How Has the World Become Enslaved to the Global Bankers?
Only after people were enslaved to countries!
Burn, Baby, burn! The banknotes were only the firestarters!
Although even encyclopedic studies cannot cover the full spectrum of the subject, it’s quite possible to pinpoint the gist of it.
Theoretically, inflation is transparent, if interests cannot be added to loans. That was the standard in Medieval Europe in Roman Catholicism, until the Holy Roman Empire had to start to compete with Protestant countries that stopped paying taxes to the Pope, and it still is in Islam, which has been the main reason why Islamic economies cannot compete with the ones that have been run according to the “Protestant ethics” or, if you prefer, the “Judeo-Christian tradition” (e.g. in Calvinism, as in classic Judaism, you know how much God loves you by the measure of your wealth). The money changers, however, with their loans issued at an interest, accumulated enormous wealth and, therefore, power. They bought monopolies from royalties, developing gigantic trade empires that included the slave trade, mostly through Porto and through Amsterdam (by pretty much the same interest groups that are running the world now):
The exponential accumulation of their wealth was the driving force behind the industrial and the technological revolution that created colonial empires in countries, where issuing loans at an interest was not customary. By now, their power exceeds most people’s imagination. People have been groomed to accepting the idea that they are owned by the state:
The globalists are allowed to use fiat, because they already own all governments: they issued debts that they forced on countries, debts that countries will never be able to pay back:
This subject has been a constant companion for quite awhile. In writing about the history of the world there are many parallels. Seeds sown many years ago predicted all this. Without going back into the history of Europe, just the circumstances of European colonialism in the Americas indicate a pattern. Continue this forward into American history and the Revolution stands as a pinnacle of hope in a churning morass. The Civil War led to increasing federal, corporate, and banking power which easily enslaved most of the US in wage slavery. There is much more but yes, it is about slavery.
It looks like the entire system will tank soon now. Let's hope there's a "narrow window of opportunity" for the masses to overthrow the cabal when that happens (unlikely but not impossible):