Where are your roots? The rootless are easy to ignore and to eliminate.
I have written enough about what wouldn’t work against the globalists1. This time, I am making an attempt in the opposite direction2.
No, I am not writing about Trump, who gave away more than enough of a US President’s power and/or ties, when he obediently initiated “Operation Warp Speed”3 that resulted in countless injuries and numerous deaths after the compliant received the “covid” injections. He was even proud of “saving lives,” a criminal argument:
This morning, while browsing the latest news, Jon Rappoport’s article gave me the idea of relaying perhaps the most important message regarding the chances to stop the globalists (please, allow me to be a bit optimistic):
Jon woke me up to realize what I have always known, but seemed to have forgotten: how the power of the people can be exercised lawfully, but with results. Well, at least, theoretically. Practically, this is a fight to death, no matter what, and not everyone is ready to roll over. “Being red-pilled” does nothing; only action might prevail.
After the false flag of 9/11 and the resulting and still active (un)Patrioc(is) Act, the US Constitution, if I may borrow Dmitri Orlov’s words, “became as relevant as an old copy of Pravda in an abandoned Siberian outhouse.”4
However, grassroots can traditionally have a chance
Grassroots are local non-profit assemblies that organize community activities, initiate legal action against the government, set up referendums, and count votes (cheating starts with the nominations, followed up with early and absentee votes, completed with the dead voting and the votes replaced during transportation even if voting machines are not used).
People can exercise their power mostly through grassroots (theoretically, the average Jane/Joe is the most powerful in jury duty, because their verdicts automatically become law, but besides judges unconstitutionally advising juries to follow the law only and not to judge if the law is fair, and jury selections also make sure there wouldn’t be any runaway jury that rewrites “the law” that the powerful have compiled for themselves so successfully for centuries).
Your local government possesses the power to rule against federal or state edicts,
which it should have done during convid, so you can assess its representative value from the extent to which it did. As long as it allowed the enforcement of unconstitutional edicts, it doesn’t represent you, so you can easily see that most local governments didn’t, and there isn’t much basis for hoping it ever will.
Chances are, you’ll need to replace your local government by recalling it after a referendum and popular vote, which must be preceded by setting up your people to get elected instead (people who are not afraid of dying in an accident of being suicided are good choices, and some of them can expect to become casualties before any result is produced).
When you set up a grassroot, you are more likely to succeed, if it operates as a non-profit (or a trust?) to make sure that the founding documents make its operation guidelines and proceedings clear enough to prevent the inevitable infiltrators from dividing the members5. Membership MUST NOT be listed anywhere; it must exist only as an idea, based on the legal premise of a public initiative in which everyone is welcome6, so a mailing or an e-mail address doesn’t prove membership, only points of interests. In an ideal situation, all locals are always informed and invited for events. The first e-mails MUST go out to anyone in order to observe non-discrimination statutes, and recipients must be able to unsubscribe easily, anytime. I would also make sure communication is always in writing (even e-mails are legally-binding documents), because it far too easy to manipulate a live audience in the wrong direction (undoubtedly, you’ll be goaded by infiltrators to accept such challenges, which you must calmly reject).
Once you are in action, you’ll have to start recording and broadcasting town meetings as it discusses a votes on essential initiatives, make public announcements, and set up referendums, as needed. In cities, you would need several dozen, or even hundreds of units that coordinate between each other.
In response, you can expect the following:
The town government will try to initiate closed meeting, but they happen not to have the right to do that. Relying on your sheriff (instead of the police) might allow you to have your way, instead of having to resort to litigation that can last up to 10 years, when after several appeals, the Supreme Court will refuse to discuss your case.
Once you are inside the local government’s meeting, you start recording everything (you can expect the same stonewalling attempt as the one you faced, when trying to enter the place), preferably on video, and after editing it to a reasonably short length, start broadcasting it on a daily basis on your community TV network. If the network refuses to put it on, you’ll have to choose between three options:
(1) Sue the network, assuming your grassroot is credibly set up and attendance substantiates significant representation. Suing, however, is expensive, time-consuming, and slow, while doesn’t even guarantee that the case is going to court;
(2) start your own network (which is unlikely to succeed, because the full spectrum of broadcasting signals is usually occupied, and if it’s not, a globalist lackey will probably get permission before you to occupy the remaining bandwidth even if the only broadcast there will be nothing but a logo;
(3) Initiate a recall of the whole local government. This would be time-consuming and there will be no guarantee that the signature you collect to go through with the plan will be accepted or the voting is not going to be rigged one way or another.
