Cutting off a Head of the Hydra: The FDA Must Take a "Vaccine" off the Market, and People Can Sue the "Vaccine" Manufacturers
What's there to celebrate?
The tweet by Kirsch. “Adulteration” was one of the predictable methods of explaining the mass murder to the masses, although “intent to harm” was already under everyone’s nose in November, 2021 in VAERS reports:
The problem with mRNA makes little difference now, but the tweet is, nonetheless, astutely employing the term despite its being a full-fledged red herring:
Steve Kirsch posted the following on October 21, 2023:
Obviously there are the usual folk heroes are here in action:
By asking for re-tweets, the author of the article is making sure a little hope is being sent to the public’s little heart through numerous channels, ensuring that the average mortal will keep waiting for someone else to save the day…
Apparently, Steve created a buzz, but how far does it make any difference?
By suing the manufacturers, they will be forced into bankruptcy (Pfizer is already considering it) and their current globalist owners will buy up their assets through their giant investment firms without accepting any responsibility for their actions, and new companies will keep manufacturing new “vaccines” that are going to be mandated on the population.
Once the companies become insolvent, people might receive “compensation” from taxpayer sources that are maximized at $250k and until now, has been issued to about 2-3% of the claimants. Even if millions of dollars were paid out for each victim in compensation, which is not going to happen, money, even if it weren’t rapidly losing its value, wouldn’t revive the dead or restore irreversible damages caused by the injections. It’s only more humiliating that even if every victim received fair compensation, the USD will be likely out of service by the time such cases go through the courts.
To further taunt the victims, the news doesn’t affect the huge problem of the catastrophic mandatory “vaccines” for children or the fact that all “vaccines” are toxic and cannot offer protection against the invented illnesses for which they are enforced.
If the FDA takes the current ones off the market, new ones will crop up and if one is cut down, another two will grow into its place, like the Hydra’s heads:
The “vaccination” show will keep going on; in fact, it has never stopped. Steve’s tweet is nothing else but an example of the usual much-popularized practice of limited hangouts:
Steve’s home county of Santa Clara, California still requires COVID-19 vaccination of its government employees and contractors as does its county seat and “Capital of Silicon Valley” San Jose. If the mRNA vaccines go down they can still require Novavax. Where are the lawyers fighting these requirements? You don’t need insider info or whistleblower revelations for this. It’s simply overt employment discrimination based on irrelevant medical condition that should be easy to strike down.
If the work that Katherine Watt & Shasha Latypova, Todd Callendar and [many]others have done (and the work you've mentioned by many using microcopoy and other forms of more micro observation and analysis which is growing and word spreading finally), and responsibility/authority and administration/distribution of the bioweapons was transferred (initially through a series of legal changes over multiple Presidential administrations, then by contracts) to the Department of Defense, and the EUA enabled the unregulated, uninspected, untested chemicals used to install the nanotechnology without the need for trials, quality control, or adherence to safety practices of any kind, the phara companies were simply assisting in the manufacturing process, washing their hands of responsibility, knowing they were no longer at risk, but in line for the $$, and the regulatory agencies were also (not only bought off by the majority of their funding coming from globalists) complicit and no longer responsible or accountable, (see details of Brooke Jackson case where the judge affirmed this) then it appears the "controlled opposition" (I count Malone, Cole, many others, et al all as part of that set) are continuing to deny the true nature of the content and intent of the shots, the lots as test/control apparatuses and the transfer as not applicable -- then is this yet another distraction to slow down the inevitable realization that getting the population jabbed with technology that interacts with 5G (and above -- already in existence) was always the plan...and that a 60gHz pulsed signal can in fact cause the sudden deaths that we repeatedly witnessed first in Wuhan than elsewhere? That the interaction with microwave radiation -- enhanced by geoengineered particulate matter rained on us with toxic metal and aerosolized hydrogel/graphene (in addition to the death caused by both the ever-growing synthetic biology implanted through the jabs, the contamination of water, air, plant life, animals and now multiple medications and even dental anesthesia, childhood jabs and an ever-growing list of intentionally engineered sources of human exposure) -- will continue to be used to facilitate the intended de-population and release of additional disease vectors from those with a payload included in their jabs, to give the impression that we're being plagued by various external "viruses" that must again be treated with more technology-enhanced jabs, etc.? That a true "pandemic" must be deduced to be occurring and that the only remedy is to require lockdowns, universal ID (and with that CBDCs, vaccine passports, carbon footprint tracking, social credit score computation, etc.), quarantining, forced coercive measures and military-style enforcement and tactics for compliance - and to then transfer authority for the coordination and dictation of actions to the WHO, with all member nations defacto involved by virtue of the amendments to the existing understanding and the additional enhancements in the so-claled "treaty" which is also pending (one of 4 agreements that are on the table but generally not accessible for public viewing or comment)? Are we who are aware (to whatever extent one can be awake and aware and informed and constantly learning) suddenly expected to believe that an already compromised government in all aspects of its existence, who consciously facilitated as part of the global agenda, a massive kill box program for the majority of what they consider a surplus population that they wish to prevent from further existence and enjoyment of the resources that are here by divine bequest by trusted to fairly and truthfully support, enable or consent to judicial challenges (unless they can so stall an outcome or obfuscate successfully the truth even longer through it) to achieve real justice or any such outcome from occurring? How naive and truly delusional and malleable we have become.