just wondering why you have these essential elements lumped in with toxins? Am I missing something?

"As for chemicals in peanuts,

Mineral elements analysis revealed that K, Mg, Cu, Mn, Fe and P were present in nutritionally significant amounts in all samples. Moreover, K was found in high level. The nutritional value of protein is considered by its content of essential amino acids. Peanuts contained high levels of arginine and histidine.

Elevated toxin levels, however, cannot explain the sudden onset of an “allergic reaction.” More details are needed, and one of them seems decisive."

As for peanut allergies, do I remember reading that peanut oil was used as an adjuvant in vaccines at some point in history?

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Fair question, My Liege. :)

At this point, I was flabbergasted about the variety of options and finally, eight months later, I managed to carry on:


Also, I'm reluctant to believe that the body is a "witch's cauldron," so when an anomaly shows up in one place, it usually indicates a problem in another:


The field is now open for the game! :)

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its just POISONING t6hey have been doing it forever historically ITS THEIR STATED GOAL ..,,, now they have mrna poisons and still looking for more ITS THEIR STATED GOAL ... good God help please ... even though i read somewhere that we deserve our rulers , and the people are always worst that their rulers... hmmm

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Another GMO ‘Vanity Product:’ Bayer to Sell Gene-Edited Salad Greens in U.S. Stores

Read more:


Tens of Thousands of Kids Tested for Lead May Have Received False Low Results

Read more:


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Great source. I also suspect that modified proteins are being heavily used in the process of the current mass murder, and they have played key roles in creating new "medical conditions" in the last 60-70 years.

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We should also not rule out rats and mice. I figure our peanuts are infested with them.

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Yes and fungus and aflatoxins are sometimes in peanuts. Weirdly peanuts can trigger cold sores in some people which I thought was because it had amino acids that competed against lysine or maybe they were high in histamines but maybe it’s toxins or pesticide or fungi or proteins. Hmm. I read an article recently about fungus causing reactions in brain and the body to deal w it then has a side effect on the brain similar to dementia -and he went over a dementia vs cancer reaction to stuff, and he linked autoimmune stuff and I think Lyme disease to it too. So many things to think about. Everything is sort of connected but there is so much about the body to learn. I appreciate the article and comments.👍

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You might also be interested in contributing to my current tentative paradigm of illness/health at https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/what-makes-people-sick-apart-from

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It looks like you have gone beyond the publicized boundaries of allopathic Medicine, but as I'm also experiencing it, it's only a start.

I kind of remember that, incidentally, even peanuts can be moldy without the mold being visible or obvious to taste. Many forms of mold ("fungi") are carcinogens, too.

This is where the rabbit hole become so deep that it will take me a long time to follow the path down below.

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Bath? You mean the journey across the River Styx?

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Corrected, although the river must also be somewhere around, too. :)

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My focus in this article is on the common denominator.

As for Vinu, I don't trust anyone who calls the lethal injections "vaccines" and talks about "contamination" instead of the intentional democide that is happening...

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I, for the most part, agree. I do think it’s very probable it’s intentional (allegedly) (I’m Canadian so I have to watch my wording or I might get put away w the new draconian laws) and I think there must be many more people that also suspect it’s intentional but I cut people slack for not always openly saying it. People who don’t say it may 1- not say it (yet) because of how they believe that statement will be interpreted (they might be afraid people aren’t able to hear that message as they are too indoctrinated and need to be educated with little bits first or they need more science to back them up to be confident, they don’t want to lose their job , or be kicked out by medical boards or be labeled conspiracy theorists and no to get to share the info they do have proof about etc.

But I really don’t know many of the good guys are pretty controversial in that they do not talk about certain aspects so idk. I guess time will tell. I try to keep my mind open to multiple viewpoints. And share (sometimes w a disclaimer as I don’t always have a firm opinion if they are right) lots of theories.

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Ah that makes sense. I like Vinu but he has worked for some nefarious people...

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Some things never change. :)

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Thank you for your work Ray. I haven’t visited Substack for a while so am very happy to see you’re still producing regularly.

The “big picture”, the truth about what has been going on since our countries were founded (and for millennia, but let’s start with baby steps), is finally being realized in the greater consciousness.

We are currently being ruled by the weak; By those who lie, cheat, steal and attempt to suppress excellence; By those who take from others, because they have nothing authentic or wholesome to offer the world.

Humanity is not, nor will it ever, be capable of mastering nature or outdoing creation. Time for some serious shadow work. Time to challenge those core beliefs that are holding us back from greatness!!

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Just an aside, but it would be interesting to read your comments on virus theory in general. Out of practice 3 years, I now question how a bunch of DNA can, without cellular machinery, attack a cell as claimed. If it does, so can any other poison, it seems to me. Civilian lies abound...

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Thank you Ray. I'm from bio and Chem but having a 30 yr old son writing papers for BPharma presents one helluva challenge.He got jabbed and "believes" in it. So my gently written 30 pp for Christmas created Crickets. I can handle it more as a Dad than as citizen of Chinada. The country I don't recognize any more.

Hence the importance of being able to present info as clearly and definitively as possible. And asking challenging questions that go to the core of the Big Lies.

