Yes , I remember learning a little about the court system during convid days... like no matter what the verdict, both sides, ( other than the plaintiff ) make money. It was around thus time that someone put out a little video in regards to * who runs the world? The Bar does!
the satanists run the world which operates on human trafficking.
The courts are private franchises run by actual pirates
Avoid walking the plank on the pirate ship at all costs and if you do (to which you likely will be outwitted) at least make it clear you are the agent representing the all capitals name on your birth certificate.
The WSJ in a screed on how RFK Jr will destroy "public health", admitted that he could implement "a better system" for reporting injuries and deaths than VAERS, which would be the death of vaccines. At least they're poking their heads out of their shells.
So, the corporations will not enjoy indemnity any longer? Most legislatures maximinze punitive damages, and the result would pose just as much danger to the companies as a fly circling around a bull's ass...
Globalist criminal trials are strictly taboo. Besides, what trial can they not buy their way out of? Pitchforks, not lawsuits is the answer. Poke 'em where it will do the most damage.
Years ago, Equifax was breached and sensitive data stolen. You would think that a company dealing in nothing but sensitive and personal data for tens of millions of people (and mostly without their consent) would have stellar data security. Nope.
As part of the class action suit and settlement against Equifax, over more than 3 years I garnered a whole $13 or thereabouts. Some 5-6 years later, I have no clue as to who has my info or what dark web idiots have access to it.
Who knows...some morning I may wake up and discover I have been replaced by some A/i gremlin.
Sometimes they are needed. 6 months ago a friend, a lady about my age 76, had delayed gallbladder surgery TO REMOVE OLD STONES, It was botched and ruptured into the abdomen, NFECTION STARTED. She is a Type 2 on insulin. She has been in the hospital most of the time. Kidneys damaged, by to low potassium, Dr caused, and constant antibiotics/steroids. Every 2 days Dialysis. Lung infections and trach tube scarred throat, which had to be repaired, another infection. Wrong meds, Dr refused to consider that gut flora was damaged. Nearly died several times. NO oxygen at home. Lungs are 'sticky' and fill with fluid from the lung infections. Thursday she stopped breathing. Sepsis. No way to do CPR because of lung damage. No other way to restore breathing. Sister did a Breathing procedure for her. EMT's called. More antibiotics. Had her on Morphine which suppresses breathing. Family said NO. Moving to a chest Lidocaine patch. Need a Med. Malpractice lawyer who is not an ambulance chaser for Shelby Co, TN. The family kept a big stack of records documenting all that has happened. SHEER INCOMPENTENCE.
I believe that is the part where the people are rendered "voiceless". The charade of "representative" government does not allow you to "Present" yourself and your case directly, but is reliant on our ignorance of the esoteric language used in "Legalize". Someone who does not know you is allotted to do your "thinking" for you in a truth and facts sanitized environment. It is unfortunate that "Incompetence" is not limited to the Medical or Legal professions, but has been proliferated (by design) throughout the society and culture. The scariest part of watching people playing stupid, is the cognition that they (the winner take all club) aren't playing.
Yes, legal representation is just about mandatory in court, unless one wants to tick off the judge and give up the option to claim a mistrial.
Still, on the rare occasions when I had to go to court, I usually checked out a number of attorneys, collected ideas (sadly, there were hardly any), and hired the cheapest one and told him to do as I say... Most attorneys use paralegals, who often know and care more than their bosses; hiring one of them is also an option, but I'm not sure about the mistrial in that case.
Sorry, when it comes to "doctors," I don't believe in incompetence; most of them are trained monkeys. Lawyers? Oh, well, stupidity is one of the leading straits of human nature (I know; done many stupid things in life, and I am convinced that I was/am human :) ).
I know I didn't particularly enjoy being held responsible to the strawman of their own creation. When the paper, which is the vessel that carries the cargo of words clearly demonstrates fraudulent construction (e.g. CAPITUS DIMINUTIA MAXIMA) that the properly punctuated name of the natural man, woman or child had no part of this construct, (the magical thinking) that Justice without God is possible is beyond my comprehension. Admiralty/Maritime (contract law) should not be practicable on a land jurisdiction, but it works for "The Administrative State". The parliamentary procedure rumored to be "The Law of the Land" in Both Federal and State Constitutions is clearly ignored, while the privateers carry out their piracy with the confidence that they "represent" the people.
