You will be left in peace only after you rest in pieces.
Why religion?
In history, religion has been the most common ideology to keep masses at bay by convincing the poor and the powerless that they deserve their fate, but they stand a chance in Heaven or in a next life, assuming they behave themselves. Divergents who attempted to focus on personal experience were persecuted and extirpated, unless they were deemed to be a bunch of useful idiots or totally harmless by those in power. As the last such ideology, “the American Dream,” is now extinct, the globalist ideology of usefulness is taking over. This can go to the extreme by frying people’s brain by forcing them to accept nonsense and, by such humiliation, making them lose their ability for personal decision and giving up on self-respect, and both are important to achieve the goal of a fully compliant and well-behaved populace.
The One-World Religion is one of the globalists’ objectives, which I’m finding strange, because they also want to take out what they call “the God-gene.” What’s the point of a religion, when people don’t have the need for it, because utilitarianism completely eradicated their need for the transcendent? What is this religion going to look like and how will it work?
Obviously, the new “religion” will have to be fully controllable, which requires it to be the same everywhere, and it must incorporate the dominating principle of usefulness in the system. It can be a tool for control by mandating the same spectacular practice that has no rational basis, which will test people for full compliance.
Mixing religions?
Everybody with an inkling of knowledge of world religions knows that they cannot be fully reconciled with each other. “Do to others what you want them to do to you” has been globally advertised as their common denominator. However, this lie is part of the predictive programing for Agenda 2030. The “Golden Rule” doesn’t dominate world religions. Most importantly, there are lots of principles in each that precede the “golden rule” and rules out its application.
Judaism doesn’t proselytize and its most rigorous versions (Judaism is not homogeneous) consider goyim inferior or animals without a soul, only to be used by the “chosen people.” (Also, notice that I am talking about religions, not about “the Jews,” because there is no such thing as “the Jews” in many ways.)
Islam wants to dominate no matter what.
In Buddhism and Hinduism you can wait, because, as a graduate student from India told me several years ago, when I asked him how come people don’t care for the suffering and the dying in India, “you will be born again, anyway.”
In Christianity, one’s salvation represents the primary objective of living, which allows for a lot of room for choosing paths, explanations, or excuses. It differs from other world religions in allowing for privacy, although it hasn’t always been so; when it was state ideology, dissent was, to put it mildly, strongly discouraged. These days, “pre-emptive strike” in self-defense and “cold compensation”1 by victims of crimes against personal property stick out a bit, but a lot less than Judaism’s “turn those, who are not from your tribe, into your servants” or Islam’s “kill those, who don’t join you” (although enslavement has also been literally practiced in Islam since its inception, although it allows for the status of Dhimmihood for Jews and for Christians).
Playing house with religions
The rationalism of the New World Order obviates that there must be one religion, because that way, undesirable religious pangs can be controlled. The choice of mixing monotheistic religions is also logical, because (according to the majority?) there is One God (even modern Hinduism tends to consider its several deities as various aspects of a single divinity).
People can accept a single religion with less resistance, if their religions are courted as vessels for the divine, so all selected religions must be reigned in accordingly.
Merging Judaism, Islam, and Christianity?
These three religions acknowledge one God:
Does it matter that those three gods are irreconcilably different? Mind fog2 is taking over the world so rapidly that hardly anyone will give it any thought. Under the circumstances, there must be a common denominator that unites the three religions. As the “golden rule” obviously fails at the task, something like “religions of peace” will be needed, but it’s unclear what that’s going to be. Not that it matters, because eventually, people will be so stupid that compared to them, Idiocracy will look like a Mensa meeting. The organizing principle will consist of no more than three words and a one-word slogan, plus an image or a mascot. It can be something as simple as “blue-lovers,” and the initially somewhat meaningful color can lose its meaning over time, and only adherence to the color blue will matter. After all, it’s a magic color”:
In the meantime, “leaders forge fraternity,” whatever that means. Maybe it’s the color blue that hasn’t been assigned yet:
After all, “saving lives” seems to be the slogan, only to be expelled by “saving the Planet.”