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If you go to Archives at the top of my home page, you can search for key words or phrases. In the last 21 months, I have published nearly 800 articles, and the following might be the most relevant to your question:


The current article, however, surprised me, because my original plan was to write about peanut allergy, but one thing followed another, and instead, I seem to have arrived at more general conclusions that also match and complement my previous findings.

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Heather Fraser with her methodical research convinced me that the major cause of peanut allergy was the introduction into the vaccine bundle

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Yes there was a huge increase in peanut allergies after certain vaccines used an adjuvant or ingredient that was to the body very similar to peanut oil. So you are onto something. I think eventually big pharma started replacing that ingredient but I don’t know the exact timeline.

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And ever since I wrote this article, I've been encountering multiple sources of attacks on human health by modified proteins or protein modifications.

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To me, it looks like military-grade experiments on the general population encompassed a lot more than I previously believed.

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Way OT;

Ray, I lost the thread, but I think it was your Stack where there was a discussion on "Communication"

This is interesting even if known about for years:


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It does look interesting, but I haven't seen it before, and I usually read comments and try to respond to each.

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LOL,,,I'm not organized.

The Substacks I follow are not in any file?

Re. You work on allergies, I can't contribute much, except to point out the huge scale of modern food production. Every aspect of commercial food is now so technical and artificial, it is a wonder we can even digest it??

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"Subscribe" is recorded, but I don't know about "follow." I know, I cannot see everyone who "follows" me.

Once the microwave turns the crap into goo, the body doesn't even know what it's being fed. :)

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That may be (microwave), a big part of this? We nolonger own such a device.

Lucky for me, my Wife is a great cook, using mostly basic ingredients.

The "Pre prepared foods scare me badly. But, few modern households have the time, inclination, or ability to do basic cooking.

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Same here; I'm lucky with my wife, she is a marvelous cook or, rather, a chef. We cook from scratch, but even organic is not safe. Surprising ingredients in food:


Since the end of May, 2023, it's been legal to "vaccinate" people through the food supply:


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I'd react to any that was seafood-related. Even the Seaweed Carrageenan causes GI flares. The last infection was 4.5 months long. The new GMO label is picking up more products with Carrageenan in them. Toothpaste? Bet it's in Fixodent too. The print is too small to read. The longest list is man-made drugs. A full sheet of them. Change an ingredient like where the Blue dye can cause a reaction. So all these Chinese-sourced meds are a problem. Some herbals will cause reactions.

Noodling - are you still eating this? https://divadrops.substack.com/p/noodling-are-you-still-eating-this

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Carragean is known to be carcinogenic, and anything that accumulates in the body beyond the tolerance limit, causes illness. My latest favorite is "Sugar-Free" food products laced with another carcinogenic, sucralose...

Carragean (red algae) is supposed to be in Horizon "organic" dairy products and some packs of Kerrygold butter, too.

My wife and I automatically don't buy food with long lists of ingredients. We read them for a while, but there is hardly any point. GMO soy, corn, and corn syrup is nearly in everything, spiced up with some "natural" or artificial flavoring, dyes, and preservatives.

Yet even we were surprised at some ingredients in food, especially the Chinese hair in bread:


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WE are not Vaccine Deficient !!!....Period

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Any tips on treating lyme?

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I had lyme about ten years ago- the only symptom was a really swollen (but not painful) knee. No sign of woodtick bite, but I spend so much time outdoors that it sure could have come from a tick. Anyway, I had no idea what it was until I finally went to a doc and he tested for lyme, it came back positive, and he put me on a round of antibiotics. Cleared the whole thing up in a a couple of days and no trouble after.

Whatever I had must have been some kind of bacterial infection. I don't know if it was "lyme" or what the "lyme test" tests for. But they called it "lyme" and the doc said all positive lyme tests get reported to CDC.

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Speaks volumes about "medical" care and the CDC.

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What I get from the video link in the article is that Lyme seems to have been one of the test runs for various health conditions, so it may have been caused by a variety of agents or, most likely, a combination of them.

You might find a few ideas in the comments to one or more of my four articles that mention Lyme:


Or, maybe, someone will contribute here...

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CDS is awesome for that !!!!!

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Certainly, there is no need for a "nuclear war", now is there? Yes, bombs kill a lot more people in one drop vs. vaccines. I keep telling folks that you NEVER hear of ANY of the politicians becoming ill or dying from those jabs. They haven't taken them because they KNOW!

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It also looks like they are going to throw in "Contagion X" no later than 2025; some kind of toxins or just turning up the towers... That will bring production and distribution to a full stop, and once without food, water, and energy, looters, gangs, and private armies (being trained right now from military-age illegals) will wipe out much of the population. Some will succumb to dehydration, starvation, cold/heat, or some (probably, some of these gene-altering) toxins...

15-minute cities will be a lot easier to enforce, if large areas become "contaminated," only on paper and on TV, of course, but a few dirty bombs will be probably deployed.

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Thank you kindly. :)

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I have yet to take a cent on my coffee page. So I've added some insult on my YGL article.

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I'm sure that will help...

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