In a version attributed to Mark Twain, “If you tell the truth to people, make them laugh, or they’ll kill you.”
Goering’s principle of good propaganda has now been adopted by the globalists
The maxim of “Make it big, tell it often, and people will believe you” is wrongly attributed to Goering, who actually claimed that good propaganda is based on the truth. The strategy actually originated from Britain’s ruling class. During the plandemic, the globalists’ version of lying to the masses started out in the traditional British manner, but it has now evolved and is following Goering’s principle.
“If you tell lies to your subjects and they start realizing it, come out with part of the truth (usually the one that they already know, anyway) so that they return to believing the rest of your lies. Better, establish many forums of fake opposition that do it for you.”
(Ray Horvath’s version of the common gaslighting strategy employed by rulers)
This strategy evolved to the extent that it’s most likely used ti gauge people’s credulity, which I call a “stupidity meter”:
In my article yesterday,
I provided several examples of forums that knowingly or unknowingly serve the globalists’ plan by announcing “the truth,” albeit as I previously wrote about it, usually too little, too late:
If Jane and Joe want to learn from history, history must be thoroughly re-examined in order to filter out the propaganda elements that victors usually use to demonize defeated opponents and remember them, because the same strategies can and will be applied against them as soon as they find themselves in disagreement with the rulers, as the case seems to be for many people in the US (and in the Five Eyes as well as most other countries around the world), where finding out of the officially-sanctioned lies of the last three years have little, if any, redeeming quality.
You must be your own student of history
Mark Weber offers a documented account of Bergen-Belsen in the following article. His site usually tries to depict history as it happened as opposed to the official versions, but it also offers room for thinking over how far “authorities” have been, and are, telling the truth or, at least as much of it as is still accessible. Notice that Weber is not an Oracle for the Truth either so (neither am I; people are only humans with all their mistaken premises, incomplete thoughts, and all the inevitable or even necessary hiatuses in cognitive processing).
Ultimately, it is your job to make up your own mind.
Please, read the article before continuing with read my article, because I’ll address only the American versions of similar and identical processes and events.
What do the US and the former prison/isolation camp have in common now?
Prison camp
Although the first modern concentration camp* dates back to 1898 for Boer settlers in South Africa by the Brits, the US is also known to have had concentration camps for Japanese-Americans during WW2.
The subject, however, has become urgently relevant by now.
During much of the last three years, the country has been a prison camp, where traveling or keeping one’s job required being “voluntarily” poisoned and silenced with propaganda, muzzles, “tests,” and the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections. Even children were muzzled at schools that have the same architecture as prisons (I know, because I have taught in prisons). Some think that the injections were “experimental,” although considering that the about 200 secret labs must have been doing something in the business of developing bio-weapons in the last several decades, it’s safe to assume that the injections have been developed and tested there, and their “side effects” are absolutely intentional, delivered to the unsuspecting masses in the guise of “medical” prevention of a non-existent illness, snugly matching the necessary lies for the WEF’s 2030 agenda. Also, remember the about 800 “Green Zones” all over the country; they are already fully functional, although not necessarily populated with inmates. All that’s known about them is that they have a generous supply of coffins and body bags, but no evacuation plans. There is a lot more potential for creating more of them, should the need arise for furthering “public safety”:
Forced labor
In case, you are in doubt, forced labor has been used in American penitentiaries, while up to 98% of inmates are incarcerated either based on their own testimonies** or because they couldn’t afford a lawyer and accepted a plea bargain. That leaves a lot of room for innocent people behind bars.
It is also easy to contemplate that the vast majority is forced to labor under unfavorable conditions in the US (hardly any vacation, no child-care facilities provided by the employer, no benefits, unpredictable work schedules, little or no protection against workplace hazards, and no pension), because the alternative is either homelessness or, at best, losing their assets or risking the breakup of their families.
Food shortages and, eventually, famine
Quite a few things indicate that a famine is being planned by the game-masters in order to force everybody into cities, where full control over residents is easy to achieve and maintain***. Remember the testimonies of the approximately 200 food-processing plants (incidentally, strategically significant ones), the derailed shipments of fertilizers, the disruption of international container shipments, farmers receiving #3.6-6k/acre of taxpayer’s money for NOT growing anything, the rich buying up farmlands and leaving them fallow or growing GMO crops that render neighboring organic crops infertile, too (and there are lawsuits of organic farmers claiming they “stole” the “patented” seeds), the attacks on home-grown produce, the direct targeting of the Amish, the economic pressure on truckers with fuel prices, legal initiative to turn contractor truckers into employees (in CA), the slaughtering of millions of poultry for a non-existent disease that is diagnosed with the same fraudulent PCR tests as the one used for the non-existent “covid” (while even the CDC claims that it is safe to eat chicken “infected” with the non-existent “virus”).
Loss of medical treatment
The Rockefellerian version of “Medicine” has made sure in the last 100 years that people (including their “doctors” after their indoctrination at “medical” schools), wouldn’t recognize or even search for the causes of illnesses, and most forms of treatments only make them permanently sick or, in the best-case scenario, dependent on the toxic substances that their bodies are trained to get used to (of course, “side effects” require more toxins), including “supplements” that would be the body’s job to produce, but once they are constantly administered, the body can easily forget about the need to produce them (in both cases, “withdrawal symptoms” are nearly inevitable). The “medical” establishment is also eager to find illnesses you don’t have, but once you accept “treatment,” you surely will, or will have even something worse. Going to naturopaths is also a hit-and-miss; most patients receive the magical and mysterious diagnosis of “leaky gut,” because even those “professionals” cannot fathom the type of poisonings or deficiencies their patients have…
“Medical” experiments (mRNA injections, “smart” implants, invasive surgical procedures, toxic exposures, and mind-control/torture studies) in the “Green Zones” cannot be ruled out, either (after all, that’s why they are there).
