Time travel is here! It’s a bit expensive in today’s money, but it’s worth every penny in the future!
Predictive programming has gone nuts in the last 40 or 50 years, with alien attacks, nuclear devastation and, of course, plandemics galore!
One-world order, “hunger games,” the myth of the benevolent rulers, meteor strikes, catastrophic weather, Soylent Green and the like are only bonuses.
It occurred to me a few minutes ago that the experiments in the “Green Zones” will not have to be limited to torture, poisoning, and prosaic old-fashioned mind-control “experiments,” but the ultimate mind control project can also be expected: subjects (preferably volunteers, to make it easier) will be sent into a machine in which they will “travel in time,” and upon returning, they can be used for convincing people what must be done in order to avoid some horrific future or in order to secure a great one! Some members of the herd might even volunteer to be culled for the sake of a better future!
I have recommended the 2006 movie, Idiocracy, before, but I am bringing it up again, because it contains a “time-travel” scene that might be realized in the near future, especially because the movie itself is now becoming a documentary:
The hospital scene is a gentle reminder of hospitals in the last 30 months:
No more Time Machine is needed! The future is here!
I'll bet it's bein' done via MK Ultra already--I DID learn that they convince subjects of alien abductions using a) drugs b) holographic and VR lenses/googles and CGI effects, c) electronic means (brain stimulation? V2S? not sure) and d) top notch Hollywood-level tangibles (masks, costumes, sets). Then those folks genuinely believe in the alien scenarios they have experienced and can pass them along to journalists and others with total sincerity (I hear they do this with "cloning" scenarios too ) so the subjects'd even pass lie detector tests. This is in "subjective" testimony from people (i.e. victims) that eventually remember but it seems purdy plausible...
Emphasis on the MASH part of MASHEEN.