unbiased researchers performing the steps described. As I said, I don't have money to bet anything or finance such work. But someone else could. Those are logic and necessary steps, I believe.
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Steve Kirsch
18 hr agoAuthor
That is not how science works. Science does not prescribe a specific method to make a specific determination.
^^^ I laughed out loud so hard at that 😂 thats all you need to know about Mr Kirsch - the guy who "relies on experts to tell him whether or not viruses have been isolated" (his words, not mine).... "experts" like Malone, who are funded by Big Pharma & DoD, and who has his very own version of the CV quackzine, which is OBVIOUSLY much safer & more effective than all the others. Obviously!
I'm linking this again just because I find it so comical. And because so many people in the so-called truth movement WORSHIP this man.
That was hilarious!
A process satisfies the condition of the "scientific method," if the same ingredients in the same process generate the same result!
One of my favorite definition of madness:
"Madness is when somebody keeps doing the same thing and expects different results."
Who is mad and who is sane here! :D
If you watch their videos they're trying to push science as being only from those whom you trust. It kind of sounds like blockchain. Maybe blockheadchain.
Right. Morons rely on the freaks of "science":
Blockchain is only the end game:
As you've already alluded to... Covid-19 has never been isolated and purified and appears to be nothing more than a 'diagnosed set of symptoms'. Which of course is ideal for their numbers game of "cases". When they ramp that PCR up to 48 cycles, they can safely stamp any old sniffle as being a Covid-positive! Throw in a few million of their ludicrous 'asymptomatic' cases and the sky's the limit! Throw in a little Remdesivir and a ventilator.. you've got the ultimate C-19 case... a burial.
The most important feature of the fraud is that it is used for depopulation and control. Even vaxxicologists cannot deny that, so justifying their evil deeds contradicts their own manipulative ideology of "saving lives." Even if their victims survive, what kind of a life is it to live in fear and technocratic slavery?
As long as the narrative prevails (esp. the "killer virus," based on Germ Theory), there will be no end to new "viral infections" and "pandemics," perpetuating further oppression.
Exactly! They've essentially discovered 'viral perpetual motion'! Hate em or love em, but you just have to agree... it's a bloody ingenious plan!
Well, John, it's an honor to have you around. Down Under in Oz must have been a bad nightmare. I'm not sure how I would have handled six thugs dressed up as highwaymen jumping on my in the street for not being muzzled... Here, in rural KY, that was a no-brainer, so there were no six thugs, no matter how much they were offered for the job. :)
Their plans have been so multi-threaded and so perfectly executed in the last two and a half years that I suspect that they are using the recommendations of an AI that is running a live worldwide simulation on a quantum graphene nanocomputer that is fed live information (I know you are familiar with the following, but I placing the link here for new readers):
Ray, one major difference between Kentucky USA and Sydney Australia where I live... in Sydney Australia, only the crooks have guns.
As for crime, big cities are the worst here, too. It doesn't matter if you have a gun, because the winner is the one who pulls his first. One of the primary tenets of legal gun ownership is that you never pull a gun, unless you are ready to use it.
Some people from Oz noted somewhere on the web that Aussies are pretty well-armed, but they don't use their weapons for public display. Anyway, self-defense stuff is pretty much restricted to... well, self-defense.
Kentucky is the fifth poorest state, but it has the 5th lowest crime rate (well, Lousville and Lexington suck). A well-armed population is a polite population. :)
When I was visiting Europe, I went to a hunting store and asked for a "real" handgun (a Beretta or something), which I knew was not allowed to be sold, but I was curious. The shop assistant simply told me it was going to be $500 and I should stop by the next day. :) Of course, I never did, but found the little adventure educational. :)
We don't have anything remotely like your fabulous '2nd Amendment'.. which of course is purely there in case the 1st one should break down! Yes... out in the rural areas of OZ they are pretty armed up (for farm management). But of course, those weapons could easily be used for other things should the need arise.
Here is the objective science. I posted this on Kirsch and Alexander's site. Alexander I am of two minds regarding. Kirsch I am not.
Great work! Took me forever to open but I was pleasantly surprised to see Harold Hillman's work.
