great summery ....a pendulum can only swing so far before it starts going in the oposite direction ,,, balance equalibrium is a universal law of duality in our insipid universe of duality . like , the bigger the front the bigger the back i pray and hope it starts going back to goodness truth and love for all

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Thanks for redirecting me Ray. Not sure how my comments regarding the current trend ended up on the other post. I read around quite a bit and had not seen anything about the uptick in kidney failure, aortic aneurysm.

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I am terribly sorry, Margarita, but pretty much like all I know is that apart from aneurysm, kidney failure is also on the menu... It's most likely due to a process that I describe in my article today:


While both could be due to some "medication," only you can tell. In my experience, every single condition usually has several causes that add up, and the causes are nearly impossible to identify...

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I understand, while I was not asking for any advice, just for you to expand on what you knew, if possible, on the current trend you discussed. I'm pretty resigned to my shortened path, at this point I just feel like an interested observer

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Your comment is probably not where it belongs, but I understand. If you could go back to the original place, you and I can perhaps go a little further in discussing the problem.

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It's unbelievable to watch ... and people get so ANGRY when you try to point them in a a direction that will let them see for themselves.

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Yes, it is. Still, most of them don't even know what Free Will is; they only follow their social conditioning. A considerable number, possibly, realize that they cannot do anything, so they don't want to know, because that wouldn't change their lives... They just don't know any better, I suppose... I've lost friends and family members over this even from the diminishing numbers as I've been getting old, but many others are telling the same story.

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Would you expand Ray, on what you mentioned is the current trend, as I unfortunately have joined this group, had an ascending aortic dissection in March, told due to unregulated HBP, and informed i will need a stent in my growing descending aorta. I'm a yoga/hiking fit 53 and i was the youngest in that wing by 20 years. I've read many of your articles and can clearly see and agree I'd been long term poisoned, I guess I'm asking you just to expand on the highlighted statement about "the current trend"

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You need to take Lumbrokinase to brake down the fibrin, and make the blood more fluid, and also detox detox and detox !!!!!

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Sorry, I cannot issue "medical" advice... That would close me down and worse. If you have read what I've written, you probably know what I think.

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The US mortality data for 2020 and 2021 indicates a democide was in progress at that time. It was global to some degree in Spring 2020 when there were several dramatic death spikes around the world including the US. Now, US mortality is going down while it increases in Canada. So the planned depopulation is in progress now and has been for over 4 years.

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I "Like" your comment, because I haven't been aware of the details that were playing during the time, when the public was misled; I was satisfied by knowing it happened and it keeps happening.

Actually, from November, 2021, all statistics were doctored retroactively, because they didn't want a steep population loss to stick out after the injections. The wildest one was for the US Armed Forces that went back until 2015...

Of course, the depopulation program goes back before WW1, but it got a boost in around 1960, and it was put on steroids in 2020.

Even the most conservative estimates show a global death toll of about 30 million that could be directly linked to the injections, but the global poisoning goes back by several decades. This is the article that I wrote, when I realized it:


And here are 13 major causes of the sickening and killing off the people:


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My main concern is how people were killed in ways they did not sign off on, like they do with vaccination. Mainly the unexplained 529k increase in US deaths in 2020, pre-vax, an unprecedented increase of 18.5%. To say it was huge would be an understatement. Whether or not the 2021 deaths had a different cause, I don't know--from the work I've done, the US death waves of 2020-2021 had pretty similar characteristics, but who knows.

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It's too late to hang up on statistics posted by the perps and their lackeys.

People have been weakened and exterminated for several decades, as you can read about it in my last link in my previous comment. It all ends up in a "harmony" that my current article is describing. There are a lot of links in it to my previous findings, which also prove my consistency.

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PS I am not talking about "statistics" I'm talking about raw numbers. I literally just wrote the book on US mortality data (the raw numbers), you can see a lot of it for free at this link. https://www.virginiastoner.com/us-mortality-guide

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So, my question remains: How do you know that your numbers are accurate?

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Just saying, no one can dispute the official mortality data without knowing what they are disputing.

