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Oct 22, 2023
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According to OUTRAGED, in a response to my question after her article that I added to the Notes here, "there are many ways." I'll find out more about that.

Let me quote our conversation:

Ray Horvath, "The Source" :)

Writes Ray’s Newsletter

Great, as usual. I'm glad you have included that monoclonal antibodies are also harmful, which was quite obvious to me, when DeSantis started to distribute them "for free":


Do you believe that the official number of the "vaccinated" is accurate in the US or it's exaggerated?

Where does GO accumulate in the body (assuming it does) and how long can it cause damage? You might have more insight than most, and I certainly have next to none. Figure 5 in your article seems convincing to me.

Could you, please, draw up a hypothetical timetable and a matching map for the poisoning?

I added a link to this article to the one I wrote two days ago in which I complained about the lack of a deductive approach to the problem:



12 hrs ago


That's too long to answer - but in the bone marrow, liver, spleen, ovaries the most. This is a time bomb, because a small dose after a long time can be more toxic than a large dose after a short time.

Toxicity is time and dose dependent; 4 factors interact: pH, temperature, UV light, EMF, causing amyloid plaque formation and oxidative stress.

I think the most important thing is the delivery of oxygen to the cells.

If I had to stay with just one remedy, I think I would choose NAC, although many things work great. If people take care of oxidative stress, myeloperoxidase (an enzyme in the lungs) biodegrades graphene/nanotechnology. If they maintain the oxidative stress balance and prevent oxidative damage, they slowly cleanse themselves. There are various things that support detox.

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I have just spent a good part of the evening looking at Civilian Intelligence Network by Shawn Paul Melville who is not a Dr. Mihalcea fan. Shawn's essential thesis is that "This 'Neural Chip' uses the Graphene Quantum Dot, or 'GQD Particle', that attaches you to a 'Living Matrix'...." All activated by 5G. Most notably, he lists nearly every self-help nutraceutical protocol by an alt-doctor as culprit in promoting GO growth: "Their Nutraceuticals, for the most part, are priming the body to convert GO to its active reduced rGO form to allow for the development of graphene nanotubes." Since almost all the treatments I've tried...and goodness knows, I've tried a good many...have left me feeling, in 99% of the cases, far worse than before taking them, I'm certainly inclined to believe him on the last point.

Otherwise, I could only blame my old age, but with my old age came a remarkable ability--to "listen to my body." My body "told" me time and time again that the nutraceuticals were crap. I felt worse taking the products. So...I'm living your last admonition. I'm on my own...and so is everyone else.

Anyway, I haven't been meditating much, but I get really clear instructions when I do. I wish I had the $1,700 to buy Shawn's scalar-energy torus Blushield; maybe I'll find the funds to buy the $199 one because I do think there's an EMF component to our general ill health today. I'm still sore remembering another guy years ago who had a scalar machine which changed the EMFs to a benign component easily able to pass through your cells with no damage. This was long before Covid. Only his scalar device ended up giving me bad night sleeps and ultimately feeling lousy. I felt immediately better without the machine. Including his organites. If they were too close, my head felt enormous pressure...and I'm an individual who never, ever gets a headache. So much for alt-solutions. It's up to us.

One final note: the other tragedy in this whole mess is that many of the alt-researchers and doctors are undoubtedly good people, but a rare fever has seized humanity, and many burn with the passion that they--and only they--have the solution to Save Mankind. Yes, the messiah and savior complex is quite ripe in the alt-community. And, equally unfortunately, most people reading Substack are still passively accepting and desperate for verbal medical prescriptions just as they routinely do/did from their allopathic doctors.

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Bottom feeders abound:


Shawn is selling the product, which speaks for itself, but your experience confirms my suspicion. Also, he asked to be banned from my site because of his diatribes instead of making reasonable arguments in response to my concerns. I would caution everyone against his product:


I also experiment with a number of things as long as I consider the risk smaller than the potential benefits. Currently, I am testing two Schumann (sine) wave generators, but the jury is still out:


Personally, for the time being, I believe that even the attack is AI-generated and compartmentalized, so even the enablers couldn't save themselves, because nobody can predict the actual causes that greatly vary.

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Interesting reading and thought your questions quite good in relation to Blushield technology.

I don't want people to misunderstand me. If Blushield works for anyone, I'm very happy for them. However, treatment for these current symptoms in so many people, imo, appears best individualized to the person.

