You're right, Ray. Your final paragraph sums up the situation. For what it's worth, these fights continue in higher planes, and in those planes, victories by "ordinary people" can be scored. I had a QHHT life reading (of another life) which befuddled me for years. Only when I began studying at Gigi Young's forum and reading anthroposophy and theosophy did I begin to understand explanations sent me during meditation, which I began while there also (after many years of Buddhist training).

In this dense material plane, you're correct about "the end always being the same" because the point is the development of the souls who inhabit this plane. The physical body is an extremely valuable tool few realize. Through that body, many lessons are learned which cannot be learned elsewhere.

Who rules? Government officials, intelligence agencies, Banksters, etc. are middle management. Upper management is ancient bloodlines. Blood carries memories, and they interbreed. Beyond them is the core who connect with their past history and higher purpose. The same spiritual rules apply to them as to us; few realize this point. They eventually always fail, too, after extinguishing civilization for the simple reason that they consume themselves. Their unconstrained attributes and appetites cause their own demise. They don't rule forever. Look at Mars.

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I wonder if the "ring" is symbolically referencing a sound.

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The solution is simple, no experts needed.

Children have so much to teach to grown-ups.

But we let them wilfully go to waste in the mills of education.

Thereby loosing our own chance of redemption.

And depriving them of theirs.

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Not sure about children.

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RemovedAug 1
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Agreed, we give children guidelines and/or parameters to their behaviors. I let my children make their choices and pay the price of bad choices for the most part.

What is not said here is Listening to what they say! That is where the wisdom is gained, that is if we or I didn’t Fuk them up in the first place. Our day care education system is nothing short of concentration camps of conformity…

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You got my point.

The words of children are precious beyond pure gold.

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RemovedAug 2
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Deify ..?

That's exactly the kind of word a child would never use.

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Unsupervised children are better study for human behavior than rats...

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Aug 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

A thought occurred to me overnight. I’ve been noticing a lot of synchronicity occurring with my information field of view. Some interpersonal but definitely online. To me, the fact that it occurs with real people and events removed from electronic influence (hopefully they are) gives it credibility, however I struggle with online. Once you get beyond the question of is it a bot or not and concluded it’s a real person you are dealing with. It would not be difficult to spoof this in a data rich environment.

Assuming all of our personal data and transactions are going to a central database. Recognizing that people of unique skills, human cognition, and independent thinking have been herded into this ss cul de sac, substack would be an ideal laboratory for testing AI hypothesizing. It can be done therefore it probably is. And to what end? A genuine benevolent learning or a defensive tactic?

Just another ponder of the capabilities of the forces at play.

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Substack, curiously enough, allows for authors to disable "AI training," but I doubt that the feature makes any difference. Internet spiders can collect the data, anyway.

First, separating people, manipulating them against or for each other, and humanoid AI is only a couple of decades away, assuming I am being optimistic. People can be cut off from all their previous human contacts and still believe they have them. That can open up a lot of possibilities...

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RemovedAug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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It's always possible to pull the plug, unless the AI is already running on microelecricity (which is possible). The trick for the globalists is to still let the AI operate as long as it helps and doesn't turn on them, too. :)

You are posing an interesting question: Are search engines already operated by the central AI? There is a good chance, they are... Never thought about that, but it adds up.

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Aug 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The common people won't do anything until they have to figure out their very lives, their love ones lives, are at stake over the the globalist games. Until then they won't get up off the couch.

I still think there are many leading globalist players, all with their own horrific personalities. I wonder if they can keep themselves in check to only allow certain individuals or one individual to be king of the world. There has to be some fighting for power within their own ranks.

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The commoners don't even notice that they are constantly taunted and provoked...

Anyway, what could they do? The things they can would only harm THEM:


As far as I can see, the path is still open for making PERSONAL decisions.

Agreed, Schwab or Gates are repulsive, but they are most likely only globalist assets and "only follow orders"...

