Immobilizers: You Are Equipped with a Truckload of Anti-theft Devices!
Who wants to steal you from whom?
These devices are still issued for parole/house arrest monitoring, but they are becoming ridiculously obsolete! Yours are plentiful and invisible, but they also come with instructions called “laws”!
Immobilizers are meant to prevent car theft.
What if the person himself/herself is government property? (S)he becomes as asset, and the state must make sure that its property is protected:
It can be tracked (“low-jack” in cars);
It can be immobilized;
It can be specifically targeted (I’m ever since GPS has been installed in cars, the car has also been possible to remotely disable through satellite control1).
It took about a hundred years for citizens of modern countries to accept that they are treated as government property. The process required specific steps and the populace had to welcome its invisible jail cell as a form of being “protected.”
First, the masses had to become docile:
That, however, required the centralization of governmental power, which started earlier and is culminating now:
Once the government had enough control over its subjects, central banks took control of the money supply and effectively owned (and still own) the government. The end result is people being treated as government assets, that is, the assets of those who own the government:
The methods of personal immobilization employ just about everything in modern life
The first obvious steps were birth, marriage, and death certificates (which originate in feudalism, when serfs were the landlord’s property), passports and driver’s licenses, then income tax, property taxes, traveling visas, the handling of legal immigrants, the Social Security Number, your slave number issued at birth, which is perhaps the main reason for prenatal and maternity “care”2 (although mothers are often offered harmful “vaccines” and madications), and all kinds of IDs certainly contributed to the mix, but they are not the end of the story.
Public indoctrination (sorry, “education”) is a factor usually missed by the first-time observer. As I have taught in prisons, too, I can attest that prisons, schools3, and government buildings have the same architecture.
Cashless payment methods are the latest control devices in the field of monetizing subjects. The history of civilizations, however, testifies to the phenomenon of debt having been omnipresent well before the latest developments.
Debt is another way to track and control people, and government debts are perhaps the most powerful ones, because they control governments. As John. D. Rockefeller projected:
As George W. once allegedly said,
I’m pretty certain he must have meant the Federal Reserve controlling the country.
“Smart” devices, phones, meters, and internet use are all there for tracking people. Cell phone and Internet use are more and more linked to the person. 5G phones can ID the user from biometric signals, e.g. heartbeats. 5G phones and signals (along with 6G, 7G etc.) can also track and target people. “Smart” meters pose fire hazards and radiation exposure (just like solar panels) and “smart” devices can listen to your conversation, download your house plan (including where you place your furniture) and track your exact location in the house. They also replace 5G towers in residential areas.
And here is the latest favorite, the sick-care system. It started up around the same time (around 1920) as industrial agriculture that started poisoning people’s food on a large scale.
Since 1947, live experiments have been conducted on the US population, which culminated in the “weather modification” craze:
After that, several other methods emerged that made sure people’s health would slowly deteriorate.
Sick-care uses the Rockefeller-enforced allopathic paradigm, based on the fraudulent Germ Theory, and it’s been suppressing alternative methods (which is not necessarily bad, assuming one doesn’t run to an allopathic “doctor” instead), while controlling madical “training” (that is, brainwashing).
Allopathic care favors discovering “conditions” that you don’t have (they “diagnose” from symptoms and “treat” them with toxins that almost certainly make you sick sooner or later), because it’s easy to track someone who depends on the system. It’s not an accident that about a quarter of federal spending (that’s only the declared part of federal spending; the rest is “classified”) goes towards Medicaid4 (whose name varies by the state, and every state handles its own for some taxpayer money from the Federal Government).
Of course, recycling the taxpayer’s money only slows down inflation, making the controlled demolition of the country and the USD more manageable. In the US, since the Federal Reserve act of 1913, it’s always been about depopulation and control, because the money was “free” for the perps, anyway.
Certain madications and (always synthetic) supplements can also interact and speed up the patient’s demise:
Forcing people on welfare is another method to make them dependent on the system. Remember that people were given 4% of their own money back during the “lockdowns,” when the remaining 96% went to banks and corporations? Still, receiving $600 a week for four months and, in some places, another $400 a week for another two, successfully finished off a lot of small- and medium-sized businesses, terminating a lot of jobs.
Food stamps (aka. SNAP) combine poisoning with food with government dependency:
“Being addicted to the cage” is also in play; humans are wired for addiction, but there are GOOD addictions (quoting the text, “The opposite of addiction is not sobriety. The opposite of addiction is connection”):
As Eric Berne stated in Games People Play (1964), which is also available on the Internet, games usually substitute intimacy. Once intimacy is present, most games vanish, just like in the rat experiment in the link…
If there is a conclusion, it must be yours:
Mencken forgets to mention that the method is also life-threatening, but everyone must make a choice between being a slave or, perhaps, not so much…
With the introduction of electric vehicles, the problem exceeded the threshold of sanity:
New and used vehicle prices have also gone up, while people’s credit being destroyed, which foreshadows the days, when only a select few will be able to drive their own vehicle (the rest won’t need one, anyway, in the 15-minute cities).
Schools are often overrun by deranged “teachers” who cannot even link up to their students, so with the help of the psychiatric “profession,” they put children on chemicals that turn students into obedient zombies, while possibly causing irreversible brain damage. Well, as children are also poisoned with a huge amount of toxic injections (“vaccines”), nobody could put a finger on the actual causes for the mess at schools, but the lack of adult supervision enables school bullies and turns life at school even more of a nightmare than it would otherwise feel. Of course, there are exceptions: one is when the bully’s mom/dad can sue the heck out of you for “intervening”; the other is at zoos mistakenly called schools, where 10-year-olds already belong to a local gang, and the “teacher” is not suicidal to intervene.
Medicare pays only 80% of the expenses, and the remaining 20% can easily bankrupt most people even after a single hospitalization. Medicare Advantage plus comes with a hefty out-of-pocket expense before it kicks in (the amount varies by the insurance company and the type of coverage; HMOs are usually cheaper, but more restricted than PPOs).
Yes, so many immobilizers!!! I am very familiar with them!!! But your also write (another post): "If People Knew What’s Being Done to Them, They Would Rise up with Pitchforks." Something has been done to most people so that they do not rise up. They say they don't trust government and go along, go along, go along. You tell them what is being done. Even if they hear, it has an impact only on a minority of us - like you, who does rise up with the pitchfork of your words.
Personal sovereignty is a myth eh?
I’ve been navigating the screwy game board as if to maintain as much as I can. I guess my navigating techniques are helpful in two very small ways. Entertainment for myself and educational, for anyone paying attention. Sort of like sticking a finger in the dam. 😂🙄.
Maintaining my amusement is getting more difficult.
Hugs Ray