In the history of humanity, five castes have always been present. With some patience, you can find the matching groups in any civilization, including the most primitive ones, by applying analogies to the categories below. In each entry, after the semi-colons, I am providing the matching terms/classes from feudalism.
The New World Order is employing the following caste system:
1. The “elite” – international bankers who control the money supply and their entourage – they do not produce anything useful, but enjoy the freebies, including power, provided by the system; rulers and nobles
2. The ideologues– “doctors,” “scientists,” “media” people, courts, law enforcement, schools etc. – they get paid for “skilled” labor that not everyone could perform; priesthood
3. The enforcers (who believe the scam and profit from it) – the media, politicians, teachers, healthcare professionals, insurance companies, governmental bodies, NGOs, nonprofits, and “law” enforcement; soldiers
4. The useful idiots (they perform much of the free tasks and paid for jobs and are kept alive as long as obedient until become redundant) – perform base, but necessary labor that cannot be done by computers or machines; artisans, tradesmen, merchants, serfs
5. The “useless eaters” and the independent thinkers, artists, and the ones assisting the useless eaters – considered redundant according to the technocrats’ principle of necessary status or function; beggars and the diseased.*
In the technocrats’ future world, there will be no need for ideologues, because people will be turned into obedient cyborg slaves without independent thoughts, emotions, or intuitions. The enforcers will be replaced with AI and robots, and there will be no room for the useless eaters. Only living organisms that fulfill a function will be permitted, so morals will be replaced with obedience and equilibrium will replace beauty. The very idea of the self and creativity will be eliminated along with hope and fear. Robots do not need hope and have nothing to fear.
The only two qualities such a “perfect” world can be built on are empirical knowledge and logic.
When I was 19, I wanted to experience what it would be like to live without feelings and self-reflection, limiting myself to sensory input and logic. I simply needed to find out if such a perfect world is possible. For six dreary months, I managed to stay honest to my decision and lived by nothing else but by the senses and by some logic attached to them. Eventually, the silence and emptiness were screaming for a life worth living. What I proved to myself was that living like a machine had taken all joy out of my life and the remainder would drive me literally insane. That’s how my experiment ended and I never had the temptation to try again. I didn’t realize it for several years that I tried to be a psychopath no matter how inconclusive such a “diagnosis” is.
That is the kind of life being prepared for the cyborgs who will be allowed to survive the upcoming democide, and the enablers and the enforcers, once their dirty job is done, will soon join their victims on the path to the slaughterhouse.
The technocratic eugenicists will flourish for a while, but their inbred biology and culture will soon manifest themselves. They will also engage in eliminating each other, because they know they cannot be trusted and only One can rule:
Chances are, the genetic manipulation they are going to enforce on the proles will get out of hand and turn on them, but that’s only a small slice of the pie they will try to eat and have it.
Currently, in their conceit, they believe they know what they are doing, which applies to the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections that contain a just about infinite number of variants by mixing various poisons and nanotechnology. After a few years of madical experiments in the Green Zones (aka. Death camps), they will become confident enough to apply their genetic manipulation in the open, without their having the slightest idea of the potential outcomes, because even their own “scientists” are afraid to tell them the truth or, as is the case already, they will have no idea what their central AI is doing:
Even at this very moment, they are busy irreversibly destroying the biosphere, their own habitat, by geoengineering (weaponizing the weather and spraying poisons and world-altering chemicals from airplanes in the form of chemtrails):
If all these prove insufficient to bring an end to them, too, their reliance on AI will certainly promote them into an Idiocracy** of their own flavor.
As long as they control the global money supply, it’s game over for humanity:
*If you have the time, patience, knowledge, and are interested, it would be interesting to read your analogies for different cultures!
**The movie is set in 2505, but it started coming true just about immediately after its release in 2006.
This is EXACTLY how I see it happening. Those who are pushing all of this, for some reason, don't see what they are doing to their own world!! I think, as the Hyena said lately, they are thinking that they'll be on Mars living the high life eventually. What makes them think that they'll be part of that "elite" group? When the going gets tough, not only do they turn on one another, they eat them.
"As long as they control the global money supply, it’s game over for humanity."