Drop box is a drag. The same source has more of his work. You can also go to where Jon Rappaport cites his sources with links. Harold Hillman among them.
Did you also experience that Rappoport is authentic on nomorefakenews, but not really on Substack?
He never used to be vulgar without being witty or funny, but he is in his Substack article today, and he was in "his" first post. Is he shadowed or only his ghostwriter sucks?
I just yesterday signed up for his stack. Have not visited yet.
I've been reading it from the beginning. Sometimes it's barely readable... Definitely inferior to his originals.
So is it Rappaport then? Or just simulation?
I will definitely be saving this. Thank you! Previously, I only had this link saved... I havent checked out all of your research yet but if you don't already have it...
Ray, you know I don't ascribe to the no virus theory, if I did I wouldn't have studied them for 40+ years. However, this in no way is a "virus vs toxin argument."
Few of us are going to argue that "there are no toxins" because we all know there are.
We also know, that frequently the toxin plus virus scenario causes disease, even cancer, and some of these toxins are electromagnetic, radioactive, gamma/cosmic ray, and such.
I only ask that you keep an open mind.
Recklessly discarding decades of work by thousands of researchers to fit some 'consensus' is not the way forward, in any event.
This might help about Yeadon. If anyone, he must know what he is talking about!
You see, Edwin, I was 17, when I coined the adage,
"Everybody means well. The only problem is that they cannot agree on what they consider good."
97 out of a 100 "researchers" are funded by the parties that later profit from the "research." To me, such "studies" only demonstrate fraud, even if those paid agents called "scientists" devote 10 trillion lifetimes to their criminal activities... The remaining three researchers are quickly silenced...
Following the money and the gravy trail is anything but "reckless," wouldn't you say?
"Viruses" (aka. exosomes) are not alive, but are certainly toxic, so above a certain level of concentration, their toxic content can cause poisonings, which are mistaken for "infections."
When it comes to "carcinogenic viruses," it's a lot more coherent system that assumes that "viruses" are the products of detoxification from carcinogens.
You don't have to ask me to keep an open mind; I have never cared for being right and changed my stance, whenever it needed corrections due to incoming information. I am interested in facts, but even "facts" comprise so many components now that only a few of them can be observed at a time. Conclusions can only be based on whatever works. When judged by that principle, Virology doesn't work; it's an ideology and a side show.
It doesn't matter what those tiny particles are called; I prefer something else than "viruses," because there are too many controversies surrounding the term.
Of course, I am always open for absorbing new information that doesn't come from compromised sources.
Read the following story by Bill Sardi. (shortened)
"About 4 years after 9-11 I was in a taxicab in New York City, headed towards a hotel on Long Island, when I struck up a conversation with the cabby, a foreigner from the middle east.
Four years earlier I happened to have been in New York City on Sept. 11, 2001 when the airliners hit the World Trade Center towers. So, I had a first-person experience of the event.
So, I was chatting with this cab driver from the back seat during my trip. I explained Building 7 that collapsed in a planned explosion without any planes hitting it (“they had to pull it” said Building 7 leasee Larry Silverstein, who is reported to have purchased terrorism insurance just prior to the event).
I talked on an on, about the circumstances surrounding that event. The renovation of the fire sprinkling system in the Trade Towers when explosives could have been planted in the buildings. That there was a “near-simultaneous failure of every column in the towers.”
I quoted Dr. Stan Monteith, who at the time had a popular radio show, who always opened his show by saying: “America has the best enemies money can buy.” How America stages wars to create employment and buoys the wealth of the military industrial complex.
How the U.S. used 9-11 to place military in Afghanistan to take over the opium trade there.
The cab driver politely listened. I was gauging his reactions. His facial expressions did not tip off any disbelief in what I was saying.
I was lamenting why Americans seemed to be oblivious to any idea our own government was behind 9-11.
The cabby finally said: “You know, if all that you have said is true, then we have no hope.”
That explained to me why there is such silence over 9-11. We as Americans can’t face the idea that our own government plotted to create 9-11. If America is not what it pretends to be, then there IS NO HOPE for the rest of the countries in the world that exist under oppression from its leaders.
