Hey Ray, Nice post. A good chaser would be the laws or legalize that proves the US is a corporation and citizens of the US are assets via their SSN and all their assets are held in collateral for the Nat. debt (and can be taken from the citizens in the case of national bankruptcy) because every transaction and asset is owned from a debt instrument (the $ from the Fed). I wouldn't be surprised if the US calls bankruptcy as a way to usher in CBDC to the freaked masses. I've seen this info in long complex posts and have even made some bits and bobs of it in my own posts. If we only had something concise with proof of the laws that bind us.
No sorry. I'm interested here in a SIMPLE list of legalities for the major topics I posited for the purposes of explaining to normies the predicament they are in.
Thanks, PM. As a matter of fact, I have written about USA, Inc. before and also mentioned that the SSN is our prisoner number in the concentration camp. On the other hand, even I have difficulties finding such details in my 999 posts. :)
This very post emphasizes that citizens are assets, and whatever they own, including "their lives and limbs," are part of the collateral to a "debt" that could never be repaid, and the "debt" itself is the greatest heist in the history of the world...
What I didn't mention here is that the IRS, the Fed's lapdog, was also founded in 1913, and the federal income tax was 1% at the time. These days, it's more like 30.
The US is under controlled demolition, and it was bankrupt already several years ago, so your guess is as good as mine regarding when it will declare bankruptcy. The problem is that ALL players are illegitimate criminals...
That said/ I'll look into it; thank you for the idea.
Not only are the 'players' illegitimate and criminals, the national debt itself is a fraud. What do we know about fraud besides no statute of limitations? Fraud vitiates everything, void ab initio (from the beginning).
Hasn’t balancing national globo-debt become an unattainable idea for most countries? Seems to me that Rothschield’s wealth alone could pave much of that ‘debt’. That said, I am now questioning any remaining hardwired lamppost aka return to lawful justice trigger after the social fail to activate when finding out they were lied to and injected with euthanasia toxins. What we saw … the herd self-enforced virtuous abstinence from media or any information offered, to keep their heads safely in the sand. Hello? So we are again back to where we were 3 years ago, wondering how we can better spoon-feed information and a conscience into people who have sealed themselves off hermetically- and it’s working splendidly. People would happily vote for national debt relief measures if the pesky installment of accountability could be circumvented. Yes, it’s like children demanding presents from corrupt parents.
Yes, for sure, that’s why many on the fence just gave up looking or listening. Not into sharpening their discernment. For me, it’s like lifting weights and learning to find the ledges. They all gotta give you a piece of truth for a hook. Man, by the time (if) we get back into true journalism, I’ll be an olympic climber with x-ray vision, LOL.
Thanks Ray, what I am really getting at is the normies don't believe this and that if there was a simple summary of the laws and codes that can convince some, or at least confuse their own logic.
Act of 1871 = United States is a corporation. Government is only a notion, a figment of the imagination. The only thing 'government' has going for them is force in the form of guns and jails.
Aristotle's estimate of about 70% of humans are only good to be slaves seems accurate. I can only confirm it with my experience from decades of "academic" teaching in the US and in Europe. Only about three of ten people ("college-level"!) can think on their own... And I cannot help the rest.
In general, the "laws" make no difference; they are made and passed by the rulers, but yes, I'll keep your suggestion in mind.
Eventually, as Mao said, "power is in the barrel of the gun," and people, even if they own guns, are light-years behind the enemy.
The significance of initiating the game is one of Eric Berne's basic principles (the one who starts, wins, as long as the other party plays along, which is easily observable in the way "politicians" talk), and the guy was a genius. In my old days, I told all my students that I would never graduate anyone who doesn't know "Games People Play," but it doesn't matter now...
That was good Ray. Virtual reality may serve those escapist who cannot cope with the hard truths that autocracy destroys both personal and family autonomy. The perversion of the language like the ALL UPPERCASE DOG LATIN is another topic all together. Those who survive the initial invasions/incursions are subjected to Star Chamber courts (Thinking about the Truman Show) and the death of a thousand paper cuts.