Christians disagree, but they will be eliminated, anyway:
I suppose, “Mother Earth” may have been predictive programming in the past several decades, and this new religion is planned to be somewhat pantheistic, adoring “Nature” or something like that. Pachamama, anyone? The Pope adores it!
Fraternity sounds good, doesn’t it? It was in the slogan of the French “Revolution,” after all. “Liberty, fraternity, equality” eerily resembles the globalists’ program. People are obviously different, and their difference doesn’t complement, but extinguish each other, so “Diversity is our strength” courteously omits that diversity weakens the people, which makes the rulers even more overwhelmingly powerful.
All the demagogues preaching in the name of “we” are already using the Rhetoric of Power to turn people into a mindless crowd of followers, who are ready to follow anyone who gives them hope (accomplishing nothing, of course), and leads them to the slaughterhouse, which is at the end of the path to the technocratic Brave New World in Agenda 2030.
What people think is ignored. Just like wind turbines are erected in order to convince the masses of energy shortages and the insane idea of zero-carbon emission (“those wind power generators wouldn’t be there, if they were not needed, eh?”), the “fraternity” of the three religions is sealed by the creation of the iconic “Abrahamic Family House”:
For the time being, the idea of “world peace” is the common denominator, because something must bring these strays together:
At the same time, Islam is not making any concessions; it considers itself superior to the other two religions in every way:
Theoretically, Jews and Christians are supposed to be allowed to keep their religion under Islam in exchange for extra tax and for agreeing to be considered inferior as a human being. Practically, slavery still exists in Muslim territories, and throughout history, Muslim occupiers usually took Christians and Jews into slavery, unless they preferred to kill them.
The Destruction of Traditional Cultures
It’s still a bit premature to talk about full islamization in the US, but the process certainly exists, and it’s unlikely by Muslim Brotherhood, because nothing happens without the globalists’ consent or, preferably, outside their plans.
Here is the full document in Arabic and in English:
The invasion of Europe also demonstrates that the globalist plan is being executed.
The line between the killers and the victims is fading:
No room for privacy or dissent
As the story of Leonidas shows, those who believe in something more important than survival can nearly defeat those, who believe in nothing, even is they are greatly outnumbered. Still, there is power in numbers. Edwin published the following piece recently on how Europe is about to fall to Islam:
In the meanwhile, westerners might as well familiarize themselves with their place in a world where Islam dominates. The following is a summary written by a female doctor who emigrated from Syria to the US:
If you show this to a US Muslim, chances are, they will be offended, until they won’t, because they will also have to “submit.” Muslims are usually nice until they become the majority, and that is one of their methods of invasion. Once the majority, they use “democracy” to grab power, and Islamic law becomes dominant in the area. Just like France and Sweden has “no-go” areas, so does the US; “little Mogadishu” comes to mind in the state of Minneapolis, Minnesota:
The next is Dearborn, Michigan, the first town in the US with an Arab Muslim mayor:
“All-Muslim Michigan City Council OK’s Home Animal Sacrifice”:
Butchery, this time, takes the same direction both for Muslims and Jews, because “Halal” and “Kosher” slaughter are pretty much the same (the animal must be bled out, because blood must not be consumed by the faithful).
The Syrian doctor tells you that a Dhimmi (non-Muslim) is treated as a half-person, and so is a woman, so if you are a non-Muslim female, expect to be considered a quarter of a person by Muslims, at least legally. For some moderation, they recognize Abraham as the patriarch and Jesus as a minor prophet, so it would be rude to kill you for not converting. Instead, they collect the “Dhimmi tax” from you (Indonesia is a place where it exists), while they are proud of their amazing level of tolerance that they allow a dog like you to stick around. Their attitude resembles the eugenicists’ attitude to the commoner, whom they consider stupid and mostly useless, except they are not going to be so merciful, because there won’t be any taxes in their world, where everyone will be an asset, not a human being.3
In short, “Islam” means “submit,” which is what you must do to your “authorities,” unless you want to me diagnosed with the matching “disorder”4 from DSM-5.
What will the new religion look like?
Mandated (if your brother leaves the true faith, you must first warn him privately, next in the circle of his family, and finally in front of the congregation; if he doesn’t return to the true faith, you must kill him);
Manifest itself in conformist behavior without any room left for privacy or dissent;
Based on endless repetition of, most likely, normally meaningless words and actions, in order to constantly exhibit compliance (“submit”).
