What was never priced into capitalism/business was the cost of and to water, skies, etc...so eveyrthing we wear, touch, live in, etc. is not properly priced....the best robber barons got away with paying pennies for ruining natural environment...

We should have years ago taken a lesson from the native American tribes here, who knew that you have to work with nature. She will never be fooled or treated disrespectfully. That is another sort of poison . And I am not referring to carbon credit Greta Thunberg the earth must not be soiled by humans ridiculous over reaction, That is just as harmful.

The natives burnt forests for planting gardens...they knew you have to TEND the earth. Not leave it alone, not use it and ruin it, but somewhere in the middle.

You gotta give it to Catherine Austin Fitts, who refers to our times as the Great Poisoning.

She sees exactly what you do Ray.

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Not playing.

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I’m trying to pull up my big boy pants for the fight. It’s been tough reconciling all this since I’m more of a toddler truther but I will get there. 💪🏻🤛 Thanks Ray for all the great writings!

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cuz they're a polite bunch...

"Won't you come into my parlor?" said the spider to the fly...


An' here we're offered the BIGGEST DANG FUNERAL PARLOR the world has ever seen--WOW! (talk about a Monster Ball!!!!)

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Ray, not sure if its me or you, but I am getting bad gateway 502 eror on you "Signature" previous post...sorry I really wanted to read it. I missed it.

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Nitrates in meat processing is actually safer than eating celery or many other vegetables that are laden with glyphosates and has far more nitrates than a few pieces of salami. Plus, our saliva produces endogeneos nitrates ever time we eat. Your article is spot on but the nitrate scare in the media is 100% false. The real reason they push this is to facilitate the push to "green" plant based fake meats. Even with the added nitrates its far healthier to eat meat than the processed crap they feed us to keep us sick and dependent on the medical cartel. Do some research on this one. You will be surprised at what you learn.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I think the Roman reference is nowhere near as interesting as the consequences in Germany from the Sorrows of Young Werther by Goethe. Today this book if causing a wave of suicides of youth would be removed and the author pilloried.

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How very nihilistic!

Tbh there have been epidemics of suicide amongst teenagers within social groups. And with the ‘blue whale’ suicide game, self suicide aka euthanasia for almost anything, it seems to have become a condoned action.

PS a relative’s partner committed suicide last month after losing his business. Very sad for their family. Traumatising for the children forever.

I’m pondering the effects of PEG (of which encapsulates all Covid Vees) Alpha interferon that caused my own suicide ideation. I’m NOT a suicidal person - or in Jungian terms, have a suicidal stance. But it went so far as to buy the rope (for the tarpaulin) and select the barn’s best beam. I told my adult daughter and she talked me around. IT WAS THE DRUG

The same happens frequently with magically acting antidepressants- a rise in suicide ideation. Or organic causes such as endocrine disorders, strokes and head injuries as well as Rx side effects.

But the thing is, self murder is not only murder of one’s body but one’s soul. According to numerous entries in the Bible it’s one of the greatest of sins.

What you wrote reminds me of an old Stanwyk film with Bette Davis I watched last week: So Big 1932


You can get it from ok.ru outside of US and Five Eyes. Great site for old B&W films now bitchute is closing most film channels.

Her gambling father tells her:

I want you to realize that this whole thing called Life is just a grand adventure. The trick is to act in it and look out at the same time. And remember: no matter what happens - good or bad - there's just so much velvet."

I researched and discovered that "velvet" is an archaic gambling term which basically means "unexpected and extra winnings."

We have to keep going until they physically stop us. Becoming despondent means they win. The bastards have ground you down.

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Feb 27, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I’m not going anywhere! I survived a traumatic car accident 20 years ago, cancer, and countless other “mishaps”. I have “The Tenacious Bitch Syndrome”...anyone else have that? Pain is God’s way of getting you primed for battle in my humble opinion. WE are here to keep goodness and love in the world. TPTB can kiss my🍑.

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To be or not to be, that is the question!

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Feb 27, 2023·edited Feb 27, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Sign in local bar....Alcohol kills slowly, but really, what's the hurry?

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deletedFeb 27, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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