The following has been kind of ready for publication for a few weeks, but I held on to it in case I would be too weak to publish. Once you start reading the links, it’s hard to put them down.
As I still haven’t recovered, I can barely take a look at some of the comments, but I am slowly getting better1. In order to indicate that I am still around and determined to do so, I am posting this article that has links to several others2. This is for those who are interested in the other side of history, especially after realizing that they have been told lies just about everything.
As for my condition, I’ll keep you updated, but it looks like it can still take several days until I can return to my regular schedule.
For more links, take a look here:
Or here is more for more consideration:
I never did. Instead, I allowed myself to be hospitalized in order to make sure my wife wouldn’t be arrested for not calling the ambulance and she could collect my life insurance:
This article, in this sense, is similar to the one I posted on June 18th:
Patton said the wrong side won the war
It wasn’t too long after he was dead
My dad knew about that. He loved our country but not our government.