These survey results are receiving too much press - as if they actually provide useful information.

The wording ensures that many will agree. Americans are disgruntled (or angry) in general and want someone to blame. And who doesn't want to get some of those big "class action" bucks? Or at least the remaining crumbs after the attorneys pay themselves.

"If there were a major class action lawsuit against

pharmaceutical companies for vaccine side effects, how likely would you be to join the lawsuit?

In place of; "pharmaceutical companies for vaccine side effects"

"If there were a major class action lawsuit against ______ for _______ how likely would you be to join the lawsuit?

pharmaceutical companies for medication side effects

food manufacturers for health problems

streaming services for overcharging

automobile manufacturers for air pollution

grocery chains for profiteering

Amazon for late delivery

42% if Americans would say that they would be likely or very likely to join those lawsuits.

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It's just to give people a sense of justice. The look and feel of justice. No actual justice needs to be given out.

As as others have noted, even if there is a multi-billion dollar settlement, how is that a replacement for one's own bodily autonomy? Peace of mind? Uncovering the truth about the exact contents of the mystery potions.

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It looks like the "news," the way it's dished out by Steve, is more about paying attention to the wrong thing and get committed in the wrong way.

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indeed. isn't 'to give people a sense of justice' sometimes called hopium (aka another psy-op)?

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We deserve better psyops. Can you imagine going to a protest or just walking down a busy street and seeing someone holding a sign or advertisement like this: https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_webp,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F3a425320-153a-4406-ac2c-abb6ebd4fa66_800x799.jpeg

from: https://www.igor-chudov.com/p/bbcs-reformed-conspiracy-theorist

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No, I can't imagine such a protester, but at least the sign is handwritten, not pre-printed for paid participants.

Chudov seemed to have signed me off, but didn't ban me after I reflected on one of his articles:


I am more explicit in footnote #19 in https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/what-makes-people-sick-apart-from, where I even praise him.

Dunno; maybe I unsubscribed, for all I care. My original criticism was certainly not his favorite, either.

Steve's op is still a lot more intelligent than most others', which speaks volumes about the audience's presumed intelligence...

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Screw the lawsuits for which big pharma coffers and government spending machines are well equipped to pay off multi-billion dollar litigation. What needs to happen are minimum 20 years prisons sentences, life in prison or the gallows for many of these murdering thugs.

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Couldn't have said it better. :)

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My employer did not force us to get injected, but they certainly tried, claiming to follow "CDC guidelines". Perhaps it may seem easy to sue an employer, but who can afford a lawyer these days, how do you find a lawyer that will take on your case, and there stands a chance the employer will find an excuse to fire you. I hated playing along with wearing that silly diaper, but being so close to partial retirement, I put up with it (although I was yelled at several times for not wearing it snugly enough around my nose - lol. Yes, I was a bit defiant, but being able to breathe was more important.) I was also accused of being responsible for the deaths of others. Well, it pays to stick to your guns. Especially when your Guardian Angel tells you to do something. Not hard to listen to God's Best!

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The CDC never recommended excluding unvaccinated people from workspaces and never recommended that even “immunocompromised” people avoid the unvaccinated. The whole vaccination mandate thing begins and ends with unqualified bureaucrats playing doctor. The CDC, HHS, and FDA are qualified but they played within the bounds granted them by the law around EUA. They have been made litigation-proof; but EUA doesn’t override anti-discrimination law and they were sure never to recommend making vaccination a condition of employment. It’s the low level enablers and enforcers that lied and broke the law. They are the ones that actually coerced people to take the shots. They are the ones who can be prosecuted. When seriously confronted they fold. See the link in my previous post.

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When someone comes with the CDC, I declare "conflict of interest," because the CDC owns several "vaccine" patents...

Finding a lawyer itself would be a challenge, but fighting million-dollar attorneys plus the judge adds to the challenge.

The muzzles were at the same time, when "I can't breathe" worked on verbally violent people. Here, in rural KY, everybody was polite, you-know-why, so I never had to explain myself for not wearing one, but again, I was not working for an employer. Your situation was a lot harder.

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Thanks for understanding. Being so very close to partial retirement, I didn't want to upset the apple cart. Since I work from home part time now (same employer), no one can force me to get jabbed or wear a diaper. Sometimes we have to swallow crap. Like one woman told me long ago, Pick Your Battles.

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I also said that "Surrender Is for Slaves, but You Cannot Counter the Enemy on Its Own Turf, Either":


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I will have to remember that one. I also never get into battles I know I won't win.

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OFF TOPIC Ray , but here goes something - - ' For forms of government, let fools contest ; Whate'er is best administered, is best '.

Downside - - we 'give up' ...ans. , no - we die w our boots on trying to make things better .

