Have you also experienced this?
I’ve been planning to address the following in the last few days, and DEE DEE’s article from yesterday reminded me of that. DEE DEE made the observation last night that the horrors committed during the plandemic are now, somehow, falling outside focus for most, which suggests that the following psychological operation is at work in many, if not most (for some reason, the article is not available now):
Trying to forget the horrors is a strong temptation, and I have also noticed that people tend to avoid the subject based on what the author calls the “Mandela effect”:
Before reading about it, I thought the “Mandela-effect” was about forgetting that Mandela was a convicted terrorist1. Although I would have been surprised, if that explanation of the phenomenon would be allowed in public, the actual process is the same. The term itself calls attention to mental modifications that cannot be easily explained away by the fact that the human mind has been known for automatically improving the person’s self-image over time by manipulating the person’s role in inopportune events. Remembering the nice things only is also part of the constant attempt to “think positively,” even when it amounts to nothing more than self-deception2. The article on the “Mandela-effect” offers a few intriguing examples that suggest that the public is usually subjected to experiments, as it has been for several decades.
However, my main point today would be about carrying on with the concept by pointing out the powerful presence of two parallel processes.
Brain fog as a “side effect” of what?
Can all memory fail?
In the last couple of weeks, I have encountered an embarrassing grade and amount of confusion and forgetfulness in people. Is it an accident that they have become so common?
As far as I can see, “medicines” are usually poisons and after allopathic “Medicine” fully revealed itself during the plandemic, it seems obvious that “side effects” don’t usually exist, because most of the harm the toxic chemicals cause are fully intentional.
Brain fog is supposed to be a “side-effect” of the “covid” injections and shedding, but in the last two or three weeks, I noticed that false memories and embarrassing levels of forgetfulness have become far more common than before.
Many are afraid that 5G will be turned up on October 4, 20233, but it seems to be happening already, albeit gradually. However, the human mind and body work with thresholds. Whenever a threshold is passed, it generates a new event, which this time, happens to be brain fog.
According to Mihalcea, it’s the “vax”:
To me, it looks like it’s a lot more than that. Memory manipulation happens to be an integral part of microwave-based Directed Energy Weapons4 combined with a number of other technologies:
Peptic ulcers
They used to be quite uncommon, but in the last 7-10 days, I encountered five people suffering from peptic ulcers5, amounting to stomach, duodenal, or colon ulcers. The suddenly-common occurrence is unlikely to come from the mathematical phenomenon of long sequences6. While damaged red blood cells seem to be in just about everyone now7, the damages to the digestive tract might mainly come from, well, food, especially after the FDA issued its permission to “vaccinate” the population through the food supply8.
“Vaccination,” of course, can happen by any injection, by inhalation, by eating or drinking, by Luciferese patches, PCR “tests”9, by “medications,”10 or GMO insect bites:
It turns out, the situation is even worse than I suspected. Peptic ulcers are now common even in young children. My wife just found out that in a city hospital in England, there are 340 patients “treated” with such ulcers… The diagnosis is chronic IBD (“inflammatory bowel disease”), which is a term that is blaming the bowels or their owners for being sick11 without even trying to identify the toxin(s) or pathogen(s) that cause it. Something is wrong somewhere…
In the near future
Based on what can be expected, I can imagine the attack becoming more specific by planting memories into people’s mind that can come with predictable “side effects”: people can start attacking each other or start to commit self-harm. In fact, a combination of technologies is happening and it will only have to be expanded as I wrote about it in
or in
And since “social justice” has been meted out in South Africa, the failed state has allowed white farmers to be massacred. Land confiscation also follows the footsteps of “Africa’s Breadbasket,” Zimbabwe, a country that became a basket case after taking white farmers’ lands. These days, “Kill the Boer” is a popular anthem for one of the country’s most popular parties, often sung in rallies.
When conformists join together, self-deception can develop into another common event that is important to notice, although it has been needlessly named as “mass formation” recently.
Oh, well. Psychologist also need a livelihood, even when it’s not necessarily earned.
The general poisoning entails more than one can imagine:
My wife also met with three cases in person.
Around 1968, an English mathematician broke the bank in six French casinos in three weeks by playing roulette with five of his friends at different tables and before starting to play, they warned the casino owners that they would be playing a system. They were sneered down at first, and deported from France three weeks later. The “system” relies on the simple phenomenon that occasionally black or red comes up dozens of times in a sequence, which allows the bet to be kept on it until the bank is unable to pay. Statistically, six people playing 12 hours a day, break the bank withing a week, but for them, it usually happened faster. (Since then, bets are maximized, and new roulette wheels with two zeroes emerged, making sure than nobody can win in the long run.)
Mihalcea writes a few articles about this. Here is one:
Matt’s Microscopy is another relevant source:
Ivermectin may have been altered or was simply popularized by the official narrative faking to oppose it (most popular heroes have also been created this way during the plandemic):
The same applies to a number of other “diagnoses,” out of which “allergy” comes to mind.
I'll never forget what I can't remember to forget. 😛
Seriously, I won't forget what hell I had to endure during the Plandemic. I've learned so much about the world I live in and about myself like I never imagined. Through all the pain and suffering of the past 4 years, I've risen to a new level of understanding that will give me the power to endure the next Plandemic.
I see the spraying in our skies and I know so many who have recently developed brain fog to the extent that conversations are a bit sketchy some days in certain circles. I believe that it is the environmental spraying and the 5G deployment. After all, didn't they say 5G was supposed to be a bioweapon originally? The populace is totally duped and our Congress members are bought. They have forgotten from whence they came...