Fighting within their own ranks could cause their demise. They know they cannot be trusted, and only ONE can rule (currently, the cooperation between Russia, China, and the US towards Agenda 2030 suggests that the major agents are still operating in enclaves):


At this point, they seem to be following a script outlined for them by the central AI running the global simulation with live data (https://rayhorvaththesource.substack.com/p/ai-makes-the-world-go-round), so I don't think they interact with each other much, as it's not necessary, and it would risk discovery.

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They’re all read in to some degree. Involuntarily or by intention. Their fortune ( interesting word) permits them a field to play in. A fiefdom of sorts. They compete for seats at the table. The best seats have the king’s ear.

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It's perhaps a better question: Who controls the central banks and the global investment firms? Even around that table, players are replaceable, but the participants have been deceived to believe they are unique... :)

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RemovedAug 1
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While I felt obliged to watch the GOT, I found it pure trash.

The chutes are ready for the cull. :) Well, they have been waiting for decades...

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Well done Ray, thank you very much. I see 'Mystery of Evil' will anagram to 'Evy fit sly Rome' and 'if levy sty Rome'. All roads lead to Rome as I keep saying.

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Aug 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

"First and foremost, let me emphasize that ALL cultures in history culminated in absolute centralized power before they collapsed."

Perfect. So be it again.

Ray, the club of Rome is not a secret society. They even have a website.

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Thank you for the correction. Still, accusing them to do all this assumes that they are conspiring and are engaged in clandestine activities.

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Aug 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

The club of Rome is used to beat us over the head!

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its simply a fight between good vs evil ... choose your side.... to be or not to be.... is approaching fast...therefore....The Armor of God

10 In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [draw your strength from Him and be empowered through your union with Him] and in the power of His [boundless] might. 11 Put on the full armor of God [for His precepts are like the splendid armor of a heavily-armed soldier], so that you may be able to [successfully] stand up against all the schemes and the strategies and the deceits of the devil. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood [contending only with physical opponents], but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this [present] darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly (supernatural) places. 13 Therefore, put on the complete armor of God, so that you will be able to [successfully] resist and stand your ground in the evil day [of danger], and having done everything [that the crisis demands], to stand firm [in your place, fully prepared, immovable, victorious]. 14 So stand firm and hold your ground, having [a]tightened the wide band of truth (personal integrity, moral courage) around your waist and having put on the breastplate of righteousness (an upright heart), 15 and having [b]strapped on your feet the gospel of peace in preparation [to face the enemy with firm-footed stability and the readiness produced by the good news]. 16 Above all, lift up the [protective] [c]shield of faith with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.

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Aug 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I suspect — because I don’t know, but I have heard of ancient & primitive & wise (?) cultures who tell of — there have been previous global civilizations which have been born from the ashes and developed and have collapsed from within and have been utterly destroyed and forgotten (probably because of the survivors’ collective amnesia). This cycle of destruction and amnesia supposedly happens about every 12,000 years. Supposedly modern humans have been around 300,000 years, which would make our current global system of (so-called) “civilization” the twenty fourth.

I’m looking forward to this “civilization” naturally crashing and burning. Human beings have risen from the ashes before. We’ll do it all again.

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It's either full-fledged technocracy with practically no organic humans left or the Stone Age, but total extinction is not out of the picture, either...

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Cold souls or souless, devoid of all empathy and conscience- psychopaths.

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They are most likely kind and empathetic to their own kind, but who knows. They consider themselves superior based on the tribal characteristic of human nature, and this behavior is universal for tribes.

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I know, they torture their own family members. Members of the mutual blackmail society are not kind to each other, expedient but not kind.

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RemovedAug 1·edited Aug 2
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You are right, one was kind to me and it was not expedient, more like sentimentality.

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unless the meaning of the rings change at their will and we should scrutinise CERN and the like , who knows how many there are and where...and exactly who wanted them built...

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one ring for each reserve bank

The ONE TO RULE for the Bank for International Settlements

as a front for the black nobility


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Yes, there are a lot more than nine rings, and only the ones who have been deceived are visible.

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you didnt answer who the rulers are

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Definitely not the way I would have loved to. I only intimated in the subtitle that it's nearly inevitable not to participate, while each important group has been infiltrated and captured, and at the end of the text, I suggested that the person of "Sauron" doesn't matter; if he suddenly vanished, someone else would take his place. The problem is human nature.