Upside - - Divine Intervention ...ans. , yes - looks imminent to me , bntl , we die w boots on bc that's what grown-ups do ! ............. ....shalom to all

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Maybe you can’t sue the producers but you can sue the enforcers (employers, schools) for medical and religious discrimination. Without the enforcers, the operation fails. You don’t even need to sue. Sometimes the mere threat of a lawsuit has been successful:


This is where we need to concentrate our efforts. Best chance of success and success is meaningful.

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Love the link! Acting locally is the only reasonable option:


I've been saying for over a year that without enablers and enforcers, the whole operation would fail, that is, if they can be convinced that they will be next in line at the slaughterhouse. Suing the enablers and the enforcers would make sense only, if they could be made personally responsible; otherwise, it's only the taxpayer's money again.

I first wrote about this on May 25, 2022:


And there is plenty more:


On the other hand, there is no meaningful version of "we." Everybody is in this alone.

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The key point is we need to eliminate the enforcers. That doesn’t necessarily mean prosecuting or punishing them, just making it so that no one will be doing the job of enforcing a vaccination requirement. This will happen when potential enforcers know that everyone knows it’s wrong and they’re afraid they’d be sued. These people don’t need death threats; they are cowards for the most part. They just need to know that the people they respect would not approve.

And by “we” I mean everyone who objects to vaccination requirements.

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The only chance is to convince the enablers and the enforcers that they will be next to line up at the slaughterhouse, once their dirty job is done.

Here, in rural Kentucky, there were no six thugs dressed up as highwaymen during the muzzle mandate, which I assume, was the best for everyone. Our sheriff didn't even enforce the mandate. :) As opposed to the police, sheriffs are elected.

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... takes balls - disobey gate keepers? Corporate HR Order Takers (I mean Directors.)...masked/hiding their faces cocking their heads to the sky nervously looking over their shoulder - exiting faster than it is to mumble 'Fauci Ouchi'.

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I personally prefer to use the terms "enablers" and "enforcers," because it's perhaps a bit more accurate, but we are not going to have an argument over that. :)

Once I was stopped by this Stazi agent in 2020 or so, and I remained peaceful, because my wife was with me...

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I was seeing the HR as more of a barrier concocted by the schemers. Yes, remaining peaceful is a premium on such occasions and a lot more of them are learning we're not here to serve their needs. As for myself Stazi encounters are a quick learning-lesson in common law - natural rights.

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How many "brave" people did you see without a muzzle during the plandemic mandates? I counted about six altogether in grocery stores, not counting my wife and me. Would you count on any of those people who allowed to be treated like rabid dogs? The victims were playing the parts of the enablers and the enforcers, too...

People can object all they want to. The question is: what can be done? Theoretically, small town governments might be possible to motivate into action to defy the orders by hijacked "government" forces.

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Joyful , Meaningful , Prescient - - you, Alex are a friend to all mankind . ............ ....shalom

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Steve kirsch bugs me. I sent his articles to my brainwashed relatives like he is some kind of middle man between God and Satan that they might hear. IDK what to do with some people.

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I’m not sure who Kirsch’s audience is anymore, I can’t believe anyone is listening to him. I put him in the same shady area as Malone

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Considering he allegedly received 1m responses to his first tweet, his audience is either naive, taxpayer-funded bots, or people like me, who enjoy taking the valuables out of the trash. :)

He is definitely the same company as Malone, but as opposed to Malone, he doesn't unnerve me to the point that I can't even read him. I am the same way with Karen Kingston, the 2nd Smartest Guy, Vigilant News, Meryl Nass, plus a number of other actors. Hardly anyone left of Substack who is worth reading. Mostly some of the small ones.

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I agree. I used to follow all of them. My new SS list is much better... Thanks to you I found Donald Jeffries. I also enjoy Tereza Corragio and The Healthy American.

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All those SS writers mentioned in your comment above have been removed from my SS reading list in addition to Sasha Latypova. I fell for their big pharma paid propaganda early on when I joined SS 10 months ago but became aware because the other writers I follow gave me clarity and reason. Just like do, Ray. 👍✌️

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Yeah, I also unsubscribed from Latypova only after a few articles. She is also the one whom Katherine Watt follows regarding "the science," so Watt is also out, except when she talks about legal matters, which can be intriguing. Too bad, Watt also looked promising for quite a while, but I don't read her anymore, because there are no legal solutions.

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Agree that so many promising substack authors have fallen by the wayside. I still follow them all to keep a handle on what is being churned out. SL and KW are still good value in my book.

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Steve certainly stops where I start.

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2020 was the year when legal fictions collided head on with natural law in billions of lives. Medicine persons hiding behind armies of straw men statutorily arranged represented evil living people compelling trusting living people to be injected with a real juice that really kills. When Satan’s sweet promises clash with natures hard truths, God wins.

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They want you locked into a dying system instead of ejecting and building a new one. The myth of "justice" in a system this rigged serves that agenda.

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