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The official mortality data in the federal WONDER database has many indications a mass-poisoning occurred. It is also available to the general public 24/7, so what goes in, stays in. Not sure why they would fabricate data to look like a mass-poisoning rather than to support the official sars-cov-2 narrative, then try to cover up the data.

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Another problem is that apart from the "vaccines," there is no direct link to mortality data.

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Those who know the Bible know - they just don't - that the "resurrection in a new, incorruptible body, of which we do not know what we will become" has been part of a plan for thousands of years. it's happening now. They want to create new bodies for entities that do not have earthly bodies. However, the latter is probably not known to those who work on it. It's probably a universal law that they can only do something if we agree in our hearts, and we have to want it and believe it in order to get what we want. However this faith and will can be created in us, it can be done with lies and deception. They had to wait until humanity was technologically advanced enough to do so. Maybe you think I believe in nonsense, but the events support this. I also know the "agendas", but they are the same as the Jewish Apocrypha. Already decades ago, I read the one in which it was written that "everything will happen in its appointed time". And it exactly matches the WEF plan. And with the book of revelations. The Bible and the Apocrypha are good sources if we peel off the religious glaze.

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I read Steven Covey's book 7 Habits of Effective Peeps, which was a knock off from a Peter Drucker book 20 years earlier. Drucker was a phony, an asset, a spook. He believed in technology, in technological solutions, that technology would save the day which really means even though he could weave 7/8 different subject areas into a coherent document/essay/book, that he was always one of them (e.g., he was from Vienna, Austria yet his family was the world's most prolific publisher of Korans). All I can tell you about Cove is I read his book so nobody should ever have to themselves. I'd rate it below: "Who moved my cheese?". And the only thing worse is Covey talked incessantly about "integrity." My take is he had none. Thanks for more content that reminds many of us that we're not alone, I like how you always had it in the head to begin with. Isn't that really what learning is about? Knowing it so well that the rehearsal has already taken place....Apologies for so little substance from me, it's late, I am fading, and I promise to do better. Next time.

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"Madicine" is both humorous and accurate. The spell check in this comment box wants to change it to Medicine- so AI may be running scared of human creativity and metaphors. One can only hope.

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Perhaps not so strangely, AI can even make up jokes, although it's usually the same kind, mostly, if not exclusively, based on puns. How far it's able to infer personally-specific implications remains a question, but that's not much different from humans. In the last several decades in the US, when I joked on the East Coast, people usually thought I was serious (and often took offense), while in the West, sometimes it worked the other way around. :)

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hope useless, action is needed. relentless action on the ground. I print hundreds of mini flyers every week and put on cars in hospital parking lots, pediatrcian offices, colleges, grocery. i hand to masked souls, i tape to gas pump screens Flyer says Today is Your Lucky Day, Covid is scam Virus are Not Contagious. read free book The Contagion Myth www.VirusTruth.NET if I had money I would pay for billboards. mini flyers least cost effective. this is war, where are the fighters? join me. everyone can do this ! I even slip them into convid test and mask and diaper boxes. mini flyer called Lucky puts Contagion Myth directly into hands.

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That's a great job, Toni.

Still, after turning up the towers and/or some extensive areal poisoning (most likely from chemtrails, food, or water), another "national emergency" can be declared, and people will be deprived of basic rights (most importantly Habeas Corpus, the Freedom of Speech, and the Freedom to Assemble) and can be treated as disposable openly.

I wish people were ready to be prepared for that... WW3 on TV, dirty bomb false-flags, holographic "alien attacks," and a few EMPs can wreak havoc, and I cannot see how anyone can fully prepare for those and for the ensuing chaos.

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So spot on I almost had forward view of amass sacrifice ritual where the demons of death hit the easy button. Now what?

The savior didn’t arrive and the transhumance has happened. So the 5 th revolution has to be where space and time is irrelevant and AI teaches AI and uman survivors are just a synthetic interface that eats shits and does tasks to support the programs. Maybe we will eat our own shit as a synthetic cycle to be more efficient?!

Good bye American pie, the levi broke..

