The Fake Fight to Maintain State Rights versus the WHO
And the Winner is ... the Federal Government!
People believe in lies more, if they invest time, money, or effort into them
False flag events have been rampant in the last hundred years, resulting in several wars as well as new restricting laws1 that made sure that the citizen was becoming more and more a state asset and had to accept their own enslavement “in their own protection,” of course. It turns out false flag events can also be political maneuvers that mislead people by giving them false hope2 and imaginary powers. Hope can, and WILL be used against you (after I wrote this article, lots of authors came out with “weaponization” of this or that, so forgive me for repeating what I originally started):
Today, I read some of Mercola’s post, written by another author or Substack, one of Mercola’s “best friends” (in Mercola’s words), A Midwestern Doctor3:
Besides turning my stomach, the announcements in this article infuriated me to the point that I must write down my refutation of the concepts MWD’s title implies4:
How We Can Stop the WHO's Horrific Pandemic Treaty
The short version is that there is no “we” and the people usually don’t stop anything, even when on the rare occasions, when they would have the power, but let me not run ahead of myself. Here are the details.
On Substack as well as in politics, most lies start with the author conjuring up an artificial entity, “We,”5 despite the fact that people are, and always have been sufficiently divided (and are becoming more and ore divided without noticing) and fully powerless against state power6; no slave or peasant uprising succeeded in history for longer than a few years.
MWD “encourages” you to support (“Dr”!7) Merryl Nass by
“spreading the news” (yes, you are kindly asked to become a free globalist agent);
writing to your state reps (and sign up for the list of the non-compliant, acting as if the puppets8 had ever done or could ever do anything lasting for you);
in MDW’s words, “supporting MN’s “work” either by directly donating to Door to Freedom like I have or by supporting Meryl’s Substack”. Notice that Mercola has accumulated substantial wealth by pushing synthetic chemicals9, following the medical paradigm that has lost all its credibility after some scrutiny that the plandemic necessitated10.
The logic behind this type of manipulation is that people believe in lies more, if they invest time, money, or effort into them. This one of the many reasons why everything on my site is free; being rich is not one of them.
One of the primary reasons why the Constitution replaced the Articles of Confederation was to ensure the primacy of the Federal Government over state rights.
The WHO “treaty” is signed by a usurping administration (all of them have been like that, especially the one that signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act and established the IRS11). The federal government is exercising the same abusive power as the most likely deepfake and/or duplicate Diaper Joe, when “he” is committing tens of billions of dollars for the next ten years to the clown government in Ukraine just to maintain military spending and to ensure steady inflation or, perhaps, to create room for a staged WW3 with hardly any casualties. “The People” always lose out, because they are the ones to obey and to foot the bill, based on the deception of “democracy,” in which over 230 thousand citizens are supposed to be represented by a single politician. Of course, only captive entities can win political office12, but the electorate is still told that VOTERS must take responsibility for their “elected” representative’s actions. That explains much of the scam of “democracy”:
Inalienable rights are used for preventing the majority from depriving the rest of some basic rights, but those rights became things of the past, when the traitorous “Patriot Act” was signed by rogues who didn’t even have to read it, because their handlers told them to sign, and the enslaving law has been renewed by every single administration.
The logic behind that “states can reject the WHO” is “the US Constitution reserves healthcare as a state authority.” Now, that is the ultimate farce13. Was it the states that introduced a national emergency?14 Can the states do anything against it, if it happens again?15 Remember Operation Warp Speed? Just as the Constitution is now not worth the paper it’s written on and, in Orlov’s16 words, is “just about as relevant and an old copy of Pravda in an abandoned Siberian outhouse,” state rights can be suspended anytime with another declaration of a state of emergency. This time martial law is more likely, because even if people don’t start dropping dead in the street as a result of elevated microwave radiation or common poisoning, a faked alien attack, an orchestrated civil war, or WW3 on TV can always do the trick17:
Compliance training started with the introduction of passports during WW1, and it has been amended ever since:
False hope sells, because it’s cheap for the “leaders”; the people are the ones who pay:
The article shows that MWD is also a virus believer, which speaks for itself, because the terms in use in the article coincide with the ones in the official narrative about the plandemic. When people accept the concepts they are offered for thinking, the outcome will be one required by those who initiate the game.
