It looks like the entire system will tank soon now. Let's hope there's a "narrow window of opportunity" for the masses to overthrow the cabal when that happens (unlikely but not impossible):


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My guess is that the system can be sabotaged only from the inside, but first the enforcers must understand that they will not be spared, either, and their money will be worth nothing soon. I can't see any other chance for humanity before the killings will start during the food riots.

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The lack of usury in some Muslim countries is something I admire about Islam. It seems fairer, more loving. Less snidey than the rip-offs we endure.

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Yes, that's the nice part. The level of conformism required in those places are, however, not for independent thinkers, and I definitely wouldn't like to be a woman over there... I am a man, but I can imagine the restrictions.

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Not to mention that our military has essentially bombed the holdouts back into the stone age. I suppose it will be a profitable redevelopment project once the depleted uranium is cleaned up.

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Afghanistan actually has Uranium ores, too...

In Belgrade, there are still freaks-of-nature newborns b/o the bombing in 1998. Not sure how that could be cleaned up...

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No need for remediation any longer, there will be an mRNA injection to keep us slaving along.

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Definitely, although it will be "only" graphenes first. They are good killers and the mRNA ones will be probably restricted to the Green Zones (aka Death Camps):


Either way, the delivery systems will be quite versatile.


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Being a woman in Judaism and Christianity is none too clever either. Don't forget the horrible patriarchy, marital oppression and witch-burnings we have suffered until very recently. I don't respect any Abrahamic religion because they have abused women and animals relentlessly for thousands of years.

I cannot get over the sheer hypocrisy of these middle eastern philosophies. They seem extremely hateful to me.

I relate more to pre-Christian religions and Buddhism, Taoism and shamanism from north and south of the earth.

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Both Judaism and Christianity have various flavors. Woman are better at some things and so are men, which makes cooperation between them a good idea. :)

I know that you know this; it's only for the readers:

Taoism is a form of Universalism and has no personal divinity, so it doesn't pass for a religion in the traditional sense. Still, Tao-Te-Ching projects a worldview that is extremely similar to the latest versions of Hinduism and, of course, Buddhism. The nature cult of Shamanism and, for that matter, Shintoism (which is one of its developments) also focuses on the person's sense of "the natural," although all far-Eastern spiritual practices place the group ahead of the person, which makes them a bit off for those from a European tradition.

There are many humans, but the human experience seems to be quite a bit the same! :)

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You know what is liable to make me verbally bounce people off all four walls?

Those sanctimonious religious arseholes who say shit like "You are a heretic, a heathen and and/or a savage!" or "devil's greatest deception is to convince people that He/It does not exist!" or "You will go to Hell" and many more curses loaded with hateful spite. All my life, I have had to deal with many people who claim to be devout Christians and yet attack me with contorted angry faces. One group of supposed Christian women actually tried to murder me with phosphorus poisoned cake. I kid you not.

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It looks like our conversation would make a decent post, assuming we'll get anywhere (I am happy, but readers would need a conclusion that would inspire them to decide for themselves).

The world is screwed, unless there is a benevolent Creator. Such a Creator, in my understanding, doesn't threaten anyone with hellfire and brimstone. Still, I believe Hell is where all wishes come true for the ones who end up there, and they might even think they are in Heaven, but only until their wishes cross each other! :)

Yes, the worst are the ones who hurt you in order to "save you." Apparently, considering the Evil Dwarf and his lackeys, they don't need to be Christians for that...

Evil people are not evil, because they are Christians, Muslims, or whatever else. Evil begets evil and the popular BS from Star Wars is actually correct: the root of all Evil is fear. Still, it's hard to condemn anyone for being afraid, because they all need to find something greater in their lives then mere survival.

In order not to believe in the Covidian (or any other form of) fear porn, people don't even need to be "spiritual"; they simply have to realize that living in fear is worse than death. To me, it looks like many of them have made it by now. The globalists overestimated the impact of the fear porn and now they will have to rely on real disasters/riots and the obedience-training by the muzzles... Those are still powerful enough to keep them in power.

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When I was first studying Traditional Chinese Medicine we had to learn how emotional states impact the vital organs and, therefore, the entire body, mind and behaviour. The kidney is considered the foundation of life, the most important of the vital organs. Fear affects it dramatically and, what is more, a life spent in fear can affect the sperm or eggs. This means it can have a detrimental effect on future generations.

Later, when I began to practice taking the pulses of my friends and family, I noticed that nobody had good strong healthy kidney pulse energy. I asked my tutor and she shook me rigid by casually nodding her head and stating that Western people are seriously damaged in the kidneys!

"What do you mean?" I asked. She went on to explain that the Chinese think of westerners as cursed for a thousand generations by our enslaved history!

Later still, I finally felt a really good strong kidney pulse. He was a Jamaican martial arts teacher, descended directly from slaves!

Dr Chen said that Africans had suffered slavery relatively recently and were not descended from people who have been repeatedly subjected to slavery and mass murder since Roman times!

This upset me a lot because we have been brainwashed into believing that the white races have enslaved all others while, if the truth were known, it is the white people whose weak kidney energy speaks loudly of hundreds of previous generations living in persistent persecution and fear.

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This subject has been a constant companion for quite awhile. In writing about the history of the world there are many parallels. Seeds sown many years ago predicted all this. Without going back into the history of Europe, just the circumstances of European colonialism in the Americas indicate a pattern. Continue this forward into American history and the Revolution stands as a pinnacle of hope in a churning morass. The Civil War led to increasing federal, corporate, and banking power which easily enslaved most of the US in wage slavery. There is much more but yes, it is about slavery.

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We have been brainwashed into believing that the white races have enslaved all others while, if the truth were known, it is the white people whose weak kidney energy speaks loudly of hundreds of previous generations living in persistent persecution and fear.

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Agree. Yes, my long term humble opinion is that we became too fearful to align ourselves with the strong genetic ancestors who have been all around us. Nothing against the color of a person's skin (white or otherwise) because that is literally such a shallow thing to care about. But I have a big problem with failing to recognize strong genetic, cultural and individual roots. We are all human brothers and sisters and kin to all the animals, all life, as well. I get a kick out of theorists who contemplate perhaps we are our microbiome's way of knowing itself.

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Living in Medieval Europe must have been a nightmare. A peasant, if found in possession of a sword, was summarily impaled, which might be the only more painful death than crucifixion... The most popular public events have always been executions... That says more than enough of the "human race."

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Yes I had many direct ancestors who died at Flodden Fields or other unpleasant fates at the hands of the European Civil Wars, the Royals, the religious and scientific wars, etc. Then when family history brought the survivors to the Americas they seemed all too eager to fight for new forces. As Joyce, said:; "History is a nightmare from which I am trying to awake." There was a moment poised in time when ancestors wrote the Constitution and all. A moment poised on the brink of hell.

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With nobles, the first son inherited the property and the title, the second son became a high-ranking soldier, and the third one, along with daughters who couldn't be married out (lack of political allies and/or limited dowry) became ecclesiastic leaders (bishops, priors, or prioresses).

For city-dwellers who didn't have a trade, becoming a mercenary was pretty much the only way to step up. Life was cheap and city life was unhealthy, anyway.

The poor always fight for the rich, even in "revolutions."

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Generally true. Yes, except for the Kings who died on the bloody fields in order to prove themselves to unstable fathers. The wealthier early colonists of the America’s were overly represented by younger sons of nobles who stood not to inherit. The kleptocrats were in force even then. We must return to hunter gatherers before we even imagine we can escape the brutal psychological traps of civilizations. I see this as all universal and as eclipsing time and space. It is what we continue to subscribe to.

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