This encompasses so much, Bravo! and thanks for the fuel 😅 my question is: if we aren’t on shrooms, pot and co. We did create a revolution and success is on our side WHAT then? HOW might we rebuild and envision a better way? What are our Highest innate capacities and with that advanced being in mind, WHICH are some good questions to start asking?
So sorry about the spelling, it came from fear of loosing my message. A perfect example of a bad fractal, low vibe fear got the better of me so i didn’t check and correct before sending)
i know it i’m onto something here 🤣 now the blow to my Ego for not having polished it to perfection 😆😆😆
My mother would be disappointed by me not knowing about …
😅 lesson one, do not leave this space to go and get a message from WhatsApp unless posting, i just lost all my response.
But i have the message in question, do i’ll start again, from the end
I’m a conservative and a capitalist… so the communal society (which sounds a bit like socialism to me- which might be good if there was a pure society.., but there is not because of the control by the government(s) who use socialism to starve the masses for their own gain) is not really my thing. But I appreciate and respect your viewpoint and am impressed with your writing and organization;)
i received this this morning (hello from Geneva) and it ties in with all the above, Aristotle, Democracy, your eloquent fuel for thought.
My which is just i, sentiment is that, we forget the fact that there’s so much we can’t see, understand or thus even consider. What i have, is a Knowing, soooo deep inside that i can no longer put myself in its service. So please bare with me, i’m in the literal baby step phase, spending more time flat on my face from the knock outs. But being here facing the ground i see it’s malleable and then i look up bewildered attempting to understand the folly in building structures and systems which are so out of alignment with whom we actually could be evolving into.
After much reflection on the message above i got this morning, my thoughts are there’s got to be some Massive unspoken sense of Lack in places that are holding (it corrected my spelling, i was saying hoarding but holding is spot on) a lot of assets.
As i said i’m in the baby step phase but i’m faithful to that knowing a an ingrained integrity with not bending to fit in or justify what i just don’t get.
Here’s a scenario, it’s personal but it’s the food for my thought process.
My dad is super comfortable, lives in the U.S. is remarried, i’m delighted for him.
My mother lives in a Village north of Rome (which she loves) in a state of financial lack thats tangible, it rains in her house etc…
My dad has a great high vibe outlook on life, his number one thing is « put your oxygen mask on first’ aka just take care of you. He successfully embodies this.
He’s is top shape and has done thousands of hours of Pilates.
My mother conversely (without underming her) because she’s be discussed about me now knowing about Aristotles take on Democracy. She is hands down the person i’ve ever met who knows as many facts, historical stuff, geological and geographical stuff. It’s fascinating. However as my father couldn’t care less about his family being in lack, and question, is it actually His responsibility? i mean this ingrained responsibility programming on the shoulders of « men »
She, my mother is in a physical state that reflects her attitude and dare i say the house, or vice-versa?
In any case and in the spirit of true childlike curiosity these scenarios bring forth questions like.
Clearly there’s no « right or wrong » it’s a question of perception and in consequence the resonance thereof.
My mother will give an account of all the bad shit that’s going on all around the planet, she literally embodies this, she embodies the physical blows endured by her ex husband (aka my dad) 35 years ago. He forgot all about that. He’s moved on.
The point i’m trying to make is that if we circle around in what « we know » we’re in that loop.
Now i don’t know how but i do see a clear picture that is very different.
And i also know that energy as in all the invisible forces around and in us that we can’t see, actually exist. This is why my my single silent revolution i spell i in small caps, because i’m just this single dot, but i Know that i’m surrounded, traversed by something invisible, this Knowing leads me to understand because i can also actually see there are and i’m here thanks to an infinity of other dots. i just wonder if by laying a compelling end vision where people didn’t have to count on other peoples charity, good heartedness but instead, with my face flat on the ground here, with the elements at hand can we design a better picture?
The military is one of the largest and most wasteful of the government's money pits. Does anyone who joins the military actually provide any useful service to "we the people"? I see them all as parasitic tools of profiteers and psychopaths. As such they are traitors to all of the peaceful and productive members of society.
