Why is it that after 110 years, people are still not realizing that they have been and are being robbed blind by the private bank, The Federal Reserve? Why don’t they seem to understand that “the Fed” already owns the whole country as the collateral for the federal government’s debts? Or is it what it usually is? It’s not that people don’t care; it’s that they know they cannot do a thing, and they don’t enjoy rubbing it in.
There has been a lot of repetitive and, of course, abortive noise about past or inconsequential events or problems, and it’s nothing but background music, while Rome is burning. If you ask me, it’s probably gangsta’ rap “to please the masses.” Ron Paul’s call for “auditing the Fed has been ignored and his son, Rand, has been playing the court jester in American politics for a long time, achieving exactly nothing or, at least, nothing that wouldn’t change without him, too.
All the “do not comply” calls are making me sick, because there will be no room in the system for the non-compliant. All those proud protesters are accomplishing nothing beyond soothing their conscience by being able to claim in the future that they were not sitting idle, while the country was being destroyed. They remind me of the joke,
Wife arrives home and finds the house completely empty. The furniture and everything else are gone. Still, he finds his husband standing in the middle of the living room, practically motionless.
She asks him,
“What happened here?”
“Honey, we had robbers. They took everything.”
“Why are you standing there?”
“If you take a closer look, I am standing in a circle. The robbers drew it with a crayon and told me not to ever step out of it!”
“So, you were just standing there, while they were emptying the place?”
“No, dear, of course not. I stepped out of the circle three times!”
If you think, I’m “too pessimistic,” I am up to your challenge. The following options have been proven to be useless or even self-defeating:
Of course, you already own nothing, but it’s still a bit hazy. Let me sum up the way you’ll lose your property. Although I’ve said it a number of times, people don’t seem to understand how important it is. This time, let me say it again for the last time and as briefly as I can.
There is only one logic behind property taxes: you don’t own what you think you do
As long as you have to pay property taxes, you are renting what you claim to own.
You are told your property tax is paying for schools, roads, law enforcement, the fire department, the local library, and the offices for the local government (the people who are ripping you off).
Not all states are the same, but the differences only confirm the universality of the practice, which is short of highway robbery (the following map is from 2017, but it’s enough to demonstrate my point):
Do only homeowners use the services that property taxes cover? Of course, not. Yet property taxes exist in all states, which might deter some foreign buyers, but I don’t think those buyers are running out of money anytime soon, at least not before the CBDC is universally enforced.1
However, once it’s enforced, you’ll be able to pay your property taxes only if you have enough of it, which can be changed with the press of a button, and you’ll be able to complain at those, who are robbing you of your assets.
In the meantime, you can select a state with your preferred tax rates:
Not all states have an income tax, but they all collect property taxes. You are paying for the salaries of those, who will officially deprive you of your property.
The New Jersey rates are nearly entertaining at
Average effective property tax: 2.21%
2022 average home value: $470,981
Average annual property tax paid: $10,409
The psychology behind it that you must shut up and rejoice that you are robbed less.
Of course, not all statistics are created equal, although I love the brand-new figures on MSN. Here is another link from elsewhere:
You might say that the property tax has been left over from feudalism, and I agree, except that it has been left over. It looks like feudalism never expired.
And nobody can do anything about the Federal Reserve, which guarantees the success of Agenda 2030:
Anybody telling you otherwise is a moron or a liar, and as usual, the two don’t exclude each other.
You can slow things down by sabotaging the system. All you have to do is “keep to the rule,” that is follow all rules and regulations; the method comes from British government workers from the 19th century. They were not allowed to go out on a strike, so they just “followed all rules,” which made sure things stopped working altogether. While that might sound like a joke, gaining time might be all that’s needed. The technocrats’ will run out of juice and they will also turn on each other in a few years. Of course, 5G2 and the chemtrails3 are not going to wait4, and now that the general poisoning is legal through the food supply5, I’m not sure how much time is left, not for non-compliance, but for preparing for it, so that one can be more-or-less ready, when the time comes. Well, it’s already here.
Trying to keep up with the ever-changing methods and contents of the general poisoning might work for a while, or might not at all, depending on the concoctions applied in individual cases. In general, it’s not going to win the day, even if it manages to “save lives”:
I think it was Nigeria that rioted on CBDC introduction and it was pulled. The US will also become a messy place. Oh, that's why they are giving vaxes, to domesticate the sheep from screaming "baaaa baaa" too loud.
I have been saying this for years regarding property taxes. I built my home paying tax on every board, nail and screw and then have to pay the county for the priveledge of improving my property for the rest of my life. It is wrong.