If People Knew What’s Being Done to Them, They Would Rise up with Pitchforks
And no, it's in all countries, not only in the US...
“‘If the American People ever find out what we have done, they will chase us down the street and lynch us’ - H.W. Bush June 1992 to Sarah McClendon (White House Press Corps)”
I remember when that came out and always wondered what was meant by it. Bush may not have even said it, but it sounds like an accurate estimate. However, the realization requires the ability to combine two thoughts, which doesn’t seem to be a major strength of the American public.
Just mentioned the possibility of another 9/11-type false flag coming soon:
The scam of democracy
Aristotle considered democracy the most despicable form of government, because it is rule by the mob. You may have noticed that the majority is just about always wrong, yet in a “democracy,” they can force their will on the minority. I remember being totally frustrated about the dilemma until I read the Constitution, which allows for equal representation of all states in the Senate and (theoretically) inalienable natural rights that cannot be voted away. Well, most of those “rights” are now gone, not because anyone voted for that sort of thing, but because elite-financed elections and voting machines made sure that the sponsored political puppets would vote for everything the Cabal tells them to vote for, including a state of medical emergency in a year (2020), when fewer-than-usual people died, and it is still in effect. Of course, the (Un)Patriot(ic) Act takes the cake in recent history, although the largest heist in the world dates back to December 24, 1913, when the “elected” legislators granted exclusive privilege to a private bank, the Federal Reserve, to issue the USD as a form of debt owed by the people (accordingly, federal income tax was introduced as well) to be spent by paid-off government officials and to be paid back by the citizens at an interest.
Moreover, people are being treated as government assets in all countries, and they comply:
It has also become a commonplace to say that
if voting mattered, people would not be allowed to vote (allegedly Mark Twain);
it doesn’t matter how you vote, what matters is who counts the votes (Stalin);
once poor people can vote for subsidies from the taxpayer, it’s game over, because people will not have the incentive to work.
All this seems to put a conclusive end to the illusion of “representative government” and goes well beyond asking people what they want. They are usually herded like cattle and seem to be quite content with their situation.
Only a few people know that in the revered Athenian “democracy,” about 70 percent of the people were slaves and in Sparta, they were even forced to fight. Aristotle held that only those who are willing and able to put up a fight for their freedom deserve it. Strangely, that coincides with a Thomas Jefferson’s maxim that “The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” I am afraid that this time, if such a thing would ever occur, both sides will fully bleed out.
What makes matters worse is that all civilizations had the same structure; human nature combined with the human condition makes civilizations predictable:
The timetable has also been always the same: from tribal to a concentration of power that eventually led to total annihilation or, in a better scenario, absorption into another culture that still had not advanced to the final stage in self-destruction:
So, what would be a good next step to prevent the self-annihilation of the human race. As for forms of governments, I had a discussion with Gary D. Barnett:
Aristotle thought that the best form of government is ruled by a “good king,” but he also considered the option that such a ruler might not be all that good. Either way, a single ruler is the most transparent form of government.
The scam of “democracy”
Democracy is certainly the most corrupt form of government and the least transparent one, but the most infuriating part is that people believe that their votes count, so they vote. As a result, they can be told they have a representative government, because it is they, who voted for it. In return, their money is copiously spent without them having any control over it.
People must realize that once they enter the voting booth, they sign away their inalienable natural rights. State and government workers are better paid than the demure and fully-ignored masses, so they tend to vote in order to keep their privileges. Many inconsequential people think that their votes would make a difference, so they vote. Others hope that this time a miracle would happen, which neatly exemplifies (purportedly) Einstein’s (he is not one of my favorites, but this quote, whether he said or not, holds water) definition of insanity (“doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”). Some voters trust the acumen of “experts” and truly believe that government honestly does its best for them, which represents a level of naiveté that far surpasses the one needed for Einstein’s definition. Although I never vote, prior to the 2020 presidential elections I counted that at least six votes would be submitted under my name, but what the heck, what can you do in a country where even the dead can vote and if that doesn’t work, Dominion machines and vote counters do the rest?