And you ask if COVID-19 is real or fake?"
--Bill Sardi
Ray, if what you say is true, then I also postulate we have NO HOPE.
If even basic "non-profit" work is corrupted to support the "profitable" research, decades before any such research would even be possible or even theoretical, we damn sure have NO HOPE.
And if there are no 'uncompromised' sources of information, then we have NO HOPE.
But guess what, Ray, penicillin works, cell phones work, my girlfriend's iPad works, even the hi-tech 6-speed Mercedes manual transmission in my 15 year old Jeep works, usually, Relief Factor even works, perhaps the biggest surprise of all.
Don't confuse you having NO HOPE with we having NO HOPE.
Edwin, you have inspired a new topic that might become popular! Just posted it.
Mindfulness requires readiness. Hope simply diverts one's attention and doesn't accomplish a thing. It's kind of like "being open" for new information. Always have a plan, act on it, but be flexible about it, so when the time comes, you can employ the best solution to a problem.
Would you call that a "no-hope" attitude?
No I wouldn't, not at all. You know, Ray, I don't get these tic tok, or you tube, or whatever in the video format, as compared to reading. And I realize that puts me in a small minority.
I have a saying,
You can thank me later"
Going to check it out in a few.
Thanks Ray.
It would be nice, if it was so simple. But is it?
It is, Ray, it really is.
And you are wrong about 'hope,' it may be the cruelest 'gift,' but it has amazing power.
My comment on Kirsch's post...
"No amount of evidence and explanation will make a difference to people dug in their beliefs, even if the arguments are simple and clear." THIS is what the other side says about us. No wonder Tom Cowan, Christine Massey, Mark Bailey, etc. won't talk to you. You can ask questions/discuss/debate/disagree and still not piss people off by not insulting them or their beliefs.
"No wonder Tom Cowan, Christine Massey, Mark Bailey, etc. won't talk to you." - this is incorrect. the frauds, incl. Kirsch, are the ones who "ran away" from the debate. Neither he nor his team would talk to them but he continued lying about it. I linked Massey's documents at the bottom of this article
This is why I "recommend" Steve's page: he doesn't ban opposing views, and you can reach a lot of people in the comment section, assuming you comment early.
Kirsch banned me for 100 years for one comment sharing my research. He comments that my work is "ridiculous" and he could see why I had so few subscribers at the time.
Don't kid yourself Ray. That happened after ONE COMMENT on ONE POST.
That's quite revealing. Someone else has also posted it here already.
It appears that he does ban opposing views. The very bottom of this article:
I also remember trying to upload a prinstcreen to use the link in my article, and jumpshare would not let me. Lol! He and his scam have the same "protections" as dirty public officials - one cannot tell the truth about them, the majority of the websites would not "allow" it.
I also remember seeing him removing comments. There was a comment section opened on my computer and when I wanted to like it, the system would not let me. When I refreshed the page, it was gone. Not removed by the user but by the owner - there is a difference how the removed comment (or its "remnants" would appear on the page). The comment was challenging him regarding how he treated Massey, etc.
I also think that one can reach hardly anyone on there, even if he does not remove or ban. People are complete hypnotized zombies on there (with the exception of the ones who might come there to try and challenge him).
And of course his false "offerings" and "challenges" involving promises of his "milllions." What a liar and a fraud. How is it possible that people cannot see it.
Thank you for the details. I knew he makes fun of his potential opponents and obviously doesn't give them a chance to fight him fairly, but I didn't know about his banning business.
I usually post brief comments after his articles. My comments usually address the basis for his misconceptions, and are anything but nice. He even bothered to respond a couple of times in the last three months, but he was respectful. I guess, he didn't take me for a serious opponent. Still, I have collected the highest number of my subscribers from his comment section. And the numbers on my substack are steadily growing, which suggests that not everybody is a zombie.
Please, join the new movement of people requesting their own comment section for specific subjects! This was the first one:
Taking screenshots, however, seems like a good idea these days.