Many years prior to Covid upon retiring, trying to regain my health after abysmal working conditions, I worked with my massage therapist/herbalist at the time. I felt terrific at the end of an intense year. Still had musculoskeletal issues but the constant detoxing of "parasites" (her view) had a real effect...all her homemade products given to me free...all tinctures and concoctions (some I made at home according to her instructions). So, I think that approach had real benefits for me and will be pursuing the same direction but with highly researched and non-pharma products. I'm going on my gut instinct. We'll see.

One case in point: I tried methylene blue innumerable times. I couldn't quite believe my own experience. I was comforted to know that, on another forum, a user reported the same problem. Gut issues. Notably severe constipation. I did try MB for 3-4 weeks to extend past any preliminary "detoxing" symptoms. The gut issues never abated. MB appears beneficial to many people (according to their testimonies), but for me, it was deadly.

So, as a result, I've sworn off all treatments except ones I devise...and none...absolutely none include pharma-generated substances or products. I honestly don't know why anyone would trust these products since all medications and incredible numbers of other products supposedly now contain nano in some form.

A question bothering me is that the nano is secreted in organs and tissues throughout the body if we believe many who evidently know far more than I do. If you clear out the blood so that no nano appears present, won't the blood very rapidly regain and regenerate nano which may leach from organs, fat, and other body tissues? The newly pure blood system invites attack again. I just don't think we know enough about anything--how to detox the body simply from toxins which aren't nano let alone nano.

I diverge from you on this point. I think some areas have AI running some of their operations, and I do think that DARPA has quite advanced AI. I just don't think the overall attack is AI-generated. The plan we've seen unfold predates centuries.

I think the .gov has operated in a compartmentalized fashion since WWII so that tradition is well-built into "the system." I would agree that many people running these operations--look at the reports supposedly from chemtrail pilot whistleblowers--are recruited according to their level of susceptibility: "national security;" patriotism; simple evil intent toward humankind; complete whitewash (and someone who wants to believe in that scenario).

My mind will always remain open, and I will always investigate variously offered "solutions and products" as you appear, too, to do. Right now, as you correctly point out, people are desperate for solutions, and frankly, I don't think we have a real grasp on the problem...which is why I fall back on inner guidance.

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for me and other oldies with limited attention spans would you please incorporate a succint summery to / in your beautifully elaborate super well researched submissions and common sense articles ,,, please no offence intended

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Thank you for the suggestion! It's a great idea! I hope to do it in the future.

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Excellent post Ray.

I settled on and have been saying the same...you are to be your own doctor and savior - second only to Christ and God.

Where I may differ with you (but doubt it), is that I think all the research, investigations and information is helpful and needed - like a road map - for me to decide what my path and journey will be. Getting reports of washed out bridges (mRna in foods and Gates' spray for vegetables/fruit) allows me to change course.

I honestly don't think we will ever get "to the bottom of things", unless we gather the involved parties and "extract" the truth from them - I'm sure many would volunteer for the duty - including me.

I've decided, as I have said many times, since the species survived and thrived long before the white coats came along - my answer is returning to that simple model (as much as is possible in todays chemical-verse) and relearning the art of knowing and listening to my body. Ten generations ago, the medical issues of today, either were non-existent or so rare, they were virtually unknown. I feel like I've made great progress on this regressive practice, in the last 20 years or so.

Last note. I knew several people (decades before covid0, who were given the diagnosis of exclusion - IBS. Back then the doctors said the quiet parts out loud - "IBS is what we call it, when you have gastric distress, we've done all the tests/exams and still can't find the cause of it". The remedy, of course, was to just treat the symptoms.

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The remedy is a no-brainer, but it's unlikely to become available for most:


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Ray, IF our golden Sun were being occulted and replaced with a synthetic LED (white)sun - what would happen to living things?

I believe this is the case, no one is addressing this issue with regard to our demise. Every so called doctor both mainstream and alternative tell us to take vitamin D (mainstream never use to prescribe vitamins) the sun is the giver of life. What do you think if you contemplate this? ❤️

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As you said, the details are missing and I tend to think, it will be a long road to those being discovered/developed and then as you pointed out - who's details are to be believed and trusted?

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As I guessed in "There is a cure," only a few top-level insiders might know, but maybe even they don't. As I "gently" insinuated, they would probably need some convincing, but I certainly have no idea who they are. :)

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Errors and confusion are the landmarks of sincere humans. Lockstep (safe and effective) is the landmark of top down control.

The conspirators need do little to inject errors into the resistance since errors are natural when the resistance must guess and hypothesize while the conspirators don't need to. . .they know their intent.. Generally, far fetched ideas are injected via the controlled opposition so as to convince the minions and sheep that the resistance is IDIOTIC and should be dismissed.