Actually, during the Great Plandemic of 2020, my favorite oxymoron, "military intelligence" had to be converted to "human intelligence."
Why do you think that veterans are considered "t*ist" threats by the usurpers? You spend a few months in the service, and you'll figure out what it's all about, but you are injected with all kinds of crap and bailing out is hardly ever an option...
Of course, the armed forces are now part of the globalist plan:
- Clean water, clean & fertile soils, nonGMO seeds & the people that know how to grow real food. As opposed to Pfood.
- 1st & 2nd Amendments, and firearms in the hands of true patriots protecting their families/neighbors.
- Books/Art/Live entertainment to give life meaning beyond survival.
- Patriots, Our optimism, inventive impulses, and any Christian morals that remain.
You think gold, stocks, banks, houses, factories, machinery, vehicles & infrastructure have any value? When you begin starving they become worthless to you - with exception of fishing boats.
Can we crawl out from under the bankers control grid & still Keep our land/country? My hunch is this will require cessation at some level, and reorganizing on local scales, eventually rejoining with others who’ve taken the same path. DE-centralized solutions are key in the short run, like bartering & food banks. Reject the CDBC & UN/WHO at all costs.
Nice contribution DavidS. Keeping it local is keeping it real. Drink pure clean water - www.findaspring.com. Stock up on sea salt, mined not manufactured. Jane333 has a great article on Salt. And as we all know, the comments are even better.
As far as I can see, no matter what religion or atheism one pronounces, only the tradition of Christian values can keep people together. Sadly, they are divided in miraculous ways:
Even the personal pronoun "we" is now a divider...
Thirty out of the 40 trillion in US natural treasure is actually coal... Industries have been systematically destroyed, and can you find a coal miner these days? They would be essential, if the US falls back to the Stone Age after the collapse of the technocratic system:
Please, notice that the UN, the WEF, the WHO, and all these organizations are only globalist fronts, and they exist only in the delusional system of the current fake currencies...
Also, the "people" have no power over the oppressors. In fact, most "resistance" is fake and only speeds up the advent of the upcoming tyranny:
My grandfather was a Springhill coal miner. They worked closely with your Kentucky minersin times of need such as the Big Bump and other mining disasters. He died in that Big one in Springhill btw. At the age of 47
Thanks Toxicanadian. I always like your comments. I was in mining too. I worked in sand and gravel, coal, uranium, marble, copper, gold, and limestone. I've switched careers and got out. I actually hate mining. I saw them destroying the world and indigenous people by poisoning rivers (killing fish) with mining waste. I think they do it on purpose in accordance with the popes directive.
Only Christian ("Judeo-Christian" doesn't exist; it's a psyop) standards can save this world, irrespective of what anyone is able or willing to believe:
Thworsh, It's that darn television. It's a mind control weapon. Information control is mind control. The people who watch t.v. are the people who wear muzzles/masks. I don't watch t.v.
As I always said, most people want to "follow" and make sure they'll be able to blame someone else, but this time, they'll be dead or cyborg slaves and those things cannot blame anyone...
Comparing debts and assets is an exercise in futility. Debts do not go down unless they are paid off or written off. All assets are valued in static appraisals. Once you start converting those assets into cash to pay debt or for other reasons, their value descends rapidly.
Say there are 1,000 homes in your neighborhood and that is all the homes there are. Each is valued at $500,000 or there about. Then just about everyone puts their house up for sale expecting to get near full value. The first sellers will, but as more homes sell the market tumbles as buyers are few and far between since everyone is wanting to be a seller. The prices must fall in order to attract more buyers.
The same with stocks, bonds, crypto and commodities (to some extent). Thus, asset value is an illusion as all assets can never be converted into their values at the same time.
Of course, debts are not the all of it. Liabilities for federal and state pensions, the black budget, leaving 40 trillion of military hardware in Afghanistan, giving a huge bunch to Ukraine and all also add up the bill. :)
The taxpayer and ALL personal assets are included in the collateral.
