Excellent post Ray.

In answer to your question - paraphrased here- I offer my long time rant:

"Why is it that after 110 years, people are still not realizing that they have been and are being robbed bling by....??"

There are three things that the elites/orchestrators, opportunists - call them what you will - have always know, the masses would trade away everything for...Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment.

For centuries these has been used and refined to manipulate, rob, control and kill the commoners. The model moved from using food and water as the commodities, to more frivolous shiny toys and the masses happily and eagerly made the trades.

These days, as you know, all the societal miasmas and rot we all write about, have been all but erased by the constant attention to and consumption of all forms of Comfort, Convenience and Entertainment.

Ask most people to provide personal details about any celeb or sports figure and they can rattle off a litany of facts, figures and relationship drama. Ask the same people about how their government or monetary system works and you'll get the expected head tilt, blank stare and then childishly toned..."whaaaat....waaaiiiit....whaaaaat....like you mean.....waaaaiiit.....whaaaaattttt??" Lest we stereotype this ignorance and stupidity to teens, the same can be applied to 30, 40 and even 50 year olds.

The trades being made were initially sold by the opportunists as "deserved wants", then elevated to "needs" and finally they've been cemented as "rights".

A society that views manufactured distraction (in all it's forms) as a "right", is doomed - or better said - what you see today.

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Everyone is a slave...

They just do not realize it.


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I have been saying this for years regarding property taxes. I built my home paying tax on every board, nail and screw and then have to pay the county for the priveledge of improving my property for the rest of my life. It is wrong.

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Property tax is highway robbery at gunpoint. Not only property owners use the facilities the tax pays for.

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the fed will then become the ruling government... the money will not have to go through elected government through " the government bond system ... dear good God please help us become free from the " money creation power evil entities.... BEWARE OF " PROVoCATEURS... the spirit of POL POT . STALIN ECT ECT ARE STILL HERE PRESENT AND WANT TO KNOW .... good GOD H E L P U S AND THEM TOO ... TO RETURN TO GOODNESS AND TRUTH

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I have often told family members who have paid off their mortgages that they do not own their homes and if Big Gov wants their property, they'll take it, and there will be nothing they can do. I've seen it happen in my own community, no matter how hard the people fought, they lost. Acres and acres of land that was supposed to be used to extend the freeway. Those poor people were paid crap for their property and all homes were torn down. Well, Rome burned and we will too. So if I own nothing, then neither do they. If they can take away my things, why can't we take away theirs? Its all so ridiculous. If I want that Federal stamp on my DL, I have to "prove" who I am by bringing along my birth certificate even though my photo ID and Social Security card is shown, it proves nothing. I'd like to know what their plans are for all of these "undocumented" folks flushing our country.

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Exactly. When we register our deeds, cars, votes, children, we are surrendering them to the state, a subsidiary of the corporate government, so they own it. That's why we pay fees for use and they can take them at whim. We are CAPITALIZED from birth (certificate). We are citizen employees and bonded slaves. When we use money, we use third party debt instruments (a Federal Reserve Note). Someone said the Federal Reserve is about as Federal as Federal Express. See the Jones Plantation by Larken Rose.

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I consider the SSN an SRN ("Slave Registration Number") that declares ownership of the person by the State. The money used is borrowed from the Fed at an interest, which sounds like a joke, but it's only the greatest heist in history. The Land of the Free...

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Do you think The Creature from Jekyll Island is a correct account, thus worth reading in full?

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The Federal Reserve is one private corporate central bank among 162 worldwide. The Bank for International Settlements is a private corporation that coordinates the activities of 57 of the most prominent central banks, including the Federal Reserve. This is the world government that already exists. Your indoctrination level can be measured by your ignorance of this basic information that’s easily proven.

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I know as much. Have yet to read the Tower of Basel.

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Was trying to find out if reading Jekyll Island was superfluous or worthwhile.

