I think that we have clear proof that the divine is important. That God needs to be in the picture. When society is told that a belief in God is not that important. Everything becomes a free for all and everything and anything goes. That is just my thought.

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Most people wouldn't argue against that. The problem starts, when the "On whose authority?" question is addressed. Well, that's probably, where any potential cooperation ends, too.

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Feb 1Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Religions were never created for the needs of people, but for the needs of power. That is why all religions had to be spread by coercion and terror, in order to replace the faith from God with one useful to them. The only world religion will be the Jewish religion after the appearance of their messiah.

You write that no one knows the whole truth. What makes you think they don't know? They know the truth and that is why they dare to do those actions against humanity, animal life and flora. They know the rules by which faith works in the universe and do not have to contend with the power of religious programs.

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Let me delve into a bit more details regarding your observations.

Actually, only religions can come up with adequate answers about the human conditions, which is why they are excellent vehicles for maintaining ideologies. What you are talking about is WHY and WHAT KIND of religions have been allowed to survive: whatever served the rulers and, thus, secured societal stability.

There is a Messiah, "the Mahdi," in Islam, too. Of course, once the deepfake is created, the same "person" can fill both roles and, possibly, the "Christian" one, too.

Agnosticism is mandated by the fact that the human mind can only think in closed systems, while the world is an open system, and so is the human being, which means that stationary cognitive models are incapable of simulating dynamic ones. More about this:


If the truth exists, it can only come from divine revelation. By divine, I mean the power that is creating this world that obviously couldn't create itself.

Manipulating people is shamefully easy; it doesn't require the knowledge of "the truth," only some familiarity with a few basic mechanisms.

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Sorry for just now replying, but my email did not indicate that you had replied. I don't agree with you because religions only make you fear and respect a certain "god" while being animated by the divine Spirit. We are all born with faith in God, which is life, but the descriptions in the "scriptures" move away from this faith and point us towards "gods" who can enslave us for the rest of our lives.

Most of the truth remained in John's letters, and from them most of Jesus' teachings can be derived. Religions only convey to us the expectations of the alien entities in power who have invaded the earth and created humans through genetic modification. Our soul and spirit are not from them. All religions speak of dark, evil, cruel beings who rule the sky. But these are not gods... They need technology, WHAT for their rule, with which they can cause mind programming, influence, "miracles", "appearances" - e.g. burning bush, the appearance of the Lord to Abraham, Jacob, apparitions of Mary, etc. For example, the spirit of the LORD came upon the "prophets" etc. Or in the New Testament, so to speak, "god" gives people the spirit of error to believe a lie, etc. The Jews were given a communicator, with which they could ask the LORD about certain unclear things... If one caught fire, the answer was yes, if the other, then no...

I know that most people think that without religion, people would have no morals, but if you look at a child who has not been brainwashed, you can see that he is moral from birth... Then comes education, parental example, religion - moreover, the religion of atheism -, school, society's expectations, etc., and made the child damaged.

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This is such a difficult topic for most to wrap their brains around. My family is a very rich mixture of diversified cultures; Native American, European and Christian-leaning, but still, mostly agnostic or atheists and all very accepting of other’s right’s to practice any religion they chose, so long as it didn’t bleed over into policy to dictated individual lives—which it does—with the excuse that if they don’t, another religion will take over. Holy crap.

What most don’t get is that the oligarchs of war & disease profiteering have been using religion as a tool for a very long time, and they could care less which prevails, but most defiantly have had a plan for over two hundred years (explained within their own Eugenics protocols) to meld all religion under a “one world order” of governance.

In an upcoming article later this summer I’ve got lots to say about the origins of and what the word Jew means—as well as the practice of Judaism—which many will insist equates to me being racist, anti-religion or antisemitic, which is total nonsense. I have always supported the individual’s right to even kill themselves, for any reason, so long as they don’t take anyone with them. But there’s always that clown who’s real agenda is to use religion as an excuse for controlling others and could care less about real religious, individual freedoms to live and let live, and so therefore the setup for a fight or war, which is the only thing I object to: brainwashed slaves at war trapping the majority.

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All we have to do now is figure out what religion God belongs to.

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There is only ONE who rose from the dead! He and He alone will determine the destiny of all humanity! “I Am He that liveth…and was dead….and Behold…I am alive for evermore! Amen! And have the keys of Hell and death! Rev. 1:18

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Neither of them! God is within us and around us. We are and everything that surrounds us.

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That fight has been going on throughout history, and it hasn't been settled. :)

Ultimately, it's always a personal decision.

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As a linear sequential sequence conjured up by men's mind this reasoning might make sense and cannot be discarded as a POSSIBLE outcome. But if history teaches humble truthful men anything it IS summed up in the quote: The king is dead long live the king!, which is just another version of THE LORD JESUS CHRIST'S WORDS.

