why alter human dna ???new medi sin es no longer need safety testing for the vaxxed genetically modyfied people ... because ... they dont have human rights ... because they are no longer considered humans because... they are no longer made exclusivally by God made in Gods image and likeness ,,, but are genetically modyfied [ changed ] with mrna vaxxes .... please good God help the demon possesed pshycopathic world leaders and their knowing and not knowing supporters return to goodness and truth ...

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i am presenting my own internal document for information, i have 100's of references in accumulating the information, i am not a journalist only a researcher and one with some experience, so since i don't know all, and so i have presented multiple mechanisms so one can take their pick or not, If you understand a little about nano tech, you might find interesting, I encourage to "google" key words, and otherwise i am working on the 500 Plus references i have scattered going on 3 years. Any comments welcomed (or not ) all good - Updated 2: Notes from Dystopia, Transhumanist Manifesto from Hell, Biosensors, WBAN, IEEE 802.15.6, 5G-7G, Religion of Scientism, Bioweapons, What they don’t tell you     http://mcmartinreports.com/2023/07/13/scattered-notes-dystopia-transhumanist-manifesto-from-hell-religion-of-scientism-what-they-dont-tell-you/

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May 27, 2023Liked by Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Red herrings is all I expect to find because basic assumptions are not scrutinised

For example our body’s physiology is geared for hydration

Anything that interferes with salt metabolism is a disruptor

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It’s difficult to turn the tide of an individuals thought process while the mind is set on a particular path. Just as it is for the herd. I only say this from my own experience. When I believe something to be true it’s difficult to convince me otherwise. With little knowledge of what’s really going on I’m flexible. Please don’t give up on this avenue of thought. There are other’s going in this direction. Although much fewer.


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Thanks Ray.

5G it is.

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Nice example. “Only one of them is true. Which one?” I select number 9.

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Ray , you are a very smart person and know much more than I plus you put it into words so much better than me. So I just read this article on the possibility of DNA / RNA not being what we were told and possibly fake so I thought you could look at it and see what you think. That is all.😎

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Now, I am no scientist, learnt biology many moons ago, where empirical proof and control experiments or evidence was a requirement.

The pillars that supports the DNA/RNA and the construct of mRNA theory and the pseudoscience are computer generated graphics and artifacts from electron microscopes. Neither are real in fact but are no different to graphics we see in virtual reality headsets which are also not real.

People are simply mesmerised (hypnotised) and we know how we admired and were fascinated by the patterns generated by kaleidoscopes

This is why fore some insane reason a belief system has been created called molecular genetics. This underpins the sci-fi pseudoscience called virology.

Darth Vader and the Jedi do not exist and Star Wars to is an manmade generated virtual realty as was 2001 a space odyssey. Some people do believe its real.

This belief system has morphed into another sci-fi pseudoscience called virology. There have been massive amounts of money that have been invested in this business and it is heavily protected by a mafia type organization run by crony capitalists. It has been extended into the green profiteering business too all run on subsidies.

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Thanks Ray. I'm convinced the whole scamdemic was just the cover for the 5G murder weapon's deployment & switch on all over the world.


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Hi Ray, Have you seen Dr Geof Pain's substack? He says none contain graphene and what these scientists are seeing is sugar crystals and everyone claiming so are crazy. I don't pay and am unable to comment but I believe he's never examined any vials but looks at listed components very carefully and is finding toxins which will produce side effects. If Andreas was wrong, why did he not just be left alone and time would have shown what a fool he was but instead he was permanently silenced? With La QC, they do not get much airtime on english platforms. Sasha said it would be very difficult to scale up with mRNA being so very fragile and expensive. Dr Yeadon mentined tiny amounts of DNA available and would take a long time to make any jabs. So, going on expense of it, Andrea's murder, the refusing admit possibility and be open to tv analysis real time, my deduction is that Andreas and others are correct.

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I think that substack/Legacy media misinformation has reached the point where only the testimony of one's life experience speaks the truth.

People are not dying in droves. But there are less people outside. Playgrounds are empty, traffic is half of what it was, lights are out by 10pm in most cases. Footfall in city centres has fallen to ridiculous levels.

It seems to me that pandemic regulations have pushed the population even further into hermit lifestyles than social media ever could. The only thing that bugs me is that in the UK, from what i hear from the social circle gossip, waiting times in funeral homes have doubled/tripled. What is going on?

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May 3, 2023·edited May 3, 2023

Technocrats like to use technology as their tool of choice, which seems kind of obvious, and misdirection as the fig leaf. They like to be in control and biological agents don't seem to offer that so anything to do with gene tampering would be suicidal, although psychopathy is known to run wild among those cohorts. Franken-nanotech and metal/radiation poisoning appears to be capable of doing the job so it's just a matter of keeping the hordes away from the castle long enough.

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I must admit that this article made me feel dumber than a box of rocks, except I'm pretty sure I got the logic problem figured out. Science has never been my strong suit. My understanding of mRNA and 5G would fit in a thimble. I refused the jab because it was irrational on so many levels. I avoid doctors for the same reasin.

However, I hope someone will address my thoughts on the following. I live about 2 mikes from a military facility and 5G is not available at my zip code. Can 5G interfere with communication and/or aircraft? Is there any correlation? Or is this coincidental?

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I'm in agreement with ya Ray (hydrogels with nano graphene is all ya need--they turn up the 5g an' play "we all fall down")--but there's a piece 've the story from JJ Couey that welds them seams together with "mRNA"... He describes a bioweapon that mimics the mRNA "virus" (but isn't--cuz viruses--IF they exist an' that's another story--DO NOT and CANNOT --even Sasha speaks've this--replicate like CDs--digitally with accuracy--they quickly poop out....so only a synthetic bioweapon that's more like a CD than a mix tape...more digital than analog--KILLS an' can be repeated--accurately. NO mRNA or even DNA-type mojo duz this. Body fights it off. So, introducin' hydrogels AND poison bioweapons)--What's the bioweapon? The one that started a few folks on their fast shoot the shoot rides ta heaven/hell/ 'r limbo? Nobuddy (but DARPA an' BARDA an' DOD) knows.... it might even be Ricin or Anthrax (see George Webb--sorry don't have link handy but check his stack...he thinks it is an existing poison) ...whatever it wuz, it wuz likely released in small amts. in cities (like the "tests" we new-yawkers had in them subways not long for folks started droppin' dead...) and via vapin' (yes flavored vape cigarettes). Once some folks fell ill, FEAR INC set in. Nuthin' else wuz needed 'cept ta wait fer the jabs-deadly. Once SOME folks got something deadly (anthrax? per Dr. Ardis some synthetic venom???) THEN the MSM could put out fake photos that looked like many MORE were droppin' dead all over (yes some were from 2012, yadayada). THEN they also did the don't look here/DO look here mambo; the "sssssh it was from a LAB in WooHan!" vs "oh no the durned CCP an' them primitive wet markets they have--makin' bat soup pangolin Red Plate Specials" (both FULL bull-onie tales ta distract) --both doses've banana oil were dispersed like so much powdered bioweapon fairy dust--that wuz the poison press component an' it hit the alt. press just as good as the MSM. That's my take... but yup, check out JJ Couey an' George Webb (an' let's hope both fellers have some guardian angels watchin' 'em--ditto fer Sasha and Katherine--both speakin' out bravely too!).

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May 2, 2023·edited May 2, 2023

"You unsubscribed from Bailiwick News."

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