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The problem is, there is a stop after having understood certain things. It is difficult to find a way forward from the point where one has understood. Whatever one would say or do or propose, would clash against everything that is part of the received indoctrinated state of things. Solid structures, organizational structures, thought structures all around one, stop any initiative short.

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I think, I'm clearly stating what I believe the Federal Reserve system is, and I can't see a reason for reading more about it. Griffin is still good to read anytime. I usually read his newsletter and often respond to it.

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HI Paul, I saw that video with the plane & the 3 orbs .... Thy were explaining how it was likened to a portal opening up & the plane probably went to another timeline or something to that effect. Who knows but it IS interesting......Here's footage & commentary.


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Total bullshit. Disappearing people and blaming it on aliens or demons is a con job.

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Yup fascinating. Thanks.

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In many ways, ownership of anything is very temporary. After you pass on, before you meet St Peter, you will be required to leave all your precious possessions at the front gate so they can be pawned off on the Devil who will use them to stoke the fires of Hades.

Yes, owning nothing is the ultimate happiness especially when you lose all psychological attachment to your presumed precious possessions. In uncle schwabby's case, he knows how attracted you are to your toys and things and he hopes to rip your heart out by taking them away.

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You take what you need to thrive and be a good Christian family. Leave the rest as it’s not needed. But don’t confuse this with some variant of communism.

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The Pilgrims failed at first, because they wanted to give everyone according to their needs, so people lost the incentive to work. :)

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I wish you weren't so right about so much of this.

However, I am more optimistic about the outcome.

The abundance of "earthquakes" at the 10K/6.2 mile depth globally indicates that the tunnel system underground is being sealed, caved in, dismantled. The people worldwide have been in the streets in unprecedented numbers the past few years. Exposure of the deathjab has mushroomed, and human trafficking is getting more ink/airtime as well. CEO's and political flunkies are stepping down in unprecedented numbers, and I don't think it's due to getting tired of all the easy money.

The handwriting's on the wall...

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Nearly every city and town worldwide is already an ICLEI member. Until that changes, there’s nothing to be optimistic about.

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Mom was from Saskatoon, so hello. Thanks for your note of optimism, appreciated and needed. Much changes indeed. Best from Oregon

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Hey, Jacquelyn! I loved the name so I used it as the name of my alter ego, Cyrus Butternut Saskatoon. Good times are coming, and some of it even started already!

...but where to find it, right? Time for us to write our own script, of course!

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One of the difficult things to accept is how everything that has happened over the past couple of decades(even centuries) has a played a role in bringing us here. Even those things in school that we were taught was a good thing.

No worries.

If nothing else we can buy time(For ourselves and others) and live in ways that help us to look at this crumbling world with a peace of mind.

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Everyone is on borrowed time, anyway, and it's perhaps the best thing about the globalist plan that it wakes people up to a reality that is a lot larger than anything that could fit into an AI.

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2030 is fast approaching and the Vision is fast unfolding. The insane thing about this magic trick is it’s not even magic. I mean they had the courtesy to give us the timeline, show us the end AND the steps to get there. And we STILL bought the tickets to this show.

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So, there really is a lot of stupidity. Maybe a redundancy of it.

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In old tribal cultures that were maintained by oral tradition, "stupid," "ridiculous," and "evil" are often denoted by the same word. My favorite for being insane is in the Tibetan tradition: one who is selfish is insane.

Once the stupid are unleashed on each other, there won't be a problem with overpopulation for sure.

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Watch the ongoing cull of the brainwashed. Innocent and otherwise.

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The Great Taking - Documentary

The Great Taking

1.23K subscribers

31,460 views Nov 29, 2023

David Webb exposes the system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone.


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Excuse me to point out that this documentation is a distraction.

The "Reset" described therein is the age old "Great Foreclosure".

It was used for millennia to subjugate "the enemy" for centuries or even millennia.

When the banks wont open, it will take less than 3 weeks and everyone will have "this app thingy".

Live with it.

