Why Does the USDA Order Nationwide Milk Testing For "the Bird Flu"?
They are testing raw milk
The test is a fraud, the illness doesn’t exist, but the game is played against the people.
Some things never change:
Adam Garrie published the following yesterday about the recent order by the USDA:
In a nutshell, “the bird flu” was “detected” in milk in March, 2024, which the FDA also confirmed and it was on the news. There is even a map for the “bird flu” (there are probably lots more, but this suffices for demonstrating the psyop):
Of course, with the “proper” tests, they can find anything in just about anything, while it’s a logical fallacy to try to prove that something, such as the “bird flu,” doesn’t exist:
What can be expected?
More attacks on raw milk, although even low-heat pasteurized milk has been vanishing from store shelves for years?
Another “state of national emergency,” when the usurping “authorities” again, can do whatever they want to do to people, just like during The Great Plandemic of 2020?
Mandating new, sooner-or-later lethal injections presented as “vaccines”?
Targeting specific farms (where “contamination” will be found plentifully)?
Another move against the Amish?
Most importantly, is this the preamble to another mass-poisoning episode and the culprit is being assigned?
Of course, most likely, it can mean all this and whatever else, if I’m missing something. After all, in this brave new world of the AI, one thing can be used for multiple purposes, and various things can serve a single one, which I termed as the “globalists’ signature” in
Just another angle to usher in the upcoming food shortage.
"Why Does the USDA Order Nationwide Milk Testing For "the Bird Flu"?"
Stupid question. To destroy all food of course because the deadly so called virus, that does not really exist, is everywhere, if you trust the test that cannot find non-existing viruses but DNA sequences everyone and anything can have or not have.