The real estate market is usually rigged. In 2008, only one in ten repossessed property was put on the market, for the same reason. Real estate "value" only matters in terms of real estate taxes:
You have a point Ray, however the USSA is a failed state. There is no validity whatsoever to those liabilities or debts. Government is a scam, period end of sentence.
Thank you for the link. As a matter of fact, it seems that based on the depth of my analyses, I might also qualify for the post of a "top political analyst." :)
The information you are sharing Ray, is what Bush was referring to. What percentage of people are even aware of this set-up? 3% of the 3%. Crustal displacement is a better alternative than what is on its way.
You've led many to the water Ray, although the truths have been too difficult for many to swallow, so they dismiss it out of hand. I've shared your articles periodically, the most vocal response was "you are reading some guys blog", and I say, "yes, he is verifying many things I've read, and now experienced for myself"....crickets. The veil has never been thinner for me and it has become a chore to engage with friends and family living on business as usual. I did a little experiment recently and searched for milk for sale that was not fortified with rat poison. No supermarket or even the closest local organic market carried it, I had to drive 30 minutes to the only location in a 25 mile radius selling it. Your advice on eating less is spot on. Not sure if you've come across @Jane333 , she has some interesting information on salting water.
Thanks Ray, I wish I had lots of fiat currency to share to express it.
I'm always careful with sources who are claiming to "tell the truth," but you already know that (sorry, this is a public forum, and a substantial amount of my work goes into comments).
As I said in the article, most people are ridiculously easy to manipulate: all you have to do it make them feel smart by making them believe that the very first conclusion they arrive at is unique...
Combining two thoughts, somehow, doesn't seem to be a common ability, and without that, nobody can realize how far they are screwed by the system...
As you know, I also urge my readers not to believe me, but use the info I'm providing towards making their OWN (!) decisions.
As for milk, even the "Amish" "organic" milk must have been irradiated (labeled as "low-heat-pasteurized"), because it doesn't do sour, only bitter). Of course, "milk" opens up several cans of worms:
Oh, dear... I am barking up on the wrong tree, I guess. Three percent of the three percent is the total of my readership. :)
Still, it looks like this must be hammered in in order to make sure people realize they don't have a legitimate government and a legitimate currency, while it is the currency that is holding them captive...
As concerted action and centralized opposition are impossible, I am only hoping my readers can also draw the line as I did. Once they do, they will act the same even if they are not connected:
Hey Ray, Nice post. A good chaser would be the laws or legalize that proves the US is a corporation and citizens of the US are assets via their SSN and all their assets are held in collateral for the Nat. debt (and can be taken from the citizens in the case of national bankruptcy) because every transaction and asset is owned from a debt instrument (the $ from the Fed). I wouldn't be surprised if the US calls bankruptcy as a way to usher in CBDC to the freaked masses. I've seen this info in long complex posts and have even made some bits and bobs of it in my own posts. If we only had something concise with proof of the laws that bind us.
Found the article and updated it, at least to a certain extent. The links are essential in it:
Do you know who Jordan Maxwell was Proton? He dove into the subject with gusto!
No sorry. I'm interested here in a SIMPLE list of legalities for the major topics I posited for the purposes of explaining to normies the predicament they are in.
That's what he does and also in Canada we have a guy named Robert Menard
Sure pls send link if you have!
Also, not sure if this contains more, or the same vids but it does have some of the same ones I posted previously
And apologies, I don't get all of my chat reply notifications some days. Just saw this today by accident!
Here is a good place to start if you prefer video:
I recommend the Secret Societies and Word Meanings to start! 😁
The latest version of search on SS sucks, but this is about USA, Inc.:
Thanks, PM. As a matter of fact, I have written about USA, Inc. before and also mentioned that the SSN is our prisoner number in the concentration camp. On the other hand, even I have difficulties finding such details in my 999 posts. :)
This very post emphasizes that citizens are assets, and whatever they own, including "their lives and limbs," are part of the collateral to a "debt" that could never be repaid, and the "debt" itself is the greatest heist in the history of the world...
What I didn't mention here is that the IRS, the Fed's lapdog, was also founded in 1913, and the federal income tax was 1% at the time. These days, it's more like 30.