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Clever, like DoD countermeasures and Legislation creep over many years.

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Well, whether I succeed or not, I will persist in doing all I can to strip those psychopaths of Their single tool to power: money. In any form, from trade/barter (where They will do all They can to control needed things for the power over Others), or anything representations, which makes it all the easier to come out on top.

Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths

The Simplicity of Ethics (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-simplicity-of-ethics

Heart-Driven Economy vs. Greed-Driven Economy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/heart-driven-economy-vs-greed-driven

Money Enslaves Us (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-enslaves-us

Why Free Energy Technology Is Suppressed (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-free-energy-technology-is-suppressed

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The early documentation from the World Bank around their plans for a reset include the very things you listed.

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I seriously doubt that. Without money, They cannot buy the things and the People They do with money. They cannot keep Us under Their thumb with CBDC's. They become just as powerful as You, Me, and the next One.

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So, if you have to pay your real estate tax in CBDC, you lose your property, if you don't pay. Salaries, insurance, groceries, gasoline, electricity, food, and water are sold only for CBDC. How exactly is that no full control?

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Um... Did You miss? With no MONEY (not just no cash), there are no CBDC's to keep Us controlled.

Cashless vs. Moneyless (7 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/cashless-vs-moneyless:a?lid=eeff9e0c80138ce03e22d76bcd5f2f873ff46b72

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If somebody doesn't pay their property taxes with CBDC, they will lose their property. Did you miss that?

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To whom? Without money there are no taxes. And without controlmind, there is nothing to do the taxing..

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I think it was Nigeria that rioted on CBDC introduction and it was pulled. The US will also become a messy place. Oh, that's why they are giving vaxes, to domesticate the sheep from screaming "baaaa baaa" too loud.

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The Nigeria experiment was meant to fail, because everyone uses crypto there and they wouldn't switch that for a CBDC.

The most peculiar part of Nigeria is that the reactions there have nothing to do with what can be expected in the US under similar circumstances. In fact, I don't think there will be any experiments with the CBDC in the US. They'll just drive it in and create some crises, as needed. As a warning sign, the plandemic machine is already in action again. And if the sheep are too loud, they are either "infected" or they are "degenerate" or "non-compliant" enough to be rounded up and dealt with.

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Check out https://www.iso20022.org

Everything that fits into your phone and deemed "money" will be money.

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Do you think the injections are part of the way the rulers of this world plan on keeping everyone happy when they own nothing?

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Around 1998, I designed a system for depopulation, but I never published it. It was the same time, when I figured out the way the current global simulator would develop into a central AI that would take over all tasks for production, distribution, and anything else that must be maintained.

What I'm afraid of is that in the next stage, an antidote will be included in some of the injections for stuff that would poison everyone in specific areas. With all the spectacular "opposition," there is literally nothing anyone can do about it, unless important insiders would turn, but I'm sure much of the operation is AI-guided, operated, and enforced. That's for depopulation, but it's only the next step, and it won't be over.

The rulers, on their remote, self-sustaining islands, are happy observers of current events and even live feeds of whatever is going on around the world (e.g. from satellites, sec cameras, cell phones, or PC cameras). Modern Satanism is basically elitism; it doesn't believe in Satan, but it despises stupidity to the extent that it prefers to exterminate the stupid than to put up with their company. Total control is possible only in a utilitarian system that deprives its subjects of their emotions and intuitions, and allows them to exist only as long as they fulfill a function in the system; the AI can take care of that.

The problem is that the eugenicist plan is aligned with human nature: most people prefer to get rid of the stupid (for which they have different names, but that's how they fall into their own trap).

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Freemasons worship Lucifer, not Satan. Luciferianism is already rampant in Western culture. Self-improvement without God.

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Freemasons focus on "Reason." 33rd-degree Masons seem to be part of the elitist movement that doesn't believe in Satan or Lucifer; it simply wants to eliminate the stupid. Considering that people have various words for "stupid," they mostly seem to follow the same pattern, which is why the endeavor is so successful. Who would like to live in the company of "the stupid"?

