This country is presently under a Public Health Emergency (PHE) and has been for quite some time. Declared by the Secretary of HHS, only he can end it
SECHHS is more powerful than the fake President. The PHE means that the security and health of the nation is endangered by a perceived virus or disease that may sicken lots of people. It's all up to the Sec's "judgement". What I'm getting at is just think back to the height of the plandemic. Isolation, masking, school and store closures, mandatory "vaccines", loss of rights, especially speech. Is this not really martial law? Maybe a bit light, but still the nation is not operating under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. How many people have been fooled? Probably, the majority. The enslavement (government) can tighten the vice at any time, and then some. Actual martial law is a weapon of last resort, which they won't readily use, fearing a violent uprising.
My article started with the note that there aren't many "rights" left. After 9/11, "rights" have been only a mirage (please, search for key words under "Archive" on my main page; I have written a LOT on the subject).
In my academic experience both in the US and Europe, about 3 out of 10 people can think on their own and, perhaps, take another step after step 1 (like what happens, if I do that in response to the threat?).
On my end, I favor independent states, that is, The Articles of Confederation. The Constitution was signed under, well, weird circumstances, and many state reps just left before it was signed), and gave the Federal Government power over the states, which is why it's been so easy to take over the country since The Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
After the "riots" (mostly done by the same criminals released from jail for BLM and Antifa) and the shortages, most survivors will BEG for "law and order." Some of them, in the meanwhile, will be shipped to the Twilight Zone on FEMA buses, but what the heck. As the whole government represents a foreign power, who do you think will come to the rescue? (order from chaos) :)
Riddle me this: What is the ultimate purpose of all this tyranny? Does the government who is controlled by the globalists want to control everyone? Why? What would be gained other than the power to murder you? The more you submit to their control, the more worthless you become to them...bye, bye.
Martial law, rationing, digital prison...all designed to murder humanity and for no other reason. WW2 was all about fighting the Germans and the Japanese. This time, we are fighting our own globalist controlled government and few can wrap their minds around that possibility. That their government is in cahoots with the mass murder of humans.
Say you don't comply with the system, then they kill you because you have no access to food, water, health care, electricity, etc. Sure, there will be a small percentage of die hard preppers that will be prepared to survive for longer periods, but this is not practical for most of society. What is 2-3-6 months of supplies gonna get you in the long run? You will spend more time fighting to keep your supplies from being robbed or confiscated.
Then if you do submit to their tyranny, they will outright murder you because you will need to be mRNA injected multiple times to have access to services. That is the KEY. I listen to several podcasts and videos that talk about digital tyranny but no one seems to talk about where it is really heading.
It can be for none other than depopulation and even the pretend savior of the universe, Trump, is in favor of digital IDs and the like (he warped us into mRNA tyranny after all)...this will be prison as the retardicans are in favor of digital IDs and the like. The dems are no better.
Eliminating the most threatening parts of the population (white westerners) and turning the rest into cyborg slaves would create a 1,000-year Empire.
WW2 was NOT about fighting the Germans and the Japs. The Germans didn't even want a war, but France and Britain declared war on them (they reoccupied German-majority areas lost in the "peace" treaties after WW1) and always wanted to make peace (Hitler even allowed the Brits to go home from Dunkirk), but were refused by the globalist perverted drunk, Churchill. The Japs were blockaded by the US, so they didn't have a choice. None of the two presented ANY danger to the US.
Just about EVERYTHING about WW2 is a lie, just like everything else has been.
There is no "we," and there is no fighting. The enemy outclasses the people by light-years. Procrastination and preparation might help until the globalist plan collapses:
A friend of mine was a professional driver, who passed away eight years ago. He used to say, "You must give a good spin to the engine every once in a while."
My dear departed Dad used to say... "Drive like everyone else on the road is crazy." Evidently that conviction applies to more than just operating a vehicle.
Is the Law Society of Ontario sending Detectives after Lawyers for their Social Media Posts?
According to this video yes!!!!!!
Anyone that is not oaying attention or is challenged with cognitive disdonance and pwrsonal bias, they ate collateral damage. F... thrm
That's the vast majority, and you cannot save those who don't want to be saved...
Sorry, I don't care for cussing, which is why I didn't check on "Like," although I agree.