Voting only legitimizes government thuggery and corruption.
What form of government does the US have?
The MSM is telling you it’s a democracy, which is true only to the point of Aristotle’s opinion that democracy is the most despicable form of government. The US certainly has a stunningly reprehensible one.
Constitutionalists claim the US is a constitutional republic, which it true on paper, but it doesn’t match reality, especially manifestly since the (Un)Patriot(ic) Act has been in effect. Apart from the fact that the Articles of Confederation represented the best interest of the people, the current Constitution always allows the usurpers to change it or, simply bend, ignore, or openly break the rules they create as legislators for the peasants. Who said a piece of paper matters, anyway?
For comic relief, watch the following from the comedy, The Dictator (2012):
Those, who pay a little more attention claim that the US is an oligarchy, which is, again, true, when one considers all the insider traders, cartels, monopolies, and revolving doors between corporate America and their supervising agencies, but it doesn’t explain the concerted, well-timed, and coordinated attack on the people all over the land during The Great Plandemic of 2020. The very fact that the “Patriot Act” keeps being renewed seems to prove that the US government is owned by a foreign power (to spice it up, you can find out that Washington, D.C. is not even American soil, and the government is an incorporation in the City of London).
Recently, the idea caught on that even the oligarchs are only tools and servants to a globalist oligarchy that controls the money flow and, therefore, controls just about everything worldwide. It seems quite safe to claim that the US has a globalist government that is unelected, but forced on the people, and does not represent the denizens of this pre-apocalyptic landscape.
After all, who cares what you want?
What about “the economy”?
The artificial disruption of production and distribution, accompanied by the unsustainable stock market bubble and accelerating inflation, are spelling doom over the economy, which is the driving force of any industrialized country’s functioning.
As I am no economist, I can freely speculate without posing to be an “expert.” However, even God cannot create a valley without a mountain, so thinking logically might lead to realistic conclusions based on the law of inevitability. Charging interest for loans alone destroys all currencies through the inflation the missing money, due to the interests charged, creates. It was illegal to issue loans in medieval Christianity and in Islam (theoretically, that applies even today), but the all-encompassing state ran out of money, so they empowered crooks who became bankers to give them loans and in Britain, the world’s first fiat currency was created as early as 1692. Either way, the rest of the steps are a no-brainer for today:
1. When there is no form of safe investment, credit evaporates.
2. Without credit, economic growth is stunted.
3. Without economic growth, there is a depression.
4. Depression transfers expenses to the consumer, resulting in rising prices.
5. Rising prices cause inflation. Inflation, however, is theft by the interest that The Federal Reserve charges to the taxpayer by issuing the USD at a rate of about 98 percent as a loan to the taxpayer. I guess, that’s what G. W. Bush may have meant, when he said that if people knew what’s being done to them, they would rise up with pitchforks.
6. Spiraling inflation deprives the market from it fundamental basis for exchanging goods and services.
7. Without goods and services, law and order collapses. Price control speeds up the process and makes sure rationing (more dependency on the “government”) ensues.
8. Without law and order, civilization collapses.
9. The collapse of civilization invokes an Extinction Level Event (ELE).
What can be done in order to prevent an ELE?
What is the origin of the chain reaction above? Identifying and eliminating the cause might stop the process before it become irreversible.
It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to realize that everything revolves around the money supply.
Who is responsible for issuing USD to the point that it becomes an unbearable burden on the taxpayer?
Here is a little appetizer that introduces some figures into the equation from an otherwise not-always-reliable source, and you must forgive the author for saying the government “prints” money, while the USD is issued from the private bank, The Federal Reserve as a loan with an interest, borrowed by the taxpayer:
When the US Government prints trillions, it is thereby robbing Americans and the entire world in what he calls the biggest theft in history.
He says the total US debt is at $90 trillion, which together with $169 trillion in US unfunded liabilities totals $259 trillion, which is $778,000 per US citizen or $2,067,000 per US Taxpayer.
Now, the value of all US assets combined: every piece of land, real estate, all savings, all companies, everything that all citizens, businesses, entities and the state own is worth $193 trillion.