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we need activists on the ground. all rx pharma harms, not just con shots, my unvaxxed 50 yr brother had heart attack after they scared him onto statins. now they added more pharma poison to his routine. babies clearly no control of their lives, re shots. im printing mini flyers from www.VirusTruth.NET and putting 50 on cars every few days . I tape to gas pump screens, hand to masked souls, hand to moms with children, i even slip them into mask boxes and convid test kits. get brave, get creative, get active. this is war, we need fighters to take down lie of germs causing disease. No fear of viruses, no shots, no fear of dying, no pharma...the body is brilliant has innate capacity to heal and survive . this website great free books ! The Contagion Myth, Can You Really Catch A Cold?, www.whatreallymakesyouill.com. join us! you have power! use it !

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to me the georga guidstones were a warning what they were planning " satan must state his plans , and his servants consider silence as consent

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fight back, save some babies from sids, autism, asthma, cancer... easy mini flyers called LuckyDay at www.VirusTruth.NET I will put 20- 30 on cars every single day until my last breath.

i hand to masked souls, moms with babies. Join us! put the book by Dr Tom Cowan md The Contagion Myth direct into as many hands as you can. ive gotten many to take off their masks!

pharma the most sinister, lie of germs causing disease, lie of viruses ! lead like moses.

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even my grave will fight evil tyranny,,, please see if any of this info you can use ...new medi sin es no longer need safety testing for the vaxxed genetically modyfied people ... because ... they dont have human rights ... because they are no longer considered humans because... they are no longer made exclusivally by God made in Gods image and likeness ,,, but are genetically modyfied [ changed ] with mrna vaxxes .... please good God help the demon possesed pshycopathic world leaders and their knowing and not knowing supporters return to goodness and truth ...https://thereisnopandemic.net/2022/02/26/legal-impact-of-mrna-vaccines-chile-enacts-anti-discrimination-against-mutants-law-24-february-2022/Legalized FDA non-regulation of biological products effective May 2, 2019, by Federal Register Final Rule, signed by then-FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb.

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many have shown mrna aka spike protein does not exist. Stefano Scoglio here www.VirusTruth.NET/Italia . what ever is in covid or any shots are poison like all the shots. they can sicken us cause death , maim with birth defects, but they cant change our nature our souls . they cannot create life. they cannot create viruses. fight in streets mano a mano handing this vital info to people. They cant UnRead the info . even if they toss out the ticket- the message will be subliminal in their brain. or maybe like me, and will have an immediate 180 turn from germaphobe to anger being fooled. by reading Cowans book. it was pure luck someone put that book in my path. so i now I put that book in others path for the same opportunity.

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To me, it was, and it is, simply logical that mRNA had not been, and is not, deployed. The technology was invented by the Soviets around 1981, but they didn't dare to use it, because it could start an uncontrollable chain reaction. I first wrote about this in June, 2022, and completed the idea in May, 2023:


The current technologies cause similar damages, but they can be controlled:


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It was also about taunting the victims...

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yes , they are true and faithfull to their malicious insane sick character but super intelligent but dreadfully stupid tricked into becoming demons

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Jun 15
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i agree 100% reminds me of.. the wisdom of man is foolishness to good God

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I’ve been wondering the same ! When first amusing myself looking through the relatively inexpensive microscope late last year. Every one of the half dozen lancet pricks I looked at had the unusual artifacts, the very few folks samples I’ve looked at all unjabbed by the heavily marketed liquids. When the microscope folks across the world saw similar oddities in the blood and fluids of flora and fauna I began to wonder that transition from natural creation to ‘controllable creation’ was transitioning.

Then knowing the ‘law’ that no natural thing can be patented and monetized I naively thought these changes could be just the ways and means for owning everything by the gobblers behind the curtain.

I still seem to have my same imagination and curiosity so I do game this out to myself. Most The goals of the ‘wet ware’ agenda are in the open for those who look. Realizing the tendency of weak humans to DO what might not should be done in the hope of some idiotic Utopian agenda, taking over control of brains thinking is too tempting not to try to do in hopes of Ultimate control of an uncontrollable and unpredictable process of life and living.