GOD ALMIGHTY has something in store for all those that follow THE ONE AND ONLY INCARNATION OF GOD ALMIGHTY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST to the T. What it is will be revealed according to GOD ALMIGHTY'S WISDOM MIGHT, GRACE, PURPOSE AND SCHEDULE no matter what THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN believes to have in store, its all THE BIG DELUSION that has started with THE SERPENT confusing EVE, who by returning the "favour" deceived ADAM, who being blinded by the "offer" of EVE could not resist to be "sucked up" (pun intended) into THE GREAT DECEPTION offering FIAT CURRENCY AND WORLDLY POWER!



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Please, notice that the article is not about religion, but the potential functions of the "One-World-Religion" and the path there.

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Interesting piece Ray, I've been waiting for something like this.

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I've been thinking about this for months. It looks like the "One-World-Religion" is only a sham, meant to reign in religious people before the final collapse, conditioning everyone to be compliant, and a release valve in case the transformation is a little bit incomplete after turning everyone into cyborg slaves .

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Yeah there is something weird about their interest in religion. But then the Roman Catholic Church is the world's biggest corporation, one of the biggest landowners on earth and the first and foremost globalist in Western history. So how could they have left her out? Yet is does not explain everything.

Jerusalem and the Zionist territory seem to be a status symbol to them.

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Jan 30·edited Jan 30Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

this whole one-world religion goes hand n' hand with wipin' out humans as humans--it's step one 'fore Project Bluebeam where the plan wuz to do some tomfukery with hollow-grams an' fool folks inta thinkin' that their pan-global-deity is "the one" an' all other gods are false... yawn, it's not rilly creative iz it? are the gonna do it? I hope ta gawd not!

one quibble with yer quote: "Judaism doesn’t proselytize and considers goyim inferior or animals without a soul, only to be used by the “chosen people.”

It's a common misquote from a mis-translated chunk'a talmud that seems ta be all the rage (RAGE! of course is popular today) So... in talmud which is NOT torah (law) but only a study of various conflictin' opinions ON the law--Judaism considers all who worship idols "goyim" meaning (not something horrible) but indeed "nation" (as in, as if they are another nation). Christians and even Muslims who worship one god are not goyim / nation... I guess idol worshippers are considered by SOME (who choose ta foller that talmudian diktat) inferior-- The conflict comes is that casually non-Jews can be called goyim which is not the same as goyim defined in Talmud. Now I ain't sayin' that folks that deem pagans inferior is by any means a good thing--but there iz a distinction per above. Not sure what is ta be used by "chosen people" but folks git that one wrong too... Chosen meant "chosen by god to follow the 10 Commandments"--there are like 138 commandments actually but the "chosen" part only meant that God delivered the "Big 10" ta Moses and said "spread the word--I've chosen you ta lead a people--chosen ta spread my message." Folks git that wrong too... All the above I learnt in "chewish" Sundae skool 'cept the talmud part cuz contrary ta whut most folks say, most "chews" are torah chews and don't know diddly squat 'bout talmud. Torah Chews must foller that 10 commandments an' not even most orthodox know talmud--only the rabbinical scholars. Everyone gits everythin' wrong 'bout the chews but it don't matter cuz Mister Global wants ta kill us all--christians, chews, atheists, muslims, an' all useless producers of CO2...

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Paul Craig Roberts: RIP, The Western World

"I have come to the depressing conclusion that the white ethnicities that constituted the nations of Western Civilization have degenerated into such insouciance and stupidity that they have no possibility of survival. "


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Predictable since Scholastic logic found its eager help-mate in the theory of evolution. First our minds were colonized by the Church and then by the knowledge that sprang from Church institutions. This is the wheel of "zombification" .

Those who set the wheel in motion circle along with the rest.

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Great musing you bring to the table. A new Story is needed to bring about societal continuity. Guess the monsters use their computer collected data on all to pull this one off.

The untethering of most peeps grounded ideologies is now occurring.

Thanks Ray, I have no answers, but retain (most days anyway) the capacity of empathy and love of life. The Maple trees gushed during this past week’s warm up from the deep freeze 💕. I’m learning.

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Humans are herd Animals...Period and I personally consider the Human Species as Primitive Primates in desperate search for themselves...For that manner THEY are all alike...One big flock of Sheeples !!!!1

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Theoretically, humans are pack animals, whose behavior is usually emulated by... rats... That's why they are so easy to manipulate in real or imaginary groups. Primates tend to be a lot more intelligent, although chimps can be as violent as humans.

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the waxx will controll all our behaviors electronically .... and will lower our "iq " christian v/s islam ... v/s islam ...christian v/s christian v/s atheists ... v/s buddists v/s communists /v/s communists ...v/s everyone v/s everyone .... who benifits ??? perfect satanic storm ... buisness as usual in hell ... demons v/s demons ... demons torture ing demons .... dear God of goodness truth grace and love please help us all return to goodness and truth

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It will be interesting to see what happens to the alphabet soup genders. They won't last.