Thusly, the sheep and minions don't even look into the arguments of the resistance. In reality, the resistance doesn't need to get the details of vaxxx poisoning RIGHT. All they need to do is convince the public that "safe and effective" was a bald faced LIE!

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The resistance is underinformed to the extent that it can hardly ever be "right." That includes me. :)

Those, who still need to be convinced are likely beyond redemption.

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The resistance wants the Covid / vaxxx issue publically and openly discussed and studied without fear of retribution. We don’t need to have all the answers. Fighting among ourselves about details is secondary.

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We do not have answers yet and need to be open to all possibilities. The enemy has many tools in his arsenal. If indeed they are working to reduce the population by 90%, they are going to come at us from all directions.

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Most likely, they are going to leave the dirty work to the "well-armed" population after creating severe food, water, and energy shortages (they own and/or control nearly all production and distribution) and employing BLM and Antifa again... It's faster and they won't have to lift a finger. Of course, that will be only part of the project:


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Disparaging all resistance except yourself is suspect.

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So are you with this comment... If you look at the activities of the "resistance," much of the them are only spreading false hope and provide spectacular distraction.

What exactly do you think can be achieved and how? Here is a list of what will NOT work:


I believe that preparations and playing for time, can. Also, I have published the most likely solution for the nanoparticle poisoning:


There are a few temporary remedies, too, but their usefulness depends on the nature of the poisoning, and not all symptoms come from nanoparticles.

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Let a thousand flowers blossom. Perfect resistance is not possible.

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Thank you for sharing these insights.

Quick question.

You stated:

"There are magnificent studies of both injected and uninjected human blood"

Would it be possible for you to provide details (links to publications, etc.) of the studies that have been published?

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Most of the vaxed vs unvaxed blood samples come from here. Her stack has tons of examples. https://anamihalceamdphd.substack.com/

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Ceci est un dé-lire total. Il n'y a pas de micro ou de nano robots, il n'y a que des MICROZYMAS. Les microzymas sont la plus petite unité de vie. Ils sont visibles au microscope, c'est Anotoine Béchamp qui les a découvert à la fin du XIX ième siècle. Personne n'a jamais vu de graphène., l'article de Stefa,p Scoglio l'explique très bien.

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I'll leave that to the reader's better judgment. Here is your text in English:

"This is a total delirium. There are no micro or nano robots, there are only MICROZYMAS. Microzymas are the smallest unit of life. They are visible under a microscope, it was Anotoine Béchamp who discovered them at the end of the nineteenth century. No one has ever seen graphene, the article by Stefa,p Scoglio explains it very well."

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When I go to my local car wash they have 'options' the big seller is graphene coating. How can the French speaking woman say that no one has ever seen graphene!? There is also material called stanene. Just my thoughts.

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As one myself, I appreciate a fellow cynic’s perspective. You go Ray! I am disappointed in most people who are public with their findings and don’t believe that many of our alt experts are spot on. It’s like describing a colour, takes too many words and references and gets boring. Plus they are obsessed with whatever they are involved with and being right.

As such I believe, everybody needs to learn discernment, and know when to look away. I am aware of things promoted by all media, but prefer to focus elsewhere.

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Wisdom ❤️

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Do you listen to Sabrina Wallace at PsiEnergy ...

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No. It's too popular for me, and I nearly exclusively read only.

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13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. if the spiritual realm exists .... these highly intelligent astute elites are being decieved and lead to believe they are doing their gods " baal " work and will be rewarded in their next incarnation or go to paradise... this is what their priests tell bthem that its their duty to god to subjugate the half human beasts " and now due to the gene altered humans " vvaxxed" dont qualify as humans made in Good Gods image and likeness anymore , they may do whatever they please with us vaxxed " no more human rights " just as we treat the animals , they may now treat us . they are lead to believe they can escape karma " as you sow so shall you reap " their evil mastermind intelligence "{ satan ] is orders of magnitude more evil intelligent than they are, " satan " the nature of is sado machocistic pshycopath who hates everything the good God created including himself and wishes the complete destruction of everything including life itself, non existance //.... we are instructed by the existance of goodness to pray for their salvation from evil ,,, praying and wishing them to return to goodness and truth, and everyone else too... ps what good is owning the whole world " temporal" and loseing our eternal soul ??? its the worst dumbest idiotic imbisilic " deal " in all eternity and in the known and unknown universe

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The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are worth reading! Now that's got it all figured out perfectly! It should be taught!