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i read its "fallen" human nature... some have regained and some strive to regain our devine nature

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Also, in Ray’s essay “Who Rules The World” — which he linked to in this essay — Ray wrote “My impression is that only 33rd-degree Masons count…”

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They are the ones who are easy to identify.

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Yeah. They have lodges everywhere. They get control of ambitious leaders who decide to start out locally, e.g. sheriffs and mayors. Once there’s local control, state control and federal control and international control and global control follows. At least that’s the bottom up approach. I’m sure that there’s a complementary top down approach too. It’s just that who would even know who is at the pinnacle of the hierarchical power structure? Only the people at the very top know. And it’s not like they are giving interviews.

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33rd-degree Masons (the rest might as well be patsies) have also plentifully demonstrated their allegiance to Evil, but other groups/individual also participate...

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

It sure seems like those who demonstrate their allegiance to Evil combined with the mass of people who go along (in order to get along) with those who demonstrate this allegiance hopelessly outnumber anyone who is deeply committed to the Good and who consistently demonstrates this commitment.

Frankly, I don’t know of anyone who consistently stands up for the Good. Including myself.

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i do. everyday.

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I also try, but if I did it all the time, I wouldn't last a minute. :)

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In the fantasy novels, Sauron is a stock character. He’s a supreme devil figure, who was actually subordinate to an original devil. Melkor, Morgoth. Not unlike Satan being subordinate to Lucifer??

Anyway, the rulers are the psychopaths who are the in charge of the Pathocracy. It could be argued that psychopaths are devils incarnate.

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ideology will not help average people get educated or resist. we need practical info ie

viruses contagion do not exist, therefore no more fear = more rejecting poison injections,

good site with easy mini flyers for cars is www.VirusTruth.net, cbdc is digital slavery resistance = using cash, boycott on line banking, boycott on line commerce, boycott cashless toll roads as examples. practical list needed , boycott paying taxes that fund the criminals, stop paying into the insurance market racket, stop paying interest in form of loans that enrich the banksters while making you poorer. the dimes and dollars ad up. if a small business stop collecting sales tax and turning it over to gov. reject facial recognition and contactless selfcscanning tech. if i cant buy what I want in person wirh cash i do without. examples of practical can do actions. many hands make light work.

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I don’t believe that resistance and education will have any effect against the Pathocracy. The rule by psychopaths is a helluva lot more than an ideology, a set of ideas. It’s as real as gravity.

I do almost all of the things you’ve mentioned. I still carry automobile insurance. Why should I drive without insurance?

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Aug 1·edited Aug 1

i drive with the bare min required. its a racket based on credit score not driving record, can never get a real competative bid without giving them your social . the no fault requirement charge is a racket, regardless of whose fault any claim raises your rates, same with homeowners, have gone without it for decades saving me thousands, i only have catastrophic health insurance since i never go to docs never take drugs, The no copay, medicaid is a trap to get poor hooked on pharma. i dont give these criminal enterprises one dime more than absolutely necessary. the ceo multi million dollar salaries is what we are funding, not true pooled risk. its monopoply.

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I agree. It’s all a racket designed to fund the administrative state.

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probably true, but I refuse to be self defeatest . every person anyone can reach is worthwhile. every ticket I get on a car is a FU cdc medical mafia ticket. it lets me sleep well everynight that i didnt let a day go by without trying, every baby deserves an angel fighting for them, even if the babies in my family get harmed.

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RemovedAug 1
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Ditto ! Never forget we each have some "influence" . I have none , zilch influence on my own family married to doctors who line their babies up for all jabs, and take all rx their say... but i do have influence on strangers who want to hear about covid being a scam, several have cried ..relieved bec their instinct told them something didnt add up, they just needed another to validate their gut. strangers imo have more influence because nothing personal at play. a bunch of us who found Dr. Cowan zoom weekly...most of us in same boat with family, have to watch many suffer with illness by pharma..

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RemovedAug 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)
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That's the idea! :)

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deletedAug 1
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So, what's the link between "Jews," Masons, and the rest?

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