There are many types of lawsuits, but some of them stick out as the weirdest.
Class action lawsuits settle a specific charge with a lump sum. Those who have been harmed by a product or a service have no other option than accept the settlement. They cannot sue the culprits individually.
As a result, it is often in the company’s best interest to initiate a class action suit against itself with the gentle touch of using its own lawyers or cooperating with business associates on the basis of reciprocity. As a result, the customer sometimes receives like $5, while the lawyers rake in millions, and the company becomes immune to further litigation. (And who said lawyers cannot provide kickbacks?)
As you know, the “vaccine”-injured can enter a plea to VAERS for $250k, and about three percent of them file, and no more than three percent of those are awarded reparations. That’s nine out of ten thousand! (At least, that’s how official statistics would say it.) Even after the fact of cyclically-recurring deaths and damages that were possibly to substantiate “intent to harm,” which would have revoked the manufacturers’ indemnity, the damages are paid by (Guess, who?) — the taxpayer!
So tell me the system is not rigged.
Could you afford to go to court?
Although Trump recalled Fuxxi’s protection, Diaper Joe gave him a preliminary reprieve from all future charges. Can such criminals ever be prosecuted or at least indicted?
Since the 1860s, the US gradually became a land of cartels and monopolies. Ah, the good old days… By now, the world itself has become a place, where most production and distribution are controlled by a few globalist corporations or their subsidiaries, making people extremely vulnerable to disruptions.
The single case, when going to court can most likely benefit a commoner is when bankruptcy is declared. However, that can be done only once in about 10 years in most states, and many people lose their homes after madical bills (in some states, property taxes are so high that someone with a catastrophic loss of income can lose their home after non-payment, too), because they cannot go bankrupt after a previous bankruptcy. Even back taxes can be added to Chapter 7 filings!
That is a good question Ray. Personally I find "Lawsuits" a proxy of the violence of the rich projected onto the poor via bureaucracies. It really is an adversarial system where the most ignorant of the law escape responsibility, but gaslight their targets with pretenses of "Authority". When rich men or women complain about an "injury" whether real or imagined sleights they have the wherewithal to prescribe warfare/lawfare against those who do not have the capitol to fight back, ergo, the whole "legal" farce of "equal protection under the law" is cliche. Why should they do the violence themselves (they are too modest or cowardly) when they can call on a host of "investigators" (more often than not instigators) to carry out their "World is my Ouster" whims.
Sometimes they are needed. 6 months ago a friend, a lady about my age 76, had delayed gallbladder surgery TO REMOVE OLD STONES, It was botched and ruptured into the abdomen, NFECTION STARTED. She is a Type 2 on insulin. She has been in the hospital most of the time. Kidneys damaged, by to low potassium, Dr caused, and constant antibiotics/steroids. Every 2 days Dialysis. Lung infections and trach tube scarred throat, which had to be repaired, another infection. Wrong meds, Dr refused to consider that gut flora was damaged. Nearly died several times. NO oxygen at home. Lungs are 'sticky' and fill with fluid from the lung infections. Thursday she stopped breathing. Sepsis. No way to do CPR because of lung damage. No other way to restore breathing. Sister did a Breathing procedure for her. EMT's called. More antibiotics. Had her on Morphine which suppresses breathing. Family said NO. Moving to a chest Lidocaine patch. Need a Med. Malpractice lawyer who is not an ambulance chaser for Shelby Co, TN. The family kept a big stack of records documenting all that has happened. SHEER INCOMPENTENCE.