Please, notice that much of the following piece is only offering a hypothetical approach to describing the essence of the process that is being employed these days in order to decimate and enslave everyone. You are most welcome to improve and/or alter the hypothesis, and I’m eager to learn more from you, too.
Since this article, I have managed to produce two breakthroughs. Here is the second:
I hope, that more are coming, as I was contemplating in the following piece:
What makes people sick?
In Terrain Theory, illness is caused by poisoning, deficiency, or resonance, and all three have been proven to do just that. As you must well know by now, “covid” is only one of the latest among hundreds, if not thousands, of invented illnesses1; I elaborated on allergies and “autoimmune” conditions in my most comprehensive article on the subject of health and disease in
That article summarizes my lifelong experience in relation to the topic, which makes it long and time-consuming to read. Moreover, Substack readers are used to treating the texts here are journalism, although many of my pieces don’t go obsolete anytime soon. This time, I am going to make a step or two forward from my original hypothesis.
For about a hundred years, allopathic “Medicine” has been inventing illnesses in order to cover up for the same chemical industry (of which Big Pharma is only a branch) that finances its very existence. Its arcane terms reduce the problem of disease to “something is wrong with the patient” or, “it’s the patient’s fault”:
Symptoms that are attributed to allergies by doctors can be caused by the body being overloaded with toxins. The history and essence of “peanut allergy” seems to go hand in hand with the general poisoning in the past several decades. So, what has been happening? It turns out that toxins can be a lot more than old-fashioned poisons2, although the oldies also retain their poisonous nature and stay in use as well, except that tens of thousands of new toxins have emerged since the 1850s at an accelerating pace with the introduction of electricity, mass production, and oil refinery, while governments fell prey to the bank loans issued by the same bankers that controlled all key industries. It hasn’t helped that, as usual in history, leading R&D was conducted for military purposes and remained “top secrets,” which left more than enough room for deploying the achievements of such research against the public.
The accumulation of toxins in the body can make one sick, and peanuts can deliver toxins, when consumed:
Because the peanut is also a big target for little pests, peanuts are also one of the crops most heavily routinely saturated with pesticides. Most of the peanuts consumed in the U.S. are now one of the most pesticide-contaminated snacks we eat. The USDA Pesticide Data Program found 8 pesticides on peanut butter.
As for chemicals in peanuts,
Mineral elements analysis revealed that K, Mg, Cu, Mn, Fe and P were present in nutritionally significant amounts in all samples. Moreover, K was found in high level. The nutritional value of protein is considered by its content of essential amino acids. Peanuts contained high levels of arginine and histidine.
Elevated toxin levels, however, cannot explain the sudden onset of an “allergic reaction.” More details are needed, and one of them seems decisive.
What happens during an allergic reaction?
In many cases, the first time eating a product containing peanut traces is enough to set off a reaction. The reason for the response is an overactive immune system that identifies proteins in the peanut as a threat. An antibody called immunoglobulin E is produced which causes chemicals to be released. (ibid.)
Is it possible that the pesticides and the large amount of industrial waste in the air, in the water, and in the ground changes the proteins in peanuts? After all, pests adopt to pesticides, which is why GMO cultures and their matching pesticides generated so much profit for the chemical industry. Mundane poisoning is certainly a potential variable, but there are many more factors to consider.
When peanuts elicit autoimmune reactions, because the body attacks certain proteins as alien substances. How come the body attacks itself, too? The mix-up is most likely due to the sudden emergence and proliferation of consistently repetitive partial DNA sequences. Chances are, the body “remembers” identical and similar proteins from previous processes during which the body was harmed. In one potential version of the events, once such sequences consistently (mostly or totally) coincide with some existing human proteins3, the immune response can attack the native protein in the same manner as it were attacking a similar or identical invasive DNA contaminant that it memorized from a previous attack. The invader can, most likely, partially or fully transform native proteins after its own image and start to colonize and destroy the body. Most immune responses are based on a conditional reflex to attackers; the body usually responds to similar situations in similar manners, at least until it learns something new about the current attack. If that is the case with peanut allergy, the allergic reaction must be preceded by a stage during which the body is conditioned to develop its response to a similar attack, and during the allergic reaction, this conditioned response is triggered by the attackers’ similarity.
The allergic reaction, therefore, short-circuits the process of fighting a threat and the recognition that the body is attacking itself. The native (but most likely altered or assimilated by the attacker) protein in the body ends up acting in a similar or identical manner as the one coming in from the peanuts. Essentially, beyond a certain point, the two become indistinguishable for the body, and they both elicit the same immune response. Could it be specific DNA fragments that break the balance of nature? Certainly, and if they are the cause, then DNA experiments must have gone wild and/or out of control several decades ago, and the first peanut allergies only signaled the problem, and they were unlikely the only signs.
According to,
In the early 1990s there was a dramatic rise in the number of peanut allergic infants who had reached school age, catapulting peanut allergy awareness into the headlines as schools struggled to find ways to safely accommodate peanut-allergic children within a peanut-eating class.
This sudden acceleration of peanut allergy around 1990 coincided with those paediatric vaccination schedule changes, including the rolling of the novel conjugate Hib B along with another four vaccines into one needle, all without benefit of long-term study.
