I don’t know who Stephen R. Covey is, but it doesn’t matter.
The path towards Agenda 2030 has been trodden without any substantial hiccups, but there is more. During my academic teaching, I never prepared for a class: the whole semester was in my head in building blocks that I was able to prioritize as needed. Something similar is happening during the globalist attack on what used to be humanity, and many concurrent threads are at work, while a single prescheduled event can serve several purposes. To my surprise, I have discovered that a timetable is actually being employed, at least as far as changes in the human body are concerned.
As I previously stated, I have had detailed first-hand information about the most common conditions in hospitals in the US, Canada, and the UK in the last four years. It just dawned upon me that there have been time periods, when specific conditions dominated the madical scenery since March, 2020, the beginning of the scheduled mass slaughter that I recently nicknamed The Great Plandemic of 2020 (madical, madication, and Madicine are also my innovations for traditional deceptive terms).
In November, 2021, the VAERS reports caught my wife’s attention, because they indicated cyclical typical injuries and deaths of those who had received the (sooner-or-later) lethal injections, which substantiated “intent to harm,” a legal condition for revoking the manufacturers’ indemnity (which, of course, never happened). Something similar seems to have been happening in the last four years. I noticed that injuries and deaths, well after most people stopped receiving the injections, keep happening in a particular pattern. The pattern resembles an orchestra playing a symphony with single instruments stepping in at first, but eventually, they are present altogether, serving a single purpose in harmony.
It all started with heart muscle damages, nerve damage (caused by radiation of various kinds, with new 5G installations being the leading cause), followed by turbo cancers, peptic ulcers, and blood conditions, including metallic-rubbery “blood” clots. It’s not that all these disappeared, but their frequency has changed. Myocarditis is not famous for being cured, and according to the official figures, life expectancy doesn’t exceed five years (don’t despair, if you have it; statistics are only figures). Peptic ulcers, for one, seem to go out of fashion, while heart attacks, strokes, arthritis, irrevocably depressed spinal discs, and abrading vertebrae are just as universal as ever in the last 60 years.
The current trend is dominated by kidney failure, lower abdominal aortal/aortic aneurysm, and bladder cancer.
Since the VAERS report in November, 2021, I haven’t encountered a single source reporting on the regularity and commonness of these conditions, and I’m afraid that their causes go back several decades and are not all different, while mostly only “vaccines” have been directly pointed out as potential causes. Of course, injectables existed before 2020, too, and they have always been toxic, yet even the disastrous proliferation of childhood “conditions” that multiplied along with the number of “mandatory childhood vaccines” only allowed for some public disputes and a few occasional courtroom “victories,” while victims were being taunted (e.g. the Georgia Guidestones were there for a long time) and children were crippled and dying.
The changes in the human body were accelerated by 5G and the extensive use of nanotech in recent years, and even Ana Mihalcea, who has been treating blood symptoms in the last couple of years announced that her treatment must be repeated at a rate of about $1k a month, and the rate of poisoning might just be too fast to be treated in the long run. Apart from that, the synthesization of the blood seems to be only a stage in the process during which the whole body becomes substantially synthetic, and the blood could even become more or less irrelevant after it served its purpose of transforming the body that had to adjust to the changes in the blood. It’s an AI-designed chain reaction, after all. The future is here.
Mutation is now the standard, which would take forever for the human mind to decipher, but the show is as public as ever.
In the meanwhile, people can make up their own schedule. Here is the most common one:
The implications of this are civilizationally mind shattering. The body would truly be nothing more than a biological machine able to accept new programming on a whim. The inherent energy manipulated toward other purposes not originally intended by creation. All these machines, conceived in the mind of man, managed and maintained by machines conceived by the mind of man, until no longer overseen by the mind of man. Then what? What could possibly go wrong?
If this is true--that all of our blood has been contaminated with "their" transhumanist crap-- it seems to me that this scenario lines up quite well with what the Hebrew prophets and Jesus Christ say about the end times in the Bible. Who would want to kill humanity except some evil being, or group of beings, jealous of and hateful toward the human race? When I think in secular psychoanalytic terms about such a scenario, it is difficult for me to fathom the level of hatred and arrogance capable of such an act. Can childhood trauma alone motivate someone to want to kill all of humanity? Even though I have suffered greatly from things in my own childhood, if, say, I won the lottery, one of the first things I would do would be to use the money to try to help other people around me. I'm not saying that I'm completely self-effacing, but my initial impulse (in addition to my hundredth impulse) is not to harm large numbers of people, but to help large numbers of people. The only reason I would want to do harm large numbers of people is if I felt totally hopeless, despairing of eternal damnation, and wanted to bring everyone down with me. That, I assume, is the type of beasts we are dealing with here.