Moreover, the mass poisoning that has been going on for at least 120 years is now so overwhelming that it’s unlikely that people out of the “know” would ever learn what to do about it:
Overcrowding of the isolation camp
Only in December, 2022, 250 thousand invaders crossed the Mexican border. Obviously, there are no reserves to provide for them, so the approximately four million illegals who have arrived since January, 2020, will soon encounter insurmountable problems and will share them with the US population, most likely not in a brotherly fashion, just like I can’t imagine my neighbor not trying to attack me once his four children are starving, if he thinks I have food reserves (aka. I am still around). These people are either promised stuff they will never receive (but they will be used as cannon fodder in the most versatile manners) or are trying to escape the extreme forms of exploitation that mostly US entrepreneurs and their local allies impose on their people. Their influx only assures that they will soon turn the US into the very place from which they are trying to escape. At this point, most of them (up to 80%) are officially “unaccounted for,” meaning they disappeared. They might be in paramilitary or mercenary training camps in order to be used on protesters later or forcing rural residents on FEMA buses. Some of them might be are already populating the “Green Zones” in order to make sure that once these camps are enabled for the non-compliant, they will operate smoothly.
Adult human trafficking victims fall into two main categories: some are good for organ harvesting and others for the sex trade. In the US, nobody can even touch the subject; recently, a Nevada judge was simply eliminated for making progress in a trafficking case.
Children tend to get it even worse. Many of them vanish, just like from the guardianship of Child Protection Services. Some are auctioned off on the Dark Web, and one cannot even guess what happens to them, but probably nothing good. After all, white sex slaves they are popular with the powerful all over the world and the adrenochrome trade cannot be ruled out, either. In Germany, juvenile migrants vanishing even made the news and Romania, according to some sources, stopped allowing adoptions from Israel, because children transferred there had the habit of disappearing too often. The largest trafficking center, without much doubt, is probably the US. Not that it matters.
Energy shortages
You need power or fuel for heat and for cooking, so depriving the populace of them would certainly decrease the survival rates in a “national emergency” that, nevertheless, can be used for declaring martial law. Shortages can be created as easily as manipulating the weather, but geo-engineering entails a lot more than that:
US supply lines and electric distribution centers have experienced repeated disruptions in the last couple of years. No, it was not the “Russians” hacking them because, as a military-grade feature of preventing such events, such facilities simply do not have external lines through which they could be “hacked.” Be assured, it was a flick of the switch (as in the case of the pipeline), and most of the time, it usually is, although the electric infrastructure in the US is antediluvian at best, ready for disaster.
Diseases and the water supply
The diseases in the camp broke out for more than just lack of medication. In fact, they started after the “allies” destroyed the power plant that pumped potable water to the camp.
If you look at “epidemics” in history, they usually broke out in places, where a lot of people died as casualties of war or famine. Dead bodies have the unpleasant effect on the water supply that once you drink from the water, you get sick and, quite often, you die.
In the US, infrastructures have been breaking down for several years and Flint, MI, was only the tip of the iceberg. At least 80 percent of municipal water in the US is supposedly unhealthy to drink from the faucet:
Demonization of the non-compliant and turning people against each other
None of my US readers need any more data for noticing how races, sexes, generations, religions, or “vaxxers” vs “anti-vaxxers” are constantly being prodded to hate or even turn against each other.
Demonization requires the objectification of the “enemy” which, by definition, is an ancient military-grade psy-op. The very fact that certain elements are using it against you or against your neighbor is a clear sign of their showing you at least a few faces of your real enemies…
So, the lies become true and the truth becomes part of the lies. What is your protection?
Thinking clearly doesn’t hurt:
And your sense of identity is imperative to maintain.
“You are not where you are from; you are where you are going.”
(Ray Horvath)
*Ghettos are a different story, because it is often the immigrants who refuse to assimilate and create their own micro-zones (“Chinatowns” and the like), because they consider their culture superior to the one prevalent in the region they move in to. In France, for one, already in the late 1990s, there were nearly 300 “no-go” zones, where only Sharia law was permitted by the residents.
** The possibility of fake evidence or framing cannot be counted, and also, the police and related agencies have to create cases they “solve” even when there are none in order to justify their existence. Most of the time, the police is forced to restrict its operations to eliminating rivals to the ones sanctioned by the system for kickbacks, because even for the most honest policemen, that is the only way to prevent whole cities from becoming battle-zones for competing parties. Maintaining a balance of power is the priority, and most of the time, higher-than-you-want-to-know elements are also involved, especially in the drug trade and in human trafficking.
*** It looks like rural residents might be offered the choice of becoming citi-dwellers or being transported to a “Green Zone” facility, although statistical calculations will be also likely to affect the destination of those FEMA buses.
I was pondering this morning.
Why is Biden being outed?
Why is Arden out?
Why was Tucker mocking WEF?
What’s the bigger picture, if there is one ?
A savior to rush in to save us, speaking words we want to hear.
Pretending not to be a Globalist.
Good post. We need a complete reordering of American (& world) education in a decentralized form. It is possible. I have engaged in this. It works. There are many interested in this. But a citizen based, grassroots system free of support by government, corporations, institutions is entirely possible. Recently families have organized and applied many techniques of home schooling using only local resources. Need to set up a system which counters the woke ideology taught in schools, universities, etc. Only real path to this is for and by the people. The Moms, Dads, & grandparents (& kids) who are the important resources. A participatory democratic socratic education dynamic for and by the people. Could be organized on the internet. As few time consuming meetings as possible.