Islam is performing a dominant role in the unification of all religions, and the globalists won’t care if Muslims washing up for prayer and praying five times a day as long as they do not dissent, which they are not allowed to do even in their own religion, anyway. The requirements that make a Muslim affect behavior only, and the behavior manifests only compliance and the person’s surrender to the better judgment of the “community” or the elders, take your pick. It’s all external, and nobody cares what you think as long as you shut up. What? It’s happening? Kind of, but not yet. For the moment, there is so much noise all over the place that you can’t tell morons from agents, except by the fruits of their labor, but by the time you realize what those are, the damage is done, and the culprits vanish. The number of authentic voices is also rapidly diminishing. By authentic, I don’t mean “truth-tellers”; nobody knows the whole truth5. I prefer to talk about facts, because even those are distorted and hardly ever recognized even by the well-meaning.
So, talking about religion, besides offering a good diversion from the constant mass murder and global zombification of the masses, while the pattern of Islam is laying down the foundations of a future in which the ones still around will be herded by machines and will behave as machines themselves. Nothing beats the conformity enforced by the crowd that is already dominated by the evil and the brainless (one doesn’t exclude the other, and the outcome is the same, anyway). If you need some convincing, watch a few historic newsreels that show dictators who greatly contributed to the prevention of global overpopulation.
In history, mass murderers become heroes:
If someone robs you or steals your property, you are allowed to compensate for your loss by stealing or taking the culprit’s assets.
Possibly, a by-product of various types of radiation:
In many ways, people are already treated as assets by the state, and in this case, most, if not all, governments are globalist-controlled:
The term is “oppositional defiance disorder”:;
this whole one-world religion goes hand n' hand with wipin' out humans as humans--it's step one 'fore Project Bluebeam where the plan wuz to do some tomfukery with hollow-grams an' fool folks inta thinkin' that their pan-global-deity is "the one" an' all other gods are false... yawn, it's not rilly creative iz it? are the gonna do it? I hope ta gawd not!
one quibble with yer quote: "Judaism doesn’t proselytize and considers goyim inferior or animals without a soul, only to be used by the “chosen people.”
It's a common misquote from a mis-translated chunk'a talmud that seems ta be all the rage (RAGE! of course is popular today) So... in talmud which is NOT torah (law) but only a study of various conflictin' opinions ON the law--Judaism considers all who worship idols "goyim" meaning (not something horrible) but indeed "nation" (as in, as if they are another nation). Christians and even Muslims who worship one god are not goyim / nation... I guess idol worshippers are considered by SOME (who choose ta foller that talmudian diktat) inferior-- The conflict comes is that casually non-Jews can be called goyim which is not the same as goyim defined in Talmud. Now I ain't sayin' that folks that deem pagans inferior is by any means a good thing--but there iz a distinction per above. Not sure what is ta be used by "chosen people" but folks git that one wrong too... Chosen meant "chosen by god to follow the 10 Commandments"--there are like 138 commandments actually but the "chosen" part only meant that God delivered the "Big 10" ta Moses and said "spread the word--I've chosen you ta lead a people--chosen ta spread my message." Folks git that wrong too... All the above I learnt in "chewish" Sundae skool 'cept the talmud part cuz contrary ta whut most folks say, most "chews" are torah chews and don't know diddly squat 'bout talmud. Torah Chews must foller that 10 commandments an' not even most orthodox know talmud--only the rabbinical scholars. Everyone gits everythin' wrong 'bout the chews but it don't matter cuz Mister Global wants ta kill us all--christians, chews, atheists, muslims, an' all useless producers of CO2...
Religions were never created for the needs of people, but for the needs of power. That is why all religions had to be spread by coercion and terror, in order to replace the faith from God with one useful to them. The only world religion will be the Jewish religion after the appearance of their messiah.
You write that no one knows the whole truth. What makes you think they don't know? They know the truth and that is why they dare to do those actions against humanity, animal life and flora. They know the rules by which faith works in the universe and do not have to contend with the power of religious programs.