The US is under controlled demolition, and it was bankrupt already several years ago, so your guess is as good as mine regarding when it will declare bankruptcy. The problem is that ALL players are illegitimate criminals...
That said/ I'll look into it; thank you for the idea.
Not only are the 'players' illegitimate and criminals, the national debt itself is a fraud. What do we know about fraud besides no statute of limitations? Fraud vitiates everything, void ab initio (from the beginning).
I recommend a book called Confessions of an Economic Hitman
Please, provide a link or at least a brief description (sorry to be so late to respond, but I work alone).
Confessions of an Economic Hitman is a semi-autobiographical book written by American essayist John Perkins, first published in 2004.
Hasn’t balancing national globo-debt become an unattainable idea for most countries? Seems to me that Rothschield’s wealth alone could pave much of that ‘debt’. That said, I am now questioning any remaining hardwired lamppost aka return to lawful justice trigger after the social fail to activate when finding out they were lied to and injected with euthanasia toxins. What we saw … the herd self-enforced virtuous abstinence from media or any information offered, to keep their heads safely in the sand. Hello? So we are again back to where we were 3 years ago, wondering how we can better spoon-feed information and a conscience into people who have sealed themselves off hermetically- and it’s working splendidly. People would happily vote for national debt relief measures if the pesky installment of accountability could be circumvented. Yes, it’s like children demanding presents from corrupt parents.
Yeah, the globlalist takover started with the (un)Civil War.
Not a single country can pay its "debts" to the central bankers.
So, are you saying that there is ANY reliable source by "the Media"?
The MSM was captured no later than 2012 by the same globalist "companies" (they are still fronts).
Euthanasia is so obviously a psyop that I don't even post about it.
Book by Richard E. Sprague, The Taking of America 1-2-3, circa 1970's, indicates the MSM was already compromised then.
Yes, for sure, that’s why many on the fence just gave up looking or listening. Not into sharpening their discernment. For me, it’s like lifting weights and learning to find the ledges. They all gotta give you a piece of truth for a hook. Man, by the time (if) we get back into true journalism, I’ll be an olympic climber with x-ray vision, LOL.
Thanks Ray, what I am really getting at is the normies don't believe this and that if there was a simple summary of the laws and codes that can convince some, or at least confuse their own logic.
Act of 1871 = United States is a corporation. Government is only a notion, a figment of the imagination. The only thing 'government' has going for them is force in the form of guns and jails.
Aristotle's estimate of about 70% of humans are only good to be slaves seems accurate. I can only confirm it with my experience from decades of "academic" teaching in the US and in Europe. Only about three of ten people ("college-level"!) can think on their own... And I cannot help the rest.
In general, the "laws" make no difference; they are made and passed by the rulers, but yes, I'll keep your suggestion in mind.
Eventually, as Mao said, "power is in the barrel of the gun," and people, even if they own guns, are light-years behind the enemy.
You cannot fight the enemy on its own turf:
The significance of initiating the game is one of Eric Berne's basic principles (the one who starts, wins, as long as the other party plays along, which is easily observable in the way "politicians" talk), and the guy was a genius. In my old days, I told all my students that I would never graduate anyone who doesn't know "Games People Play," but it doesn't matter now...
100% ✔️
That was good Ray. Virtual reality may serve those escapist who cannot cope with the hard truths that autocracy destroys both personal and family autonomy. The perversion of the language like the ALL UPPERCASE DOG LATIN is another topic all together. Those who survive the initial invasions/incursions are subjected to Star Chamber courts (Thinking about the Truman Show) and the death of a thousand paper cuts.
And VR is waiting for those who'll spend the rest of their miserable lives in a cage:
This encompasses so much, Bravo! and thanks for the fuel 😅 my question is: if we aren’t on shrooms, pot and co. We did create a revolution and success is on our side WHAT then? HOW might we rebuild and envision a better way? What are our Highest innate capacities and with that advanced being in mind, WHICH are some good questions to start asking?
