I guess Canada is out, even with Fidel's illegitimate son gone. Mexico is no good, as the cartels will be looking for money since the border will be closed. I can't afford those off shore islands and Greenland is too damned cold. Australia and New Zealand are controlled by the WEF/WHO. I hear that some housing will be available shortly at the Darien Pass. Where can I go that's firearm friendly-- bad habit I picked up in the US when they had the Second Amendment?

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Thank you for the post Ray. I have already been reduced to owning nothing but a bank account (a number) not only by government operatives, but by my compliant neighbors who are living opulent lifestyles while they complain about the cost of their dope. Whether I am being driven into extinction by police bullets, or attrition by the apathetic, insouciant "neighbors" who care more for their pets than the suffering they witness of the most impoverished doesn't seem to bother them as I have effectively been "neutralized". I would love to see the justice of making Government employees and and those complicit neighbors try to survive on $311.00 month Social Security. Isn't it nice to get to choose between eating and freezingf? (sarc).

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Clyde, thank you for your kind words.

You are still walking tall, preserving your human dignity!

As I said in the article, it's not going to be the Police. Cops actually happen to be pretty honest people, although all they can do is maintain the balance of crime in 'hoods by eliminating the competition, while most gangbangers may have been organized and are reporting to three-letter agencies.

I personally think that based on your experience, you could start up your stack, and I'm more than willing to assist. What you must keep in mind is that starting up is the easy part; maintaining it requires a LOT of time and effort...

Can you apply for SSI? All Americans are eligible, and it's about $900 these days (they take Medicare out of it, but it's still better than $311).

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I applied for SSI because after a partial amputation on my right toe a couple of years ago, and five days in the hospital for the procedure, my legs became lame, and I can only walk about 75 - 100' before I have to sit and rest because of the pain. They acknowledged that I was disabled, but also declared that I do not own anything but a bank account. Although I attempted to contact them by phone (conveniently unavailable) and letter to try to correct their assumptions, (because I live in a trailer on a acre of land that I lawfully inherited), The SS worker would neither receive my calls, or call back and the people working in the Clovis, NM office would run interference for him. The system is rigged so that you have to get a lawyer (fictitious contract law) to have a chance of getting it. There are no "human" interactions with these so called agencies.

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Sorry, but SSI is not the same as disability. Anyone, even those who haven't worked a minute, can receive SSI. However, if you make any money officially, it lowers your SSI and you must report it (every 30 days, I guess, but I'm not sure).

It takes a LOT of time and adherence to get anything out of the govt. Calling them might not lead to anything, unless you have the agent's name and number/ID recorded, but even at that point, they tend to screw up, and you can go and complain--to THEM!). Written communication (e-mail is legally binding) seems slow, but it is more efficient than phone calls...

And no, in your case, you are not supposed to need a lawyer...

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Thank you again Ray, but I am a repented merc, (from over 40 years ago) who could no longer participate in the pre-fabricated battles and wars the rich get their entertainment from. I suspect there are a lot of seasoned combat veterans who got "Battle Burnout" and lost body counts in a never ending "Hunger Games" (do it or die scenarios). Because God values life to the number of hairs on our head, and he takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, I've come to understand my own insignificance in the overall scheme of things. They can torture and kill my body, but I have chosen to no longer participate in their collective insanity. I am barely able to keep my phone, water and garbage paid, and am running on Solar power.

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No such participation on my end, either. :)

Solar might attract looters even in the summer and occupiers, when heating is needed. It is also a fire hazard (probably only when it goes back to the power company through an electric meter, but to me, it looks like that's the only way it can work, unless you have a truckload of money for batteries every five years...

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So far, I don't think there is anything of any real value that doesn't attract looters. Even my carpentry skills are subject to exploitation by "The Buyers market". If I do work in my limited capacity, I might or might not get paid, like a roll of the dice.

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Compliance training 101:

Today Jan. 21, 2025...

Certain schools and businesses closed or delayed operations due to 'frigid' temperatures and 15-20 mph. winds.

Temps being 5-20 degrees! Never has Buffalo EVER!!!

The area is known for resilience and never ever stopped running!!


Southtowns getting 'hit' with snow!


-With temperatures at 12 degrees, the Southtowns would cheer for the beloved cold and snow!

-this seems a compliance training exercise and/ or the people holding office in Buffalo are NOT from Buffalo! LOL

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