I observed 12 lies in the title of a single “Mercola” article in September, 2022:
At the same time, I offered a news analysis as an example of separating facts from lies:
“We” also nicely resonates with “We, The People,” but the rabbit hole goes deeper:
Who is a successful leader:
The reason is that in all form of governments, the same five social layers emerge, and the ones on top always wield enough power to keep the subjugated ones at bay (as long as there is an ideology that makes sure the masses accept their fate, which is in crisis in the US, after the collapse of the fantasmagory of “The American Dream”):
Not so surprisingly, the toxic chemical-gobbling populace is still falling for medical doctors, and give them credibility even after all healthcare personnel participated in the democide during convid:
which also opened up several cans of worms about medical harm and murder:
It’s a puppet theater:
You can ascertain how bad synthetic chemicals are for you:
I don’t believe in labels anymore, and assume that the ingredients are usually a lot worse than whatever can be investigated, and the nasties can also interact with one another:
A universal medical paradigm that could be used as a working hypothesis is still sorely amiss in today’s compartmentalized medical practices. I have been calling for one for years, and wrote up the following summary in April, 2023:
Government property in action:
Aristotle seems to have been correct about democracy being the most despicable form of government:
The statement is also inaccurate, because Medicare is a federal program, and Medicaid is run by individual states. Both are financed by the taxpayer (inadequately, I must say, but the whole country is going down the drain, anyway).
All governors played along, but that is irrelevant now.
“Civil war” can be just as much orchestrated by paid mobsters as the “riots” of the summer of ‘22 were, after 15 thousand violent offenders were released from CA prisons and were bused around to wreak havoc, which feels like a rehearsal for potential next ones. The faked Rittenhouse circus showed that the play encompassed both sides of the equation:
I found the metaphor highly appropriate, so I remember it, but I am unsure of its actual origin in Orlov. For years, Orlov usually offered detailed information in an entertaining format. Although I haven’t read him recently, he might be worth checking out:
This is how it will go down:
It's quite simple. If the politicians didn't want to sell out the country and the citizens, they would have formed an united front against any WHO tyranny. They would have forbid anyone to steal our sovereignty. That is not happening in any meaningful way.
However, most of Congress still believes in germ theory, diseases, big pharma and endless vaccines and mRNA injections. They don't want to be responsible if some big-time super bad infectious virus kills millions and they stood by and did nothing. So, they are giving WHO the power to control the next pandemic response and that gets them off the hook. Heaven forbid that ANY politician wants to take responsibility and have a potential liability overhanging them.
Besides, Pig Pharma has bought the government off several times and thus they have a steady customer buying billions of dollars in mRNA injections even without any proved viability or even a declared pandemic (which will of course be fake). The government fully supports the WEF, globalists and gates and their death-to-humanity crusade as the government itself has been commandeered from the citizens over the last several decades.
I used to like Mercola; I think they "got to him," and he's compromised. I read MWD's page for a time, but became disenchanted, and can't remember why. I tried to read Nass, but I somehow just can't stomach her... Intuitive? One of THOSE kinds of "ewww" things I can't explain.
So... It seems to me that things are amping up, because the Peeps are WISING UP. I'm sensing a sort of panic from the Nasties, and lately, like, over the past four years in particular and getting stronger, I think, is my ability to Sense the Vibe of people, of statements, of what's "in the air," like my ESP is on high octane now... And I donut trust those three individuals, if that's any support to you. It's not just a vibe, either, it's what these three individuals SAY, and also what they DO. Cheers.