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Although its authorship is disputed, the contents are accurate, especially considering it surfaced in 1905.

Similarly interesting the following about Islam:


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I think we should reflect on who created, who took control of the pharmaceutical industry and who took control of medical education. From then on, traditional medicine , as practised by the Chinese, became a laughing stock. But since they have over a billion people, we have to accept that it cannot be that bad. As for medical training, it is worth reflecting on how many different specialities there are. One is an ophthalmologist, another a surgeon, another ... etc. Sharing so that everyone has some understanding of their own field.

Let us not consider those who are with us as enemies! They are putting as much as they can on the table. You may be familiar with the Russian story of "stone soup". If not, I will tell you in a sentence or two. A wanderer enters a village and starts cooking in the main square. He takes a kettle and three stones. The people of the village gather to see what the stranger is doing. They ask. He tells them that he is cooking stone soup. What is that like, the people ask? So the stuff boils in the cauldron, the man tastes it. They ask what it's like. Is it cooked? He says it's not boiled yet, but it would be better with a little salt. Someone brings him some. And then the same thing happens again, in the end, everything from the vegetables to the meat is in the cauldron by the time it's cooked! They've gotten together what they needed and end up with a good "stone soup". Here too, everyone puts in what they can, and in the end the truth will be proven!

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Compartmentalization is a mil-grade psyop:


The same applies to "sciences" and "education."

Does real knowledge exist at all? "Science" tends to be a joke, and not a good one:


People, in my experience, are willing to cooperate only as long as they have reserves. After that, they are willing to kill each other for a can of soup...

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Good science is honest guessing and observing.

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Honest guessing is not science, experimenting, observing and repeating is the scientific process.

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That's why I mentioned the wise men of Zion. They said even then that science would be what they approved of. Anyone who has learned from what they approve of must also admit this.

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Oct 21, 2023
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I have no clue what you are talking about, but I hope, you are not psychoanalyzing me. :)

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Oct 21, 2023
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Oct 21, 2023
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You don’t have to read me, if you don’t like what you read.

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Oct 21, 2023
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In that case, you admit to voicing your opinion without knowing what you’re talking about.

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This is not a theoretical problem. When their children are starving, even decent people are capable of terrible things. They shoot first and ideologize later. In my life, I have seen enough people to tell you that not a whole lot of them have steady-enough grounding to remain human in a dehumanizing situation for very long, if at all. I'm pretty sure, I have my limits, too...

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This is beyond true...and quite disturbing when one who considers themselves moral learns the hard way just what instincts can do!

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Oct 21, 2023
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Please, refrain from personally attacking me.

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I haven't seen people cooperating in ages. Anyway, it only works as long as people have extra resources. After that, they will kill other for a can of soup.

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Unfortunately it is! But let us not forget that there are also the victims who are killed. Those who cannot be bought, who cannot be defiled, are killed. True, the dog doesn't stand up for them...

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Oct 21, 2023
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Oct 21, 2023
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Please, refrain from ad-hominem attacks.

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Oct 21, 2023
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Ray, have you covered dental damage? Please link me if you have.

Thank you.

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Please, explain the question.

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People losing teeth due to the masks or other difficulties caused by the plandemic.

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My wife and I never wore a muzzle, got "tested," or got injected.

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To be honest, it’s always amazed me that somehow everything works, maybe not as optimal as we would like but somehow the wheel keeps on turning. When I see all of the broken systems, lies, deception, and more.....my first thought is how the hell did we all make it so far. How does daily life and needs somehow get met in a world of nonsense?

Maybe it’s always been this way. Good versus Evil. Maybe it is divine. Maybe it’s a simulation. But somehow the wheel keeps on turning and I suspect it will continue way past our days.

What my heart says is that no matter what, my purpose is to live by my choices and leave this world with my soul. I will not comply nor bend to government tyranny and pray humanity will do the same.

I don’t know if it was an evil cabal who has poisoned us all and truthfully I don’t care. I just want the world to acknowledge that we are all sick, poisoned, lied too and more and we need to focus on how to stop and reverse the damage.

I want anyone who has an idea or way to help to be heard regardless of what side they are on and that’s why I really do appreciate your writings. We all need to think for ourselves and get information from all directions in hopes we can help save us all from this sickness.

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I concur. Even if it's a simulation, it must be taken seriously; perhaps the next simulation will be better. :)

People who don't make their own decisions cannot have self-respect, only a delusion of it.

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