Peacefulness helps
You must avoid being charged for occupying the town/city hall, unless you want to share the fate of the Jan-6th protestors (unless there were none and the whole thing was not only a setup, but also a show). In case of any form of litigation, the best bet is to request a jury trial7, but only if you are ready to accept and prepare for certain conditions. You can, even for speeding tickets, assuming you are able to pay for bail (a diminishing situation in blue cities for violent offenders, but only for those whose job is to instill fear into the hearts of the populace), ready to submit several appeals, and in a worst-case scenario, ready to pay for the other party’s legal expenses (although against natural law, it has become more and more common in US courts even without re-starting a criminal case in civil court).
I know, it’s a long shot, but at least it’s theoretically legit, and it might give people a chance to meet others in live settings, which creates the opportunity to organize live local communities even in metropolitan areas, which must be done, anyway.
Getting organized
It’s essential NOT to have “leaders,” because leaders can be targeted a lot more easily than members.
A chain of command is necessary on specific occasions, but your organization must not expose itself only to be beheaded. As long as the “leaders” can be arrested8 or otherwise targeted, such groups cannot peacefully exist, and peacefulness is a prerequisite for action, even if the action is doomed to fail.
This is the official version of such an organization, which is what the “authorities” are expecting you to do:
Don’t give them the pleasure to follow their setup.
Real communities
Real communities have a unifying ideology that enables members to live for something more valuable than their lives. Those communities are always targeted; think about the Amish, whose schools have been threatened to be fined for $5k a day, and shut down for not following the “vaccine schedule,” while liens can be placed on their property until they are homeless. Targeting their food for sale that doesn’t comply with “FDA guidelines” has also been happening. which also endangers their livelihood.
Many communities that look real are nothing else than a bunch of brainwashed people who are simply going with the flow and never make a personal decision. Those people don’t accept outsiders as equals and, consequently, are not trustworthy, probably not even for its own members.
Those who are ready for action, must make peace with the idea that they will be threatened, on rare occasions offered bribes, and some of them will be used as examples at court or in the cemetery. This is only for those who realize that life beyond a certain point is not worth living9.
The most complete list of accomplishing nothing or doing self-harm is summarized here:
If the enablers and the enforcers realized that they would be the next to cull, the globalists wouldn’t have the manpower to enforce their will on the people. Katherine Watt alo wrote a relevant article today. She is usually great with the legal stuff, although I wish she abandoned the rest of her topics and focus on her strength:
Orlov wrote this a few years ago, I forget, where. He is highly entertaining and erudite, while more often than not, on the spot or at least inspiring for those who care to think further:
Infiltrators can work anywhere within your organization, so working in pairs is better. Counter-groups can be started against yours. Inviting criminals (as it happened in the summer of 2020) into the neighborhood is also an option for your “leaders,” and anything that spreads fear, insecurity, or division, is.
Acquiring a mailing list is another challenge, but theoretically, it shouldn’t be.
Judges are invariably bought/intimidated, which can happen to jury members, too, but that would take time. Sadly, the grand jury and jury selection can also be manipulated by a judge even before the case could/would go to trial.
As you may have noticed, anyone can be arrested for no good reasons these days. Allegedly, the average American “breaks the law” three times a day without even knowing it, which can be used against anyone anytime.
This is where I draw the line:
If you extrapolate and consider the true methods of power, you might discover that all power over you has to be granted by the slave to the master. There are no masters if slaves refuse to be mastered. It is then possible to destroy the master's perceived powers and at most with the cost of your life.
Eternal slavery or death, which may not be eternal might be the two choices. There are no masters without willing slaves. And without someone to master, the control freaks (masters) will go insane because they can not have what they want. Remember, the masters are humans (well maybe) who have the greatest fear that they will be ignored and therefore they would serve no purpose.
I ponder consenting to the psychopathic legal/governmental system. For they are one and the same.