Apologies for the grammar, but you still get the point, right? Why would anyone commit suicide? What’s the hurry?
In an infamous experiment, a certain chemical was administered to labor camp inmates in German experiments during WW2 (the US has not been lagging behind much), the subjects were given a loaded pistol, and all of them committed suicide. The experiment was soon abandoned, because the result was always predictable.
The latest technologies from the last 50 years can accomplish the same…
The following has made the news on most of MSM that is owned by the same people who are introducing CBDC in order to enslave everyone. Who will be allowed to survive the culling of the herd?
Accused child molester commits suicide in the court room.
Here are a few search results:
Now, if you think about it, this seems to be nothing else but a call for suicide. A Roman emperor, I forget which, had to forbid orators to call for suicides on the Forum, because people started committing suicide by tens of thousands. While that was not necessarily a big deal in ancient Rome’s population that often bordered on one million inhabitants, recently, a member of the US representatives called for legislation to forbid veterans to buy weapons, because all those poor things have been committing suicide far more likely than the US population that, nevertheless, has now increased suicide rates in a spectacular manner. Blame it on “covid” lockdowns, when people lost their businesses, blame it on pain killers, blame it on losing family and hope, blame it on people’s inability to handle the extreme levels of stress caused by the fear-porn during the plandemic, blame it on subliminal clandestine calls for suicide. After all, US veterans have been declared as “potential t*ists” by the administration for about two years by now:
And here are some search results:
There is no reason for wondering why that is: once you serve, it doesn’t take more than a few months to realize you have been conned, injected with who-knows-what (which goes back to the infamous anthrax “vaccines”),
and now you are royally f*cked…
This particular article explains to the layperson that it is easy to commit suicide with sodium nitrate (EU 249-250),
This chemical is used in ham, salami, and most processed meat products, and has been established as a carcinogen for several decades. (Smoke flavor does the same favor, along with caramel color, but those are only icing on the cake.) This chemical might be one of the main causes of colon cancer.
So, apart from countless toxic substances and technologies,
the establishment is even calling for you to provide aid in your own extermination. As many complied with the muzzles, the PCR tests, and the injections, the globalist plan seems to be working out perfectly. You can observe their fingerprints on their products,
but most people cannot hold on to more than one or two things in their minds, so even knowing how they are being exterminated makes little difference.
The “leaders” of the nation will even give you a few options: suicide by lethal injections, suicide by police, suicide by foreign mercenaries1, or wait until the chemicals from chemtrails, your water, your food, your madications, the 5G towers, or just your home Wi-Fi and your local electric grid will finish you off.
Okay, that’s still not the end of the line, because based on the constant attacks on the food supply and the potential kill switch on the energy supply, famine can be used to force people into “smart cities” or, worse, a well-armed population might just do the favor and start killing each other for a can of beans.
For further details, please, read my previous and future articles. They are unlikely to become obsolete anytime soon, and I am sick of repeating myself. Once they start contradicting each other, you can be sure my site was overrun, probably by my deepfake.
This might be a good time to learn how to say in Mandarin,
“Once you complete your dirty work here, you will be next!”
I’m not going anywhere! I survived a traumatic car accident 20 years ago, cancer, and countless other “mishaps”. I have “The Tenacious Bitch Syndrome”...anyone else have that? Pain is God’s way of getting you primed for battle in my humble opinion. WE are here to keep goodness and love in the world. TPTB can kiss my🍑.
I think the Roman reference is nowhere near as interesting as the consequences in Germany from the Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe. Today this book if causing a wave of suicides of youth would be removed and the author pilloried.