DNA-poisoning with “vaccines” and other methods
As DNA fragments are known to have been found in “vaccines,” the alien-protein hypothesis sounds feasible, but one must not forget that all forms of common poisonings (e.g. pesticide residues were 400 times lower in fruits and vegetables in 1990 than around 2022, and even children’s mattresses and baby blankets were treated with a fire retardants at the time) received a major boost in the early 1990s, and some of the chemicals that may have played essential roles in the process may not have even been identified. Chemtrails, for one, were already out there in clandestine operations as military-grade weather manipulation4. Various forms of radiation were also exerting their impact on humans, especially after the introduction of the cellular phone5.
Ionizing radiation has been wreaking havoc since the introduction of electricity, and cancer is only one of the outcomes6, as describes the process:
The ability of radiation to damage molecules is analyzed in terms of what is called ionizing power. When a radiation particle interacts with atoms, the interaction can cause the atom to lose electrons and thus become ionized. The greater the likelihood that damage will occur by an interaction is the ionizing power of the radiation. Ionizing radiation could affect either the whole body (somatic damage) and/or eggs and sperm (genetic damage).
Radiation can harm biological systems by damaging the DNA of cells. If this damage is not properly repaired, the cells may divide in an uncontrolled manner and cause cancer.
In addition, various factors can enhance each other’s impact or activate each other7. The ongoing decades-long attack on humanity demonstrates planning, and such planning must inevitably incorporate a large number of variables working together toward the same goal: depopulation and total control over every single person. Immune responses are the easiest to condition during the first two years of life, when the body is building up its system of immune responses. Invariably, several factors (e.g. the increasing toxicity of food, water, and air placed an increasing burden on the people) enter the picture, complicating it enough to make it absolutely impossible to decipher for the human mind in the next million years.
At least, some of the picture is becoming clear. DNA manipulation with altered proteins suggests that peanut allergy originates from the same sources and uses the same mechanisms as another invented illness, Lyme disease. Here it is in Dr. Sam Bailey’s presentation:
The declaration by the promoters of the invented condition that “Lyme disease is the prototype of an emerging infectious disease” strongly substantiates the presence of planning and cover-up. Consequently, it’s only logical to conjecture that the two shares common grounds with another common “autoimmune” condition, arthritis. The conjecturing, however, is supported by substantial amount of evidence.
Based on these findings, modified proteins have been evidently studied, developed, and weaponized for decades and, consequently, are also the most likely candidates for establishing the AI-human interface that is needed for remotely controlling people. who have been saturated with remotely-controllable nanoparticles that can self-assemble into receivers, transmitters, and central processing units, and anchor themselves into the human subject:
Ionizing radiation is the ideal tool for permeating and harming every living creature:
Gamma rays are not particles but a high energy form of electromagnetic radiation (like x-rays except more powerful). Gamma rays are energy that has no mass or charge. Gamma rays have tremendous penetration power and require several inches of dense material (like lead) to shield them. Gamma rays may pass all the way through a human body without striking anything. They are considered to have the least ionizing power and the greatest penetration power.
The safest amount of radiation to the human body is zero. It is not possible to be not exposed to ionizing radiation so the next best goal is to be exposed to as little as possible. The two best ways to minimize exposure is to limit time of exposure and to increase distance from the source. The image below summarizes the key concepts of ionization and penetration abilities of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation.
Ionization and penetrations abilities of alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. (CC BY-NC-ND,
Radiation can potentially nullify the harmful radiation, but only if it interferes with it with reversed polarity. Suppressing it with a larger signal only increases radiation exposure even if the initial rapid impact of 5G signals are suppressed. One must know the exact patterns of the incoming radiation in order to enjoy full protection, which remains the only potential remedy to the current mass-poisoning:
Just like the immune system is conditioned for its response to the protein attack, when it arrives in the sequence in which it learns about anomalies in the attack, that is, ways it differs from previous similar attacks, its learning process falls into the mercy of the DNA manipulators, whose goal is to take full control of every living organism around the Globe. Nanoparticles are absorbed by the body from numerous resources9; some of them are “only” toxic, while others can be programmed remotely after self-assembling into receivers, transmitters, and CPUs. Once the self-assembling nanochips are anchored in the body, they relay information to the central AI and receive instructions, depending on the target’s function in the IoT; the target’s DNA can be “queried” and downloaded through 5G or comparable technologies:
Ultimately, it’s your turn to draw your own conclusions.
A few common invented illnesses:
The failure of diagnostics seems intentional:
Here are a few examples of some old toxins that are still in use:
There are plenty of proteins in the human body; here are their types and functions:
Geoengineering, however, entails a lot more than one would think:
As for radiation your exposure, check out
Holding a cell phone to the ear or keeping it in one’s bra certainly accelerates the development of brain and breast cancer. Children are extremely vulnerable, and their brain cancer rates grew sixfold in the 1990s, because their thinner skull offered less protection than an adult’s.
Because of the predictability of the extensive use of some “medications” for common “covid” symptoms, they might contain toxins or are used against patients by combining them with another substance or specific forms of radiation. Ivermectin, for one, is produced by the same manufacturers (or their subsidies) as the convid “vaccine,” and after being demonized, they were suddenly available for doctors to prescribe, making them suspicious at best:
The same is true for all other treatments and chemicals used for “covid” symptoms (mostly used for nanoparticle and radiation poisoning).
The mass murderers have actually openly registered their signature:
Injections are not needed, only in “urgent” cases:
Certainly, there is no need for a "nuclear war", now is there? Yes, bombs kill a lot more people in one drop vs. vaccines. I keep telling folks that you NEVER hear of ANY of the politicians becoming ill or dying from those jabs. They haven't taken them because they KNOW!