One for the court, one for the plaintiff.
The problem
Previously, on October 21st, Steve Kirsch informed his audience that the FDA must take a “vaccine” off the market, and people can sue the “vaccine” manufacturers. Of course, those things mean nothing, as I explained:
Today, perhaps as a follow-up, a poll is quoted by Kirsch; according to Rasmussen, 42 percent of Americans would love to sue manufacturers (well, that’s how many would join a class-action suit, which is an answer to the wrong question, and I’ll explain why):
The title of this article implies two things that don’t necessarily help the victims.
The poll inquires about class-action lawsuits, and the title suggests that the law would not permit such lawsuits, probably because of the 1986 law1 that gave manufacturers indemnity based on the opinion that “vaccines are unavoidably unsafe”:
The implications
The first glaring problem with suing companies is that even if it worked, nobody will be made personally responsible. The real crooks would depart in glory with their loot from the taxpayer.
Moreover, in class-action lawsuits, most of the penalties, if any, go to the lawyers, and individuals receive pennies, while in some cases, class-action might prevent any further single lawsuits, so it actually protects the accused. While such lawsuits usually end with a slap on the wrist, I also bet that his time, targeted companies will go bankrupt and become insolvent well before a guilty verdict or even a potentially successful indictment. Should they lose at court, any compensation for the damages would be paid by the taxpayer. The total is maxed out at $250 thousand dollars, but such attempts are usually only 2-3% successful.
However, suing the companies is actually possible, class-action or not. Lawsuits are permitted by law, if “intent to harm” can be established, and it can be, but a charge of manslaughter could easily pass a grand jury:
Right now, human error and “contamination” are the excuses for the deadly “mistakes,” but the contents of the vials were calculated by computers, and computers act according to their programming. Those programs must be subpoenaed by the courts, because they would provide evidence that the programming was NOT a mistake. Will they be considered “intellectual property” by the judges?
There have been smaller, but spectacular cases in which need for restitution has failed. Not much has been heard of East Palestine, OH, since the derailment and the large-scale areal poisoning, when a single event showed how one event can serve Agenda 2030 in multiple ways2. I still can’t wait to see if any money is going to be paid out to the victims of the mass murder in Hawaii. Bidet generously issued $500 a pop. Ukraine and the Taliban fared better… Oh, well. Even shoplifters are better off in California, because they don’t get prosecuted, if they are caught stealing items whose total value is equal or less than $9503.
So, what people are witnessing here is only another paragraph in the globalist script.
National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act ( NCVIA) of 1986 (42 U.S.C. §§ 300aa-1 to 300aa-34)
In December, 2024, the “law” was apparently reversed. Are the connected’s private prisons running out of slave labor even after the “three-strike” laws?
They want you locked into a dying system instead of ejecting and building a new one. The myth of "justice" in a system this rigged serves that agenda.
Maybe you can’t sue the producers but you can sue the enforcers (employers, schools) for medical and religious discrimination. Without the enforcers, the operation fails. You don’t even need to sue. Sometimes the mere threat of a lawsuit has been successful:
This is where we need to concentrate our efforts. Best chance of success and success is meaningful.