My American History class in school taught me that the US GOV gave 'small pox' infected blankets to the Native Americans, resulting in their getting smallpox. So, no 5G or 4G or 3G then. Is it possible that there is both contagion AND 5G damage, and they can work in tandem to worsen sickness? Insisting all viral illnesses do not exist seems quite a stretch to me when I look at the history of illnesses. Black Plague would be included as evidence of 'something' spreading virally. Perhaps folks can attribute it all to some kind of solar flare or such? Finally, when moms would have a 'chickenpox' party so ALL the kids would get it at the same time and get it over with, like many of the childhood 'diseases' that develop natural immunity. None of this makes sense if you do not have some kind of 'contagion' that behaves so consistantly.
I'm by no means up to date with critical history with Native Americans. The last I came across was Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz's An Indigenous Peoples' History of the US some years ago. At one time, I lived in wetsern MS not far from Amherst, named after the colonial British baron infamous for being among the first associated with the biowarfare of smallpox-infected blankets (what a proud history of landmarks we the people have in the US!; cf. James Loewen's Lies Across America).
Anyway, one historical claim of which I've been suspicious is that the decimation of Native Americans from European settler colonialism primarily was due to transmissable diseases which simply resulted from unfortunate natural exposure more than any deliberate policy of genocide, as Amherst would exemplify. My suspicion includes such stories as those of Amherst, which seem like they could serve as 'exceptions' which support that claim, making this use of germ theory a very convenient means of whitewashing the systemic extermination of native peoples. (By way of analogy, the 'Spanish flu' of 1918, said to be responsible for tens of millions of deaths, provides cover for other factors like WW1 vaccination policy, as for meningitis, and rollout of radio and its toxic EMFs, but perhaps most of all the further mass casualties among common people of this rich man's war caused by its devastation and consequent compromises to immunity, nutrtition, and other resources for survival.)
Whatever a deep dive into this history might reveal, stories of disease-laced blankets, and chickenpox parties too, remain at most suggestive rather than providing any demonstration or proof of virology's claim that there are pathogenic agents, viruses, which exist independently of hosts already within the body's processes, a la terrian theory, and invade us by transmission to cause disease; conveniently evading attention to other toxic sources which might prove problematic to the same industries, and funding sources, like Big Oil/Big Pharma that have monopolized medical 'science' with dubious theories pushed as much as the snake-oil drugs, including vaxxes (the real bioweapon), that go along with them, much to their profit and power, particularly as we are now suffering.
Toxins. Everything can be explained by toxins. Not viruses.
There was no "smallpox infected blankets". What is more likely, is that in that area, there were KNOWN poisonous plants & berries. Which you could then rub on the blankets, and BOOM. Skin rash/pox.
Black plague was likely due to the lack of sanitation & clean water. People were literally living in their own waste. The sulfur & other gasses in the air were often described by people during the black plague. Yet another obvious toxin in the air being breathed in.
According to Terrain Theory, illnesses are caused by poisonings, deficiencies, and resonance.
I would add trauma to that list. Along the lines of German New Medicine (GNM). The illness may not be as obvious as a pox, it could be subtle and creates a certain body chemistry, i.e. anxiety, that affects the cycling of sympathetic to parasympathetic which may cause an excess of adrenalin and weaken digestion for example.
Definitely. Trauma is one of the most significant stressors and as such, a major contributor to disease.
It never is. :)
While I don't particularly care for CHD (it uses too much of the official narrative and accepts fake authorities quite a bit), this article contains refreshing and informative details!
There is a nice table in the following article:
And yes, one thing builds on another, increasing stress levels until illness occurs.
The current logistics of interconnected causes seems even more complex:
According to some sources (I forget, which, but they don't offer evidence), the Plague was a form of leprosy.
Several strains of incurable smallpox have been developed by various countries for biowarfare in the last four or five decades.