This country is presently under a Public Health Emergency (PHE) and has been for quite some time. Declared by the Secretary of HHS, only he can end it
SECHHS is more powerful than the fake President. The PHE means that the security and health of the nation is endangered by a perceived virus or disease that may sicken lots of people. It's all up to the Sec's "judgement". What I'm getting at is just think back to the height of the plandemic. Isolation, masking, school and store closures, mandatory "vaccines", loss of rights, especially speech. Is this not really martial law? Maybe a bit light, but still the nation is not operating under the Constitution and Bill of Rights. How many people have been fooled? Probably, the majority. The enslavement (government) can tighten the vice at any time, and then some. Actual martial law is a weapon of last resort, which they won't readily use, fearing a violent uprising.
My article started with the note that there aren't many "rights" left. After 9/11, "rights" have been only a mirage (please, search for key words under "Archive" on my main page; I have written a LOT on the subject).
In my academic experience both in the US and Europe, about 3 out of 10 people can think on their own and, perhaps, take another step after step 1 (like what happens, if I do that in response to the threat?).
On my end, I favor independent states, that is, The Articles of Confederation. The Constitution was signed under, well, weird circumstances, and many state reps just left before it was signed), and gave the Federal Government power over the states, which is why it's been so easy to take over the country since The Federal Reserve Act of 1913.
After the "riots" (mostly done by the same criminals released from jail for BLM and Antifa) and the shortages, most survivors will BEG for "law and order." Some of them, in the meanwhile, will be shipped to the Twilight Zone on FEMA buses, but what the heck. As the whole government represents a foreign power, who do you think will come to the rescue? (order from chaos) :)
Riddle me this: What is the ultimate purpose of all this tyranny? Does the government who is controlled by the globalists want to control everyone? Why? What would be gained other than the power to murder you? The more you submit to their control, the more worthless you become to them...bye, bye.
Martial law, rationing, digital prison...all designed to murder humanity and for no other reason. WW2 was all about fighting the Germans and the Japanese. This time, we are fighting our own globalist controlled government and few can wrap their minds around that possibility. That their government is in cahoots with the mass murder of humans.
Say you don't comply with the system, then they kill you because you have no access to food, water, health care, electricity, etc. Sure, there will be a small percentage of die hard preppers that will be prepared to survive for longer periods, but this is not practical for most of society. What is 2-3-6 months of supplies gonna get you in the long run? You will spend more time fighting to keep your supplies from being robbed or confiscated.
Then if you do submit to their tyranny, they will outright murder you because you will need to be mRNA injected multiple times to have access to services. That is the KEY. I listen to several podcasts and videos that talk about digital tyranny but no one seems to talk about where it is really heading.
It can be for none other than depopulation and even the pretend savior of the universe, Trump, is in favor of digital IDs and the like (he warped us into mRNA tyranny after all)...this will be prison as the retardicans are in favor of digital IDs and the like. The dems are no better.
Eliminating the most threatening parts of the population (white westerners) and turning the rest into cyborg slaves would create a 1,000-year Empire.
WW2 was NOT about fighting the Germans and the Japs. The Germans didn't even want a war, but France and Britain declared war on them (they reoccupied German-majority areas lost in the "peace" treaties after WW1) and always wanted to make peace (Hitler even allowed the Brits to go home from Dunkirk), but were refused by the globalist perverted drunk, Churchill. The Japs were blockaded by the US, so they didn't have a choice. None of the two presented ANY danger to the US.
Just about EVERYTHING about WW2 is a lie, just like everything else has been.
There is no "we," and there is no fighting. The enemy outclasses the people by light-years. Procrastination and preparation might help until the globalist plan collapses:
Only a few sparsely-populated areas are good for preppers. The rest will be carnage...
I expect that survival must prevail for about five years, and it can be done only in tiny groups:
Submission is suicide.
mRNA is a red herring:
5G and comparable technologies alone can create mass extinction anytime.
The Uniparty has been playing good-cop/bad-cop forever. American politics has never belonged to the people.
My engineering aptitude is zero, so it is always interesting to read posts like this.
I drive a standard. Have all my long life. I understand this , even as a woman, more than most!
A friend of mine was a professional driver, who passed away eight years ago. He used to say, "You must give a good spin to the engine every once in a while."
My dear departed Dad used to say... "Drive like everyone else on the road is crazy." Evidently that conviction applies to more than just operating a vehicle.