Horror stories abound. About one in four hospital patients suffer from some form of sepsis, and about one in ten dies of the "hospital bacteria" that are antibiotic-resistant...
A friend of mine's sister died on Christmas Eve. She had a diabetic event and she was sent home with cold "madication" (toxic, too). She died, and the family received a few million dollars in compensation, but my friend was one of the best lawyers in Ohio...
Her daughter was waiting for her mom to come back home, because she wanted to give her her Christmas present...
It's a question of who knows the judge (the judge alone can determine the outcome by admitting/not admitting certain evidence during the trial, and jury selection, no matter how rare jury trials are these days, is a science...) and who has the better lawyer. "Doctors" hardly ever testify against each other, and "expert opinion" is just that: "expert."
That is a good question Ray. Personally I find "Lawsuits" a proxy of the violence of the rich projected onto the poor via bureaucracies. It really is an adversarial system where the most ignorant of the law escape responsibility, but gaslight their targets with pretenses of "Authority". When rich men or women complain about an "injury" whether real or imagined sleights they have the wherewithal to prescribe warfare/lawfare against those who do not have the capitol to fight back, ergo, the whole "legal" farce of "equal protection under the law" is cliche. Why should they do the violence themselves (they are too modest or cowardly) when they can call on a host of "investigators" (more often than not instigators) to carry out their "World is my Ouster" whims.
Nil novi sub Sole. :)
My wife’s maiden name was Horvath!
Yes , I remember learning a little about the court system during convid days... like no matter what the verdict, both sides, ( other than the plaintiff ) make money. It was around thus time that someone put out a little video in regards to * who runs the world? The Bar does!
I was not expecting that outcome
the satanists run the world which operates on human trafficking.
The courts are private franchises run by actual pirates
Avoid walking the plank on the pirate ship at all costs and if you do (to which you likely will be outwitted) at least make it clear you are the agent representing the all capitals name on your birth certificate.
The WSJ in a screed on how RFK Jr will destroy "public health", admitted that he could implement "a better system" for reporting injuries and deaths than VAERS, which would be the death of vaccines. At least they're poking their heads out of their shells.
So, the corporations will not enjoy indemnity any longer? Most legislatures maximinze punitive damages, and the result would pose just as much danger to the companies as a fly circling around a bull's ass...
Trump is PROMOTING "vaccines."
So, what gives?
it does keep the bull busy though.
Globalist criminal trials are strictly taboo. Besides, what trial can they not buy their way out of? Pitchforks, not lawsuits is the answer. Poke 'em where it will do the most damage.
Years ago, Equifax was breached and sensitive data stolen. You would think that a company dealing in nothing but sensitive and personal data for tens of millions of people (and mostly without their consent) would have stellar data security. Nope.
As part of the class action suit and settlement against Equifax, over more than 3 years I garnered a whole $13 or thereabouts. Some 5-6 years later, I have no clue as to who has my info or what dark web idiots have access to it.
Who knows...some morning I may wake up and discover I have been replaced by some A/i gremlin.
Of course, it's a setup.
1. Big dogs never even get indicted; no judge would dare to risk his/her life.
2. The Equifax case seems to have been a preparation for "more security," that is, the "digital ID," which is already in place at some places...
