This morning, the following article on Substack called my attention to red herrings that have been, and are, used for creating divisions among people who would normally get along fine, because their best interests are the same:
South Africa stands up against “health” tyranny
For some reason, the article digresses into the realm of white-bashing and devotes quite a bit of its resources to generating “white guilt,” which gave me the idea to further develop the corollaries of its premises, should they be carried all the way through to a functional solution that has never materialized in the history of the world.
It is good to know that Africa, along with Brazil, is holding the last bastions of independence from the NWO even after the President of Tanzania was cursorily executed only a couple of weeks after he refused to play along with the plandemic:
President Magufuli makes fun of the WHO
The situation in South Africa has been a sensitive topic for at least 124 years, perhaps because its societal problems have clearly demonstrated the challenges all multi-ethnic regions must face, ever managed to solve, and are unlikely to tackle anytime soon.
In today’s MSM, “academic education,” and even the US Armed Forces, whites have been assigned the role of the scapegoat for the world’s ills by enforcing the scandalous lies of CRT (“Critical Race Theory”), so I will devote some attention to the whites’ actual past and present roles in the whole picture.
Last time I looked, especially after whitee has been kicked out of its government, South Africa had 11 large ethnic groups fighting for dominance, which is traditionally normal human behavior. Clearly, it was not whites fighting blacks or each other. At this point, criminal groups are killing farmers who are able to cultivate land and produce food, but the social-justice warriors don't grow anything after they are done with their robbing and killing sprees. Is that part of the plan towards planned famine in SA? Is the story of Zimbabwe being repeated?
Is South Africa of the new Zimbabwe?
In SA, the justification for the killings is that the farmers are, horribile dictu, white...
Segregation was used by whites on whites before, although it didn’t carry the propagandistic grandeur of the term “apartheid.”
The first concentration camps were set up by the Brits for Boers in 1898.
The propagandists are also likely to employ the false analogy between segregation and slavery.
Segregation is not the same as slavery.
Wouldn’t the residents of San Francisco appreciate it, if squatters and junkies were not allowed in neighborhoods, where people actually work for a living?
Such policies, in the unlikely event of ever being introduced, would directly copy the past “apartheid” South African practice of not allowing tramps in decent places, unless they acquire a job right away. (Of course, the “apartheid” law makes no mention of skin color.)
Slavery was present in Africa well before whites arrived and still exist in some places. The invading Moors deported lots of white slaves to North Africa between 711 and 1492 AD, and the first indentured servants on the Caribbean and in North America were exclusively white (cross-bred with blacks for more strength and stamina), while Native Americans had been using slaves from opposing tribes.
Blaming the practice that has been around in most civilizations on the white race obviously carries an ulterior motive.
I hear that TV commercials predominantly feature white, preferably blond females with blue eyes with black males, which is not strange, because rich blacks tend to couple up with fair white maidens and, according to all races in the world, the most attractive female is a blond white. White males in movies are also constantly married to brown races, but those “wives” are hardly ever black. I wonder why.
Apart from obvious temperamental differences between races that are quite often utterly incompatible, cultural differences also abound. What do the participants of mixed connubial bliss profit from distancing themselves from the fundamental pack-animal mentality that would normally drive them to choose their mates from their own tribes? The answer to that question is so obvious that I am not going to answer it.
On the other hand, what’s the harm in mixing races?
Children of mixed-race parents tend to have lower self-esteem.
Race-mixing works towards eliminating cultures and traditions for all participating parties, which removes firm grounding for value judgments that would otherwise work against the phantasmagoria of “multiculturalism.” The globalists are hell-bent on making people “happy” even if their subjects are destroyed and die in the process of becoming mindless drones1.
Slavery is alive and well in the US, even today, except that it is still not all color-coded:
Its most spectacular version is human trafficking for sex slavery, but it doesn’t stop there; organ harvesting and forced labor are also common, which includes children and females from the invaders:
Slaves of the post-slavery Era are entrusted to take care of themselves now, and they can have a job, sometimes even with a living wage, as long as they obey their masters. They can even become policemen as long as their IQ doesn’t exceed 110:
High IQ was not welcome in the Police Force already in 1970
This is not against cops; most low-level cops are honest and well-meaning people, except when they are forced to participate in “fighting crime.”
In high-crime areas, securing stability and limiting violence mostly to intergang fights and isolated incidents is as much as even the most honest policemen can do. In the process, certain compromises must be made, so policemen often find themselves having to eliminate the competition for carrier-criminal groups2, while even producing arrests.
The globalist ruling class leaves no room for misunderstanding: according to its representatives, most people are “useless eaters” and even the “deplorable,” if they follow the less fake President of 20203. Such people would be in the “untouchable” caste in India, irrespective of their skin color:
Most peculiarly, the same five social classes have always characterized all civilizations, only the nomenclature kept changing:
Five castes have always existed
It’s a different story that, about 34 years ago, I actually asked a graduate student from India, how come people in India ignore the sick, the starving, and the dying in the streets? The answer was clear and without delay,
“They will reincarnate, anyway.”
Well, I guess, in India, they do. The idea of reincarnation has always been favored by rulers, because the resulting ideology ensures that their subjects remain peaceful and docile.
The technocratic oligarchy, however, wants to get rid of three of the five castes: it will leave its representatives alone and it will combine the remaining classes in a single class that might be appropriately called:
Nobody can stand in the way of PROGRESS! Here are a few of past and potential achievements:
The legal definition of marriage has been expanded to the legally-sanctioned co-habiting of two persons of the same sex (and has been also embraced by many religious denominations).
Some schoolchildren in the US can now opt for “changing their sex” without parental consent (parents might find themselves in the crossfire by “laws,” “anti-discrimination” NGOs, all kinds of activists, which can easily make room for Child Protection Services to take their children away, who might quickly vanish in the system).
In Germany, you can now legally change your sex once a year! Who wudda thunk?
Pedophilia is becoming another new normal (it’s being decriminalized and, soon, it might not even be considered a “disorder” anymore). For some reason, not much difference seems to be made between abusing infants, toddlers, or pre-puberty children and having “consensual sex” with an underage teenager.
It’s only a question of time until polygamy will also be acknowledged, although it’s still somewhat murky how many will represent the two sexes in such highly-advanced legal contracts and what kind of rights will be afforded to the two sides.
Undoubtedly, certain kickbacks are occasionally involved.
US Presidents obviously don’t possess any power beyond performing usual bodily functions and appearing at public events, but with their doubles and deepfakes, even that has become doubtful.
Lot of truth there Ray. According to the teachings of the woke... I (being a white male, over the age of 40, hailing from a working class background and holding 'certain' conservative views) am regarded as belonging to the lowest form of human species to have ever walked upon the earth! How can we even defend ourselves against this worldwide promotion of 'white guilt', when it's immediately deemed racist to do so? Once again... it's all part of a 'perfect plan'.
Great post. It is a fact that so many feel we have already been defeated by current circumstances and plenty of people name & dissect the problems we have as if that would make them disappear if we simply learned more facts. I understand the need to continue to wake up the numb and unfeeling Woke but not sure how much is possible there. The deceptions that you describe are crushing, real, and are serving as highly destructive forces. The fact anyone accepts this nonsense is reprehensible. Although we now have American Royalty in Queen Pelosi this simply reinforces the mockery we are living with as Americans. Time to reinstate the kind of Constitutional Republic intended by the founding ancestors. Returning to the Common Sense of Thomas Paine. I hear the voices of the American people asking for this. But as always we need good uncorrupted leadership.