Thanks Ray....also, now that you mention it, I know that rye grain can develop a type of fungus? ergot that can make folks ill....hmmm small discussion on ergot here
We are attacked from all sides. :)
this is more complete on Ergot, it is both a medicine and a toxin depending...but it does fit wrt the 'black plague' symptoms... 24 min ergot
Fungal pathogens and common parasites seem to comprise a major part of the mass poisoning that contribute to "covid" symptoms, beyond 5G installations. We have an invasion of microspcopic mites this year in rural KY. Their bites sting and itch and who knows what they carry...
ps that longer ergot vid I shared is quite amazeballs re ergot and its uses in medicine, and relationship to LSD...St elmos fire et al.......worth it ! 1958 or so...
Thank you I hadn't clocked it was Stefan Lanka's site, it's really interesting. Concerning monkey pox I was directed to this paper where
A POX-LIKE 'infection' was observed in a female cynologous monkey (B-39) approximately 45 dlays following exposure to whole-body irradiation of 350 r.!! if only these people could hear themselves
Please, explain your message. What do you think your link represents?
I've seen it and I still don't know why you posted it here. :)
I have another two articles on "monkeypox."
Monkeypox or moronic?
The monkeypox virus allowed itself to be photographed!
I am a retired Barefoot Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine and I would like to add some useful info to your wonderful comment, Socrates.
There are words, used in all the ancient texts, which translate to "external pernicious influences" precisely. This would include all parasites, radiation, poisons, bites, stings and unseen microbial life. They are all treated under one over-arching division. They are treated by examining the pulse and tongue of each individual and no one formula fits all.
The Chinese have been using Artemesinin (wormwood) effectively in their formulas to treat Covid. It should be noted that this herb is generally prescribed for blood parasites in diseases like Malaria.
Doesn't this tell us why IVM and HCQ work for some people but not all? I was wondering how TCM viewed this. This supports the idea that Covid is an umbrella diagnosis and while these meds may help some, for others it is a different cause, i.e. radiation or toxins or deficiency, which is why the parasites may have been there in the first place. The meds then may or may not correct the situation.
The ancient texts talk of three interwoven energies: Physical chi, mental chi and spiritual chi. If one of the three is unwell it shows in the other two. Therefore it is possible to treat the mind by detoxing and nourishing the body or clear the body by detoxing the spirit. A good TCM practitioner always attends to all three at once!
Scientists have tried & failed to demonstrate contagion. There are a number of publications discussed in the first 20 mins of this video, but I am now thinking about collecting them all in a folder because everyone always goes back to this argument to support their virus theory.
Yikes. No open mind huh? Thats disconcerting.....
Being a herbalist is a good tradable skill! My wife has been educating herself for years by now, too. I am going for dentistry.
Do viruses exist? Remember, it doesn't matter! :)
Oh it matters. A LOT.
The virus ruse has been used since the invention of the telegraph to cover the electrification and consequent radiation disorders we call flu.
If we do not prove, once and for all, that viruses are POISONS and probably radiation poisoning to be precise, the idiots in allopathy will continue to teach and practice their mistaken medical activities which are seriously damaging humanity.
To make a long story short: for those who make the dicisions, it doesn't matter what people think or do. What matters is what is happening and that doesn't seem to connect with the people.
Yes, you and I know that cell towers are bad, but what can we do about it? Living within a 150 yards from high-voltage lines also causes cancer, but people still live there...
In America, when you go to a "doctor," the very first thing they make you do is sign a form of consent, which prevents you from suing later for medical malpractice, unless you can prove malicious intent. Good luck with that... Who would go to someone for help, who profits from keeping people ill and has no liability? Yes, you are right: the morons. Still, they seem to amount to a substantial part of the population. Is that natural selection? :)
Just like there is no "virus," there are no tests.
Testing herbal stuff is essential, but I'm not sure one lifetime is long enough for it, if it is exercised with caution.
I am recalling an elderly lady from Austria, who wrote a best-seller about herbal medications in the mid-1980s. The title was something like "Remedies from God's Pharmacy."
Only a few years later, her liver gave in... Too many "remedies," it looked like.
It only proves one of the most essential tenets in "healthcare": there is no free lunch...
Your limited understanding of herbalism is abysmal, Ray! What do you suppose humans used for tens of thousands of years before Rockefeller and his pharma?