Our total debt, $259 trillion minus our total net worth, $193 trillion equals negative $66 trillion of debt and liabilities after every asset in the US has been sold off.
So even if the US could sell all assets at the current value, which is impossible, it would still be broke.
This boils down to a simple fact:
Acknowledging the order of magnitude is nice, all the more so, because it illuminates the source of the problem: government debts. Many people don’t seem to realize that when the government spends money, it is using debt, which the taxpayer is supposed to pay back one day at an interest. Moreover, the US government indiscriminately wastes money in a process that looks like the controlled demolition of the USD in order to introduce the CBDC (the “Fedcoin” already exists).
What kind of moron would give a loan to a totally bankrupt government?
The answer is easy: it is a source that creates the money out of nothing (a “fiat” currency has no backup whatsoever), risking nothing.
In the United States, it is a private bank. Since 1913, the USD has been issued by the Federal Reserve by “lending” the money to the taxpayer, while it is used for “government spending,” which can go as low as Quantitative Easing, which is a fancy word for robbing the taxpayer blind in the process of bailing out and/or supporting friends and family by the central bankers.
As you may have noticed in your lifetime, the taxpayer, the voter, and the citizen have no say in how the “government” spends their money. Still, the “loan” is guaranteed by the voter, the citizen, and the taxpayer. In case you haven’t guessed, all American’s assets are offered up by the government as the collateral for the “loan” of gaining access to the country’s legitimate currency…
Who would have known?
In the words of one of my favorite authors (of course, I don’t always agree with him, but it’s not his fault, because I never fully agree with anyone), Dmitry Orlov, after 2001, “the US Constitution became just about as relevant as an old copy of Pravda in an abandoned Siberian outhouse.” Orlov’s essays are available at
and at https://boosty.to/cluborlov - don’t hold your breath, Orlov is not perfect (lately, he has been obsessing with the “war” in Ukraine, but he is Russian, after all), but he is erudite, entertaining, and full of seminal ideas that are quite often unique and sometimes even indubitably true.
For example, the Mayflower (1620) passengers also tried to build a communistic Utopia by sharing equally, and those who could have worked, stopped working, which resulted in famine and deaths.
Moreover, “revolutions” are done by people below 30 and nearly half of those in the US now are using pot, LSD, and ‘shrooms, and are hooked on computer games to kill what’s left of their souls. Already in 2004, only one in three young men were physically fit for military service and that didn’t even take psychological preparedness into account (that realization must have given a boost to the ongoing development of satellite-controlled drones and robotic armies that can be used for faking an alien invasion for which the masses have been primed, anyway).
Hey Ray, Nice post. A good chaser would be the laws or legalize that proves the US is a corporation and citizens of the US are assets via their SSN and all their assets are held in collateral for the Nat. debt (and can be taken from the citizens in the case of national bankruptcy) because every transaction and asset is owned from a debt instrument (the $ from the Fed). I wouldn't be surprised if the US calls bankruptcy as a way to usher in CBDC to the freaked masses. I've seen this info in long complex posts and have even made some bits and bobs of it in my own posts. If we only had something concise with proof of the laws that bind us.
The only true value left in America is:
- Our wildlands & the creatures inhabiting them.
- Clean water, clean & fertile soils, nonGMO seeds & the people that know how to grow real food. As opposed to Pfood.
- 1st & 2nd Amendments, and firearms in the hands of true patriots protecting their families/neighbors.
- Books/Art/Live entertainment to give life meaning beyond survival.
- Patriots, Our optimism, inventive impulses, and any Christian morals that remain.
You think gold, stocks, banks, houses, factories, machinery, vehicles & infrastructure have any value? When you begin starving they become worthless to you - with exception of fishing boats.
Can we crawl out from under the bankers control grid & still Keep our land/country? My hunch is this will require cessation at some level, and reorganizing on local scales, eventually rejoining with others who’ve taken the same path. DE-centralized solutions are key in the short run, like bartering & food banks. Reject the CDBC & UN/WHO at all costs.
#fightpfake #fightpfraud #stayhuman