Experts: Fake papers fuel corrupt industry, slow legitimate medical research


It is exceedingly difficult to get a handle on exactly how big the problem is. Around 55,000 scholarly papers have been retracted to date, for a variety of reasons, but scientists and companies who screen the scientific literature for telltale signs of fraud estimate that there are many more fake papers circulating – possibly as many as several hundred thousand. This fake research can confound legitimate researchers who must wade through dense equations, evidence, images and methodologies only to find that they were made up.

Even when the bogus papers are spotted – usually by amateur sleuths on their own time – academic journals are often slow to retract the papers, allowing the articles to taint what many consider sacrosanct: the vast global library of scholarly work that introduces new ideas, reviews other research and discusses findings.

These fake papers are slowing down research that has helped millions of people with lifesaving medicine and therapies from cancer to COVID-19. Analysts’ data shows that fields related to cancer and medicine are particularly hard hit, while areas like philosophy and art are less affected. Some scientists have abandoned their life’s work because they cannot keep pace given the number of fake papers they must bat down.

The problem reflects a worldwide commodification of science. Universities, and their research funders, have long used regular publication in academic journals as requirements for promotions and job security, spawning the mantra “publish or perish.”

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Sorry, I didn't know it was still possible to conduct "legitimate medical research."

"Research" is usually done by the manufacturers (FDA-approved!), their employees sign a non-disclosure form, and the outcome usually follows the path of all these companies' "best interests." When one of them happens to be caught red-handed, they get a slip on the wrist. Nothing will change until the decision-makers are made personally responsible with all their assets and whatever they have bought for or transferred to their friends and families since the ruse started, but good luck to such lawsuits:


There have been no life-saving medicines, either, for lack of a functional medical paradigm:


Is healing a scam altogether?


True researchers don't even get publicity... They are also risking their lives, and nobody seems to notice.

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Ray, nice work on the state of the state. It's damned sickening, but forecasted to get worse. Folks either cannot or will not think or reason. They depend on everybody else to do the heavy lifting, especially the government.

By the way-- "It’s not an accident that about a quarter of federal spending (that’s only the declared part of federal spending; the rest is “classified”) goes towards Medicare (whose name varies by the state, and every state handles its own for some taxpayer money from the Federal Government)." Methinks you meant Medicaid. There's not much difference, but the Medicare people were employed (some still are) and contributing (at least, taxes), while the Medicaid crew likely have accomplished nothing in life, except for sponging off the taxpayer. I can't quite figure out why the government is killing off the taxpayers-- who will they steal from?

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Thank you.

Yes, I meant Medicaid; thank for the noticing. Correcting it momentarily.

Most people are already immobilized by insolvency, the inability to move (house doesn't sell or no money for that), poorly-paid jobs, if any, and, of course, the dependency on the "government" (that is, the taxpayer) that has taken decades to stick, but it's now an integral part of the system.

Medicare pays only 80% of the expenses, and the remaining 20% can easily bankrupt most people even after a single hospitalization. Medicare Advantage plus comes with a hefty out-of-pocket expense before it kicks in (the amount varies by the insurance company and the type of coverage; HMOs are usually cheaper, but more restricted than PPOs).

In my understanding all this is part of the controlled demolition of the country and of the USD.

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You do realize, with the debt based money supply, that the system is rigged to make it nearly impossible for many people to survive without assistance? I would rather my taxes go to helping people raise their families, put food on the table, and put roofs over their heads than to the military and intel agencies or the pharms, medical and insurance industries. People in all the latter groups are the real spongers.

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Indeed: the goal is full dependency on the "government" After the CBDC, "money" won't be a problem; even taxes won't be needed.

You have a kind heart, but the last functional socialist government was Sweden (before the Muslim invasion), where income tax rates were topped at 90 percent. Other than that, the productive have never been able to provide for the rulers AND the poor at the same time without the state going bankrupt.

The US had dominant cartels and monopolies since around 1860, and the problem is that the few globalist corporations that control production and distribution couldn't care less for the people having jobs that would enable them to earn living wages. It's all part of globalization, and the country and the USD must collapse before the final takeover (well, I am expecting some kind of spectacular crisis first that will make people beg their captors to restore "law and order").

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Personal sovereignty is a myth eh?

I’ve been navigating the screwy game board as if to maintain as much as I can. I guess my navigating techniques are helpful in two very small ways. Entertainment for myself and educational, for anyone paying attention. Sort of like sticking a finger in the dam. 😂🙄.

Maintaining my amusement is getting more difficult.

Hugs Ray

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Staying lower-middle class prevents hunger and freezing to death, and it doesn't attract unwanted attention. :)

That's how I remained relatively independent most of my life, which meant losing several jobs, but maintaining my integrity was of primary importance.

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When you're right, you are right, Ray.

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The facts speak for themselves. I'm only the messenger. :)

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Between the drug/poisoning and ELF from Tesla's discovery of the Shuman Cavity, the 6 to 8 Hz frequency that all biological life operates in manifold manipulations are a forgone conclusion.

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Excellent review Ray, but the normies will still hem and haw.

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I don't write for "normies." :)

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Yes, so many immobilizers!!! I am very familiar with them!!! But your also write (another post): "If People Knew What’s Being Done to Them, They Would Rise up with Pitchforks." Something has been done to most people so that they do not rise up. They say they don't trust government and go along, go along, go along. You tell them what is being done. Even if they hear, it has an impact only on a minority of us - like you, who does rise up with the pitchfork of your words.

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As the link in the article explains, the compliance training is over a hundred years old:


But I agree: something more is going on here. That's why I added Eric Berne's game theory to the article, too:


Beyond that, pitchforks wouldn't do much against today's technology.

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Yes . A better technology .

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Sorry, I had to correct my typo: it was "would" and it is "wouldn't" now. Pitchforks were the peasant's weapons, because peasants caught owning a weapon were impaled in the Middle Ages... Still, no peasant/slave uprising ever succeeded for more than a few years. Technology prevailed in those days, too...

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