Highway to Heaven…
The monsters seem to enjoy taunting their victims. Today, I realized it is about much more than taunting.
They humiliate people, and win, when either of the two reactions they expect happens:
1. People get pissed and become violent in the wrong place at the wrong time
2. People realize they don’t matter, cannot make a difference, and lose whatever dignity they have left. Those without self-respect are easy to rule and boss around.
In the meanwhile, lies and perversions are forced down in people’s throats until they gag and speak no more. Against free speech more encouragement keeps happening all the time (I am not asking you to trust the source, but only observe the outcome):
The latest development, the CDC’s 15 : 0 “vote” to mandate the lethal injections by introducing them in the childhood “vaccination” schedule (https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/schedules/hcp/imz/child-adolescent.html) by paid-off and/or intimidated participants has changed the playing field. This is already heckling: the monsters know that once they go for the children, up to 50 percent of the people will be prone to violence.
Source: needtoknow.news
If that happens, martial law can be easily introduced, probably using foreign (Chinese?) mercenaries, drones, and hit teams recruited from the ranks of the illegals (and even give them some kind of official law-enforcement garb). Poisoning whole areas from chemtrails and depopulating whole regions with microwave radiation are also in the playbook.
In the meanwhile, many are happy with their cell phones or gaming on their computers. Christians, who thought they could make a difference, have been made busy with abortion, while millions around them, including them, have been, and are, being killed in broad daylight. Hoping for “Nuremberg 2” is just about as much asinine as hoping for God fixing it; God usually allows stupidity to harm itself.
For Christmas, I am expecting long blackouts and food shortages, but those can start already around the “elections,” along with riots orchestrated by the same criminals who represented BLM and Antifa.
Update: it’s slower than I thought, so I am reconsidering. “Winter storms” and alternatives are still abound:
Still, what exactly happened in North Carolina or, for that matter, in Hawaii?
This was clear all along. Depopulation is the goal, probably to delay climate change (less people to burn fossil fuels). Killing billions in the short-term would be too obvious, and would lead to too much pushback. Sterilizing children becomes less obvious, but more effective in the long-term.
Their current game plan… maintain the lie i.e., the “new reality” at all costs! They are now in the position where they can unapologetically lie right to our faces and receive little if any resistance. What resistance they do encounter is easily crushed out with their gaslighting fact checkers. Try and find one official fact checker that is critical of government policy…. I’ll wait here.