The terrorist state is going global.
The following videos contain only a few, but essential aspects of the global attack on humanity. The last one is a must-watch, especially if you need some comic relief.
On Climate Change
In the following video, taken with a hidden camera, a CNN rep blurts out that “climate change” will be the next shackle put on people, who have been used to being herded around during the plandemic. People without a healthy amount of self-respect are docile and can be easily ruled over:
In case someone hasn’t thought about it, life on Earth would not be possible without CO2. Dr Patrick Moore, Greenpeace founder; announces that CO2 is good:
The following interview was taken with John Coleman, the founder of Weather Channel, who doesn’t go along with the official narrative, and doesn’t allow the reporter to shut him up:
An Australian interview about the climate change hoax:
The Australian confides that there are no more weather anomalies than before. I must add that that would be true, were “Climate change” not “justified” with events caused by HAARP and chemtrailing. It is used to explain away the mass murder in Maui and it will be certainly used for introducing “carbon credit” that will imprison everyone in a digital pocket in the wallet of the CBDC.
The globalists’ tentacles are manifold, and the WHO being granted supreme power over countries amounts to what
a Croatian representative says on the WHO in the European Parliament:
In a nutshell, the WHO is a terrorist organization even more than the WEF, although the WEF is playing a coordinating role in the introduction of the WHO’s global power, the CBDCs, and the “Climate change” hoax.
You always fo a good substack Ray, just wish I had less to reqd so I could focus more on ones like yours as you always have excellent sharing material.
what about the other half of the process?