I’ve been navigating the screwy game board as if to maintain as much as I can. I guess my navigating techniques are helpful in two very small ways. Entertainment for myself and educational, for anyone paying attention. Sort of like sticking a finger in the dam. 😂🙄.
Maintaining my amusement is getting more difficult.
Yes, so many immobilizers!!! I am very familiar with them!!! But your also write (another post): "If People Knew What’s Being Done to Them, They Would Rise up with Pitchforks." Something has been done to most people so that they do not rise up. They say they don't trust government and go along, go along, go along. You tell them what is being done. Even if they hear, it has an impact only on a minority of us - like you, who does rise up with the pitchfork of your words.
Sorry, I had to correct my typo: it was "would" and it is "wouldn't" now. Pitchforks were the peasant's weapons, because peasants caught owning a weapon were impaled in the Middle Ages... Still, no peasant/slave uprising ever succeeded for more than a few years. Technology prevailed in those days, too...
Personal sovereignty is a myth eh?
I’ve been navigating the screwy game board as if to maintain as much as I can. I guess my navigating techniques are helpful in two very small ways. Entertainment for myself and educational, for anyone paying attention. Sort of like sticking a finger in the dam. 😂🙄.
Maintaining my amusement is getting more difficult.
Hugs Ray
Staying lower-middle class prevents hunger and freezing to death, and it doesn't attract unwanted attention. :)
That's how I remained relatively independent most of my life, which meant losing several jobs, but maintaining my integrity was of primary importance.
When you're right, you are right, Ray.
The facts speak for themselves. I'm only the messenger. :)
Excellent review Ray, but the normies will still hem and haw.
I don't write for "normies." :)
Yes, so many immobilizers!!! I am very familiar with them!!! But your also write (another post): "If People Knew What’s Being Done to Them, They Would Rise up with Pitchforks." Something has been done to most people so that they do not rise up. They say they don't trust government and go along, go along, go along. You tell them what is being done. Even if they hear, it has an impact only on a minority of us - like you, who does rise up with the pitchfork of your words.
As the link in the article explains, the compliance training is over a hundred years old:
But I agree: something more is going on here. That's why I added Eric Berne's game theory to the article, too:
Beyond that, pitchforks wouldn't do much against today's technology.
Yes . A better technology .
Sorry, I had to correct my typo: it was "would" and it is "wouldn't" now. Pitchforks were the peasant's weapons, because peasants caught owning a weapon were impaled in the Middle Ages... Still, no peasant/slave uprising ever succeeded for more than a few years. Technology prevailed in those days, too...