So sorry about the spelling, it came from fear of loosing my message. A perfect example of a bad fractal, low vibe fear got the better of me so i didn’t check and correct before sending)
i know it i’m onto something here 🤣 now the blow to my Ego for not having polished it to perfection 😆😆😆
My mother would be disappointed by me not knowing about …
Typo … no longer but put myself at Knowings service
Who is "we" with the power to do anything, anyway? :)
😅 lesson one, do not leave this space to go and get a message from WhatsApp unless posting, i just lost all my response.
But i have the message in question, do i’ll start again, from the end
I’m a conservative and a capitalist… so the communal society (which sounds a bit like socialism to me- which might be good if there was a pure society.., but there is not because of the control by the government(s) who use socialism to starve the masses for their own gain) is not really my thing. But I appreciate and respect your viewpoint and am impressed with your writing and organization;)
i received this this morning (hello from Geneva) and it ties in with all the above, Aristotle, Democracy, your eloquent fuel for thought.
My which is just i, sentiment is that, we forget the fact that there’s so much we can’t see, understand or thus even consider. What i have, is a Knowing, soooo deep inside that i can no longer put myself in its service. So please bare with me, i’m in the literal baby step phase, spending more time flat on my face from the knock outs. But being here facing the ground i see it’s malleable and then i look up bewildered attempting to understand the folly in building structures and systems which are so out of alignment with whom we actually could be evolving into.
After much reflection on the message above i got this morning, my thoughts are there’s got to be some Massive unspoken sense of Lack in places that are holding (it corrected my spelling, i was saying hoarding but holding is spot on) a lot of assets.
As i said i’m in the baby step phase but i’m faithful to that knowing a an ingrained integrity with not bending to fit in or justify what i just don’t get.
Here’s a scenario, it’s personal but it’s the food for my thought process.
My dad is super comfortable, lives in the U.S. is remarried, i’m delighted for him.
My mother lives in a Village north of Rome (which she loves) in a state of financial lack thats tangible, it rains in her house etc…
My dad has a great high vibe outlook on life, his number one thing is « put your oxygen mask on first’ aka just take care of you. He successfully embodies this.
He’s is top shape and has done thousands of hours of Pilates.
My mother conversely (without underming her) because she’s be discussed about me now knowing about Aristotles take on Democracy. She is hands down the person i’ve ever met who knows as many facts, historical stuff, geological and geographical stuff. It’s fascinating. However as my father couldn’t care less about his family being in lack, and question, is it actually His responsibility? i mean this ingrained responsibility programming on the shoulders of « men »
She, my mother is in a physical state that reflects her attitude and dare i say the house, or vice-versa?
In any case and in the spirit of true childlike curiosity these scenarios bring forth questions like.
Clearly there’s no « right or wrong » it’s a question of perception and in consequence the resonance thereof.
My mother will give an account of all the bad shit that’s going on all around the planet, she literally embodies this, she embodies the physical blows endured by her ex husband (aka my dad) 35 years ago. He forgot all about that. He’s moved on.
The point i’m trying to make is that if we circle around in what « we know » we’re in that loop.
Now i don’t know how but i do see a clear picture that is very different.
And i also know that energy as in all the invisible forces around and in us that we can’t see, actually exist. This is why my my single silent revolution i spell i in small caps, because i’m just this single dot, but i Know that i’m surrounded, traversed by something invisible, this Knowing leads me to understand because i can also actually see there are and i’m here thanks to an infinity of other dots. i just wonder if by laying a compelling end vision where people didn’t have to count on other peoples charity, good heartedness but instead, with my face flat on the ground here, with the elements at hand can we design a better picture?
Sorry 🤣 What not which
re military "service":
The military is one of the largest and most wasteful of the government's money pits. Does anyone who joins the military actually provide any useful service to "we the people"? I see them all as parasitic tools of profiteers and psychopaths. As such they are traitors to all of the peaceful and productive members of society.
Ann, military personnel are the most quackcinated population on the planet. Nice observation Ann. Kissinger was right; dumb stupid animals.