The testing was done by generations and generations. The documentation in TCM goes back 6,000 years! Try reading the Yellow Emperor's Classic of Internal Medicine which is one of very few Chinese medical texts that have been translated into English.... Oh, and GUESS WHO restricted the dissemination of Chinese medical knowledge? You won't...... it was the Jesuits.
Not only did they prevent the knowledge from leaving China but they took over the translation of essential philosophical books and MIS-TRANSLATED them. They taught that Chinese practices were fraught with sexual depravity and chopping parts of living animals. They infiltrated Mao Tse Tung's advisers and advocated for the jailing of all the doctors.
Don't get me started on how much else has been lost around the world since the witch burnings......
My familiarity is definitely limited; I mostly rely on common sense.
That's why herbal remedies are my wife's area in the family.
One thing I do know about herbs: potency varies... All of them include stuff that might heal, but poisonous above a certain dosage.
As for cultural history, that is part of my fields of concentration.
The Jesuits didn't have any power; wherever they went, they befriended the lords and convinced them, so the common folks had to follow. Rulers usually went for options that were more advantageous for them. The Jesuits were kicked out of China sometime in the mid-1600s to the end of the 1700s after the Dominicans and the Franciscans preached in public squares and told people that Confucianism was from the Devil! After missionaries were allowed in China again, proselytizing was restricted by a papal decree that did not allow to make the Sacrament out of rice (wheat for bread was not readily available).
"Infiltrating" an atheistic government simply doesn't add up for a religious order, whose objective was to convert people. What could they have achieved by having doctors jailed? Mao didn't need any doctors: he killed tens of millions of people around him without any "medical" help. :)
And yes, you are welcome to get started with the witch burnings!
"The Jesuits didn't have any power" - sorry but that is the most incredible thing I have seen you write. The rest of your comment isn't far behind.
I don't think you would accept that the Jesuits instigated the witch burnings so I think I will leave it there because you must be reading very different accounts of Jesuit history to those I researched over 10 years ago.
I am 100% fluent in Mandarin, read and write modern Chinese, and can read Classical Chinese. I'm also conversant in the basic tenants and lingo of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), but never dove as deeply as I'd like to (applied and was accepted to a TCM college ~20 years ago, but didn't end up attending).
I'm not quite seeing the necessity of going all the way back to, as you say, "ancient" Chinese writings on medicine, beyond say the cornerstone of modern TCM, being the 本草綱目 Compendium of Herbs compiled in the 16th century. This is not to dismiss the literature preceding that work, going all the way back to the Yellow Emperor's Inner Classic 皇帝內經 and many works originally written in classical (AKA "ancient") Chinese, but there are numerous versions of all the classics available that are nicely "decoded" into 白話文 modern vernacular Chinese. So the knowledge base is all there, with no appreciable disconnect due to the reader's inability to decipher ancient texts.
One nice thing about modern guides to ancient Chinese texts is that they typically present the original text along with a modern vernacular rendering. This helps the astute reader improve comprehension of classical Chinese - knowledge that can be applied going forward.
I am certainly inspired to investigate references to contagion in the body of TCM literature, which would have to pre-date the "contagion" of germ theory from the West since Pasteur. Hopefully I can report on any such findings.
Simplified Chinese is an abomination and affront to the language. But believe it or not, classical texts printed in the PRC are published with simplified characters only. And so it goes...
Hi Michael,
Great points, and well appreciated.
I'm not familiar with Ni, but what you said about Taiwan carrying the mantle in some ways is true. Chinese medicine also thrived earlier in Taiwan, over a half century under Japanese rule (1895-1945).
Congratulations to your partner on the translation of the most ancient classic on TCM. I'm sure there will be great interest among modern English readers and students and practitioners of TCM.
謝謝 Michael ; )
That is really nice work, and I appreciate the notes especially.
I've been seeing an acupuncturist regularly for several months, and I found it quite interesting that my current state (just came from my latest visit) is spleen deficiency 脾虛 and that the spleen is the related organ to the transitional Long Summer season.
I'm pretty sure this has been part of my condition for all these months, but curious if it has become more manifest during this particular season. Definitely something to monitor, consider, and discuss with my acupuncturist.