Until Panama Red comes back to town. The judge don't know when red's in town

He keeps well hidden underground

But everybody's acting lazy

Falling out and hangin' 'round

In the end our existence is time stamped birth and death and the 21st century, all in a dream with no foundation reason can put fingers into to prove. Faith either way with Descarte and "I" and this postulated existent having actual agency beyond general biological chemical stimuli.

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Meanwhile millions remain in denial.

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glo baal ists their god is baal

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they have corrupted and decieved almost everyone... " just like satan corrupted adan and eve " therefore i pray for an act of God to help the devil possesed glo baal ists return to goodness truth and you the God of Goodness and Truth and Love ... thanks to our Father Son and the Holy Spirit ... ITS LATER THAN WE THINK , BUT WE ARE STRONGER THAN WE KNOW , WITH THE GOOD GOD

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You write: The crime started in 1688, when the cabal took over and has been controlling the money flow ever since. MY KNOWLEDGE IS THAT THE CRME WAS IN FULL SWING WAY EARLIER. For instance, the crime was in play with 9/11 - same FOOTPRINT. It was in play with the assassinations of both Kennedys and Martin Luther Kind Jr, and with Watergate. Etc. Note that in each case there was massive media control - the mind control was in full swing.

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Everything falls in line. When it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck...

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They'll still tell us it's not a duck. Power begets power, even when their "lights" go out.

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Of course, they do. They are telling people a man is a women. What can be more confusing than that? Of course, the children being secretly convinced that they are of the opposite sex...

People might be shy, but most of them are not absolutely stupid, unless they are under the spell of something like Stockholm syndrome. However, if they repeatedly allow themselves to be humiliated and have to announce publicly that green is red, they lose their self-respect and can be told to do just about anything after that and they will obey.

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The first comment you have in this article, about the Corporate US is actually quite important. I have done a lot of research on this and it points to the way the Globalists have structured what they call "stakeholder" capitalism. Every government that is participating in this cabal is incorporated. In the western countries we keep hearing them mention "Our democracy," as a conservative, I keep wondering why they don't refer to the "Republic?" It turns out that these Parasites are telling us about the structured arrangement between the corporate entities.

There are currently just 4 major investment corporations that together, own approximately 94% of all voting shares in every private corporation in the US alone; however, these are multi national groups of companies. That is just for what we think of as the private sector. What we call government is also a corporate structure, each agency of the government is ALSO a corporation too. There is a "Democracy" and it exists between the stakeholders ONLY; each corporation is a stakeholder, this democracy excludes all of us.

This closed loop system is just just one of the three Trilateral sectors known as the global corporate syndicate. The other two are: global currency syndicate and the global crime syndicate. Everything is coordinated by the Bilderberg Group. Every individual who is a controller of any of these corporations or is involved in the inner workings is a career criminal. They maintain order among themselves using "pedophilia" as a form of reverse blackmail. Notice how much they "collude and get along?" This is why there is such an enormous amount of human trafficking going on. Ukraine is one epicenter for this. Jeffry Epstien was facilitating the blackmail.

All this crap has been right in front of us for so long that we have normalized it, not even thinking twice. Like a secretly woven spider web, first step in removing it is to notice it.

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Lots to think about from your exposé Nefahotep.

*Paedophilia is a prerequisite for belonging

*"They" won't want paedophilia decriminalised, or they would have less control over their mobsters

*"They" can tank the stock market in a trice, and tank any countries

*I never liked the "public/private partnerships", but I couldn't get any traction against it with anyone. Now it's come home to roost.

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I wonder, is this insane push by the portion of the Left (yes yes I know but what other word we use?) beset by psychosis to normalise MAPs is a byproduct of the compromised lemmings attempting to create a society that accepts their child fetishes? The Architects of Control wouldn’t have much control over them if society especially the portion that worships them (the trust the science, celebrity worshipping, psychiatrically destroyed ones) accepts their vices as normal.

Again, one can speculate until their brain fries. I don’t think the true scale of this conspiracy along with it’s true nature will be easy to digest for even us if/when it becomes known.

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What's a MAP, CK?

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Minor Attracted Persons. Its the pedophiles in academia and media’s attempts at normalising their disgusting criminality.

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I am resistant to learning their terms which approve of said behaviour, so that'll be why I have not learnt this one.

Thanks CK

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Pedophilia is used by the NWO monsters as blackmail against people in high political positions in order to get them under their control.

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It seals you into the club as well, proving that you worship their same master. Harming children is a sacrifice to this master. Then, also, it can be used as blackmail.