Yes, this depresses me greatly, so the simple diversions of things at hand do provide a respite, currently the 40 mature Blueberry bushes (under an old net that has holes, so the birds get some too-robins and mockingbirds love them and had a scarlet taneger in there Tuesday) are amazing this year and need picking every three days- takes all day to get about 4 gallons picked.

They are ripening earlier than I’ve ever experienced by about 10 days. )

Take care Ray, you still have the ‘tone’ of you as best I can tell. ❤️

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We need fighters ! I rest without relenting. i put at least 20 mini flyers on cars every single day since I read book The Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan ! mini flyer called LuckyDay at www.VirusTruth.NET, so now I pay my good luck forward, i tape to gas pump screens, hand to masked souls, leave in baby isle, put on cars in hospital parking lots. slip into diaper boxes, put under baby wipe lids, cars that say Baby on Board. we all have power but must use it off email, person to person. this is war !! Autism, Sids, Cancer all caused by shots and pharma.

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I'm still me too, and I'm one of the 3 percent who think for themselves, and are 'in the know' because it is so *freaking* obvious when you look around. I really don't know how everyone else can't see. Then again no one wants to see what I see because its so entirely depressing. My thought that gives me pleasure hope is I will make it out of here at 78 or 88 all me, and never ever need to revisit this world that humanity has entirely destroyed (albeit we had a great deal of 'help' from the enemy doing so...but we did it to ourselves very very willingly.) I guess its like Sodom and Gomorrah at this point.. so few uncorrupted people around... the chastisement will be richly deserved.

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i will not go quietly ! turn your depressed view into riteous action. I put these easy mini flyers on cars i call them my FU Fauci tickets! bring light to others, save a life or 2 from big pharma, from fear of viruses, from fear of illness, fear of death. called LuckyDay at www.VirusTruth.NET

I hand to masked souls setting them free. i slip into convid test and mask boxes in stores so they get a nice surprise, i leave on cars at hospitals to reach madical staff. one doctor emailed Cowan after getting my ticket on her car. join me. print hundreds. i make 2 sided for cars, one sided to tape. can make business cars if money no issue

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It's still me, Susan. :)

Not sure how much longer.

Even to understand what I've been saying, one needs considerable amount of life experience, the ability to think further than the first conclusion (as opposed to the screaming secretary, who screams with joy, when she find a letter on the keyboard), the willingness to face the limitation of human knowledge, and the commitment to make their own decisions. I might be missing something, but this is already about 0.03 percent of today's humans. It's not a joyful moment to face what's happening and whatever is coming, but it provides a chance to make the right choice, which is private for everyone.

Over here, we are ahead of dry and hot days. Kentucky has the second highest amount of water reserves after Alaska in the nation, and it might be under attack soon. It makes little difference both for those who have been preparing and those who haven't. Monika goes out every morning to water her garden, and there is nothing more beautiful than doing things that make no sense for the technocratic mind.

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And here, in South Australia, the driest state in the driest continent on earth, may not be the first to lose access to water but eventually ... Back we go to the aboriginal life that sustained the first humans for millennia. We will continue to evolve and survive and perhaps finally re-learn 'What really matters'.

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The natives in the Northern Territory were hunted down and were forcefully injected the poison.

Other than that, it's either technocracy or the Stone Age, and I'm not sure which.


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Jun 15Edited

You neglect the known unknown.

You talk of faith yet have none. ''Miracle'' is a word used by a person that has no faith.

Where does knowledge come from?

If you can answer that, then you know the road to take.

Edit: a

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I'm sorry, if that's all you have managed to get out of all my work.

Of course, you are wrong, but I don't care. You think whatever you want to.

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''but I don't care.''


''Good grief, talk about insertion of predictive programming. F*** that BS.''

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You see, if these are the only things you care for and you haven't got the slightest idea about my other articles, either, you might at least consider being polite.

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''the only things you care for''

What do I care for Ray?

Seen any gatekeepers lately?

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Love you Ray and Monica!