The problem with Enlightenment is that it's Gnostic, which is heretic and Satanist at the same time.

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If it's in line with human nature, then maybe it's not a problem after all?

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That's why I've been saying that if history started a million times over, it would still end in the same whimper that's coming up.

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Brilliant that a round of injections could covertly contain a ‘cure’. I’ve considered this, but didn’t play it out in my thinkings.

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The "serum" is likely to be distributed regionally, but I'm not sure if they are going for densely- or scarcely-populated areas first. To keep it low-key, probably the latter.

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If brain fog is "happy" then yes I could agree.

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I'm afraid, by "happiness," the technocrats mean that desires and emotions would be eliminated as redundant. Kind of like Buddhism, where "suffering" is considered the result of "desire," so as long as the latter is eliminated, the former ceases as well. The rest is to become part of the Borg.

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Protesting can go as far as the people are willing to take it. But when it goes "too far" (as in the BLM protests) they are rebranded as "riots" and the slaves protest the protestors.

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BLM was a bunch of criminals freshly (and early) released from prison, bused around and paid for wreaking havoc. Occupy Wall Street might be a good analogy for what happens to serious resistance. Any idea where its leaders are now?

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I heard the assumption that OWS dissolved itself because people realized that if they let the banks fail, their retirements go up in smoke.

Let that sink in and then say "Do not comply" again.

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Gee. Uplifted by truth. But nowhere to go.

Guess i'll just stand on this little piece of ground in Chinada, prepare and psych myself into knowing that this material world does not hold that which matters. Except the kids, the patriots, and those who, like you, are unafraid of truth and live in reality.

If only these relationships and the fine people in them didn't matter. And i could recognize a way to decide that not only do all of us die, and that my attachment to all of you in love can bring me either grief or joy. Or both.

There, unexpectedly, i've answered my own question again. 🙏🏼

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The revitalization of Catholic social doctrine is already organically taking place among the traditionalists. This is the only move that makes sense. Rebuilding by going back to civilization.

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While Roman Catholicism is perhaps the most complex and universal doctrine, its own proponents have a hard time agreeing on fundamental premises. Most of its priesthood betrayed their brethren during the plandemic. Its hierarchic structure automatically assigns the papal authority and the papacy has been infiltrated. Without the teaching office, faith defaults to nonsense like "people are born good." There is also a huuuge confusion regarding the importance of individual conscience as well as the reliability of personal connection with the Creator and the Redeemer. The mess would require intelligence that only a few possess to clean up.

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Indeed: one Christian friend, who has been through much at the hands of wealthy and narcissistic parents, suggested she was born with moral code. Well, thats like a brick wall. So is her stopping the discussion as i gently suggested that forgiveness of those parents could set her free...

Some traumas are the gift that keep on giving, as they say.

Wants to be re-baptized. Great, i say. Thats cool!

If only i could find someone who could get her to understand that if you want to be on a team like Team Truth, you gotta understand there are some stipulations. Not just anybody is invited to the party, after all.

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I don't judge, because everyone has their own tragedy, but I surely avoid the company of those with self-righteousness. Most people ARE like sheep without a shepherd...

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Everyone has to go the whole nine yards on their own. Being afraid doesn't lead anywhere, anyway. Humans come to this world naked, and that's the way they are leaving it. My sister used to say before she died that if once something is created, it cannot be lost. I must add that still everyone chooses their own paths.

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Legacy matters. It’s not about material objects. It’s about maintaining a spiritual (Christian) civilization that was fought for and built upon for 2,000 years. Luciferianism is the movement behind its downfall. Lucifer’s revenge on God by attacking His children.

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Only a unifying ideology can fight the monsters, and Christianity seems to be the only one by default. The conformity of behavior in Islam would make Islam the ideal "one-world religion." Stuff with reincarnation cannot be bothered, because you are going to be born again, anyway.

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