The following article is telling people “Don’t Let Pfizer Get Away With the Greatest Crime in Human History”:
While I appreciate the author’s disagreement with the Pfizer phenomenon, I have serious reservations, when it comes to the conclusions in the article. I am finding appropriate to share them here.
Here is my comment after the article:
The comment had received 15 “Like”s by this morning, when I added a few details, just in case a few readers are not be familiar with them:
Oh, I’d love to “stop Pfizer.” What exactly can I do? Shake my fists?
Pfizer, while playing a significant role in the worldwide scheme, is only an extension to the 2030 plan.
The crime started in 1688, when the cabal took over and has been controlling the money flow ever since.
Of course, in the US, when the “US ‘government’” got incorporated in 1871 after the (Un)Civil War, whose sole objective was this, the noose became tighter, and the scheme was completed with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 (plus, at the same time, the introduction of federal income tax through the private agency, the “IRS,” that has been collecting the money for the private bank, misleadingly called “Federal Reserve,” ever since), when the private bank was granted exclusive rights to issue the USD as a loan to the taxpayer at an interest (the greatest heist in world history).
Just wait until the CBDC will fully enslave all humans and all living things will be “vaccinated” in order to become part of the IoT...
The path is narrowing and only a couple of things can prevent the globalists' success:
Another commenter comes up with the old idea of “starving the beast”:
Karen Bracken
Putting big pharma out of business is easy. All it takes is for people to REFUSE to ever take another vaccine for any reason. Also, get healthy. Lose weight. Eat good food. Do not eat fast food or processed food. Get off medications. STARVE THE BEAST
To this, I couldn’t help responding:
Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
Not eating processed food is indeed essential.
Getting off everything manufactured by Big Pharma is another good idea, especially after it became clear that nobody knows what's in what (e.g. graphene oxide was found already in the 2019 “flu” shot and in November, 2021, in dental Lidocaine).
Not buying their stuff is still unlikely to hurt them.
Please, remember how many people succumbed to pressure (including “healthcare” workers, commercial pilots, nearly everyone among the clergy, and most of the US Armed Forces), because they felt forced by preferring not to lose their jobs.
Governments used the taxpayer’s money to buy up huge batches of the (sooner-or-later_ lethal injections and got paid even when millions of vials had to be discarded (that only ensured “govt” payments for the next batches).
The roadblocks for forced “vaccinations” are becoming real soon.
Not in my reply, but duly added here:
Actually, already in 2002, the placebo effect exceeded 60 percent. Try telling all those people who expect their redemption from “doctors” not to take the toxic concoctions called “medications.”
The first comment you have in this article, about the Corporate US is actually quite important. I have done a lot of research on this and it points to the way the Globalists have structured what they call "stakeholder" capitalism. Every government that is participating in this cabal is incorporated. In the western countries we keep hearing them mention "Our democracy," as a conservative, I keep wondering why they don't refer to the "Republic?" It turns out that these Parasites are telling us about the structured arrangement between the corporate entities.
There are currently just 4 major investment corporations that together, own approximately 94% of all voting shares in every private corporation in the US alone; however, these are multi national groups of companies. That is just for what we think of as the private sector. What we call government is also a corporate structure, each agency of the government is ALSO a corporation too. There is a "Democracy" and it exists between the stakeholders ONLY; each corporation is a stakeholder, this democracy excludes all of us.
This closed loop system is just just one of the three Trilateral sectors known as the global corporate syndicate. The other two are: global currency syndicate and the global crime syndicate. Everything is coordinated by the Bilderberg Group. Every individual who is a controller of any of these corporations or is involved in the inner workings is a career criminal. They maintain order among themselves using "pedophilia" as a form of reverse blackmail. Notice how much they "collude and get along?" This is why there is such an enormous amount of human trafficking going on. Ukraine is one epicenter for this. Jeffry Epstien was facilitating the blackmail.
All this crap has been right in front of us for so long that we have normalized it, not even thinking twice. Like a secretly woven spider web, first step in removing it is to notice it.
Ray reminds us that we need to crowd-source solutions.
1. Get off dependency from the bank. Pay 10 years of property tax now even if they dont actually accept it. Your mortgage is at high risk (check/get all your ownership docs in your county etc.), cash out of any pension schemes, insurances while you still can. Dependency on a gov't check is like standing on a bouy in the ocean. No, credit unions wont help you, neither gold/silver, or crypto, these will still depend on going thru the bank at some point and/or are dependent on infrastructure and services that will take/be allowed to take them. Maybe gold coins if someone takes them for goods or service, and cash, might buy you some time once the banks crash from the econ tanking or cyber attack.
2. Make as much of a homestead of your home as possible and get an off-grid survival book to do so. Store food, seeds, and lots of emergency materials.
3. Make groups who can form local exchange economies. See if you can fake being Amish and move in with them, maybe buy them a shitload of stuff they use a lot of and beg them to absorb you. They don't vaccinate. Man they had the whole shebang nailed all along.