Actually, during the Great Plandemic of 2020, my favorite oxymoron, "military intelligence" had to be converted to "human intelligence."
Why do you think that veterans are considered "t*ist" threats by the usurpers? You spend a few months in the service, and you'll figure out what it's all about, but you are injected with all kinds of crap and bailing out is hardly ever an option...
Of course, the armed forces are now part of the globalist plan:
Please, notice that the term "society" is an extremely manipulative one:
Oh, the draft is possibly coming back, because nobody ever wants to "serve" the "masters" anymore...
Ray, recruits are apparently down for the Masons too. I caught a glimpse of a commercial at a golf course pub a while back.
Masonic symbols, as in Mihalcea?
The only true value left in America is:
- Our wildlands & the creatures inhabiting them.
- Clean water, clean & fertile soils, nonGMO seeds & the people that know how to grow real food. As opposed to Pfood.
- 1st & 2nd Amendments, and firearms in the hands of true patriots protecting their families/neighbors.
- Books/Art/Live entertainment to give life meaning beyond survival.
- Patriots, Our optimism, inventive impulses, and any Christian morals that remain.
You think gold, stocks, banks, houses, factories, machinery, vehicles & infrastructure have any value? When you begin starving they become worthless to you - with exception of fishing boats.
Can we crawl out from under the bankers control grid & still Keep our land/country? My hunch is this will require cessation at some level, and reorganizing on local scales, eventually rejoining with others who’ve taken the same path. DE-centralized solutions are key in the short run, like bartering & food banks. Reject the CDBC & UN/WHO at all costs.
#fightpfake #fightpfraud #stayhuman
Nice contribution DavidS. Keeping it local is keeping it real. Drink pure clean water - www.findaspring.com. Stock up on sea salt, mined not manufactured. Jane333 has a great article on Salt. And as we all know, the comments are even better.
Tru dat.
As far as I can see, no matter what religion or atheism one pronounces, only the tradition of Christian values can keep people together. Sadly, they are divided in miraculous ways:
Even the personal pronoun "we" is now a divider...
Thirty out of the 40 trillion in US natural treasure is actually coal... Industries have been systematically destroyed, and can you find a coal miner these days? They would be essential, if the US falls back to the Stone Age after the collapse of the technocratic system:
Please, notice that the UN, the WEF, the WHO, and all these organizations are only globalist fronts, and they exist only in the delusional system of the current fake currencies...
Also, the "people" have no power over the oppressors. In fact, most "resistance" is fake and only speeds up the advent of the upcoming tyranny:
Staying human is a good way to die, but I nearly died a year ago, and it looks like I'm already halfway synthetic, still kicking. :)
My grandfather was a Springhill coal miner. They worked closely with your Kentucky minersin times of need such as the Big Bump and other mining disasters. He died in that Big one in Springhill btw. At the age of 47
Thanks Toxicanadian. I always like your comments. I was in mining too. I worked in sand and gravel, coal, uranium, marble, copper, gold, and limestone. I've switched careers and got out. I actually hate mining. I saw them destroying the world and indigenous people by poisoning rivers (killing fish) with mining waste. I think they do it on purpose in accordance with the popes directive.
Glad you're still with us Ray. You are a beacon of light in a dark world. That Christian moral compass will see us through. Nice work Ray.
Only Christian ("Judeo-Christian" doesn't exist; it's a psyop) standards can save this world, irrespective of what anyone is able or willing to believe:
They actively don't want/endeavor not to know the ugly truth. Cognitive dissonance on steroids.
Thworsh, It's that darn television. It's a mind control weapon. Information control is mind control. The people who watch t.v. are the people who wear muzzles/masks. I don't watch t.v.
TV is the worst. Well, the education system is tied with television in terms of brainwash, disinformation, and engeneering.
As I always said, most people want to "follow" and make sure they'll be able to blame someone else, but this time, they'll be dead or cyborg slaves and those things cannot blame anyone...
Comparing debts and assets is an exercise in futility. Debts do not go down unless they are paid off or written off. All assets are valued in static appraisals. Once you start converting those assets into cash to pay debt or for other reasons, their value descends rapidly.