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Well said, Nefahotep. Which is why, now that they're freely exposing all this in our face, they seem confident it's too late to "remove it."

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Thank you for the wonderful comment! It taught me a number of things:


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Keep being a sh#t disturber Ray! Love it man.

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You have inspired my next little note:


(Sorry, I never "Like" when someone is praising me, but I'm sure you are getting the picture.)

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Acknowledging you is worthy of a like if that is the way we can recognize your valuable contributions. I "like" it and I love your tenacity and insight.

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Thank you, Lynn.

On my end, however, welcoming praises would set me up as a narcissistic personality, which I am not. No matter how hard it is, I am trying to hang on to my credibility and my personal integrity; the latter cannot depend on other people's opinion, no matter how much I value them.

I hope, I've made myself clear on this.

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I hear you, I was being sincere (: Thanks so much Ray.

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I know, you were. Your articles are also important! Please, leave links to them in my comment sections, whenever applicable!

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Ok cool. Thanks will do!

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Ray reminds us that we need to crowd-source solutions.

1. Get off dependency from the bank. Pay 10 years of property tax now even if they dont actually accept it. Your mortgage is at high risk (check/get all your ownership docs in your county etc.), cash out of any pension schemes, insurances while you still can. Dependency on a gov't check is like standing on a bouy in the ocean. No, credit unions wont help you, neither gold/silver, or crypto, these will still depend on going thru the bank at some point and/or are dependent on infrastructure and services that will take/be allowed to take them. Maybe gold coins if someone takes them for goods or service, and cash, might buy you some time once the banks crash from the econ tanking or cyber attack.

2. Make as much of a homestead of your home as possible and get an off-grid survival book to do so. Store food, seeds, and lots of emergency materials.

3. Make groups who can form local exchange economies. See if you can fake being Amish and move in with them, maybe buy them a shitload of stuff they use a lot of and beg them to absorb you. They don't vaccinate. Man they had the whole shebang nailed all along.


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Land patents and allodial title to your land works as does securing your water and mineral rights.

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Building community to create a parallel economy is tantamount to survival while they attempt to control or destroy fiat and crypto. Gold and silver will work temporarily, but growing your own food, drilling your own well, and trading with your neighbors will see you through when living in remote small communities far from major oceans and large lakes (pole shift). The Grid will go down, so learn how to thrive without electricity. Preparedness matters now more than ever....

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Close nit local communities seem to be the best solution, so I agree with you 100%. This will take personal involvement and lots of hard work, if you can join up with a large enough group or form one, it will be quite worthwhile.

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My immediate reaction is that only communities with a unifying ideologies can make it, but they also have to employ methods that are compatible with human nature. "Equal sharing," for one, never succeeds; people need their rightful shares in proportion to their contributions. Everybody has to fill a function, but not necessarily in the utilitarian way the technocrats imagine it. Also, survival communities have to be able to fend for themselves, which I am finding extremely difficult to imagine in the age or drones and satellites.

My major problem with people coming together is that once the food runs out, I can't imagine they'll spare each other, especially if they have children...

The most likely way to survive, as far as I can see, is living off-grid in extremely-sparsely-populated areas in twos or threes (dogs included).

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Community gardens, community wells or artesian springs will help that protective self-preservation mechanism.

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Having an artesian well drilled here can easily exceed a budget of $40k... If I collect people to contribute, I only make it public that it is here and all the freeloaders who would never contribute would flood me.

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I'm with you. Practical Skills by Gene Lodgson (sp) is a must-have book. Arugula and beets are my go-to for detox and super-easy to grow.

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Microgreens and blue-green algae like spirulina can sustain the human body nicely.

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I've often had a craving for microgreens, but don't remember having one for algae. :) In fact, I am finding their taste unpleasant, so I don't eat them.

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We are. canadians, italians, Russians, spanish, french, australians, greeks, serbs, english, indians, aboriginals all around, irish, scots.

In 5th Gen Warfare, no leader need rise. We push back the advancing wall of Totalitarianism with all that we do. For our kids and their kids. For the same motivators the great wars had to be fought once started by the banksters and satanic forces of evil.

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I am led by the spirit of truth that energizes my very being. Anyone who tries to step on my rights gets a first hand look at hell on earth.

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Sorry i left out those in taiwan and china who detest the bully, the CCP. And everyone else i didnt list, who are quietly doing God’s work on earth just because its the right thing to do.

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Jan 29, 2023
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Ukraine is the "big Israel," the goal of these Parasites is to asset stripp the US and reclaim their ancient home land. I'm not sure if Russia is actually trying to frustrate their efforts.

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