3. Everybody is being replaced, especially in distant relationships:
4. Not sure if pitchforks could solve much at this point:
Not that they would not be justified, even according to the perps:
Sometimes they are needed. 6 months ago a friend, a lady about my age 76, had delayed gallbladder surgery TO REMOVE OLD STONES, It was botched and ruptured into the abdomen, NFECTION STARTED. She is a Type 2 on insulin. She has been in the hospital most of the time. Kidneys damaged, by to low potassium, Dr caused, and constant antibiotics/steroids. Every 2 days Dialysis. Lung infections and trach tube scarred throat, which had to be repaired, another infection. Wrong meds, Dr refused to consider that gut flora was damaged. Nearly died several times. NO oxygen at home. Lungs are 'sticky' and fill with fluid from the lung infections. Thursday she stopped breathing. Sepsis. No way to do CPR because of lung damage. No other way to restore breathing. Sister did a Breathing procedure for her. EMT's called. More antibiotics. Had her on Morphine which suppresses breathing. Family said NO. Moving to a chest Lidocaine patch. Need a Med. Malpractice lawyer who is not an ambulance chaser for Shelby Co, TN. The family kept a big stack of records documenting all that has happened. SHEER INCOMPENTENCE.
By the way, in the US, they usually remove the whole gall bladder, so the old stones must have been stuck in the old ducts...
I believe that is the part where the people are rendered "voiceless". The charade of "representative" government does not allow you to "Present" yourself and your case directly, but is reliant on our ignorance of the esoteric language used in "Legalize". Someone who does not know you is allotted to do your "thinking" for you in a truth and facts sanitized environment. It is unfortunate that "Incompetence" is not limited to the Medical or Legal professions, but has been proliferated (by design) throughout the society and culture. The scariest part of watching people playing stupid, is the cognition that they (the winner take all club) aren't playing.
Yes, legal representation is just about mandatory in court, unless one wants to tick off the judge and give up the option to claim a mistrial.
Still, on the rare occasions when I had to go to court, I usually checked out a number of attorneys, collected ideas (sadly, there were hardly any), and hired the cheapest one and told him to do as I say... Most attorneys use paralegals, who often know and care more than their bosses; hiring one of them is also an option, but I'm not sure about the mistrial in that case.
Sorry, when it comes to "doctors," I don't believe in incompetence; most of them are trained monkeys. Lawyers? Oh, well, stupidity is one of the leading straits of human nature (I know; done many stupid things in life, and I am convinced that I was/am human :) ).
I know I didn't particularly enjoy being held responsible to the strawman of their own creation. When the paper, which is the vessel that carries the cargo of words clearly demonstrates fraudulent construction (e.g. CAPITUS DIMINUTIA MAXIMA) that the properly punctuated name of the natural man, woman or child had no part of this construct, (the magical thinking) that Justice without God is possible is beyond my comprehension. Admiralty/Maritime (contract law) should not be practicable on a land jurisdiction, but it works for "The Administrative State". The parliamentary procedure rumored to be "The Law of the Land" in Both Federal and State Constitutions is clearly ignored, while the privateers carry out their piracy with the confidence that they "represent" the people.
Horror stories abound. About one in four hospital patients suffer from some form of sepsis, and about one in ten dies of the "hospital bacteria" that are antibiotic-resistant...
A friend of mine's sister died on Christmas Eve. She had a diabetic event and she was sent home with cold "madication" (toxic, too). She died, and the family received a few million dollars in compensation, but my friend was one of the best lawyers in Ohio...
Her daughter was waiting for her mom to come back home, because she wanted to give her her Christmas present...
It's a question of who knows the judge (the judge alone can determine the outcome by admitting/not admitting certain evidence during the trial, and jury selection, no matter how rare jury trials are these days, is a science...) and who has the better lawyer. "Doctors" hardly ever testify against each other, and "expert opinion" is just that: "expert."
That is a good question Ray. Personally I find "Lawsuits" a proxy of the violence of the rich projected onto the poor via bureaucracies. It really is an adversarial system where the most ignorant of the law escape responsibility, but gaslight their targets with pretenses of "Authority". When rich men or women complain about an "injury" whether real or imagined sleights they have the wherewithal to prescribe warfare/lawfare against those who do not have the capitol to fight back, ergo, the whole "legal" farce of "equal protection under the law" is cliche. Why should they do the violence themselves (they are too modest or cowardly) when they can call on a host of "investigators" (more often than not instigators) to carry out their "World is my Ouster" whims.
And it's a commonplace that there is a law for them and for the rest. That's how they make "the law," and the enforcers are serving THEM.