The Horror... The horror...
There is no recourse at this point, so you might as well make friends with it.
Now that horror is coming to your neighborhood, it’s time to reconsider its meaning.
You are told lies all the time:
And you are expected or, shall I say, “required” to succumb and repeat the lies.
Joseph Conrad wrote The Heart of Darkness in 1902. He was a Pole, serving on ocean-going ships from an early age before he became a writer. The movie, Apocalypse Now
is accredited for following the trait of his short novel. It is most famously using Wagner,
perhaps to stain Germans for goodness-knows-what.
Germans are, and have always been, only humans, and they have never done anything that others didn’t do.
As for WW2 and the history about it, it’ obviously a history by the winners, who actually probably committed more atrocities than the Germans who were found guilty in the kangaroo trial at Nuremberg. The US government certainly imported German “scientists” after 1945 in Operation Paperclip:
When it comes to concentration camps, the latest candidates are called “Green Zones” in the US, and they are obviously part of the genocidal plan by the globalists,
I would like to emphasize how I detest any forms of forced labor, which was the case in German camps before and during WW2. For comic relief, forced labor has been around in the US penitentiary system for a long time, and the US also had camps for the American-Japanese for which Germany could have set up the same false narrative as the one maintained against Germans.
By the way, have your ever considered to be responsible for your ancestors’ sins? The Bible is full of those warnings, promising vengeance to sinners for seven generations or maybe more.
I have serious reservations regarding the official narrative of the H*, because
1. According to contemporary censuses, the Jewish population in Europe in 1948 was higher than in 1938, despite massive emigration to the US and to Israel. Among all countries in the region, Hungary deported the highest number of Jews, 144k, starting in February, 1944. If that was the highest, the numbers simply invented by a fraud who started up the whole narrative (Wiesenthal1) just do not add up, because many of those were "H* survivors" and collected reparations from the German government until they died several decades later, and an amazing number of “survivors” are still collecting to this very day, not to mention Germany subsidizing Israel. They didn’t even have to show any evidence and the Nobel-Prize winning “author,” Ellie Wiesel (appropriate name) employed by Harvard, but never showed the tattoo he allegedly had, possibly because it turns out he only invented most of the contents in his prize-winning “novel,” The Night, and had never been a prisoner himself...
2. Sources supporting the narrative usually profit from it, but there are virtually no other sources available for most people who purely rely on search engines or on library catalogues.
3. If something is true, why is it that in 19 countries (Canada is the last one), those who only ask questions that question the narrative, go to prison? A 93-year-old German woman said to the court that there was no gassing at all, because she was there and saw what really happened. Indeed, no evidence of mass murder at camps has ever been produced. In return, she was sentenced to prison:
Most notably, she was actually there, and her account is only one of many that are forbidden in many countries.
4. In the last 70 years, many of the original myths have been proven fabrications (lampshades, soap, the first functional gas chambers were the Soviets built in 1946 etc.), and even respectable Israeli historians admit some of them. Still, mass killings did happen, as Irving also says it, but not the way it is presented in the official narrative:
5. There are actually sources that come from historians who risked their lives and liberty without any financial gain and documented their conclusions on the subject, as opposed to the propaganda machine. I prefer not to disclose them here, because most likely, they would be attacked immediately. Still, you can do your research2.
6. By now, you must know that ALL government propaganda were lies. What would make you believe that this is an exception?
7. The Germans didn't want to kill their prisoner work force; in fact, they wanted to take good care of them, because nobody else would have been available to do the job.
Jews were dragged to the camps (as many Americans will be dragged to the Green Zones) after the system ran out of criminals and communists. Gypsies, homosexuals, and opposing Christians were added to the mix, too.
Of course, there is no such thing as a “Jew.” If there is, I am one (you probably exactly know what I am by now, so this is a figure of speech, but it is still true in a way):
As for racial differences (not necessarily racism, only a difference in opinion under certain circumstances), Albert Schweitzer also wrote that blacks in Africa were subhumans:
8. In history classes, you are unlikely to hear about tens of thousands of camp-dwellers dying of illness due to lack of clean water and sanitation. You are also uninformed that in the last three months of the war, the allies bombed supply lines and water facilities that led to famine, lack of medications, and illness due to dysentery and typhus. The horrific photos of people starved to skin and bones and the dead piling up testify to nothing else.
9. The myth of Hitler’s starting the war also prevails. Hitler re-occupied German-majority territories that had been annexed to Poland, Czechoslovakia, and France after WW1, and 98% of Austrians voted for the Anschluss, because they wanted to become part of the economic miracle that revived the economy of Germany after Hitler got elected. Stalin occupied the rest of Poland, but France and Britain declared war on Germany for “attacking an ally,” effectively starting WW2. The Soviet Union was left alone. After WW2, many of the remaining German residents in neighboring countries were lynched, while the luckier ones lost everything and were deported to what was left of Germany. The French and the Americans set up concentration camps for Germans between the ages of 8 and 80, where people were crowded in open fields, deprived of food and water, and those crazed by thirst and tried to run to the river were considered escapees and as an American officer put it, used for “target practice.” The loss of civilian lives is somewhere between 1.5 and 2 million.
The same interest group that made the two world wars possible by financing both sides are really coming for you and me now. I have written a lot about this, but this time, you can be assured that you won’t have anything to eat or drink to keep you “safe.” The same applies to the enablers and the enforcers:
Ultimately, you are a subject to indoctrination, telling you, you are stupid, guilty, or both. Taking away people’s self respect is an effective element of compliance-training that has a long history:
People who lack self-respect are a lot easier to manipulate than your “normal” passer-bye.
The moral? You might want to reconsider everything the MSM and official historians want you to take for granted.
Here are a couple of sources from the public domain:
Irving was willing to go to prison for his research. How many fake historians would be willing to do that?
There's so much history we have been lied to about. We have been manipulated into believing in many fake things. Fake news was just the tip of the ice berg. The rest of the fake things; this is not a complete list:
Fake money, fake banks, with fake global economy in a fake country that is actually a corporation; that creates fake information on fake news, fake education with fake science and fake history. There's fake food (GMO), fake medicine (vaccines are NOT medicine); soon even the air will be fake. Fake sexes, fake relationships on social media, fake appearance based identities, identities have been stolen, then distorted.
Fakest thing of all: is hierarchy and inferiority.
When all is said and done, when we can establish as close as possible what our history has to teach us; we must account for and never forget the REAL perpetrators, who have done extreme harm to centuries of generations.
La Quinta Columna just released a report THE GAME IS OVER. Out of 700 vials tested for graphene contamination, only ONE was not poisoned. Tested vials were not just for “covid” but also flu “vaccines” and even dentist’s Novacaine! So the net has been cast very much wider that most people realize YET. Get the word out to everyone.