Read a book a few years ago: Jose Delgado, ‘ Physical Control of the Mind’- free down load. Thought at first it was to assist one in reining in one’s own mind, but of course not, it was about using electric stimulation to control the subject experimented on. Of course it was presented as helpful in controlling moods and disfunctional thinkings (by whose definition? ;)

Creeped me out to see it in action now, book was from the 60’s.

As I am the one evaluating myself I should be extra wary!

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"(...) and there is nothing more beautiful than doing things that make no sense for the technocratic mind."


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Just Say No to Thugs

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Hi Ray & readers, this channel is truly a gem with regards to the planning of events in our LARP reality.


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Walter Russell has the right idea in that all things are created from Light and there is a constant creation process going on at a fundamental level of frequency. If you are the screen that the projector's light hits, then you look real to us who are seeing the image on the surface of your gelatinous shell, nothing more than energy concentrated into a tight space that you call home, or body, but it is indeed not but an expression of your spirit, the body being able to miraculously cure itself of so many things that were thought to be terminal just days before such anomalies occur. It is because of the common occurance of the impossible that I have full faith in the miracles of self healing, longevity through understanding and practicing things like getting lots of sun, exercise, good food, meditation and a strong faith, one that takes believing in a power greater than humans understand operates through us. If one believes enough, as has been proven in many Revival tents, or the work of Joe Dispenza and others who have taught how to master your belief system so as to control the workings of the body which is nothing more than frequencies combined, bacteria, virus, parasites, and the orchestra inside of us that sings a song of life. To disregard the common exception to the scientifically accepted norm must be factored in or you risk being so close minded that there is no escape from your prognostications that the sky is falling down. Wii, the billions of "I"s in the world are about to go through a transformation on a planet wide basis, cycles, and if most of humanity is taken out, all the better. Easier to start over if 85% of the people were gone. So it goes.

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We Didn’t Need To Find The Cure For Cancer.

We Found The Cause.


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Plenty of cures really ... all suppressed / banned, every which way

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The last few years have been amazing in the realm of science and understanding the mitochondria's importance in our energy, our health, our ability to be amazing. Deuterium is killing most people who are not even aware of what it is and does to the body, nor do they get out and sweat, absorb lots of sun to charge up the mitochondria and produce the melanin you need so badly to stay healthy. Grounding the energy of the air to balance instead of build up and inflame the body, a circuit between ground and air that absorbs negative ions out of the Earth through your feet to heal you unless you wear rubbers all the time, walk on concrete, and thus expedite your decline in health, aging faster, and unable to regenerate organs or parts of the body due to a poor ground. What operates with a poor ground well? Your car, phone, or anything electrical needs a good ground or it will burn up. You are an electrical being with an amazing heart that generates incredible energy and when linked with instincts and the brain, phenomenal. Why not focus on how some of us manage to stay in phenomenal condition, aging far slower than our contemporaries, and cleary much happier with life due to no having had the vax, been impacted at all by covid, or any of the other myriad of physical trauma that so many have invited into their lives through failing to self educate and then act to become phenomenal instead of normal. It is a conscious choice that requires effort, not pills and hopium, nor fear, hopelessness, or a victim mentality that suggests Wii have lost before the final battles happen. The final battles are in the head and hearts of those strong enough to have a chance of surviving. The rest of the people really do not want to do the work or change their belief systems and thus, can not be helped.

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Mitochondria, it triggered in me a flash back to A Swiftly Tilting Planet and that series... perhaps we all should be reciting the Lorica of St. Patrick...

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Far too few people appreciate the "Gift of the life" they were given!

For many, the value of all this wonder and opportunity, only cuts in when suddenly they struggle to see or to breath?

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yes that whole psyop of "I can't breathe" whilst everyone wore masks and got sick from 5G....what a bunch of bullshit. I am very angry.

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True, until it is about to be lost, life is taken for granted and seldom lived to its fullest.

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Sounds good enough, except that there is no "we."

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True, there is only Wii, all of the "I"s that form the Universal One. Walter Russell was onto the right path.

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