Say there are 1,000 homes in your neighborhood and that is all the homes there are. Each is valued at $500,000 or there about. Then just about everyone puts their house up for sale expecting to get near full value. The first sellers will, but as more homes sell the market tumbles as buyers are few and far between since everyone is wanting to be a seller. The prices must fall in order to attract more buyers.
The same with stocks, bonds, crypto and commodities (to some extent). Thus, asset value is an illusion as all assets can never be converted into their values at the same time.
Thanks Crixcyon, that sounds alot like gold. You never get market value and you pay more than it's worth. Only exception is when your in it long.
Of course, debts are not the all of it. Liabilities for federal and state pensions, the black budget, leaving 40 trillion of military hardware in Afghanistan, giving a huge bunch to Ukraine and all also add up the bill. :)
The taxpayer and ALL personal assets are included in the collateral.
The real estate market is usually rigged. In 2008, only one in ten repossessed property was put on the market, for the same reason. Real estate "value" only matters in terms of real estate taxes:
You have a point Ray, however the USSA is a failed state. There is no validity whatsoever to those liabilities or debts. Government is a scam, period end of sentence.
Speaking of Sarah McClendon this lady was her best friend & has an amazing mountain of info
Thank you for the link. As a matter of fact, it seems that based on the depth of my analyses, I might also qualify for the post of a "top political analyst." :)
And no, I've never been anybody's best friend.
I found the interview fascinating & connector of many dots- thoughf you might enjoy it.
Not just pitchforks, although they are good for handling the bodies.
And even if a popular uprising were possible (no such thing has ever worked out in favor of the people), who can find the right target?
The bodies have already been assigned as fertilizers:
The information you are sharing Ray, is what Bush was referring to. What percentage of people are even aware of this set-up? 3% of the 3%. Crustal displacement is a better alternative than what is on its way.
You've led many to the water Ray, although the truths have been too difficult for many to swallow, so they dismiss it out of hand. I've shared your articles periodically, the most vocal response was "you are reading some guys blog", and I say, "yes, he is verifying many things I've read, and now experienced for myself"....crickets. The veil has never been thinner for me and it has become a chore to engage with friends and family living on business as usual. I did a little experiment recently and searched for milk for sale that was not fortified with rat poison. No supermarket or even the closest local organic market carried it, I had to drive 30 minutes to the only location in a 25 mile radius selling it. Your advice on eating less is spot on. Not sure if you've come across @Jane333 , she has some interesting information on salting water.
Thanks Ray, I wish I had lots of fiat currency to share to express it.
Thank you for your informative comment.
I'm always careful with sources who are claiming to "tell the truth," but you already know that (sorry, this is a public forum, and a substantial amount of my work goes into comments).
As I said in the article, most people are ridiculously easy to manipulate: all you have to do it make them feel smart by making them believe that the very first conclusion they arrive at is unique...
Combining two thoughts, somehow, doesn't seem to be a common ability, and without that, nobody can realize how far they are screwed by the system...
As you know, I also urge my readers not to believe me, but use the info I'm providing towards making their OWN (!) decisions.
As for milk, even the "Amish" "organic" milk must have been irradiated (labeled as "low-heat-pasteurized"), because it doesn't do sour, only bitter). Of course, "milk" opens up several cans of worms:
Farmer's markets also seem to be under attack by infiltrators who poison the people, but I'll need to find out more about that before posting.
Sorry, I do not give advice, only share my experience, and it's up to everyone to make their own decisions.
Oh, and I don't use (anti)social sites, so I don't know who @Jane333 is.
Thanks for the detailed reply Ray.
Jane333 is on Substack
Oh, dear... I am barking up on the wrong tree, I guess. Three percent of the three percent is the total of my readership. :)
Still, it looks like this must be hammered in in order to make sure people realize they don't have a legitimate government and a legitimate currency, while it is the currency that is holding them captive...
As concerted action and centralized opposition are impossible, I am only hoping my readers can also draw the line as I did. Once they do, they will act the same even if they are not connected: