What begins as thoughts and fantasy, burning with passion or born again dreams from lives lived past now lived again except with different looking friends. The few that Wii are meant to know as planned before wii agreed to go into this holographic world that wii create with words and deeds. Hopium is all about, brokered by the media and yes the masses who believe the government will protect them... please, or the Rapture for the ones who Fear, the ones who won't know what to do when suddenly to them at least, they face that dark proverbial Beast. Mankind itself is our greatest danger when led by leaders who then will squander lives and treasure, dreams and hope to get rich quick, they lead the hoards. Divisiveness leads to great profits for the bankers and the corps that make the weapons, sell the ammo, do the deals that they are able but never once consider us, until such words as yours upset.

Then if enough will hear and listen, act to change the Light that glistens in each that lets us change the way the future forms to Be one day. Nothing less than us in action will change what the other faction has in mind with great intention that needs guys like you to keep asking questions. Bakhtinian Dialogism at its best.

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Excellent post! You hit the bull's-eye!

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A most beautiful and honest post Ray 💕. Thank you from the bottom of my continually learning wholeness.

An upper respiratory issue has had my attention for the past week and a half, complete with earache. Clearing out now and on the up. Great lessons in quieting, experimenting with all the herbal ammo, especially the dandelion greens and roots that are at their peak now. Discovered mullein is a great soother of sore throat and cough, boiled the fresh leaves about 30min with white pine needles, strained and added honey, lemon and last years elderberry tonic I have bottled, light on the food, no sugar.

Not magic, but miraculous- for the time being. I can never fully know the extent of the effects of all the poisoning vectors, some days it’s hard to ‘chin up’ and continue to creatively do good for myself and others, especially when almost all the ‘others’ are old children their illusions and delusions you shed a lot of light on with this post 💕

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You have suffered long from artificial parasites, and I have also experienced the symptoms you are describing in your comment; I would guess, it's more parasites from chemtrails (food and water are also options). Your symptoms seem to be a lot more acute, and it's good that you have found some treatments that work and perhaps other people can also try out. Normally, restoring the parasitic/bacterial balance should work, but not with artificial parasites (white pine needles are supposed to work for some) or in autoimmune conditions that rely on the body's memory of previous similar incidents. Poisoning can be detoxed to a certain extent, but ingesting very little and keeping away from toxic exposure (chemtrails, 5G etc.) also helps. It's virtually impossible to say what is making us sick these days, because there are so many possibilities.

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Thanks Ray. Excellent post.

Crowbars is TOPS!!!!

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Thanks. One needs some comic relief every once in a while. Coincidentally, the phrase, "a murder of crows," also happens to apply. :)

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You have, it must be called 'A GIFT', Ray to provoke (in the good sense) upward thought, to compel others to THINK,

to RESPOND. I don't think I have that gift, so I look at it with a sense of wonder.

So, I HAD to RESPOND, because you wrote, and as usual, pinpointed ESSENTIAL points for me.

What I got out of the first part with the STARK contrast of the 'beast' and that lovely, beautiful picture, of

which there are 'THOUSANDS' of them, if only we'll 'LOOK', take the time, 'go deeper' into the

'miracles of life'. I call what YOU put there, 'REALITY'.

The beast? To many of us here? Ugly, a destroyer that lusts to destroy, can't WAIT to do it, but does wait

to heighten the 'excitement' of hurting others. The real 'Supremacy', that only the BEAST matters, not

even those that serve the beast have value, only if they 'please' the BEAST. Rather like 'Allah' in Islam.

The BEAST will come, do great damage, and GO.

The BEAST is contending, certainly not with mere us, with 'useless eaters' like us, with those who

can't threaten and hurt, and punish with alacrity. Who is the BEAST trying to compete with?

Not us, I guarantee this.

No ,the BEAST is the deluded one (oh, the horror to SAY this right here), thinking God impotent.

Yes, often seems that way, doesn't it. So MUCH else going on, in the area of Salvation, of showing

others how to live, what is right in an upside down world.

Everyone laughs as I speak about the 'flat earth', but that's a good place to begin reality, the

knowing how much the LIE takes hold. I could give proofs, but either the person WANTS to know,

and will begin THINKING, or they'll dismiss it all anyway.

My REALITY is that 1 foot square patch of earth on our property that contains at least 10 different varieties

of plants, which others label 'weeds'. Oh, the horror, Dandy Lions!! which are the very best thing for your

health, using almost all of the plant. For those unaware, look this up. I used to make a lovely

dry white wine with the fabulous yellow flowers, and certainly use them now in salads, drinks and so on.

My reality is what I see God did. God's ways. Vs. the BEAST, and those following the BEAST.

God's ways impress me, EXCITE me, as I pick a few 'greens' that grow everywhere on our property,

and find I have FAR MORE GREENS the following weeks. Amazing. It's abundance, not scarcity.

About death. King David wisely said 'teach us to number our days', days not years, days not months.

Days. That's reality. Do I REALLY want to live to some doddering, drooling, incontinent, frail,

easily pushed around age? Or go while I'm still managing? Not everyone does 'lose it', but the

body does wear out. And given all the pollutants, toxins? They do something, and it's not good.

This is a stage. In so many ways. What will I do with this stage? What will you do? Just drift along?

Just be bullied, and have to 'resist', have to 'oppose'?

The Lord gave PROFOUND counsel that will take me the rest of my life to do in every situation:

NEVER return 'evil for evil'. Think about that. NEVER. ALWAYS ....OVERCOME ...evil with good.

Evil there is 'malos', not 'poneros', and that makes a difference.

Again, Ray, should I say that you're an 'enabler' or a 'provoker' or are both possible?

Crossing the border from Canada to USA several years ago now, we thought we were 'smart'

and would get there 'early' to have lunch, coffee, but we were 'randomly selected', ha, ha, big joke

that, to have our records run through, and we knew we could EASILY disappear, or one of us,

and no one would ever know, and certainly no one would believe us. It was close, and

that was 'years ago'. I think they might do this again, going much further. MIGHT, not WILL.

This is not our home, and as you said, it's where we're headed that is important.

To get there, we have to 'close the door here'.

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YOURS is the real reality as opposed to the alternative dialectics on offer, which are found wanting and vague - including my own comparatively tepid grasp of non fiction facts.

Your reality bypasses the hidden wilfull ignorance of the masses.

The epic lies that 99.9% completely buy into, you leap over in bounds.

Which in large part lifts you out of this pseudo-reality dimension.

The geo centric creation over the helio centric fiction; the requirement for ongoing assessment which renders fruit for repentance - ongoing and NOT to be repented of; a continual reaching toward practical application of the Teachings of the NT as always a mere beginning rather than having attained; the essential mindset and discipline of taking an inventory of the days allotted to us.

Those are the feature fundamentals of the authentic reality of which you write.

Only the FEW will ever appreciate the strait characteristics of this passage into Truth.

A privilege to begin to process your insights.


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Thank you.

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Hope and truth.

People believe that truth will prevail, but covid has reinforced, or more accurately, reminded everyone that truth is destroyed by might.

Hope is what makes us human, and gives resolve when fear and uncertainty are in play. Which also makes hope dangerous, because it can be weaponised as the only "choice", by those that wish to control us.

Truth is supposed to be the antidote to this weaponisation, which is why we see MSM, Big Tech and Big Gov drone on about misinformation. They seek to poison the antidote, this truth, with their own version of the truth, like "The Science".

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Hope must be based on faith/trust. Faith/trust must be based on the Truth. The priorities matter.

Actually, it is the tiny possibility of exercising free will is what I believe might raise a few people above their animal conditioning, turning them into humans every once in a while:


Most importantly, hope must be firmly footed; otherwise, it's delusional, rendering the person inactive, waiting for a miracle that will not happen:


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Hope must create action, endurance, willpower, and focus to drive one to do what they could not without such a positive view of the future that hope can give. Fear is the water that flows in when one pulls the plug out of the Ship of Salvaged Dreams that Wii, all the "I"s dream of creating but few ever will see, a peaceful lifetime to savor with ones family without great fear of war or suffering. Dreams drive both sides of any conflict, sadly often leading to neither ever finding theirs and everyone suffering for not having understanding these paradigms from the beginning. Good and Evil are perspectives, not universal by definition or society. One man's hope leads to another man's death far too often while neither will lead to the place they should have gone instead.

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Hope must be based on faith/trust, and faith/trust must be rooted in the truth. Only those can recognize the truth who haven't been corrupted by the 70 years of globalist brainwashing.

Action stems from the objective that must be realistic. Hope alone is a delusion.

Those who are afraid, are already dead; they just don't know it yet.

Action must be rooted in love, not in fear, hope, or even faith. Dreams are irrelevant, even if they are as advanced as mine:


The word "society" is used for silencing the audience; after all, everybody must DTFU, because it's "society" talking now.

Good and evil are real right here and right now. Moral relativism is illogical.

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"You are not where you are coming from. You are where you are going."

We come from a past and we connect with a future. Two points. The future we connect too provides meaning for what has transpired in our past. Without either anchor we become lost. If we live in the past we are lost in the present. If we live in the moment, the future is no longer ours. If we live in the future we cut ties with the past which is the means by which we set our future direction. I.e. if we fail to learn from the past then not only is the present no longer ours, the future is no longer ours as well.

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Savor the journey, not the goal for it will change many times in life, if you live a long successful and creative life, change is a good thing and monotony the curse.

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Whatever makes one happy. :)

After all, I have only one life to live.

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Cultural continuity has been essential throughout history, but the past is now being erased for most, if not all, or worse, it is being redefined.

In my experience, it is possible to exist in absolute time without past, present, or future.

The validity of the rest of your argument seems contextual and the outcome depends on what you consider the problem and what you expect from the solution.

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The validity of the rest of your argument seems contextual and the outcome depends on what you consider the problem and what you expect from the solution.

Agreed. That's why it's so complex. As for surviving without a past, present or future, so are you saying that if a person has no long-term memory they can still exist. Very doubtful. All they would do is keep repeating the same mistakes if they survived at all.

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The majority seem to think that path is prosperous as they repeat it throughout life.

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It depends on how one defines a "person." To me, if I let everything go, whatever remains, is me. To me, life is a gift from the Power that is creating this world every moment, and I believe and hope, it is done out of love.

A sense of continuity, however, is essential to keep one's sanity. To me, that mostly comes from music.

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Love reading your writings. And thank you being free. I appreciate it very much for I'm broke most of the time. Someday, i would like to give you some money for your wonderful insights that are like mine.

Thank you again 😌

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Thanks. Why don't you contribute? That's also free. :)

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I'm ok with the "black pill" because i am firmly grounded in my faith and the Bible. I know the "here and now" is a flash-in-the-pan compared to eternity. It's incredibly helpful to make decisions having a solid foundation from which to start. I check EVERYTHING against that knowledge and belief. It may not be perfect in translation, nor perfect in my understanding, but so far, it's been the MOST perfect divination tool in my life. All logic, morality and discernment are better when i do it like this.

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More and more, what totally Amazes me? That there IS the BIBLE, that it IS there, that 'THEY weren't able to utterly

change it, ruin it, burn it, destroy it.

Have you thought about ALL the wonderful, humble, unnamed people who gave their lives that we might HAVE

the bible? I'm awed, humbled, and amazed that such people always existed, both amongst the Jews and


And then, think about the tireless work people have done for absolutely NOTHING today!! I have a

FREE downloadable Strong's, and sometimes biblehub, although they seem to not be continuing as much.

Biblehub WAS one of the finest ways to study the bible I saw. Still ok, but with fewer interlinear verses,

I have to go 'the other way' again.

Still, it is so EASY to see just how many times the word 'wicked' occurred in the Old Testament, and then

begin to look those up.

As Solomon said, in these areas, 'nothing new under the sun'.

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Which version of what bible are you referring to as the King James version loses immediately based on how it was conceived of and created. Thus surely there are others to base a religion on that you quote more?

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Many very good translations, but Ray properly wants no religious discussion, so keeping this short, thanks.

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I certainly find mentioning religion helpful, but only within the confines of personal experience and personal opinion. Lengthy arguments tend to be abortive on the subject.

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The Bible is the name of a book, and as such, it must be spelled with a capital "B." I usually call the invented illness "covid," but that is not the title of a book or the name of a person.

My site is not a religious site. I will have to erase religious arguments here, should they start up.

Also, even on a philosophical/epistemological basis, not all religions are created equal.

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I think it was 'the BEAST', Ray, which is very biblical, so 'facing the beast' can be from the bible(or Bible).

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"The Beast" is a common trope and it does originate from The Book of Revelations.

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You seemed to approve 'Bacon Commander' liking his

bible(not a specific book, one of many versions), so

I replied to him with amazement about there being this info.

Had you suggested he stay more in line with your theme, I would not have written.

But if you're happy with a biblically based response, then I thought it ok.

But I ALSO SEE your point, concur. It's getting


Whatever you approve of, I tend to feel I can discuss further.

That's 'the long and the short of it'.

It LOOKS as if you approved the bible with him, not with me. I know that's just appearance, though.

So, the King James Bible, Weymouth Bible, but bible represents all translations.

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It seems that you and I don't disagree on much here.

Everybody believes in something, and I support them as long as their beliefs don't hurt them or others. As a result, scientism is out. There are many forms of Christianity, Judaism, and Bhuddism. Even Islam has two major branches. I have my opinion about many of these varieties, but I usually don't write about my opinion, because it is my readers' opinion that matters, and I don't care for controversy, because convincing others is not among my objectives.

Other than that, the "Bible" is the name if a book, so not capitalizing expresses disrespect or ignorance.

As faith/trust must precede hope, they do pertain to the topic, and only those engage who are interested. I usually don't participate in such comments.

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Way to go, Sir! :)

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Apr 12, 2023
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Thank you kindly. It is my principle that I never mark a comment with "Like," if it praises me. Your presence and participation, however, is worth more than money. At the very beginning, I calculated one paid subscription after 100 free one. In the last couple of weeks, supporters have made sure that now I am working for $6.25 a day, instead of the $5 previously. I never thought about the money (I knew I would need about 10k subscribers to reach the amount SSI pays), only to give back what I have received in life at least as much as such a thing is possible under the circumstances.

I made and making sure everyone can have full access, and besides my gratitude, I only offer a few bonuses to "paid subscribers." Many people can't afford to contribute or they are not in a situation to even dare to "Like" anything I write, but that's fine, because my main objective is to inform, entertain, and inspire my readers to make their own decisions about their own lives. That's personal, so they don't have to say a word. The community is still here, and outstanding comments are quite common. Enjoy, and participate, if you can! :)

My wife and I have been planting for two years and made alternative plans that might have to follow under duress. I have a few posts about that situation with invaluable comments by readers. Here are a couple of them:



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