And I couldn’t be bothered less, just please, don’t ask my wife. :)
As you well know, hunting guns are just about as good against high-flying drones and drone swarms as a 9mm handgun against machine guns on a mechanized vehicle of robotic infantry… And I haven’t mentioned Directed Energy Weapons (“DEW”s) and various waves emitted by cell towers, military radars, HAARP, or even the electric grid or the water lines.
The plan is to incorporate everyone into an AI-controlled global system in which persons become only a bunch of data allowed to subsist only as long as they fill a function. For those who find that option unacceptable, the question remains: What can those do, who insist on staying human?
I know, I have posted this before a number of times, but it boils down to how far one wants to stay alive under the circumstances given. That is the only remaining way to retain the little human dignity people can ever have and, perhaps, give them a few unique chances to exercise Free Will, which hardly anyone ever does, due to their conditioning. People have been hammered into obedience to the state for over a hundred years:
Obedience to the state was only a start and a prerequisite for making progress on the path into the New World Order, whose gradual introduction didn’t start yesterday, either:
Who are the “enemies of the state”? (The following article doesn’t have a whole lot of “Like”s, because I published it shortly after I started up my stack, but now, on January 12, 2025, I updated it with newer links)
Veterans have seen it all, and they are marked as potential t*ists, but they are suffering more than most people could ever imagine:
As a side show, the monsters don’t want to kill you; they are waiting to do the favor for them:
So, “bad boy,” what’re you gonna do, when they’ll come for you?
Of course, it’s not going to be the “police” and even less your local sheriff, and not with toy guns. The globalists have been using cheap mercenaries all over the world, dressed them up as police, but no name tags or badges, of course. Plenty of candidates for the role have been imported into North America (the US and Canada) in recent years.
Oops! I’ve never run even when I was young… Did you?
Comic relief
The rest of this article is for comic relief from a movie in which the Sheriff of Buffalo “occupies” Canada with his drinking buddies after they see Canadian maple syrup flowing down on a globe on the news into the United States (the government needed an enemy, so there it is):
One of the most hilarious scenes is only 2:16 long (“You must use both languages”):
My personal favorite scene (the Mountie’s disposition) is even shorter. The merry band arrives in Canada (in order to occupy Toronto, which they mistake for the capital):
Thank you for the post Ray. I have already been reduced to owning nothing but a bank account (a number) not only by government operatives, but by my compliant neighbors who are living opulent lifestyles while they complain about the cost of their dope. Whether I am being driven into extinction by police bullets, or attrition by the apathetic, insouciant "neighbors" who care more for their pets than the suffering they witness of the most impoverished doesn't seem to bother them as I have effectively been "neutralized". I would love to see the justice of making Government employees and and those complicit neighbors try to survive on $311.00 month Social Security. Isn't it nice to get to choose between eating and freezingf? (sarc).
Compliance training 101:
Today Jan. 21, 2025...
Certain schools and businesses closed or delayed operations due to 'frigid' temperatures and 15-20 mph. winds.
Temps being 5-20 degrees! Never has Buffalo EVER!!!
The area is known for resilience and never ever stopped running!!
Southtowns getting 'hit' with snow!
-With temperatures at 12 degrees, the Southtowns would cheer for the beloved cold and snow!
-this seems a compliance training exercise and/ or the people holding office in Buffalo are NOT from Buffalo! LOL