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They are only one of the diversions.

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Very good post. Excellent analysis.

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Thank you kindly. Still, the miracle happens in YOUR head! :)

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christian v/s islam ... v/s islam ...christian v/s christian v/s atheists ... v/s buddists v/s communists /v/s communists ...v/s everyone v/s everyone .... who benifits ??? perfect satanic storm ... buisness as usual in hell ... demons v/s demons ... demons torture ing demons .... dear God of goodness truth grace and love please help us all return to goodness and truth

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Normally, there was a geographical barrier between religions. These days, it’s a mess. Worst, westerners gave up their traditions in return for consumerism. Moreover, Christian denominations betrayed their brethren during the plandemic.

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I always hesitate to comment on any article about religion. However, I will say this much, and it is my opinion only:

Judaism is a false religion, because they rejected their Messiah. Islam is a false religion worshipping a false "god". Christianity is a false religion, claiming to be Biblical, but is not. All protestant sects are daughters of the evil mother in Rome.

Yes, religion, all secular religions, are being used to unite the world behind the One World Order, one world government. Any sect that recognizes and colludes with the UN is part of that.

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The Messiah in Judaism comes only once. There is no mention of a second coming in the Torah/Old Testament. Considering how many people are adoring false prophets these days, accepting Christ must have been difficult at the time. It all boils down to what people want to believe. And that is hardly ever the truth.

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If one really wants truth, one is alone.

That's what the many can't stomach.

From that fear religions spin their yarns.

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Jan 29Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

I think that you'll find that Jews often had a privileged position in Islamic society. For example not required to go to war and given exemption on taxes (apparently the two go together but in my view not in this combination). In fact I think tax collecting was one of the roles that was often done by Jews in the Islamic world. I'm no expert on this though.

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Not required to go to war, because they are not considered whole persons and not considered reliable, but that's only my take on it. If they own the land where their community lives (they like to live separately, anyway, because they don't care for mingling with the goy), they can be exempt from some taxes, I suppose, but nothing in this world is free. Never heard about the tradeoff for being a tax collector, but that doesn't mean a thing.

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Listen to the way 'the goyim' and everyone else talk about the Jews. Why the hell else do you think they keep to themselves???

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Other than that implies a rather privileged position. I need to check it though, I remember it in passing but it was never a part of my main studies of history.

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Actually, I think, I got it. Muslims cannot collect interest on loans, so they authorize Jews to collect debts (on taxes, too) and pay them the interest they collect.

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Jan 30·edited Jan 30

I don't remember where I read it but makes sense to me that in all the years of persecution the Jews were not ALLOWED to hold any other jobs so they went into bookkeeping/banking and thus became the financiers.

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true.. an' to this day the wealthy bankers are a cover-- Soros is the cover for The Crown-- powerful "chews" (not the majority tho many believe that...) are jus' the facade (however deep pocketed) fer the hidden hands of The 300 (mostly not chews 'cept fer the secular Rothschilds) an' the Black Nobility an' of COURSE the Vatican an' the 13 famblies... Ditto fer "gold"--they became the court jewelers ONLY b/c it was frowned upon fer good Christians (rules) to "deal in gold" (havin' it gifted like the Vatican holdin's is allowed--an' it's funny that many of those items in their vaults were made by JEWelers!) OH the whirrled is strange...

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Collecting interest on loans was against the Church's teaching, well, theoretically, and someone had to do it. Confiscation of the accumulated wealth seems to explain the reason why the Inquisition was introduced. Secular powers took the heretics' assets, and many church officials were basically secular lords' (sometimes illegitimate, but most of the time, the fourth) sons.

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It's a bit odd that a Christian civilization allows interest but doesn't allow Christians to collect it. And of course you're right about the Medicis, they were Popes occasionally. Not sure what happened between them and the Rothschilds (although Stegiel occasionally posts about this period) but I suspect a connection.

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That's the explanation commonly used to explain why Jews became dominant in the 17th/18th Century banking industry in Christian Europe, but I don't really hold to it.

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Right. Modern banking started in Italy in the 14th century without Jews. Whoever managed to expand it and own it, might still be the owner of global banking.

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Yeah, makes too much sense. Perhaps KM were the OG bankers but then gave it over to the Jews as they made them their scapegoats.

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I did study early Islam and pretty much came to the conclusion that 300 warriors from a small town in the Hijaz did not defeat the Romans. I think that Persians via Yemen did that.

History doesn't repeat but it sure does rhyme somebody said to me recently.

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The other relevant adage is, "History doesn't repeat itself; historians do." :)

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